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Taking What He Wants

Page 11

by Jordan Silver

  Either way works for me a good ten or more years in jail was good enough payment for him because although he might not have known the truth, he still contributed to her hell.

  Anyone expecting me to feel an ounce of remorse for the day's events will be sorely disappointed. I wish he'd chucked both those bitches out the window and then maybe offed himself.

  Okay I might have lied to my babygirl, just a little white lie. Though we had nixed the idea of killing them outright we'd certainly planned to make it easy for them to end up dead. Except for the major, we weren't quite sure how far his involvement went so we weren't sure other than to make him suffer with the knowledge of his wife's betrayal how far to go. We'd surmised that with her past coming back to haunt her and the threat of the community finding out that Joann would take her own life; a narcissistic fuck like her wouldn't be able to live with the loss of respect even if they moved like we'd planned. Celine was another kettle of fish, the plans for her were still on course whether her accomplice lived or died.

  The cops had a shit load of questions 'what were we all doing there?' etc.

  I wasn't too worried about their questions though, between my family and the Escalantes there was no way anything was going to come of our presence here.

  There were a handful of witnesses who'd seen Major Fielding throw his wife out the window, a good lawyer could claim duress, but I'm pretty sure the Escalantes would see that that didn't happen.

  Needless to say it was a given that the major was going to spend some time behind bars. Doing hard time. It was hard to feel sorry for him in this whole fucked up scenario there had been one victim, Delia, the innocent child who'd done nothing but had borne the brunt of a lie.

  He was babbling like a two year old by the time they took him away in handcuffs.

  Our presence was simply explained as a family matter that revealed some harsh things, too much for the major to handle and he reacted badly.

  Delia's name was never mentioned and if I had my way, it never would be that was the decision we'd all made before, that no matter what she'd had enough.

  By three o'clock that evening Joann had been stabilized, she would live but she'd never walk again.

  She'd spend the rest of her life dependent on others for her care, let's hope her caregivers were as kind to her as she'd been to my wife.

  I would see to it.

  As a doctor, I knew pretty much where all the worst places for the infirm could be found, and though we've always fought to put those places out of business, this time I was hoping for the worst for her.

  Words simply were not enough to describe how much I hated this woman.

  From the hospital I headed to the ritzy hotel where Celine had been ensconced. I called my girl on the way to see how she was doing.

  "Hi baby girl, how's your day so far?"

  "Great, thank you so much, I can't believe how much I needed this, I got a massage and a facial and..."

  "Whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down baby." She made me laugh, it felt good to laugh after the morning I'd had.

  I wish I could share with her what had transpired but no, we'll leave things as they were, letting her believe for at least a little while longer that her family had just been relocated somewhere.

  Eventually I'd tell her the truth, then again maybe not, I didn't see the benefit in it for her.

  Vito and I had already pooled our considerable resources to ensure that none of this was ever leaked to the press. I didn't want her finding out some other way, not before I had a chance to tell her first, if ever.

  "Oh, sorry, then I got lots of nice things for the peanut, wait until you see...."

  She went on and on about her day so far and all I heard was the joy, the lack of tension in her voice.

  I would do it all over again to ensure that she found this peace always.

  No one else better fuck with her because I'd learned that I had no tolerance for anyone who did.

  She'd started out as....... revenge I guess, and had become so much more, she was everything, her and peanut. I am going to spoil the hell out of them both, there wasn't anything she'd ever want for first and foremost love, I'll make sure she had that everyday for as long as we lived. For everyday she'd gone without it I'd see she got double.

  For all the heartache and misery she'd suffered as a child I would see to it that it was remedied tenfold. I will uncover every dream she's ever had, and if it was at all in my power, see to it that they came true.

  "Baby, I want you to buy something...better yet let me talk to mom a minute."

  She passed the phone off to my mom, I could hear her and Paulina chattering away in the background.

  "Hi son, what's going on?"

  "Mom I need you to do me a favor."


  "I need you to buy Delia something totally frivolous and obscenely expensive, don't let on what you're up to or she'll fight you tooth and nail, but if you should happen to be at the Jeweler's, or even one of those handbag places you like so much, if there's anything that she seems to like get it for her."

  "That's my kind of favor, you're such a good kid."

  "You raised me right I guess, let me say bye to my baby."

  I said bye to her after telling her to have fun and that I'll see her later for dinner, not one mention of her ex relatives, and I didn't feel any guilt, so far so good.

  After I hung up, my whole attitude changed.

  It was time to go face Celine for the last time, I didn't have much to say to her, besides she was so strung out it probably wouldn't mean much anyway, but I needed this closure, needed to put what she was behind me.

  It's funny, throughout this whole ordeal I never once thought of what she'd done to me, not once, it was as though it didn't matter, but what she'd done to Delia, that deserved a hell of a lot worse than she was getting.

  At the hotel the back door had been left slightly ajar as prearranged, I couldn't have it known that I was anywhere in the vicinity, that would raise way too many questions.

  I slipped quietly up the stairway to the third floor where the security cameras had been jammed to avoid my being caught on video.

  The extra room key was where it was supposed to be, everything smooth and coordinated, the Escalnte brothers are a little scary with their attention to detail not to mention the way thus command such loyalty from others.

  She was already enjoying the goodies we'd had supplied for her and barely noticed the door opening.

  "You, if it isn't the big bad Chase Thornton, how many lives are you planning to destroy today?"

  I didn't bother answering her bullshit question, I was here for one thing only.

  "How are you doing Celine, you don't look so good."

  "Screw you."

  "No thanks, I like my dick exactly where it is, besides my wife is the most amazing lay I've ever had."

  "That insipid bitch, hah." Her words were slurred and she was barely cognizant.

  "I'll let that one slide." Yeah I was feeling generous because I could see our plan was working splendidly.

  "Whatever, you two deserve each other anyway, losers."

  "You didn't think I was such a loser when you were after me to marry you."

  "That's because I thought you were fun......" She was busy getting high while we chatted, was she always on drugs, or did she start down this path after the rehearsal dinner fiasco? I guess I'll never know.

  I laughed my ass off at the fun reference but didn't reply, this wasn't about that anyway, I'd stopped beating myself up over her using me a long time ago. No it was time to turn the screws and get the hell out of there, she was nothing, and looking at her here and now, her mask completely off and what she was plain to see I was thankful once more that she'd not gotten her hooks in me.

  "So anyway I'm just here to tell you about your sister and her good fortune, I'm sure you'd be happy to know that she is the heiress to a multibillion-dollar corporation, that her father and uncles are doing everything in their
power to see that she's ready to run the corporation within a year? So now not only does she have my money and name behind her, she also has the Escalantes.

  She's now one of the wealthiest heiresses in the world."

  I could just see the venom in her shooting eyes and tightened lips, good, chew on hat I hope it's the last thing you think of before you draw your final breath.

  "Did you know she's having our first child? Yep the first of many, even though you tried to kill this one with your little stunt, we plan to have at least six, all healthy boys and girls who will be loved by their mother and father. Did I ever thank you for bringing my beautiful wife into my life? No sorry about that how remiss of me. Had I not met your lying deceitful ass I never would've found my treasure she's the best thing to ever happen to me in my whole life, nothing else compares."

  "Get out."

  "Rot in hell you evil bitch." I didn't spare her one last look before turning for the door. That didn't take too long at all, she was fighting that needle into her arm pretty hard there by the end of my little speech.

  I gave her at least two hours before she was gone, what else could you expect if you left a druggie in a room with an abundance of her drug of choice after so long drying out in the worst way possible? Not to mention the little nudge I'd just given her to help her on her way.

  See I didn't even have to touch her.

  I could hear her through the closed door as I left, she was screaming and yelling profanity and threats against me, Delia and the whole world as I walked down the hallway.

  I walked away smiling.


  Well, time has passed as it is wont to do, I got my little peanut, Annabelle, she's just a few months old but she's already a spoilt princess.

  The Escalante clan for all intents and purposes had taken up residence in our home, and I'm pretty sure that now with the baby here, it would take an act of the Almighty to get them out.

  I have to literally fight to spend time with my wife and daughter, when it's not them it's my own parents, my poor kid never has a moment to herself unless daddy confiscates her and hides out somewhere, which we both enjoy.

  Delia is.....flourishing, there's no other word for it, she's come a long way since we first met, she's still my sweet shy girl who needs her daddy to look after her, but she's cutting her teeth on one of her father's companies and really loving it.

  She shines.

  Now the three nuts are talking about grooming my baby Belle to follow in their footsteps, I'm outnumbered and outgunned but I'm grateful that they're here and that my wife gets to see first hand how much our daughter is loved. She'd told me her fears one night after making love, her fear that little peanut would grow up not feeling loved the way she had, I'd assured her that our daughter would have a vastly different upbringing than the one she'd suffered but I guess in this case seeing is believing.

  On weekends I hijack my little peanut before the rest of the house wakes up, put her on her mom's tit for her morning feeding while Delia is still between sleep and wake, and then we go for a drive.

  That's our bonding time because I know for sure as soon as we get back to the asylum, she'll be snatched out of my arms and the three old women will start their fussing campaign.

  At least I finally have my wife back with all their fussing over the baby and their talk of missing our on Delia's childhood and making up for it with peanut she was given a reprieve.

  As to the little drama in our lives, things had pretty much settled down, Delia had eventually been told what had transpired, which led to one of our biggest arguments to date.

  Not because she found fault with the way we handled things, but because she wanted to contact Carl and Joann.

  Celine as had been the plan had overdosed in that hotel room and wasn't found until a few days later when the stench from her carcass had overpowered the guests on that floor.

  I think the city buried her or something in pauper's field since she was pretty much behind recognition and the name on the hotel sign in sheet was bogus. It was ruled and intentional suicide or some crap like that, who cares?

  When Delia found out what Carl had done, and his guilt over the way he'd treated her her whole life, my softhearted girl wanted to reach out to both of them, him and her incubator.

  I was totally against it but as I found in the last year, it was hard to deny her anything, I knew Joann would take care of that for me anyway, the woman was extremely bitter and will always be.

  The first time Delia had gone to see her she'd tried to spit on her, even with her neck in a brace, paralyzed from the neck down, she'd tried to spit on her kid.

  I'd been standing outside the door because there was no way I was going to let her go see that viper alone but I had no interest in seeing that bitch ever again so I'd stayed just outside the door.

  I'd dragged Delia out of the room quickly after I'd heard Joann shouting obscenities at her.

  That was the first and the last time she'd been there.

  As for Carl, he was an entirely different story, he was so full of remorse that I almost felt sorry for him, almost.

  Dylan Thorpe and his bitch Maura had also found themselves at the end of a nasty campaign to get them out of town.


  Did you think I'd forget that they'd been part of the scheme to separate me from my money and make me a laughingstock?

  Hell no, last I heard they were in Arizona selling art at flea markets or some shit like that.

  I still keep tabs on them because if the day should ever come that they get back on their feet, I will do everything in my power to destroy them again.

  Delia exchanges letters with Carl every once in a while but I monitor that shit closely, it's my job to protect her heart no matter what she says.

  In the beginning she'd been worried about offending Vito, but he'd been somewhat more understanding than I, I guess it could be because Carl had been sent away for ten years, seems the law really frowns upon one of its own crossing the line even if it was military and not law enforcement.

  Now we're having one of our rare mornings alone, the baby is still asleep, the sun has yet to make it's appearance and our side of the house is quiet.

  "We haven't played in a long time little girl."

  I whispered in her ear as my fingers were busy warming her up, she was wet and silky smooth inside as I strummed her.

  Her little hand reached down and took my hardness as I rubbed my leaking cock head against her inner thigh.

  "Get the rope babygirl."

  I could barely remove my fingers long enough to let her leave the bed.

  Licking her sweetness from my fingers, I watched as she went to the chest to remove the binding rope.

  "Come up here."

  Taking her tiny waist in my hands, I brought her over my face so I could first scent, then lick her.

  Clutching her round ass cheeks in my hands I ate her out as she played with her tits.

  The sight of her high, full breasts always made me want to cum all over her, my dick twitched at the image.

  I grew even harder as she rode my tongue.

  "Hmmmmm, so good."

  "Hold onto the bed."

  I tongue fucked her while using one hand to beat my meat.

  "I want you to ride my cock, I need to fuck you hard, I haven't fucked the shit out of you in way too long."

  I set her aside so I could tie her arms and legs in place first taking all control, I can do whatever I want with her body when she's tied up like this.

  I plan to.

  With her hands tied to her ankles behind her I pulled her down on my jutting cock, pulling on the rope, making her pussy tighter.

  She rode me up and down as her juices ran down onto my groin, her sweet pussy fitting me like a glove.

  "Yeah babygirl ride that cock....sweet pussy."

  Her body shook as I fucked up into her with my hand wrapped around her throat choking and releasing so I could feel the answering twitch
in her cunt.

  Taking one of her nipples in my mouth I bit and pulled until she screamed and her milk burst onto my tongue.

  "Ssh…take it." I slapped her ass as I pulled her down roughly on my stiff cock, forcing my fullness into her tight pussy, enjoying the hot tightness.

  The way her hands and feet were tied together behind her back made her even tighter and added just enough pain for her to be always on the edge.

  I bit the choker of ownership around her neck.

  "Mine, you'll always be mine...say it."

  "I'm yours, only yours....oh's so good, it's too much....can't stop....cumming."

  "Give me your mouth."

  She groaned as I kissed her, her pussy going wild on my cock as she came.

  I increased the force of my thrusts as I too neared fulfillment, my cock beating inside her.

  "I love you Delia Thornton, with all my heart."

  "Love you too Chase." She could barley get the words out as her head fell back and she came again with a loud groan.

  "Here it comes baby, I'm gonna flood your pussy with my cum."

  I came in her unprotected pussy knowing there was a chance I was breeding her sweet ass again.

  The thought gave me new strength and I fucked through my orgasm, the burn of sweet pleasure pain making my body tremble.

  "That's round one." I teased as I released her from her bonds.

  "When I'm through with you your pussy won't close for at least a day."

  She squeaked and cupped her pussy.

  Yeah, like that was gonna stop me.


  You may contact the author @

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