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Page 3

by Maya Daniels

  “That’s one girl. Hardly a call for an alarm. People go missing all the time, and she might’ve run away with her boyfriend from another pack or something.” The words taste bitter in my mouth, and it’s not from the beer.

  “He said that’s the fifth person gone missing in the last month from his pack alone.” Daren sounds really troubled, so I glance at him over my shoulder.

  “You said seven in the last four days.” Reaching for the beer, I keep staring at his downturned face.

  “That’s not counting the other four the shifters are missing.” Looking at me through his lashes, I can see lines straining his face. “The Fae are missing a few as well now.” Dropping his gaze, he starts piling slices of lemons in a plastic container. “And two of those missing are vamps before you even ask.”

  “Fuck.” Spitting the word, I grip the mug so hard I’m worried it’ll shatter in my hand.

  “Exactly how I feel about it.” Daren walks away, stashing his stupid lemons in a small fridge under the bar. Casually, he saunters back to me, a fake smile plastered on his face in case people are watching us. “I must say I’m glad you got suspended, Franky. It’s better to stay under the radar right now.”

  “Are you insane? The Agency needs all of us if this shit is happening.” That’s when I notice the fear he’s been trying to hide all night coming through loud and clear. “What aren’t you telling me, Daren?”

  “Rumor has it, all of them were not as pure-blooded as we all believed.”

  ‘Well shit!’ The glass shatters in my hand, the broken pieces cutting deep into my palm.

  Chapter 4

  “Allow me,” a deep, musical voice that would’ve been way too tempting if I were human says from behind me.

  Twisting my head to look over my shoulder, I’m grateful for the pain numbing my hand. The Fae standing too close for comfort should be illegal. His platinum hair falls over his broad shoulders, covering his pointed ears. Too-blue eyes that can suck your sanity in an instant are trained on my hand, thankfully. The straight nose sits above pink lips, the lower fuller than the upper, that are lifted at the corners in an amused expression. High cheekbones stretch his alabaster skin that looks airbrushed. Even his slightly pointed chin works in his favor. The perfection of his face is only softened by the casual long-sleeved t-shirt and dark jeans he is wearing, but that brings attention to his lithe body and powerful arms and legs that can crush me like a watermelon if he gets aggressive.

  You never know with the Fae.

  “I’m good thanks.” Looking away from him, I pluck the shards from my palm. “See? It’s just a scratch.” The gushing of blood that follows my words makes me a liar.

  I couldn’t care less.

  “There are vamps in the place, and we don’t want them getting agitated, now do we?” I see his elegant hand with long fingers reach for me from the corner of my eye.

  “I said I got it.” Slapping it away, I grab the wet towel Daren is holding out to me and wrap it around my palm. “It’ll heal in a minute.”

  When no sound comes from the Fae, and I can still feel the heat of his body standing behind me, I glance back at him. His eyes are narrowed to slits, and his nostrils are flaring. Oh, shit. If he starts swinging here, Daren is going to curse us for a month, and we will end up with a similar fate as the rats eating from his dumpster. The last person to start a fight ended up as a monkey locked in a cage for a week in the middle of the pub. I do not want to push him, friend or not.

  “You are one of mine.” The Fae pushes the words through clenched teeth. “Do you not know who I am?”

  “First of all, I’m your nothing.” Getting off the barstool, I face him fully. Letting my tiny fangs poke from under my lip, I smile at him like a fiend. “Second, you know shit about me to come and demand obedience. I don’t know who you are and guess what? I don’t care. You are in my town so I would be careful who I threaten if I were you.”

  His eyes widen comically, and his shoulders stiffen, but it’s barely perceptive. Ah, here we go, I think a second before his shock is about to turn to disgust. Color me surprised when he grabs my shoulder and yanks me away from the occupants of the bar. Shielding me with his body, his panicked eyes snap to Daren, who is watching this weird interaction with his jaw hanging open, hitting his chest. I’m gaping as well, but mainly because this is the last thing I expected.

  “Are you mental?” The Fae snarls at me. “Put those fangs away girl or fates help me, I will knock you unconscious and drag your ass out of here.”

  “Stop touching me.” My words are soft, but the energy that surges through my limbs isn’t, and it makes the Fae drop his hand, stepping away from me before I even finish the sentence. “Don’t. Ever. Touch. Me. Again.” Punctuating each word, I watch him squirm. The only reason he still has his head attached to his shoulders is the worry I felt from his touch. The guy is not faking it.

  “She doesn’t like to be touched.” Daren’s offhanded comment makes both of us glare at him. He shrugs. “What? I’m just telling him how it is. Plus, you two are getting more attention now than if she was flashing her fangs at everyone individually.”

  “What family are you from?” The Fae does not want to let shit go.

  “Drake.” Yanking my arm away from him when he reaches for me again, I snatch the leather jacket I left on the back of the stool. “And I’m out of here. Daren, I’ll catch you later. Unfortunately, you have weirdoes in your pub tonight and a no-kill policy. I would’ve stayed otherwise.”

  Ignoring the stunned Fae, I slap money on the bar and turn to leave. Daren chuckles, swiping the cash like the pro that he is, but as I’m turning away, my eyes lock on a red, penetrating stare through the mirrored wall. My head snaps in the direction of the far left table so I can see who it is. The feeling I got is the exact same one from earlier when I couldn’t find the source of my unease. The breath gets stuck in my lungs when I see the table empty.

  “What’s wrong?” The Fae is watching the pub, scanning the crowd as well, a line marring his perfect face.

  “Franky?” Daren has jumped over the bar and is now standing on my other side, his magic prickling my skin.

  “Nothing.” Blowing out a breath, I roll my neck. “It’s nothing. I thought I saw someone, but I was wrong.”

  “Someone who? Someone you know?” Daren moves, placing himself slightly in front of me, shielding me with his body. To my horror, the damn Fae does the same.

  I bristle.

  “Seriously?” Shoving both of them away, I storm off, yelling over my shoulder. “I’m the damn law in this town. I’m the one protecting your stupid assess, not the other way around.”

  This night couldn’t have gone more wrong. I was looking for destruction, something to save me from myself and the mess I find myself in. Instead, the rabbit hole gets more profound by the second, and no matter what I do, everything points me back at the shadow. Daren’s words are on repeat in my head as I jump on my bike and bolt out of the parking lot, leaving a cloud of dust and gravel in my wake.

  Sienna is nestled just off the west coast in California. The humans in general have no clue that it exists, the wards hiding us in plain sight. It’s constant night here, something to do with all the portals being open so creatures like myself can hop in and out through the realm. It’s like central station for the supernatural world, although my boss likes to call it our capital. The good thing about being hidden from humans is that it keeps the crazy here. I can’t imagine if we had to chase them or look for them around the world. Like it or not, we are all stuck here.

  Unless you are a Daywalker.

  Any supernatural can become a Daywalker if they pass the trials, attend the prestigious Daywalker academy, and survive long enough to finish the training with flying colors. Those are far and few between thankfully, so we haven’t had the need to start policing the cities where so many unsuspecting lives could be lost. My eyes lift from the road, latching on to the monstrosity of the building sitting high up on
the hill, overlooking the town like some tyrant. The energy that’s been messing up my life zaps through me, making the bike wobble peculiarly and I almost end up skidding on the street.

  My arms burn from the effort to keep the bike from tipping over, and for the rest of the ride, I keep my eyes locked on the road. Buildings, homes, and shops zip by in a blur, my mind emptying from all the stress and worries. At least for this moment, I can just breathe and enjoy the control I have of my bike. As stupid as it sounds, driving at top speed with the wind pressing my leathers to my body is the only thing that has kept me calm since my powers started manifesting. I can’t control my life and what I’m turning into, but I can manage this bike and the freedom it gives me.

  I’m not sure how long I’ve been circling the streets of Sienna when I finally release the throttle, and the bike begins slowing down. Taking the turn unhurriedly, I park in front of my building and sit still, just taking it in. Another night of staring at the TV without seeing it awaits me, and I will probably end up stuffing my face with leftovers before passing out on the couch. After the body of my father was found drained of blood and mangled like animals had been feasting on it, I lost the will to do anything else but work. I promised myself and my mother that I would find the one that killed him. Since that day, that’s the only motivation driving me. It’s easy to tell if you look at my apartment that’s barely lived in, or the few things I own. Not counting my leathers, weapons, or my bike.

  I was not close to my father, but I knew the guy. We even spent a few days awkwardly staring at each other while trying to make small talk. Neither of us were good at it. Much to my mother’s displeasure, instead of playing a dad, my father decided to train me with weapons. She hated it. I, on the other hand, loved it. Not my father, no. He was more like an acquaintance. But I did respect him for the master that he was.

  Locking the bike, I place the rune Daren made for me on the seat. A light shimmer of greenish light blinks for a second, encompassing my ride. It has theft protection that will knock out anyone that tries to touch it. Anyone but me, that is. I found a few thugs unconscious next to it at the beginning, which was very unfortunate for them. The word spread around, and now no one goes anywhere near it. I still use the rune, just in case.

  My feet feel like they weigh a ton as I climb the stairs to my second story, one-bedroom apartment. With each step, it feels like the boulder sitting on my chest gets heavier and heavier. The fact that there are more like me out there is shock enough. Having someone, or something, picking them off one by one is a whole new level of fucked up. My eyes blur, and I feel dizzy from the torrent of thoughts fighting inside my mind when I push my front door open, shouldering my way inside. Dropping my helmet on the small table at the door, I turn to my living room, and my heart stops.

  An outline of a man is occupying the only armchair I own, the streaming moonlight through the window casting his features in shadows. He is sitting stock still, one ankle casually crossed over the knee, both hands resting on the armrests of the chair. The memory of the shadow looming over me on the street plays behind my eyelids, sending shivers down my spine. Numbness takes over my entire body when I see him, but it only lasts a second. All my instincts kick in at the same time, and my knees bend slightly, preparing me for an attack.

  “Evening Drake.” Roberti speaks casually, like he didn’t almost give me a heart attack.

  “Damn it, Andrius!” Pressing my hand at the center of my chest, I blow out a breath. “I’ll die because of you one of these days.”

  “Little more jumpy than usual, are we?” Chuckling, he leans forward, placing his forearms on his knees. “I didn’t think you had it in you.”

  “Have what in me?” My ears are still buzzing, the rushing of my blood through my veins sounding like a freight train muffling his words.

  “Sense of self-preservation.” He says it so matter-of-factly, I’m left gaping at him like an idiot.

  “Why are you here?” Ignoring his jab because it hits too close to home, I step deeper inside my apartment. “You’re calling off my suspension?” Now, that is something that can get my boss off my shit list right now.

  “I have a deal for you, Franky.” Lifting himself up, I have to crane my neck to at least look in the direction of his face. For some stupid reason, I didn’t turn on the light, so we talk like some creeps in the darkness. Unfortunately for me, my vamp side did not give me superior sight. “I have a mission I would like you to take. If you agree to it, you’ll be starting in exactly four hours.”

  “Okay.” The word is out before he is done talking.

  I wince.

  Maybe I shouldn’t sound too eager. I have no life apart from work, but Roberti doesn’t need to know that. I should’ve at least pretended to be thinking about it. Judging by the tilt of his head, he is thinking along the same line as well. Damn it! The silence stretches forever, and my lungs start burning from the breath I’m holding. That stupid energy is rearing its head, but I force it down, waiting to hear him say I’m in. It must be connected with the disappearances. I can’t think of anything else that will make Andrius Roberti change his mind.

  “We have people missing, and my informants are all pointing at the same place.” Shoving his hands in his pockets, he starts walking right at me. “I can’t send anyone else because they’ll be recognized. I need someone inside, and you are my best bet.” His tone implies he is very much not happy about his bet, but I don’t give a shit.

  “Okay,” I repeat, sounding choked up from the adrenaline coursing through me. I’m practically vibrating from excitement.

  I’m not suspended. I want to shout from the top of my lungs, but I stay quiet, biting the inside of my cheek.

  “Pack your bags.” He strides past me, walking out of my apartment. “Be in my office in four hours. And Drake.” Stopping just outside my front door, he doesn’t turn around. “If you screw this up, you won’t be getting out alive.”

  With those ominous words, he leaves. My knees give out, and I drop a few feet from the still open front door like a rock. Dread pools in the pit of my stomach, but excitement is buzzing through me as well. This is what I wanted, isn’t it? If I get this mission right, he will realize that I can hold my own and won’t take from me the only life I’ve known. I’ll just have to do my best to get shit done. No distractions and no screw-ups.

  “You got this, Franky.” I sound a hell of a lot more confident than I feel.

  Chapter 5

  “You have got to be shitting me!” I burst out while glaring at my boss.

  This is so not fucking happening right now. I don’t care that this means I’m not going to be suspended anymore. I packed everything I own, which fits inside one duffel bag sadly, and couldn’t move fast enough to come here and get my assignment. My plans were made by the time my bike stopped in front of the building of the Agency. I’m going to find out who that man was that saved my life. He knows about those shadows, and he wasn’t afraid of them. The thread will start unraveling, and we will nail the fucker that has been killing people right under our noses. My secret hope that it might bring me closer to my father’s killer rears its head, reminding me that because of this new development, those plans are now flushed down the toilet.

  “I told you she’d fuck it up. Just let me do it. I’ll figure out a way to change my appearance.” Aiden growls from where he is leaning on the wall of Roberti’s office.

  “Why is he even here?” Flinging my arm in Aiden’s direction, I keep glaring at my boss. “He is not my keeper. Or do I need his permission to do my job?”

  Andrius sits mute in his comfy-looking leather chair, rolling a cigar between two of his fingers. His brown eyes scan my face like he has never seen me before in my life, and I want to scream. This must be some sort of punishment, no matter how much they are trying to convince me otherwise. I need to roam the streets of Sienna to find whoever is killing hybrids indiscriminately on a daily basis. Andrius wants to send me away and isolate me from ev
eryone. It’s so not fucking happening.

  “They are killing people in this town, Sir.” Remembering not to anger him more than I usually do by existing alone, I add sir to my rant. “You sending me away will not solve our problems.” A thought hits me like a truck, and I whirl on Aiden. “This was your idea, wasn’t it? You can’t get your head out of your ass, so you decided to remove me from Andrius’s mind by locking me behind those damn gates! It’s not going to happen. I’ll tell you that right now.”

  “Sit, Drake.” The sound of the rounded clipper zings through the air, chopping out the end of the cigar in Andrius’s hand.

  Like a petulant child, I plop on the uncomfortable chair opposite my boss. I swear he has these chairs here just to add to the discomfort everyone feels in his presence, like the menacing glint in his gaze is not enough to make all of us almost swallow our tongues. Crossing my arms over my chest, I chew on my lip to stop myself from saying anything. My heart is hammering against my ribs while I watch the lid of the silver Zippo lighter fling to the side and the orange flame come to life. Andrius places the thick cigar between his teeth and, not taking his eyes off me, lights it.

  A cloud of gray, white, and silver smoke puffs out, hiding his face from me. The way it twists and expands reminds me of those shadows, and I swallow thickly in hopes to remove the lump in my throat. My body jerks involuntarily when Andrius pushes the zippo closed, the sound of the metal snapping shut ringing in the silence around us.

  “Aiden would’ve been my first choice for this. If he didn’t have the urge to try his luck a decade ago on the trials, he would be the one going now.” The leather chair groans when Andrius shifts slightly. You can hear a pin drop. “Alas, he did try, albeit unsuccessfully.” I swear there is a smirk on his face, but it happens so fast I’m pretty sure I’m imagining things right now. “So, I’m left with you. I don’t like it.”


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