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Violet's Protectors [Beyond the Veil 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 5

by Honor James

  Viper slid his arm around her, hugging her close to him. “What’s wrong?” he asked her softly, rubbing his hand to her arm. His lips were against her temple so she could feel the heat of his breath over her skin. “Talk to me, little one.”

  “I just feel drained. Utterly and completely,” Violet told him and closed her eyes as she was pulled closer to the large and imposing male. “I have been so long looking over my shoulder that now that I’ve stopped, it’s all caught up with me, maybe.” Perhaps that was it, she thought to herself. “For now I would dearly like to get some rest.” She looked to Drake. “Do you have room to spare for us? I am tired, and I’m certain that my mates are as well. Could we continue tomorrow possibly?”

  “Absolutely.” He nodded. “I’ll show you to the room we prepared. Don’t feel the need to get up any time too early tomorrow. We’ll be up whenever Rain feels the need to awaken us, but you shouldn’t feel obliged. Cook will have food out for most of the day. I’m sure you remember how it is around here, Vi.” Kissing his mate, Drake stood, setting his glass down, and went to the door.

  Viper let her loose, but both men stood once she was on her feet and walked out of the room with her.

  “I would love to meet her. Rain, that is,” Violet said as they walked toward the rooms that Drake had planned for them. “I would love to meet the child that has Drake and, more importantly, his father, wrapped around her little fingers.” Violet had known that Drakos was enamored with a child. He had spit up on his shirt, and the man was never anything if not impeccable.

  Drake shot her a grin and paused in the hallway. Tipping his head, he changed direction. He led them to what was clearly the master wing, the guards a dead giveaway. “She’ll likely be waking up soon. She likes a full belly when she sleeps, and it’s been a few hours since she had her last one.”

  Pushing open a door, he led them into the master bedroom. A woman was there, rocking while reading a book. “I’ve got it now, Petra. Thank you,” Drake said. The woman got up, and with a curtsy, left the room. “Here she is,” he said stopping, by the bassinette.

  Violet walked to the bassinette and smiled down at the sleeping child. “She’s beautiful,” she whispered and reached out to stroke her finger along the baby’s cheek. “She’s perfect, but she’s had so many bad things happen to her. Poor babe.” She was speaking softly for the baby’s sake. “She was starved, wasn’t she?” Which would explain why they didn’t want the baby to go long without eating, even in the dead of night. “Shh, it’s okay little one. No one will harm you again. If you get lost, I will always find you, little Princess.” The Queen whispered her vow to the child. “Know I will always be here for you, alongside your parents and my mates. You will never know anything but love little one, as it should be,” she added quietly and then pulled back. “She’s perfect,” she said with a sad smile. “She looks just like her father. He was a quiet and good man.” She recalled the guards she had fondly. “They were both good men, and they had obviously found at least a small measure of love if they created her. I am sad that they are dead, but sometimes life has the oddest ways of turning around on us, doesn’t it?” She leaned back against Viper when he came and wrapped his arms around her. “Okay, thank you for showing me your little treasure, do you think you can tell us how to get to bed now?” She asked with a grin.

  “I’ll show you,” he said. He bent down and picked up Rain in his arms. She nuzzled into his neck, one hand grabbing his shirt as she closed her eyes again. “I’ll get you settled and then take her down for her bottle. She likes to sit outside while eating, even at night.” Leading them back out to the hall, he guided them along the halls to another wing. Pushing open the doors to the room, he stepped aside.

  “Towels are in the bathroom. There are extra pillows and blankets in the closet, though I doubt you’ll need them.” Drake grinned at her and winked. “If you need anything, just lift the phone on the bedside table. It rings down to the main security office.”

  “Thank you, Drake,” Ladon said as they all stepped into the room.

  “Thank you, Drake.” Violet repeated Ladon’s words. She once more reached out and stroked her finger along the baby’s cheek. “She will never know infertility, she will never know the sadness of not being able to give life. But that’s not for a very, very long time in the future,” she added for Drake. “Enjoy her. She’s special to your people. She’s the first of the Draygon baby’s to be born in far, far too long. She’s a rare treasure.” Violet was already in love with the babe, all she had to do was open her eyes and look up at a person to have them falling under her spell.

  “Trust me, I understand just how precious she is,” he said softly. Leaning over he kissed her cheek. “Night, Vi. Rest well, and we’ll see you in the morning.” With a nod to her mates, he left the room with Rain, pulling the door shut behind him.

  Viper moved into the room, looking around. She just knew he was checking it security wise, marking the windows, any doors, and familiarizing himself with the layout. He went into the bathroom and another space, maybe a closet. “I think they could have given us a large room if they’d really tried. Maybe,” he muttered, shaking his head.

  Violet laughed and moved to Viper. Wrapping her arms around his waist from behind, she gave him a hug. “I’m happy to have you in my life. I know it’s sudden, I know that it’s unexpected, but I’m happy all the same.” Where that came from she didn’t know, but she had blurted it out all the same. “Now, how about we all do whatever we need to do in order to get ready for bed and then crawl into that decadently massive bed and sleep for a few hours?”

  “Go first, Your Highness,” Viper said quietly. He turned, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. Walking her to the bathroom, he pulled the bag off over his head and handed it to her. “Here, go on in, we’ll be here when you get out.”

  “Thank you.” She took her bag from him and looked up. “I’m good with this. I’m happy to have you in my life, can you say the same?” She asked quietly, watching her large warrior, and that’s what he was. Every single part of him screamed warrior.

  He turned his dark eyes on her and lifted a brow, his lips twitching slightly. “I dunno, still trying to decide,” he said softly. His lips curled into a small smile. Leaning in closer, he pressed a kiss to her temple. “I’m quite happy, Your Highness. I’ll be even happier once we’ve all gotten a chance to rest.”

  “Then if you are happy.” Violet leaned up into him on her toes. “How about you drop the Highness part and call me either Vi or Violet? I’m your mate, if anyone is allowed to call me by my name, it would be you and Ladon, right?” She had that same conversation with Ladon but had forgotten that Viper had been otherwise occupied with keeping them from being blown up.

  “I could,” he said softly. “But I happen to like how you wrinkle up your nose whenever I say it. I might relent eventually,” he said with a chuckle. Pressing another kiss to her skin, he nuzzled at her cheek. “Go and get ready for bed, Violet. You look ready to drop, and I have a feeling we’re not far behind you, either.”

  “Promise me you will tease me often?” She asked as she leaned into him. “I think that for too long I’ve been too serious. I need to remember what it is to laugh and smile. Help me with that?” She was exhausted but found she didn’t want to move. She wanted to continue to spend time with him.

  He stroked her back gently, his cheek to hers. “I don’t tease all that often, Ladon does more than I do, more than I ever will likely. I will do my part now and again, I hope.” Giving her a squeeze, he lifted his head. Turning her, he walked her to the bathroom and rubbed her shoulders. “Get cleaned up, Violet. We will sleep as soon as we’re all ready, which means you need to get a move on or we’ll forget our manners and go first.”

  “Okay, I’m going.” Violet impulsively leaned up and kissed his cheek before sauntering off and into the bathroom, one last glance over her shoulder as she closed the door.

  Fifteen minutes later Violet walke
d out, dressed in a pair of shorts and camisole shirt. “Okay, whoever is next, go. In the meantime, I’m going to curl up in the middle of that bed and wait for my two big heaters to come and warm me up.”

  Viper looked to Ladon who was slouched in a chair. “Go for it,” Ladon said, waving a hand. “Just pry me up out of here when you’re done and it’s my turn.”

  “I’ll dump your ass out of it, best I can offer,” Viper said. Ladon threw him the middle finger, but Viper already had his back to him as he went into the bathroom.

  Violet was laughing from her place in the bed. She was settled on the back of the bedding with a grin on her face. “You guys crack me up. Just so that you know that,” she teased. “How about you come and settle in with me for a short time?” She just wanted to relax and rest and would do that better having one of them holding her.

  Groaning, he rolled his head on the back of the chair to look at her and sighed. “If you weren’t so sexy I’d argue, but I’m too tired to argue, and you are sexy.” Pushing up slowly, he tugged off his boots before lumbering to his feet. He rubbed a hand over his face as he walked toward her, yawning wide as he crawled up next to her. “On the plus side of things, now he can’t dump me out of the chair.”

  “Yes, this is very true.” Violet shifted slightly, and when he climbed into bed with her, she curled into his side. A leg was tossed over his thigh and an arm over his chest. She closed her eyes and was sound asleep within a half a minute.

  Chapter Five

  A low growl was followed by a heavy arm squeezing her a little. “Is there a reason you’re squirming around so early in the morning?” Viper asked against her ear before she felt his teeth on her lobe in a quick bite.

  “Shh,” Ladon hissed out. “Sleeping here,” he muttered. Wiggling around, he let out a sigh before falling silent again.

  “I was trying to get closer,” Violet spoke sleepily as she now curled into Viper. “Ladon was getting too hot so I want to curl into you.” All night she had flip-flopped from hugging one to the other man. She wasn’t ashamed of her need for her mates, it was how things should be between them. They should always need each other, and she knew it damn good and well. “Besides.” She opened her eyes and looked up at Viper with a grin. “You know you damn well love me cuddling close to you. Admit it.”

  He let out a deeper growl, one that vibrated through her entire body. He slid his arm around her, pulling her in tighter, as he nuzzled at her neck. “You should be sleeping,” he said softly. Brushing a kiss to her neck, she felt him smile when she shivered slightly.

  “I should be right here doing just this right now,” Violet countered and rubbed against his body unrepentantly. “I need you.” Honesty rang in her words. “Please don’t turn me down,” she begged. “Tell me you don’t feel it, too? The need to complete our bond before something goes sideways and makes us not able to form that complete blending of our souls.”

  “Hey,” he whispered. His hand cupped her cheek, turning her face up to his so they were eye to eye. “Don’t tempt the Gods like that, Violet.” Viper gave her a gentle kiss to her lips. Nipping lightly at her lip, he sucked the lower one in for a moment before he took the kiss deeper, his hand sliding into her hair to hold her how he wanted.

  Violet didn’t stop him. She kissed him back and wrapped her arms around him as she did so. When they parted, she was panting. Licking her lips, she looked up at him and grinned. “You have no idea at all how much I need you right now. I have never had such an intense desire as I do now.” She was aching, burning with a need that she couldn’t contain. “Don’t stop. I want this full bond with you,” she whispered with desperation on the edges of her words. “Ladon will wake as well and join us, because he won’t want to be left out, either.”

  Stroking her cheek, he dropped a little kiss to her lips before sliding down her throat to nibble and suck. He reached over his head to grab his pillow and then smacked it down behind her. Presumably on Ladon.

  “What the fuck? Damn it,” Ladon grumbled. “Uh, whatchya doing?”

  Violet grinned and looked up at Viper. “That was kind of mean.” She, however, looked over her shoulder at Ladon and said, “Well, I was just trying to talk Viper into making love with me. He thought you might want to join in, since we are bonding and all that fun stuff,” she teased. “I need my mates, more than you can imagine. So please?”

  “Okay, sure,” he said, scratching his jaw. “Do I have time to go to the bathroom? I mean, I could hold it I guess, but I’d hate to rush anything. Unlike Viper, who never seems to have pee, I’m man enough to admit I have to actually go.”

  Violet laughed. “Yes. Go do your thing. In the meantime I’m going to see about getting Viper naked with me.” She looked back to Viper. “Think we can do that? Get naked and enjoy each other while Ladon does whatever it is that he has to do?”

  “You’re the only one that’s dressed,” he said. He caught her hand and, pressing it to his chest, slowly slid it down lower and lower. He let go when she was at his belly button, his eyes on hers as he watched and waited.

  Violet held his gaze and let her hand wander down from his belly and lower. When she reached his naked cock, she grinned. Her hand closed around the already hard shaft and stroked. “You are so hard, all over. I love it,” she teased him and moved in a bit closer. “I can be naked with just a couple of tugs. Right now this feels too good, touching you like this, that is.”

  He eyes took on the glow of the Draygon. “You have the softest touch,” he said quietly. Pressing another kiss to her lips he cupped her head and gently massaged her neck. “I adore your mouth,” he whispered softly.

  “That’s good, because I adore yours as well.” She let her hand tighten and release on him. She pulled back slightly and reluctantly let him go. Quickly she pulled her camisole and then shorts off so that she was naked before him. “Now, where were we?” She asked as she moved closer and dipped her head so she could rain kisses over his chest.

  He let her only get so far before he tugged on her hair, dragging her head back up so he could devour her mouth again. She heard the bathroom door open after a burst of running water. The bed dipped behind her before Ladon’s heat wrapped around her again as he wrapped his arms around her middle.

  Violet was panting when she and Viper parted, her eyes glowing slightly with untapped magic. “I need,” she whispered for both men to hear her. “Everything. God help you both, but I need it all. I want my Draygon mates and all that entails.” She was more than ready to have them as hers, for now and for all time.

  “We need to make you ready for us, Vi,” Ladon said next to her ear. He nibbled on her neck and shoulder as he dipped a hand down to stroke her clit once. Sliding his hand over her hip, he cupped her ass. “Throw your leg up high over Viper’s hip, open for us so we can get you ready to take us both.”

  She didn’t have to be told twice, not when she was living and breathing need in those moments. She moved so that her leg was wrapped high up on Viper’s hip and held onto him as she did so. “Fuck.” She all but moaned that singular word when the new angle of her body opened her fully for both of their rather large hands to tease and worship her skin. “That feels so damn good.” It had been far, far too long since she allowed herself to feel anything like this, and even then it felt nothing like this was feeling, because no one had been her mate until now.

  Ladon rubbed his fingers over her pussy, between her folds and through the moisture there. Sliding his fingers back, he spread her juices to her anus. Over and over he did the same, each time he rubbed more to her ass, pressing in a little each time until he breached her with a finger. “Gods, you’re so fucking tight,” he growled out next to her ear.

  “More,” was all that Violet could say in reply. She was tight because she had never, ever allowed anyone to touch her there. None had ever felt right but she knew that these men were right. They were hers and she was theirs, for now and for the rest of time. She belonged to them as they did to her.
“Again,” she begged him. “More, I want everything with the two of you. I finally want to feel whole.”

  The sensations were amazing, the feeling of these men touching her as they did. It was perfect, and their hands seemed to move in perfect harmony. Violet finally looked up at Viper and her breath caught in the back of her throat. This was what she needed. Him. Them. Everything. “God yes,” she moaned. “Perfect.” She whimpered. “Please, kiss me?” She requested of Viper. She needed more, needed that connection and was desperate to forge it with them.

  Dipping his chin, he brushed his lips to hers slowly. He nipped at her lip right when Ladon pressed his finger in deeper, slowly stretching her. Viper captured her moan with a deep kiss while Ladon began to slowly stroke his finger in and out of her ass.

  Violet shivered and jerked, her body was moving in desperation and need. When she parted from Viper her eyes were glowing, the need was there just as it was on her Draygon. “Please.” She whispered that singular word for him and Ladon alone. She would never beg another being, only these two men.

  “Hold on,” Ladon said next to her ear. “We still have to stretch you more, you’re so fucking tight, sweetheart. You cannot come, though, no matter what, you can’t come without us. Remember that, and if it becomes too much, say something, we’ll take a breather until you’re balanced again.” She felt him stretching her more. “Working two in now, Vi.”

  Vi nodded and let her forehead drop to Viper’s chest. She was clenching her hands on his arms tightly. “I won’t come without the two of you, I need you both far too damn much for that.” She needed that connection to them both, had to have it, or she knew she wouldn’t be able to continue on with this life.

  Viper slid his hands up, one on her arm, the other to the back of her neck. “Keep breathing,” he said softly. He nipped at her ear gently before he rested his cheek to hers, the stubble on his cheeks lightly scraping her skin.


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