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Page numbers listed correspond to the print edition of this book. You can use your device’s search function to locate particular terms in the text.
Abeel, Johannis, 135
Abel, Othenio, 12–13, 34–35, 38
academic journals
Montaliche Unterredungen, 103–4, 107
overview, 112–13
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, 113–14
Theatrum Europaeum, 34
“Account of Elephants Teeth and Bones found under Ground” (Sloane), 117–18
Acosta, Father, 134
Adams, John Quincy, 198–99
Adams, Mikhail, 182, 184–85, 188–91, 199–200
Adams mammoth, Bykovski Peninsula, Siberia
Adams’ report on, 194–95
Adams traveling to, 189
Boltunov’s description and drawings, 180–82
diplomatic/scientific expedition hears about, 186
discovery of, 178–80
importance to scientific community, 203–4
overview, 177
preparing for transport, 190–91
reconstruction process, 191–93, 201–2
sample distribution to scientific community, 193–94
Tilesius’s report on, 195–99
Aeloude and Hedendaegsche Scheepsbouw en Bestier (Ancient and Modern Shipbuilding and Governance) (Witsen), 64–66, 73
Agassiz, Jean Louis Rodolphe, 205
Ages of Man, 9–10
Albertus Magnus (St. Albert the Great), 23, 54–55
Alfred of Wessex, king, 42–43
alicorn horns, 23–26. See also unicorns (monoceros)
American Philosophical Society, 141–42
Angerer, Father Leonard, 34–35
animal exchanges among monarchs, 29–30, 99, 191
Anning, Mary, xii
Antigigantologie: Contre Discours de la Grandeur des Geans (Antigigantologie: Against the Discourse on the Greatness of Giants) (Habicot), 28–29
Argentina, ix, 172–73
Augustine, St., 10–11
Austria and Krems bones, 33–35
Avril, Father Philippe (a.k.a. Avrie), 81–83
Bacci, Andrea, 25
Baer, Karl von, 181, 199
Barnabe, Louis, 81–83
Batouline clan of the Evenki, Siberia, 177–78
Battle of Poltava, 85–86, 120
Belgium (Flanders), 16
Bell, John, 117
Bellingshausen, Fabian von, 185
Benzelius, Erik, 89, 91–92
Bering, Vitus, 123–25, 127–28
bestiaries (Physiologus), 22–23, 54
Betskoi, Ivan, 157
biblical references
Adam and Eve, 16
aging of the world, 27
Behemoth, 90, 97, 154
Creation and the Deluge, 110–11
the Deluge, x, 4, 64, 73–74, 76, 87–88, 97, 105
to giants, 15, 16, 34, 136
ten lost tribes, 91
Tower of Babel, 16
Biruni, Abu Rayhan al-, 44–45
Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich, 170, 174
Boccaccio, 11–12
Boccaccio’s giant, 12–13, 32–33
Boch, Hans, 14–15
Boltunov, Roman, 180–82, 188, 191–93, 192
bones, fragility of, x, 2, 33–34
Boston News-Letter, 134, 135
Brand, Adam, 79
Brandt, Johann Friedrich, 160–61
Breyne, Johann Philipp, 121–22, 129
British delegation to Archangel, White Sea, Russia, 50
Bru de Ramón, Juan Bautista, 172–74
Bruyn, Cornelius de, 120
buffaloes, 158–59, 164
Buffon, Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de, 141, 146–47, 148, 164–69
Bulgarians trading with Middle Eastern Muslims, 44–45
Bunge, Alexander, 201
Burnet, Thomas, 73–74
Camper, Peter, 161, 162–63
cartazons, 21–22
Catesby, Mark, 137–38
Catholicism, 25, 55
Chassanion, Jean, 17
Ch’en Ts’ang-k’i, 46
Chickasaw nation, French war against, 138–40
and Amur valley attack by Cossacks, 68–69
kowtow test for Russian leader, 187
and mammoths, 46–48
Russia expanding trading partnership with, 182–85, 186–87
Russian delegation after Treaty of Nerchinsk, 74–77
and Siberian mammoth ivory, 45–46
trade with Russia, 45–49
Christianity, 10–11, 22–23
Christy, Henry, 206
Cieza de León, Pedro, 132
City of God, The (St. Augustine), 10–11
Claverack teeth, 134–36, 137
Collinson, Peter, 146, 150–51
Columbus, Christopher, 54
Cornbury, Lord, 134–35
Cortés, Hernán, 131–32
Croghan, George, 145–47, 149–52
Ctesias of Cnidus, 20–21, 22, 23
cultural interpretations
claims of being the first language, 16, 90–91
of mammoth and mastodon bones, xiii
question of giants, 9–10
See also biblical references
Cuvier, Georges (Jean-Léopold-Nicolas-Frédéric Cuvier), 171–76, 193–94, 194–95, 203–5
Cysat, Renward, 13–15
Czartoryski, Adam, 184
d’Arcos, Thomas, 31, 33
d’Arcos’s tooth, 31, 33
Darwin, Charles, ix–x
Daubenton, Louis-Jean-Marie, 146–50, 152, 155, 174
Dauphine map, 53
Delisle, Joseph-Nicolas, 128–29
Deluge, biblical references to, x, 4, 64, 73–74, 76, 87–88, 97, 105
Desceliers, Pierre, 52–53, 56–57
Desceliers’s map, 52–53, 56–57
d’Holbach, Baron, 154–55, 176
Díaz del Castillo, Bernal, 132
Diederot, Denis, 153
Dieppe school of mapmakers, 53
Digges, Sir Dudley, 50
Discorso contra la falsa opinione dell’ Alicorno (Speech against the false belief in Unicorns) (Marina), 24–25
Discours apologétique touchant la vérité des Géants (Apologetic speech concerning the truth about Giants) (Guillemeau), 26
Dolgoruky, Prince Yakov, 71
Druon Antigoon of Antwerp, 16
Dublin elephant, 39–40, 103–4
Ducrotay de Blainville, Henri-Marie, 206
Dutch Republic, golden age of the, 60
Dvina River at White Sea, 43–44, 49
elephant-like bones, x–xi, xii, 12–13, 38–39
Cuvier’s journal article on, 173–75
d’Arcos’s tooth, 31, 33
Dublin elephant, 39–40, 103–4
elephant-like features of mammoths, 90
Elephas melitensis (dwarf el
ephant), 12–13
in Europe, 29–30, 31–33, 104–5
in Ireland, 116
and ivory, 20
and ivory in Siberia, 64
Lucerne giant vs., 8–9, 17–18, 19, 28, 29
in North America, 141
overview, 41–42, 129–30
Peiresc proves teeth of giants are from elephants, 31–33
physical structure of, 2, 13, 27
Quedlinburg unicorn similarities, 38
role in human development, 206–7
in Siberia, 73
unicorns vs., 21, 24
Encyclopédie (Diederot, ed.), 153–56
Epochs of Nature (Buffon), 164–67, 168
Erice, giant of, 12
“Essay on Man” (Pope), 108
of Behemoth, 91, 94–95
claims of being the first language, 16, 90–91
of fossils, 19–20
of mammoths, 51–52
animal exchanges among monarchs, 29–30, 99, 191
elephants in, 29–30, 31–33
poison panic in Middle Ages, 23–24
and Theutobochus story, 4–6
See also specific countries
Evans, Lewis, 141
Fabry de la Bruyère, André, 140–41, 146
Falconer, Hugh, 12–13, 205
Finch, Richard, 51
Florus, 4, 6
Foca (hunter in Siberia), 200–201
Claverack teeth, 134–36, 137
d’Arcos’s tooth, 31, 33
etymology of, 19–20
ivory as, 20
Luján bones, 172–74
in North America, 145
Ohio bones and teeth, 139–41, 146–52
pagan ritual bones, Cannstatt in Württemberg, Germany, 114–15
perfect mammoth skull found, 121–22
Quedlinburg unicorn, 36
and Riolan refuting giants, 27–28
Tonna bones, 102–8
Fraas, Oscar, 38
Dauphiné Province, 1
Dieppe school of mapmakers, 53
French Revolution of 178–9, 170–71
Theutobochus bones on display in, 7–8
Treaty of Paris, 143
war against Chickasaw nation in North America, 138–40
Franklin, Benjamin, 150
Fredrick II, duke, 101, 102
fur trade, 61–64