Book Read Free

The Teddy Bear Club

Page 12

by Sean Michael

  “Absolutely.” Logan grinned over at them both. “This is cool. We should do it again.”

  “You don’t think Zack will get jealous?” Aiden teased.

  “We can invite him next time too,” Logan suggested. “No, seriously, if he can tear himself away from his café for long enough. The girls would all love it, I’m sure.”

  “Poor U is the only boy,” Dev noted.

  “He has all of us,” Aiden pointed out.

  “Lord, someone’s going to have to teach that boy all about football.” Logan was cracking up.

  “Football? I’m a gamer, man. The only football I know is played with a controller.” Dev knew it was coming, and sure enough, Logan made a shocked face.

  “I don’t know, Logan. Zack’s girls are tough as nails. They may be able to teach him,” Aiden said.

  “Hell, we only need a couple more guys with kids and we’ll have a team.” Logan looked around. “Can I help with anything or am I allowed to just sit?”

  “Sit. Watch babies. Drink your wine.” Aiden’s eyes were twinkling. “I’ve seen you in the kitchen, after all.”

  “Low blow, man. I make a mean five-star meal with just my phone.”

  “Not much of a cook?” Dev asked.

  “I’ve never really had the time to learn. Honestly, all the restaurants deliver now.”

  “He does work his ass off. I’ll give him that,” Aiden pointed out.

  “Yeah. Hell, I’m mediocre at best, and I don’t have any excuses. Although if I stay here long enough, Aiden will have turned me into an awesome cook.”

  “I hope so.”

  Did he hear that? Was Aiden inviting him to stay “long enough” to learn to cook everything? He hoped so. He’d like that. He wanted to stay here with Aiden and the girls. Did that make him needy? Was he trying to invite himself to stay? He shook his head. He didn’t need to think about this right now. No stressing allowed.

  Right now they were having a party. A get-together.

  The babies gurgled and played together while Logan entertained the adults with stories of his time in court and Aiden taught Dev the fine points of deep frying the mac ’n’ cheese balls. The chicken was doing a fine job on its own in the oven.

  Every so often Sarah and Linds would come up, snag a sandwich or a drink, and then disappear back downstairs.

  “Are they going to be hungry enough to have supper?” Dev asked. His mother would have plotzed if he and a friend had come up and eaten random stuff before supper was served.

  “If they are, great. If not, it’s a special night, right?” Aiden didn’t look too worried, and come to mention it, neither did Logan.

  He loved how things weren’t regimented, how most things he remembered his parents stressing over when he was a kid really didn’t matter all that much.

  “Right. Although the chicken smells too good to miss.”

  “Doesn’t it?” Dev asked. “Plus, mac ’n’ cheese balls deep-fried—I don’t think there’s a kid alive who can resist something like that.” He knew he couldn’t and he wasn’t a kid.

  “Oh, I don’t know. Sarah’s got her tablet and her fashion something-or-other game.”

  “I guess time will tell whether they want to have them or not.” He watched Aiden check the chicken to make sure it was cooked before carefully putting the mac ’n’ cheese balls into the countertop deep fryer. Aiden had more cooking accessories than he’d ever seen outside of a restaurant kitchen. On TV. “You want another glass of wine, Aiden?”

  “Sure, honey, about half.”

  He poured it out, trying not to make anything out of Aiden calling him honey. He did that to everyone. Not everyone slept in his bed, though.

  Aiden leaned over, kissed him. “Thank you.”

  He beamed. “Anytime.”

  Logan was looking at them, one eyebrow raised, but Dev played it cool. Well, as much as he could play it cool when he was grinning like a madman.

  “Look at you two. You have a thing.”

  “We have a thing,” Aiden confirmed.

  “We have a really good thing.” Even if they’d only been able to do it once. Well, he’d come twice, so did that count as twice without being interrupted? Nah. It had been a single session. All others had been kiddus interruptus. His train of thought was not helping with the goofy grinning.

  “I’m totally jealous.”

  “It’ll happen for you, man. I know it will.” Aiden pulled the chicken from the oven.

  “Thanks, Pollyanna.”

  Dev cracked up as Aiden flipped Logan the bird.

  “Maybe we should suggest Zack do a date night,” he suggested. “Like speed dating, only slower and with coffee.”

  “Gay singles?” he asked.

  “Why not? Everyone knows it’s a friendly shop.”

  “It could be fun, and who knows, you might meet someone special. Do you think Zack would go for it?” Dev asked Aiden.

  “I think it would depend on what mood he was in at the time, honey.”

  “You should be the one to ask him,” Logan told Aiden, leaving Dev sniggering.

  “Yeah, yeah. That is usually my job.”

  “You’re the fixer, huh?”

  “I’m the one that gets snapped at the least.”

  “Ah. Maybe being a Pollyanna has a payoff.”

  Aiden cackled, shook his head, then pulled the mac ’n’ cheese bites out. Okay, those looked good. Disgustingly good. Dev’s stomach growled like he hadn’t just pigged out on appetizers.

  “I’ll run down and see if the girls want to join us or have a few bites downstairs.” Logan made the offer and Aiden nodded, easy as could be.

  Logan left, and it was the two of them with the babies for a moment. He found himself smiling at Aiden.

  “Having a good time, honey?” Aiden asked.

  “I am. I always do where you’re concerned.” It was true too.

  “Good deal.” Aiden tilted his head and gave him a good, hard kiss.

  He cupped Aiden’s cheeks, stroking them as they slid their tongues together.

  “Be good, boys.” Logan’s voice was all laughter.

  “But we’ve got another grown-up here to watch the kids.” Dev leaned his forehead against Aiden’s for a moment, then took a step back and sighed.

  “We’re going to have to hope everyone sleeps tonight, hmm?”

  He met Aiden’s gaze and nodded. “Yeah, yeah, my fingers are crossed.”

  “God, you two have it bad!” Logan laughed again.

  Dev made himself focus on the here and now. “Are the girls coming up?”

  “They asked if they could eat downstairs if they were super careful. They’re watching Inside Out.”

  “A picnic, huh? Soon the babies are going to want to join in.” Dev imagined the place was going to be a mess a lot of the time. But somehow that seemed like a happy thing. In fact, he could imagine all of them together, having pillow fights, trick or treating, celebrating Christmas.

  He looked at Aiden, and everything inside him clenched. God, he wanted that. More than anything. A home and a family for him and U. With this man and these girls.

  “You okay, honey? I’m going to run a couple plates down to the playroom.”

  “I’m good. I’ll dish us up three plates for the grown-ups while you’re doing that.” He offered Aiden another smile and turned to get the plates out of the cupboards. He was not going to put his needs on Aiden. Tonight they were entertaining.

  “Linds looks like she’s in heaven.” Logan chuckled. “She told me she was a big girl like Sarah.”

  “I’m betting Aiden’s not ready for her to be Sarah’s age yet.” Dev looked at U—he didn’t want to give up any of his stages of growth. “Sarah doesn’t mind hanging out with a girl so much younger than her?”

  “She’s playing with her tablet and watching TV. Besides, she’s determined to be a babysitter as soon as she’s twelve.”

  “Ah, so Linds thinks she’s one of the big girls and Sarah t
hinks she’s practicing babysitting. Score for both, eh?” He grabbed the plates and dished up the chicken and mac ’n’ cheese balls, then put the plates on the table. “Oh boy, we didn’t do a salad or anything.” There was always supposed to be greens, wasn’t there?

  Logan chuckled, surprising him with a quick, hard hug. “Relax, Dev. Seriously. This is great.”

  “Yeah? Okay, good. Then I guess as soon as Aiden comes back up, we can eat.” He refilled everyone’s wine and double-checked the babies, but they were perfectly happy, playing with the Fisher-Price stuff and making noises at each other.

  He felt like…. He didn’t know, maybe like an adult for the first time, like he was part of something bigger.

  Aiden came up and they all sat, and it felt good—this was a several steps meal, and he had a hand in making it. He lifted his glass.

  “To the future.” And he had one that he was pretty invested in now.

  “To our future.”

  Oh. Oh yes. He nodded enthusiastically, and they all knocked their glasses together. He took a large swig of his wine, figuring the bigger the drink, the better the toast.

  Then they settled in the living room, someone always watching the babies as they ate and chattered about absolutely nothing at all.

  The food was good enough he was almost surprised he’d helped to make it, and it felt good that Logan and Aiden clearly were enjoying it as well. They cleared up the mac ’n’ cheese bites and only had a little bit of the chicken left over. Good for a midnight snack, he thought. Maybe he and Aiden could eat it in bed together.

  “I’m going to have to get home soon, y’all. Sarah is probably already asleep downstairs.”

  “But you just got here!” Dev glanced at his watch, shocked to see several hours had already passed by. And U had been happily playing—and was now asleep—that entire time. He hadn’t needed to feed or change or soothe his boy for over three hours. It was a miracle. “How’d the time pass so quickly?”

  “Good wine, good company,” Aiden said. “Do you want me to get you a taxi, honey? You can pick up your car tomorrow after we all meet at the coffee shop.”

  “Oh, we’re meeting at the coffee shop on Sundays now too, are we?” Logan laughed. “Coffee addict. Or is it the flourless chocolate lava cake that keeps drawing you in?”

  “Carrot muffins.” Aiden winked. “No, actually, we want to take the kids to the park. The weather’s supposed to be beautiful, and Zack is on the way.”

  Dev had to admit he loved that Aiden had said “we.” He loved being a part of a “we,” but more than that, he loved being apart of a “we” with Aiden.

  “That sounds good. Is Zack going to leave his coffee shop long enough to come with us, or are we picking his girls up?” Logan asked, sipping on more wine.

  “I said I’d take the twins. Hell, if Sarah’s asleep downstairs, you can sleep in the guestroom and we’ll put Dylan in with Bee, huh, Dev?”

  “Yeah, that would totally work.” He tried hard not to blush because he and Aiden sleeping together was totally allowed—Logan knew they were into each other already. Now he knew they were actually sharing a bed.

  They’d have to give up making love, but they could spend more time hanging out with Logan.

  “You two don’t mind?”

  “We have sweats for you and a T-shirt for Sarah. We can throw your clothes in the washer even. No big.”

  Dev nodded along with Aiden. Well, it was Aiden’s place; he could offer a guest spot to anyone he wanted to. That his opinion was being asked rocked.

  “I’m going to clear up, and if you’re staying, I’ll make some alcoholic coffees,” Dev offered.

  “Oh, you’re trying to tempt me…. I’ll do it. Hell, Sarah has her charger with her—she’s addicted to that thing.”

  “Smart girl,” teased Dev. “She’s prepping for the future.” He grabbed their plates and utensils and carried everything out to the kitchen. The question was throw it all in the dishwasher or go ahead and wash them at the sink?

  “I’ll do the dishes, love. You want to make those coffees and bottles? The babies are starting to wiggle.”

  “You got it.” He bumped hips with Aiden, then moved to get the big mugs down and turn on the coffee maker. The booze was up on the same shelf as the gamer food. “Logan go down to check on the girls?”

  “Yeah. He said he’d get blankets and stuff and make sure Linds went to the potty.”

  “Cool.” He glanced over at Aiden. “Thanks. For being willing to have your friends know we’re sharing a bed, I mean.” It made him feel special.

  “We’re sharing more than that, honey, huh?”

  Dev nodded. “I think so. But it’s early days, and your faith in us makes me happy.” Made him think it had the potential to last and told him that he wasn’t the only one thinking this way.

  Aiden kissed his cheek, then went back to washing wineglasses. His cheek tingled warmly, and he wanted to jump Aiden and take more kisses. He could wait, though. It felt like they had time, like this wasn’t going away anytime soon.

  “Baileys or Kahlua?” Either would be really tasty in their coffees.

  “Baileys, huh?”

  “You got it.” He took down the Baileys, then checked the fridge for whipped cream. He thought he’d seen one of those cans. Score. He put that on the counter too. Now all he needed was for the coffee to be ready and he could doctor it.

  Then he made up two bottles for the babies. Hopefully they’d need feeding sooner than later, and they could let them have their bottles and then enjoy their coffees while they were still hot.

  The coffee finished doing its thing, and he poured each mug up about two-thirds of the way. He filled half the space left with the Baileys, then topped them all with whipped cream. They looked delicious, if he did say so himself.

  Right on cue, U began to wail. He went over and grabbed his boy up, popping the bottle into his mouth without any preamble, and the suction was immediate.

  Bee watched him, face so serious, and he could see her deciding whether to cry when Aiden spoke. “You hungry, baby girl?”

  Then she began to kick and coo, head turning as she searched for her daddy.

  “Someone knows exactly who her daddy is,” Logan noted, coming up the last few stairs. “The girls are ‘watching’ Frozen. They’re not going to make it to the first song before they’re asleep. And yes, I made sure they both went potty before they settled in.”

  “Thanks, man. Your coffee’s on the pass-through.”

  “Awesome. If anyone needs me to rock a little one to sleep, let me know.”

  “U’s going to need changing before he goes to sleep,” Dev noted, wrinkling his nose up at the slight poopy smell wafting upward.

  “Once you’ve changed him, I’d be happy to take him.”

  “Coward,” Dev accused, laughing softly, little U opening an eye to glare at him. “I didn’t mean you, and yes, I’ll hush now so you can concentrate on eating like I didn’t feed you a few short hours ago.”

  “You starve that baby, I can tell,” Aiden teased, scooping Bee up to feed her.

  “I do. I never feed him.” Dev watched the bottle rapidly become dry. “I might try him on another half a bottle. Trying to feed him more made him even more colicky, so I stopped, but he’s been good since we’ve been here. It sure would be nice if he was full enough to sleep through the night.” First, though, he’d have to go ahead and deal with that diaper.

  “I’ll make the bottle up if you want, Devon.” Logan stood and held one hand out.

  “That’s great, thanks. I’ll go change him.” He headed out to Bee’s room where the change table was, humming under his breath. God, he was happy. So happy it was almost scary. He wasn’t going to do that to himself, though. He wasn’t going to ruin what he had by worrying about how long it was going to last.

  He was going to enjoy it.

  Chapter Eleven

  AIDEN sat on the park bench watching all the kids play, Dylan on his
chest, Bee sleeping in her stroller. Dev was pushing Linds on the swings while Logan and Sarah teeter-tottered with Zack’s twins.

  Dev looked in his direction and gave him a wide grin.

  He waved, then kissed the top of Dylan’s head. “Your daddy’s having fun, sweet boy.”

  Dylan gurgled at him.

  Dev continued to romp with Aiden’s daughter, goofing around and having the best time. He was getting in over his head with Dev and needed to make sure that they were both at the same place, both at the same level of interest. God, he hoped they were both at the same place.

  Even just sleeping with the man was something special. He liked waking up warm and held close. He loved having a partner to help, to talk to, to work beside.

  The kisses were a damn good perk too.

  Dev left Linds with Sarah and came over to sit with him. “How’s the not-crawling-yet set?”

  “Happy and out of the sun. Dylan is wide-awake and watching.”

  “Daddy D! Daddy D! Come back and push me!”

  Dev’s eyebrow climbed into his hairline. “Did she just call me Daddy?”

  “That’s what it sounded like.” See him. See him be totally cool.

  “Wow.” He couldn’t tell if that was a good wow or a bad one.

  “Daddy D!”

  “I guess I better go push her.”

  “I guess you’d better.”

  “Yeah.” Dev leaned a little, like he was going to kiss Aiden, but then he jumped up and headed back toward the swings. “Coming, Linds!”

  “Your daddy is a bit of a dork, you know?”

  Dylan kicked and cooed at him. Such a sweet boy.

  “I know. I love him too.”



  He looked around, but nobody was there to hear but the two babies who weren’t old enough to yet to talk.

  His gaze went back to Dev.

  Yeah. He did. He sort of loved Dev. He hadn’t expected this. Not at all. Didn’t mean he wasn’t going to enjoy it. He’d thought Hank had been it. His one big love.

  What he felt for Dev was… deeper.

  That rocked him to the core.

  He buried his face in Dylan’s soft curls, sucking in overwhelmed breaths. Glancing up, he watched Dev with his daughter, her face full of delight as she called for him to push her higher and higher.


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