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Foxbat pr-3

Page 32

by James Barrington

  ‘No, mister, they won’t, because some fuck-wit decided the new Harrier would work better without a radar. That means they’re blind up there. OK, contact the Hawkeye,’ Rodgers ordered. ‘Tell him to pull the Hornets out of their holding pattern and aim them towards – wait one – aim them at Kangnung. Keep them clear of territorial waters until we know for sure the gooks are intending to cross the DMZ. Get the Prowlers moving in that direction as well. And tell the Hawkeye to call the Harriers on Guard. Somebody needs to let them know what’s going on.’

  Chiha-ri missile base, North Korea

  Although he’d been expecting it, the sudden clatter of the teleprinter still took the commanding officer by surprise, and he hurried across his office to read the printed characters. At last. The telephone on his desk rang and he picked up the receiver. The caller didn’t identify himself, but there was no need.

  ‘You have received the order?’

  ‘Yes, sir.’

  ‘Good. Implement it immediately.’

  The CO left the office, almost running down the stairs, and crossed into the missile preparation area. There, as he shouted orders, engines were started on three small but powerful tractors, and the HY-2 cruise missile trailers were towed out of the shelter to their pre-prepared positions. Once in place, the trailers were jacked up, using the tractors’ hydraulic systems, to form rigid platforms for the impending launch. Then the towing vehicles were unhitched and driven off.

  The technicians were already waiting, and they plugged the power lines into shielded sockets next to the firing positions. The target coordinates had already been entered, so all that remained was to undertake a comprehensive systems check before the launch itself. This took under five minutes per missile and, less than ten minutes after they’d been towed out of the shelter, all three HY-2s were ready to fire.

  The technical crews cleared the pad and retreated to launch control – a concrete bunker some one hundred metres distant – to carry out final communication checks with the cruise missiles. And then everything was ready.

  The commanding officer glanced round the bunker, nodded his approval, and then uttered the single word: ‘Launch.’

  On the concrete pads, the liquid-fuelled engines ignited almost simultaneously and, with a roar that seemed to shake the bunker, the three missiles leapt into the air, their paths diverging immediately.

  MiG-25 Foxbat, callsign Zero Six, over North Korea

  ‘Zero Six, Chunghwa. All missiles have been fired. Detonation in approximately six minutes. Stand by to turn onto south.’

  ‘Zero Six.’

  The North Korean plan was simple enough. The three HY-2s each carried a nuclear warhead, but the weapons weren’t aimed at any strategic targets to the south of the DMZ. Instead, each cruise missile had been programmed to fly across the Demilitarized Zone at low level, thus avoiding engagement, and perhaps even detection, by the Patriot batteries. Once well inside South Korea, the missiles would climb to high level where the warheads would detonate, hopefully simultaneously.

  Their separation would ensure that the electromagnetic pulse the explosions generated would blanket the entire width of the Korean Peninsula along a line running east–west directly through Seoul. That, they hoped, would destroy every computer, radio, radar, communication system, and anything else that contained a memory chip or printed circuit, throughout the northern half of South Korea. Due to the fall-out, the explosions would probably also kill a large number of people, as might the blast itself, depending upon the altitude and yield of the devices, though nobody in Pyongyang cared about that.

  But the North Koreans had a problem. In fact, they had two problems. The first was that cruise missiles are designed to fly horizontally at low level and fairly fast, which was ideal for avoiding the Patriot batteries, but the optimum detonation point for an EMP weapon is as high as possible. It’s been estimated that a high-yield device detonated over central North America at an altitude of about two hundred and fifty miles could affect every electrical circuit in the continental United States. Yet the maximum height Pyongyang had calculated the HY-2 could reach with its heavy warhead was only about twenty thousand feet.

  The second difficulty was the yield. The power of the EMP is proportional to the prompt gamma-ray output, and in a fission explosion this equates to under four per cent of the total power of the device. This is substantially reduced by the high explosive used to initiate the detonation sequence, which can absorb as much as eighty-five per cent of the prompt gamma-rays. So for a ten-kiloton device – about the maximum power the scientists at Yongbyon had calculated their weapons would produce – the overall power of the EMP would be well below one per cent of the total yield. But that, they hoped, would still be enough.

  The Foxbats were the insurance policy. They would hold north of the DMZ ready to take out any aircraft that the Americans or the South Koreans managed to launch. Then, with the American Patriot batteries blinded, their radars burnt out, and the CFC emasculated, the third stage of Pak Je-San’s plan would begin.

  Cobra and Viper formation, over South Korea

  ‘Missile launch! Right two o’clock range about twenty miles. Two… no, three weapons.’ Roger Whittard’s voice was loud and excited.

  ‘My RAW’s not picking anything up,’ the Senior Pilot said, ‘but I see them too.’

  ‘They’re not SAMs,’ Richter said. ‘They’re cruise missiles. This looks like the opening salvo of North Korea’s invasion plan. The Patriots won’t be able to stop them, but maybe we can. Vipers, you take the one tracking south-west, which looks like it’s heading towards Seoul – and we’ll handle the other pair. I’ll hit the easterly one, OK, Splot?’

  ‘Roger that.’

  Richter hauled his Harrier round in a tight descending port turn and pointed the nose almost straight down. Although the HY-2, like most cruise missiles, is subsonic, he knew he had a very limited window of opportunity to engage it. The missile was probably faster than his aircraft, so he had to plan the intercept carefully, and bring his Harrier in right behind it so that the Sidewinder could lock on. Once he’d released the missile, the ‘winder would certainly catch it: the weapon has a maximum speed of Mach 2.5.

  The altimeter was unwinding at an alarming rate, the ground rushing towards him, but Richter wasn’t looking at his instruments, or even the HUD. His whole attention was focused on the scene out of the right-hand side of his cockpit, where a tiny grey dart, trailing a plume of smoke, was heading south-east at close to the speed of sound and very low. It looked to Richter as if it was less than five hundred feet above the ground, which wasn’t going to help him any.

  Intercepting it would be difficult, he knew. That was one worry. The other was the Patriot batteries that studded the southern side of the DMZ. His Harrier was wearing a squawk issued by air traffic control at Seoul, but he couldn’t remember if the PAC-3 radar incorporated SSR identification. If it didn’t, his aircraft might be interpreted as an incoming ballistic missile, and it would really piss him off if he himself got shot down by the American or South Korean forces.

  ‘British aircraft over South Korea, this is Hawkeye callsign Alpha Three on Guard, do you read?’

  ‘Alpha Three, Cobra Two, you’re loud and clear, but we’re a little busy right now.’

  ‘You’re likely to get a lot busier, buddy. There are twenty-one interceptors heading straight for you out of bandit country. We estimate they’ll be all over you in around ten minutes.’

  ‘Thanks… I think,’ Richter said. ‘Keep us posted, please, Alpha Three. We’re chasing three cruise missiles right now.’

  He risked a quick glance at the HUD. His Harrier was passing ten thousand feet in a near-vertical dive. The Seersucker was in his two o’clock position at about three miles. It was time he stopped descent and turned to intercept. He was going to have to turn left, allowing the missile to fly underneath him, if he was to stand any chance of getting into a firing position. And the problem was that, as soon as he turn
ed, he’d lose sight of the missile. It really was a one-shot option.

  Richter checked the position and speed of the HY-2, then his altitude, trying to do the calculations in his head. Seven thousand feet. Six. Five and a half. He took one more glance at his target, another at the rocky terrain directly below him, then pushed the control column over to the left and eased it back slightly. The g-force pinned him into the seat as the Harrier turned hard to port, its rate of descent slowing rapidly.

  He pulled the GR9 level at two thousand feet, heading south-east, and looked all around him. There was no sign of the cruise missile, but it had to be somewhere close by. He daren’t turn, because that would bleed off so much speed he’d never then catch it, and he couldn’t slow down for exactly the same reason. He just had to hope that his turn had been accurate enough.

  Then he saw it. Around a thousand feet below, passing on his left-hand side about a mile away – and travelling much faster than Richter expected. He turned his Harrier gently to port, aiming for an intercept course, made sure the throttle was fully open, and pushed the control column slightly forward.

  He selected the Sidewinder on his port wing and immediately checked that the broken circle appeared in his HUD. The HY-2 was on his left, in the eleven o’clock position, on a more or less constant bearing, so he knew his heading was good.

  Without radar, he had to estimate the target’s range by eye alone, but he reckoned that he was about half a mile behind it. And already he could hear the growl of the ‘winder as its infrared seeker began picking up the cruise missile’s exhaust plume.

  Then the HY-2 pitched up and began climbing. Richter had expected the cruise missile to stay low until it hit its target. The climb suggested something different, and after a moment he guessed what the North Koreans might have planned.

  ‘Flash. All callsigns, Cobra Two. My missile’s climbing. It’s possible these could be air-burst nukes.’

  ‘Viper Two, this one’s doing the same.’

  Richter pulled the control column back, starting the Harrier in a steep climb to follow the Seersucker.

  In the nose-cone of the HY-2, the radar altimeter recorded an altitude of two thousand metres, and sent a signal to the simple computer – little more than a glorified timing device – that controlled the warhead. It immediately activated the pre-detonation circuit check. The device was designed to explode when it reached a height of six thousand metres, an altitude it would attain in just over eleven seconds.

  Chiha-ri missile base, North Korea

  The moment the three Seersuckers had vanished, heading for their targets in South Korea, the technicians swarmed out of the hardened shelters and towed away the cruise missile trailers. And, because Pyongyang had made it clear that time was of the essence, in less than a minute the first of the mobile Scud TELs, or Transporter-Erector-Launchers, drove out of one of the shelters and across to the launch pad.

  Chiha-ri had been the obvious choice for this phase of the operation. Not only did it host a resident Scud brigade, but it was also the principal technical support headquarters for all of North Korea’s Scud missile units. And, crucially, it was a mere fifty miles north of the Demilitarized Zone, close enough to ensure that their targets south of the DMZ would get the least possible warning of the attack. If the weapons carried by the Seersuckers did their job adequately, there might be no warning at all.

  Within five minutes the six Scud launchers were in position and their technicians were making last-minute checks, all of them wearing full NBCD suits and breathing equipment because of the contents of the warheads. Once the weapons were ready, they would be launched without further reference to anyone. The orders from Pyongyang had been most specific.

  Cobra Two, over South Korea

  The cruise missile’s unexpected manoeuvre had cost Richter ground, and he estimated he was now nearly a mile behind it. And, if his guess had been right, the warhead could detonate at any moment.

  The growl in his earphones intensified and then the broken circle in the HUD solidified as the Sidewinder locked on to the target. Richter didn’t wait any longer: he fired the weapon. The solid-propellant rocket motor ignited and it streaked towards the HY-2. Just in case, he selected the starboard Sidewinder and made sure it also locked on.

  The HY-2’s radar altimeter sent a further signal to the computer at five thousand metres, and the three-second detonation sequence began. The North Korean technicians had based their calculations on a missile velocity of three hundred and twenty metres a second, actually a little faster than the Seersucker was travelling.

  The detonation sequence had less than one second to go when the ‘winder impacted with the rear of the cruise missile. The annular blast fragmentation warhead, containing over twenty pounds of high explosive, then detonated. The blast shattered the rear section of the HY-2, instantly destroying its rocket motor, and less than a tenth of a second later the remaining liquid fuel in its tanks exploded in a massive ball of fire.

  The detonation wasn’t powerful enough to destroy the warhead, but that didn’t matter. It ripped the computer to pieces, wrecked the battery and fused the connections. The final signal never reached the nuclear device. Instead, it was torn from its mountings and began tumbling to the ground nearly twenty thousand feet below.

  Richter deselected his second Sidewinder, pulled his Harrier into a steep diving turn to keep out of the blast radius and pressed his transmit button.

  ‘Cobra Two, one Sidewinder expended. Splash one cruise missile. Break, break. Alpha Three, what’s the status of those bogies now?’

  ‘Still inbound, Cobra Two. No, wait. Now they’re turning back onto north. It looks like they’re in a holding pattern. I’ll keep you advised.’

  ‘Roger. Break. Cobra Lead – what’s your status?’

  ‘Standby. Right. Two Sidewinders used and the missile is down. I’m turning away. Break. Viper One, sitrep.’

  ‘We just—’

  But whatever Charlie Forbes was going to say was lost for ever as a colossal explosion tore through the sky.

  Office of the Associate Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, Langley, Virginia

  Richard Muldoon actually ran through the outer office, and barely even paused at the closed door. Walter Hicks looked up in surprise as it slammed open. The two men had got back to Langley only a few minutes earlier.


  Muldoon slowed to a trot and tossed a couple of photographs onto Hicks’s desk, then leant forward, resting his hands on the edge of the tooled leather.

  ‘NORAD’s just reported another nuke, Walter, less than two minutes ago. This one was over South Korea.’

  ‘Oh, fuck.’

  ‘It was pretty low-yield, definitely under twenty kilotons, and seems to have been an air-burst. The delivery vehicle was one of the Seersuckers out of Chiha-ri. They fired three, but two didn’t detonate, and we don’t know why. Maybe some kind of defect, or perhaps the Patriots got them, but I’ve seen nothing from the CFC so far. But this,’ he finished, ‘is what’s scaring the shit out of me. These are straight from N-PIC, and that’s the launch pad at Chiha-ri. As soon as the Seersuckers had been fired, they drove out these TELs.

  ‘According to the analysts, they’re Scud missiles, probably type B, and there are six of them. The TELs aren’t the same as the old Russian MAZ 543 launch vehicles, but they’re very similar. They’re being prepped ready for launch, so if the nuke that’s just gone off was the first strike, these are probably the second. The technicians on the pads are all wearing NBCD suits, which means these Scuds are carrying biological or chemical weapons. My guess is that the nuke was designed to deliver an EMP, and these are the follow-up weapons now that the Patriots batteries have probably lost their radar systems.’

  ‘Aimed where? Seoul?’

  ‘Almost certainly, and we’ve got nothing in the area that can take them out. They could launch all six of these before we could target a cruise missile or prep an air raid.’

  ‘Fuck,’ Hicks said again. ‘Wait a minute – what about those British Harriers? The ones that were supposed to hit the east coast missile sites. Are they still airborne?’

  ‘No idea,’ Muldoon said, turning to leave. ‘I’ll go find out. The Hawkeye off the Enterprise was talking to them, I think.’

  ‘Richard,’ Hicks called to his colleague’s retreating figure, ‘if those aircraft are still in the area, don’t wait for official sanction. Just tell them to get in there and toast the base with whatever weapons they’ve got. We’ll sort out the legalities later.’

  Cobra formation, over South Korea

  Richter was looking north when the warhead of the third Seersucker cruise missile exploded, but snapped his head around to the left the moment he saw the flash. Even from a distance – and he guessed he was at least thirty miles from the detonation – he knew at once that it wasn’t just the fuel in the HY-2’s tanks exploding.

  A confused babble of voices burst onto the radio as the AEW Sea King bagman and the American Hawkeye controller transmitted simultaneously, but Richter ignored them.

  He was far enough away that he hoped the EMP wouldn’t have much, if any, effect on his avionics, but he still turned his Harrier away from the blast and opened the throttle to put a few more precious miles between his aircraft and the nuclear explosion. He remembered from his basic NBCD lectures that the intensity of a nuclear blast diminishes more or less with the square of the distance from ground zero, but he had no way of knowing the yield of the weapon, nor how powerful the blast wave was now likely to be.

  Then it hit him what seemed like only seconds later.

  ‘Jesus H,’ Richter muttered, and then his sole concern was to try to stop his aircraft being blown out of the sky. The Harrier slammed sideways and downwards as the blast wave hit it, the wings losing lift immediately as the aircraft stalled, then spun out of control.

  Despite the harness, the violent manoeuvre bounced Richter around in the cockpit, his flying helmet crashing into the back of the ejection seat. Buffeted and dazed, he reacted instinctively, removing his feet from the rudder pedals and pushing the control column forward. The spin stopped in less than two turns and, the moment he was sure he’d unstalled the wings, he pulled back to start regaining height.


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