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Not Dead in the Heart of Dixie

Page 62

by R Kralik

The men were true to their word. They cleaned every gun in the house and began sharpening all the knives. I wonder if they'll continue working on weapons tomorrow.

  Chris Knellson almost had a coronary when Mick told his we have six hand grenades. He demanded to know where we got them and we told him about the stash map. He asked to see it. He looked it over, stood, and took it with him out the door without even asking.

  That ticked me off and I hollered at him as he walked toward Josie's motorhome. I told him to be sure and return the map in the morning. He lifted his arm and waved without turning around or saying a word. I want that map back and he better bring it with him when he comes in for coffee.

  Josie's one of the unfortunate women who has morning sickness at night. She told me that she vomits, brushes her teeth, and goes to bed. That's been her bedtime routine for the past week. I plan to tell Chris to make sure his doctor brings something akin to prenatal vitamins. I wish Josie could see an obstetrician. I wonder if they have one at home base.

  Flies are everywhere, especially near the animals. I've asked everyone to wear long sleeves and keep themselves sprayed with insect repellant if they intend to be outside. We haven't seen any mutant flies, but they're probably out there lurking, waiting to come in and bite us all. I've given thought to adding insect repellant to our laundry rinse water. I need to think it over a little more before I do.

  I found Larson and Anna, kissing on the back porch after supper. I told them to get their lips away from each other and go home. Larson asked me not to say anything to Rona. I winked at him and said “that's what Aunties are for.” He grinned and gave me a hug.

  I won't tell Rona what I saw, but I fully intend to tell her she better keep an eye on them. I hope she'd do the same for me if she saw Jesse and Carisa in the same position.

  Isaac's having a hard time dealing with the death of Nicholas. He feels somewhat responsible for all the Gypsy Traders. He spent an hour in Carisa's room, talking with Sabrina. I don't know what he said to her, but she came out of the room for supper and sat at the table for a few minutes before heading back. My heart aches for the child. She is a sweet girl and she's lost so much. I wish I could find her biological mother and punch her in the face several times.

  I've swallowed another Benadryl, and it's starting to kick in.

  Bye for now.

  Friday, April 25

  Chris Knellson and the three important folks have been in the motorhome since 7:00 this morning. I saw breakfast go in, and I saw dirty dishes come out an hour later. The fact that they've been in there so long is beginning to worry me. I'm praying there's no horrible new happenings, but I'm almost expecting bad news.

  Serena Wilkerson visited after breakfast and told us that Vicki, Dale, and Tricia are doing fine and eating well.

  Tom Sulligent was prepared for his wife's death, but he wasn't prepared for the emptiness it left in his heart and soul. He's grieving.

  He took supplies and went to stay in one of the empty house trailers. He asked that he be left alone with his grief for a few days. Of course, Serena and Brody intend to leave him be.

  Ian and Shawna surprised us all this morning. They told us that they asked the minister from the fence crew to perform a marriage ceremony tonight. I was shocked.

  I tried to talk to them about the eight year difference in their ages and drilled them with questions 'til I was satisfied they were made for one another.

  So, we'll have a “spur of the moment” wedding celebration tonight. Nana and Emma are in a tizzy. Nana has Elaine, Marisa, and Rona in the kitchen, making up little cakes and cookies along with a wedding cake.

  Emma locked herself and Shawna inside the sewing building because Emma says that Shawna must have a wedding dress to pass down to her children.

  Ian and Rick plan to head to town and find a jewelry store to loot. Ian said he's bringing back the biggest diamond ring he can find for his bride. I told him to bring back every piece of jewelry and any other frivolous items like fancy statues or collectibles he can find. We can have a stash for birthdays or other events. He thought that was a great idea and agreed. He said he's always wanted to rob a jewelry store. He's beaming, and grinning from ear to ear. Rick just rolls his eyes and goes with the flow.

  I grabbed Rick's arm as he walked out the door and told him to find a tuxedo shop and bring home everything they've got. I also asked that, if he had the time, he could raid a bridal shop and bring home all the fancy dresses for brides, bridesmaids, and pageants. He rolled his eyes again, but I'll bet we get tuxedos and fancy gowns. You just wait and see.

  I wanna feel happy. I'm almost there, but I'm still mourning the loss of Hisa. I wonder if I'll ever stop.

  Carisa asked to borrow my computer so she can design and print out a wedding certificate. She just came in the door, so I'm handing the computer over to her.

  See ya later

  2:00 PM...

  Knock me over with a feather.

  Jason and Marisa announced that they'll be getting married with Ian and Shawna tonight AND that they are expecting a baby in December.

  I stared at them forever, then I burst out in tears. I was crying so hard that I couldn't talk. They couldn't tell if I was happy or freaking out. It took several seconds before I could put a smile on my face and indicate to them that I am thrilled. A little worry popped into my mind about Marisa giving birth in these conditions, but I put it out of my mind for the moment and stood to give her a huge hug.

  We were jumping around the room. I sang “I'm gonna get a new grand baby” while Marisa sang “I'm gonna get a husband and another kid” to the tunes of good old rock 'n roll songs.

  Mick was on watch out front and came in to see what the commotion was about. When we told him the news, his face went white and he had to sit down in the recliner, but he was grinning from ear to ear.

  It was news to Amber and Michael as well. They were running all around the room, and Amber suddenly stopped in her tracks and told Michael that the new baby was “gonna be like her and him all mixed into one.” Then, she turned to Marisa and said “It BETTER be a girl.” Everyone laughed.

  Amber begged to be the flower girl and Marisa told her she could. Jason asked Michael if he wanted to be the best man. Michael looked excited for a moment, and then he frowned and said he “didn't wanna wear no itchy suit.” He stomped off to Carisa's bedroom.

  Carisa came to the kitchen to find out what was wrong with Michael and we told her the news. She started dancing with us and singing “I'm gonna be a new Auntie.” I swear, my girls are definitely “mini-me's.”

  As for the freaking out part? I left that to Nana and Emma and they were doing it well. Emma snatched Marisa's arm and led her to the sewing building to be held hostage with Shawna.

  I sank down in the recliner, on Mick's lap, and cried tears of joy into his chest. I started praying right then and there. I prayed for our future and the future of our children and grandchildren. I prayed for every HDI in the world to suddenly disappear along with all the bad guys. I prayed for the Chinese and the North Koreans to suddenly realize their horrible lapse in judgment and turn around, get back on their ships and head to their own countries. I prayed for everything good in life to fall on our heads. I sat on Mick's lap for an hour before his legs got numb and he had to get up.

  I was headed out the door to share the news with anyone and everyone when Rick and Ian came up the driveway in the delivery truck. I asked if they'd found anything, and they led me around to the back.

  They opened the doors, and it looked like several weddings and a few proms had thrown up in there. I asked about the jewelry, and Ian handed me a heavy gym bag. I almost went blind when I looked inside.

  He showed me the ring he picked out for Shawna. It was a huge single diamond on a simple gold band. I knew she would love it.

  I told them to take the truck to Emma's building, knock on the door, and show Emma what was inside.

  The last thing I saw was Rick backing up with his ha
nds in the air while Emma was laying a big ol' kiss on him. I bet he'll never forget it.

  I found Rona and Elaine picking up casings from the front yard and told them the news. They were thrilled. I told them to hurry in the house 'cause Nana was freaking out and she needed help. They hurried inside.

  I came in here to look at pictures in Amber's baby album. I got carried away and looked through Marisa's and Carisa's as well. The world seemed nice again for a couple of hours and I lost myself in memories.

  I realized what time it was and headed out to work on laundry. I prayed with all my heart that the bad guys stayed away tonight and left us to celebrate. I'm gonna pray, and pray, and pray.

  I hope there's something nice in that trailer for a middle-aged woman to wear. I'd love to knock Mick's socks off.

  Chris is still in the motorhome with the important folks and that scares me. Josie is pacing the driveway, waiting for him to finish his meeting and fill her in on the news. After Josie gets the news, I'll get the news.

  I fear the news. I really do.

  See ya later.

  11:30 PM...

  Both Shawna and Marisa asked Mick to give them away. He looked humbled and nodded his head to each of them. Then, he had to go to the outhouse. I'll bet Mick was feeling a little emotional. Whaddya think?

  Instead of two separate weddings, the girls decided to have a double wedding. I thought Nana was gonna kiss their feet because that meant she only had to make one wedding cake.

  Nana is my mother, and my idol. I wish I could cook like her, plan like her, teach like her, and make everything perfect like her. In my next life, I wanna be Nana, Emma and Hisa all rolled up into one.

  The wedding cake was stunning. It was four layers and Nana used the corners of baggies to pipe decorations all over. It was simple and elegant. Marisa and Shawna both loved it.

  Remember all those instant camera's Mick took from Walgreens when we first began looting? Well, we used every photo on every single one of those cameras. It may be years and years before Shawna and Marisa are able to have pictures from their wedding. Someone, someday will figure out how to develop them.

  Pao says he wants to be that person. He wants several more cameras and supplies from a photography studio to experiment with. I hope we can get that for him. I have complete confidence that he'll figure it out.

  Emma found dresses in the conglomeration of formal attire that Ian and Rick brought home. She removed a little here, added a little there, glued a few sequins and pearls all over, and made Shawna and Marisa very, very happy.

  She made veils from sheer fabric she removed from an extra wedding gown. The veils were attached to fake ivy vines and they looked beautiful on the heads of our brides.

  There were several child sized tuxedos and one of them fit Michael perfectly except that it needed to be hemmed. Even with my poor sewing skills, I was able to do a good job.

  We found a very small pageant dress that we had to take in and remove length for Amber to wear. She twirled like a ballerina 'til she got dizzy.

  Carisa was maid of honor for Marisa, and she wore a royal blue pageant dress with tons of sequins. It was strapless. I had to look through my lingerie drawers and find a strapless bra she could wear with it.

  Ian was dressed in a tux and his best man was Rick, of course.

  Rick was also in a tux and the women couldn't take their eyes off him.

  Mick wore a tux, and he was gorgeous. I wanted to rip it off and have my way with him.

  There wasn't a tux big enough for Dane, so he wore blue jeans, a western shirt, and his cowboy hat. He looked scrumptious as well. Elaine dressed to match him in a western style skirt with a frilly little blouse.

  My dress scared the crap outa me. It was royal blue, halter style, and covered in sequins. It showed a lot of skin. I wanted to grab a coat to go over it but Mick asked me not to. He said I looked gorgeous and not a day over thirty. Have I ever mentioned how much I love that man?

  Anyone who wanted to attend was welcomed. The living room and front porch was full of people and the minister made me cry as he read those sweet words from the bible.

  The brides and grooms said their vows, kissed, and then it was over and everyone was eating cake. Nana outdid herself. The cake and cookies were delicious.

  We didn't dance. We simply spent time together talking and enjoying the moment.

  We ignored the shots coming from the road because we all knew guards were taking out straggler HDI's. Folks started leaving around 9:30.

  Amber and Michael are spending the night here, and Shawna is headed to her new home in Ian's little wooden house.

  The only ones missing from this happy event was Soo and Merry. Their absence broke my heart. Several times, I caught myself looking around the room for them and suddenly realized that Hisa wouldn't be here when the baby arrives. I tried to push those thoughts to the back of my mind and bask in Marisa and Shawna's happiness.

  Chris emerged from the important folk's motorhome right before supper. He and Josie wore solemn, tense faces and fake smiles throughout the evening. I saw fear in Josie's eyes.

  I'll be able to spend time with her in the morning and she can fill me in. I have a feeling it's not gonna be pleasant.

  I'm tired and I wanna go to bed happy.

  Hisa, if you're listening, I truly loved you. I wish you could have been here tonight and I wish you could be here to help bring my new grandchild into the world. I know your spirit will be there. Thank you for everything you did for us. You saved us over, and over. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I will never, ever, forget you. I pray that you're happy and carefree.

  PS - I promise to remember those Japanese curse words and use them on unsuspecting folks who deserve them.

  Bye for now.

  Saturday, April 26

  4:00 PM...

  The mess tent smelled wonderful when Mick and I walked in this morning. They were serving the usual but, nowadays, the usual is a blessing. We had eggs, bacon, sausage, grits, hash browns, oatmeal, omelets, biscuits, and muffins to choose from. Mick and I both loaded our plates with a little of everything and took a seat at one of the folding metal picnic tables.

  I noticed Josie and Chris sitting alone at a table in the corner of the tent. They were deep in conversation and oblivious to everything going on around them. They were holding hands and leaning in close to one another with their foreheads almost touching. Their whispered conversation couldn't be overheard.

  Jeremy and Rebecca came in while we were eating. They never left each other’s side. Jeremy stood and waited for Rebecca to finish preparing her plate before they both walked away from the buffet and sat side by side at one of the tables. I caught a sparkle of light from Rebecca's hand, and my nosy self-had to investigate.

  I walked over to give Rebecca another hug and asked about the shiny thing on her finger. I figured Ian had helped Jeremy dig around in the jewelry bag.

  She and Jeremy are engaged. They plan to wed before the unit leaves and takes the minister with them.

  I was happy for them and loudly announced their plans to the entire tent.

  Everyone applauded and Jeremy stood up and took a bow. I can't wait to tell Nana and Emma to begin preparations. On second thought, I think I'll let Jeremy tell them. I don't wanna be in the line of fire when Nana starts throwing cake pans.

  I suppose Shawna and Marisa started a trend and I think it's a good one.

  Chris and Josie finished their breakfast and Chris stood and headed out the door. Josie came to our table and sat down beside me to make small talk and stare at Mick until we finished our breakfast. She wanted to speak with me alone and I knew it, and I dreaded it.

  I chewed every bite twice as long as usual until I could dawdle no longer. Mick finished a minute or so before me and was ready to get going. He stood and kissed me on the forehead before heading out the door.

  Josie told me to hurry it up because we needed to talk somewhere private. I rolled my eyes, took the l
ast sip of my coffee, and stood to lead her up the hill.

  I told her that I wanted our stash map back, and Chris “must have forgotten to bring it to me” this morning. We walked to her trailer and dug around in all the papers he has all over the top of the table until I found the map. I folded in and stuck it in my jeans pocket before going out the door.

  We walked to the house and into my room. I plopped down on the bed and she plopped down in the computer chair and started talking,

  Here's the good news...

  Chris and Josie were married last night in a private ceremony. I told Josie I was happy for her and asked why they'd kept it private. She said both she and Chris wanted it that way. They wanted the moment to be special and shared by no one other than themselves and the minister.

  I thought about it for a moment and understood. Josie and Chris are both very private people and not really in to pomp and circumstance unless someone's pinning a medal on their chests.

  Here's the bad news...

  There will be a meeting tonight. Every member of the unit and both compounds will be asked to attend including anyone over the age of fifteen.

  The North Koreans and Chinese have moved through the western states and are now fully involved in war with each other, as well as the fake military AND the real military in the north and central USA. Four separate groups are fighting four different enemies each if you include HDI's.

  The real military is calling for any and all retired personnel still living and under the age of 65 to rejoin the ranks. At this point in time, active duty is optional. That's expected to change within the month, and maybe sooner.

  If numbers of returning retirees is too low, an involuntary draft will be ordered. Men and women under the age of 65 and over the age of 16 will be called to active duty. Refusal to comply will be met with severe punishment NOT including death or torture.

  The draft will exclude land owners and members of any compound assigned to jobs essential to the survival of the group.

  It will also exclude the elderly, infirmed, and handicapped people with records of their illness dated before the collapse.


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