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Discovering the Mammoth

Page 28

by John J. McKay

  p. 189Shumachov takes Adams to the mammoth—Michael Adams, p. 144.

  p. 189Description of the mammoth—Ibid., p. 147.

  p. 190“[O]f such an extraordinary weight,”—Ibid., p. 148.

  p. 190Waiting for Belkoff to return—Ibid., pp. 49–50.

  p. 191Wrong tusks—Brandt, “Mittheilungen,” note 2, pp. 96–97.

  p. 192Tail—Short tail, Michael Adams, p. 151. No tail, Tilesius, p. 450.

  p. 193Samples sent to colleagues—Tilesius, p. 441.

  p. 193Brain cast for Sömmerring—Ibid.

  p. 194First mention at the French academy—Cuvier, “Rapport.”

  p. 195Cuvier quotes Tilesius—Cuvier, Recherches, 1821 ed., p. 147.

  p. 196Klaproth etymology—Tilesius, note pp. 409–411.

  p. 198JQ Adams on Tilesius—J. Q. Adams, pp. 76–77, 110, 115.

  p. 199“Adams had embellished”—Baer, “Neue Auffindung,” pp. 267–268.

  p. 200Shumachov in St. Petersburg—Ibid., p. 268, n. 15.

  p. 200Maydell—quoted in Tolmachoff, p. 16.

  p. 200Foca—Digby, pp. 82–84.

  p. 201Bunge—Tolmachoff, p. 31.

  p. 202DNA—Gilbert, Thomas, et al.


  p. 204Gmelin—Flora, pp. LXV–LXX.

  p. 204Shergin’s well—Barry, p. 165.

  p. 204Most studied—for example, Siegelt et al.

  p. 204Kerr—Rudwick, Bursting, p. 510.

  p. 205Falconer’s classification—Cohen, pp. 136–137.

  p. 205Later classifications—Tassy and Shoshani.

  p. 205Lartet—Cohen, pp. 152–154.

  p. 206Blainville—Blainville, “Mémoire sur les ossements” and “Sur les ossements.”

  p. 206Vrba—Scigliano, pp. 32–33.



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