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Pleasing The Professor (The Professor's Student Series Book 1)

Page 6

by Janae Keyes

  I sat in my costume, a sexy bumblebee as Simon had insisted. That guy had everything you could think of in his closet, and he’d put together my outfit of a striped yellow and black corset, black tutu, black knee high socks, yellow pumps, and of course yellow wings and feelers coming out my wild curls.

  Once I finished up, I only had to drop my bag off in my room before I headed off to the pub where Simon was waiting in his surprise costume. I tried to get him to spill the beans, but he was insistent that nobody would know until he walked into the pub.

  My first essay in Professor Kendall’s class was due on Monday morning. I’d made the decision to use my time wisely to complete my notes and type my entire essay over the weekend.

  I paused for a moment, tapping my pen on the paper of my notebook. My mind more occupied with the professor than my notes. I let out a huff. I’d been in his class for just about two months, and each time I saw him, I had to keep my lust from getting the best of me.

  It’d been two long months of not just seeing him in class, but running into him constantly. There was also the karaoke night, where I swear we nearly kissed. I was fighting our attraction tooth and nail.

  I didn’t know for sure, but I’d say he was doing the same thing. The glint in his eyes spoke to me. It screamed to me his desires were of ripping my clothes from my body and doing dirty things to me, no matter who was witness. Or was I possibly imagining the whole thing?

  Allowing my mind to think of him, I wondered what he’d be doing on Halloween night. I didn’t imagine him out partying. Maybe he was at his house, wherever that was, having a scotch and reading a good book. I wondered what book he’d be reading, his slender fingers turning the pages, his lips on the edge of his tumbler. I bit down hard on the tip of my pen. Fuck me. I had it bad for someone I clearly had no business being with.

  “I’d expect you to be at the pub with Simon, not spending Halloween night alone in this dusty old library,” the voice of the very man I’d been daydreaming about spoke.

  A gasp escaped my mouth as I jumped and turned to see him standing at the end of the table I occupied alone.

  “A bumblebee?” he questioned his eyes glued to me, I swear I saw him lick his lips as if he was checking out a juicy steak. Could I be around this man without having to change my panties? So far, the answer was a very loud and resounding, no.

  “Simon’s idea.”

  “I suppose you are heading to the pub after this?”

  “Yeah, karaoke costume party.” I shrugged as my eyes refused to leave him. He stood, not wearing a costume, but I’d never expected to see him in one. He dressed as usual in dark blue slacks, a soft teal button up, and a dark blue sweater, very Mr. Rogers.

  His blue eyes studied my array of books on the table, including my now beat-up copy of To Kill a Mockingbird. A smirk lined the edge of his lips.

  “Working on your essay?” he questioned, leaning against a chair.

  “Last minute notes before I type the entire thing up tomorrow and Sunday,” I informed him.

  “May I see what you have?”

  “Err … yeah.”

  I assumed he’d take the seat across from me, but instead, he took the old wooden chair directly next to me. I inhaled at his close proximity. His cool scent entering my nose, I nearly froze up but swallowed down my nerves.

  “These are my notes so far. Sorry, it’s a lot of pages,” I nervously said as I slid my notebook in his direction. “I’ve been keeping them since the beginning of term as I read through the book.”

  The room fell into silence once more. I observed him as he thumbed through my notebook pages. His blue irises moved back and forth as they scanned the page, going through my most likely incoherent, to him, notes.

  “A good point there,” he murmured seemingly to himself as he continued to read, turning the page. “Hmm, we’ll see how that works.”

  My eyes left his; they took a stroll down his face to his lips, lips that I’d found myself longing to kiss on plenty of occasions. His eyes at once, captured mine. I looked away and down at my mess of a notebook, my face warming intensely. He turned the page.

  “That’s a pretty little picture,” he chuckled, noting the flower I’d doodled on my page.

  “Yeah,” I breathed afraid to peer in his direction.

  Ramsey moved a hand from the notebook and slipped it under the table. My breath shallow as it came into contact with my thigh. His hand on my leg, I bit down hard on my lip, the soft skin of his hand caressed my thigh. Slowly, he caressed up, toward the junction. I inhaled, anxious for its next destination.

  “The library is closing!” a voice called out loudly.

  I jerked at the intrusion, Ramsey’s hand leaving my leg, pushing my notebook back in my direction. My eyes shot up meeting his face as he pressed his glasses back up the bridge of his nose.

  “I’m looking forward to reading what you piece together, Dora,” he said hurriedly as he stood. I nodded in response.

  “Thank you. I hope you like it ... Professor.” Unintentionally, my last word dripped with an unbridled lust I hadn’t meant to set free and in the library of all places. “Umm … I should put these few books away.”

  I stood as well, taking the pile of library books in my hands, struggling to keep hold of them all, but determined to do so.

  I went toward the shelf I’d gotten most of them from. One by one, I placed them on the shelves where they belonged, until the last book. It belonged on a much higher shelf. I stood on my toes as I did when first retrieving it.

  “Here, let me help,” Ramsey said quickly as he came behind me.

  The instant his body came in contact with mine, I froze, relishing in the feeling of his warmth. He took hold of my arm to steady himself as he took the book into his free hand, pushing it onto the shelf.

  He pulled his hand down, moving it to my hair, moving curls from my face. I glanced back into his sparkling blue eyes that kept me entrapped in his dominating air. My breathing shallow and barely there.

  “Thanks,” I said, letting a breath go.

  “You’re welcome.”

  His body pressed onto mine, the hard bulge in his pants pressing into my back, letting it be known exactly what he wanted. I inhaled deeply.

  “Are you going to sting me little bumblebee?” he questioned in a low voice. “Dora ... Sweet One … Fuck … we need to stop this.”

  “Stop what, Professor?” I asked innocently, keeping my voice low.

  “You know what.”

  I did know; I knew exactly what. We were practically drawn together as if we were in a magnetic field. Everything about him made me want him more, and no matter how much strength I used to fight it, I was coaxed in deeper.

  We stood there, in silence, his body pressing on mine, his nose moving into my hair, drawing me in deeper. I didn’t have a life vest, I was drowning, and I liked it.

  “Library is closing, you have one minute to vacate!” the librarian’s voice echoed through the large building.

  “Shit, we should go,” I said quickly. Ramsey removed his body from mine in an instant as I rushed to grab my things from the table and shove them into my bag.

  I threw my bag over my arm and hurried through the stacks of books, toward the front door, Ramsey at my side. I glanced in his direction, a boyish smile laced his lips. We both waved to the librarian who stood with folded arms at the front door while we exited into the cold night air.

  Damn Simon, he’d convinced me to wear the skimpy costume on such a cold night. I shivered and rubbed my hands over my arms to warm myself quickly. Before I knew it, I was wrapped in warmth as Ramsay placed both his arms around me. I peered up at him.

  “I suppose you are heading to the pub now,” he said, keeping me close to him.

  “First, I need to drop my things in my room, then the pub. You know, you should come, we had fun last time.” His blue eyes never left mine. I saw him contemplating spending the evening with me again. It’d been two months, and it was almo
st as if he’d been avoiding me since then, except class where we had no choice but to be in the same room.

  “Okay,” he answered to my amazement. I smiled to myself. I was happier than I should have been about it. “Though, I don’t have a costume.”

  “Yes, you do. You are totally Mr. Rogers.”


  “Mr. Rogers, don’t tell me you don’t know who Mr. Rogers is?”

  “I’m sorry Dora, you’ve lost me.”

  Reaching into my bag, I pulled out my cell phone and did a YouTube search for Mr. Rogers Neighborhood, that show was the shit when I was a kid. My mom says I was glued to the screen when Mr. Rogers was on; there was no moving me.

  “Here he is.” I stopped walking and handed my cell phone to Ramsey. He peered down at the video of the older man in his slacks, button up, and adorable sweater as he sang the opening song. “You’re dressed just like him.”

  “I’m not dressed like this creep. He seems like the old man up the road your parents tell you to stay away from,” Ramsey insisted, I burst into laughter.

  “This man is a legend!” I proclaimed as the song finished, and I took my cell phone from his hands. “He’s not a creep. He’s Mr. Rogers.”

  “Creep, and there is no changing my mind.”

  “Well tonight, Professor, you’re my creep.”

  We filled the walk back to my room with idle chatter. I told Ramsey all about Mr. Rogers Neighborhood, and the land of make believe, the host of characters, Mr. McFeely, Prince Tuesday, and everyone. I’m sure the man thought I belonged in an asylum for thinking that show was the greatest, but it was a simple fact, it was.

  We reached my floor, and I opened the door to my tiny room. Ramsey followed me inside as I dropped my bag on my bed. The door closed behind him. We were alone in my room.

  Nervously, I twiddled my fingers as I stood near my wardrobe. I really needed to change my panties, but he was in the room with me.

  “Err … can you turn around for a sec? I need to do something quickly,” I nervously noted.

  “Yes, sorry,” he mumbled before turning to face my door.

  Slipping off my boy shorts, I tossed them in my hamper before reaching into my drawer and grabbing the first pair my fingers came in contact with. Getting them up my legs I cursed as I realized I grabbed an incredibly lacy pair, I could feel the fabric scratching up my thighs as I pulled them up, it was too late now.

  “Ready,” I called to have Ramsey turn in my direction, I swore a smirk lined his lips.

  Ramsey insisted we take his car to the pub. I wasn’t going to argue. I’d missed our rides together. Tonight, the radio played a collection of jazz, a few pieces I recognized thanks to my dad’s profession as a jazz musician.

  I was eager to see what Simon was dressed as. The moment I walked into the pub and saw him, I burst into a fit of giggles. There was my neighbor in full makeup, purple hair, and a purple sequin jumpsuit with one fake tit hanging out with a perfectly placed pasty.

  Simon came across the pub to me right away and did a twirl. I continued to giggle with Ramsey standing behind me, yes, he thought we were absolutely nuts, I was damn sure of it.

  “Surprised?” Simon questioned.

  “Oh, God, I have no words,” I gasped. Simon laughed as he stood dressed as Lil’ Kim at the ‘99 VMAs. I couldn’t help it. I had to bounce his fake tit. Immediately, I flew into another fit of laughter.

  “Drinks anyone? Professor?” Simon said giving me a knowing look. Oh, Simon, he knew too much already.

  “Johnny Walker Black on the rocks, two fingers,” Ramsey told Simon. “I’m going to need it,” he then added absentmindedly to himself.

  “And for my girl, a Cosmo,” Simon noted. In just a short amount of time, my talented and incredibly fun neighbor had become my best friend. I was never the girl to go out much, but Simon had changed that. Friday nights were for karaoke at the pub.

  That college experience I didn’t have at my old school, the one my mom went on and on about, I finally had it. I was at a great school getting the education I wanted, and I had at least one friend who made everything worthwhile.

  Ramsey spotted a table for us in the crowded pub, the sounds of off-tuned singing filling the air as he moved us through the crowd to the table, his hand on my hip.

  The girl on stage drunkenly belted out Total Eclipse of the Heart as Simon delivered our drinks. I sipped on mine, stealing glances at Ramsey when I could. There had always been a lust in his eyes, but tonight it had transformed into more of a hunger. It was as if he was starved and I was his only sustenance.

  A few drinks in, I was ready to take the stage. My name was announced, and I bounced up from my seat, the buzz of the alcohol filling me and giving me an amount of confidence I normally didn’t contain. Weaving through the crowd, I stepped onto the stage, lights in my eyes, but through them I spotted Ramsey at our table in the back, watching me as he nursed his drink.

  The beginning cords of my song began. I swayed my hips to the music, taking it in as I brought the mic to my lips. Something about tonight told me this song would be perfect for the occasion, being here with Ramsey, my desires coursing through me. I knew the obstacles, and I knew it might be impossible, but I wanted to be more than his friend or student.

  My eyes connected with his as I sang Don’t Let Go from En Vogue. It was one of those songs I’d heard a million times as a kid, but as a woman, I was now able to connect the lyrics as they filled me. I sang it directly to him, moving seductively on the small stage in my bumblebee costume. I could be making a huge mistake, but that’s what life was for, making mistakes.

  The moment I finished the song, I was overheated. I’d put it out there in the only way I knew how, besides literature.

  Instead of returning to the table, I stepped outside into the cold night air. Closing my eyes for a moment, I relished in the cooling that was brought to my overheated limbs.

  My arm was taken into a grip, and my eyes flew open as I was pulled into the alley next to the pub. I didn’t scream, as I knew in an instant who was touching me, Ramsey. My body pressed against the brick wall, his body heat overtaking mine.

  “I can’t take this anymore,” he grunted, his eyes staring directly into mine.

  It all happened so quick, his lips crushing mine. His hand on my hip, the other securing my hands above my head. I leaned in needing his greedy attack more than ever. His tongue thrusting into my mouth, I worked to keep up with him. He had me, and I couldn’t have wanted anything else.

  Ramsey’s teeth took my bottom lip between them. I moaned in response. He was an animal starved and finally being fed. The timid man I knew in the classroom was no more. This was someone else, someone dominating, and someone who needed me the same way I needed him, desperately.

  “Fuck, Sweet One. You need to be punished,” he hissed at me.

  “Punished?” I questioned confused, but kind of into it. I was turned on further than I’d ever been, his words ricocheting through me. I needed all of it and if I was to be punished, so be it. “For what may I ask, Professor?”

  “First, you wear this skimpy costume as if you knew it would make me hard at the slightest sight of you. Then, Mr. Rogers, really? You want to see a creep; I’ll show you a creep. And that moaning, you’ll need to be quiet. Can you be quiet, Sweet One?” I was biting my lip hard. Whatever game we were playing, I was into it.

  God, what’s wrong with me? I asked myself. This wasn’t me, Dora Monroe, or was it?

  “Dora, answer my question. Can you be quiet?”

  “Yes, I can, Professor,” I breathed.

  “Perfect,” he purred. “Damn, I love when you call me Professor.” His hand on my hip slipping under the fluffy tutu I wore. He didn’t need a roadmap of any kind as his hand found the fabric of my lacy panties right away. “Mm, you know I like lace, don’t you?”

  I didn’t answer.

  Ramsey slipped his hand under the fabric and right inside my soaking wet heat, my body had
been begging for him all evening, and now it had his touch, his caress, his—oh wow. I moaned loudly, my body forgetting that I needed to be quiet.

  The moment my moan echoed through the alley, he pulled his hand away and turned my body to face the bricks. He leaned in, his breath on my neck.

  “Sweet One, didn’t we talk about being quiet?” he questioned, but before I could answer, his hand came across my backside with a stinging swat. Though I should have yelped with the pain, I could only moan. “If you can’t be quiet, I won’t hesitate to gag you.”

  I looked back to see him pull something from his pocket. Adjusting my eyes, I noticed it was a necktie; he wasn’t kidding.

  “I can be quiet,” I whispered.


  He turned me back to face him, coming to me, a satisfied grin on his face. I watched his hands move to his belt, unbuckling it before he slid down his zipper, it was almost in slow motion, and I ached to see him.

  Ramsey though, kept me in suspense, not revealing his package. He kissed me again, passionate and filled with a heat I’d never experienced. A hand took my leg pulling it up. I followed suit as he took my other leg, and wrapped them around him, his arousal pressed to my core, burning for entrance.

  “This could be the worst decision I’ve ever made,” he mumbled.

  “I know, but I want it … I want you, Professor,” I confessed. It was as if his eyes smiled at me from the moment I told him my desires for him.

  Ramsey was skilled, as he moved the fabric of my lace panties to the side and also managed to remove himself from his boxers before he at once entered me with a thrust. I closed my eyes tight to keep from crying out.

  “Your pussy is so tight, Dora,” he grumbled as he slammed into me with a force I didn’t expect. The man didn’t appear to be as strong as he was. Suddenly, he paused. My eyes flew open. “Fuck, I have no brain when I’m around you. Are you on birth control?”

  “Yes,” I breathed. “I am, please don’t stop. Please, keep going.”

  He had smiled before he began again. He needed the release as bad as I did. It has been a long two months, our lust hanging between us, until now.


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