Eternal Island (Book 1 in the Eternal Series)

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Eternal Island (Book 1 in the Eternal Series) Page 30

by Haigwood, K. S.

  “You wanted to talk, so talk.”

  “Look, I know what you’re doing and you don’t have to be an arrogant ass about it. You’re trying to dump me, because you think I’m in love with you. I’m not, Jonah. What we have is just fun sex, so get over yourself. Do whatever you want to do; it’s not like we’re married. All I ask is that you don’t make me look bad. And I won’t be put on the backburner while you’re out, tramping, and be expected to come back into your arms whenever you fancy a quickie. You’re a fun guy to hang out with, you’re decent in bed and you’re a really good friend, so please don’t go out of your way to make me hate you now. I knew about your commitment issues before I gave in to that kiss, and I knew how this would end. I just hoped it wouldn’t be so soon.”

  Had she really just said that he was decent in bed? What the hell? Decent? Ouch! Jonah fought the urge to argue the point. But, instead, he went to her, picked her up and sat her on his lap. “I’m sorry, Becky. You are such a good friend, and I’m a complete jerk. I just don’t feel like everyone else in the world feels about love.” He smiled down at her. “I’m sure it will catch up to me one of these days, like it did Abe. But until it smacks me in the face, I’ve got no use for it. I can’t get too close to any one person, Becky. I think it’s better to end it now with a little arrogance, than leave it for later, when you are too close and it would really hurt to say good bye. I don’t want you to hate me.”

  Becky got up off his lap and stood before him. “It’s been fun, Jonah.” She smiled. “I hope, for your sake, that love does smack you in the face. You need it, and soon.”

  She kissed him softly on the lips.

  As she walked out the door, he whispered. “Sooner than you know, Becky, sooner than you know.”


  Two hours later Ariana and Becky were running to the private jet.

  “Hurry up! If we’re going to get to Arkansas and back to Beverly Hills by eleven tonight, we’re going to have to haul ass,” Rainey shouted from the door of the plane. “Elton, can you handle this? Because if you can’t, I can.”

  “I’ve got this, Rainey. You, girls, just sit back and enjoy the flight.”

  “Thank God someone has all their ducks in a row,” Rainey whispered through clenched teeth.

  Ariana and Becky climbed the stairs to the jet and sat in the comfortable reclining chairs, made for a King, as Rainey secured the door.

  “Abe said we weren’t leaving until ten.”

  “I guess I should have called you. Your fiancé doesn’t listen to half of what I say. I told him three times that we were leaving at nine a.m. It’s twenty past now, and we have to stop in Phoenix and fuel up.”

  Ariana reclined her chair, put her headphones on and turned her mp3 player to some soft tunes. She needed to get some much needed rest, and the music tuned out the voices in her head.

  § § §

  “Ariana. Ariana, honey, wake up. We’re almost there.” Rainey was shaking her lightly. She had fallen into a deep, dreamless sleep. She hadn’t meant to sleep so long, but man, she felt so much better.

  “Almost where? Phoenix?” she asked groggily.

  “We’re going over the Arkansas River. Elton said that he’s going to start the descent in about five minutes. It’s five forty-five. Cut it pretty close, didn’t we?”

  Ariana sat up in her chair, her heart skipping to the thought that she would see her best friend in less than fifteen minutes. “Where’s Becky?”

  “She’s been in the bathroom, on and off, the whole trip. I think her and Jonah split up. Can’t say I didn’t see that one coming, though. It was only a matter of time.”

  Ariana felt bad. Becky hadn’t acted like her usual cheery self this morning, and it hadn’t even occurred to her to ask if there was anything wrong. What kind of friend was she turning out to be?

  She got up and knocked on the airplane’s only bathroom door. “Becky? Can I come in?”

  The door unlocked, but didn’t open, so Ariana turned the handle and pulled.

  The bathroom was small, not as small as on the passenger planes she’d been on, but space was limited, nonetheless.

  Becky was sitting on the toilet with her head in her hands. “I guess you know?”

  Ariana stepped in and shut the door. “I don’t know anything. I shut my mind off when we got on the plane and I went straight to sleep. Rainey just woke me up a minute ago. Is it Jonah?”

  Becky took a deep breath, let it out and looked at Ariana with red, swollen eyes.

  “Ah, Becky, I’m sorry. When?”

  “About seven thirty this morning.” More tears slid down her cheeks. She pulled out a tissue and wiped her face, then she blew her nose. “You’re right, Ariana, you can’t choose when you fall in love, or who you fall in love with. I played it cool and didn’t cry as I told him to go find what he needed, and that I hoped he fell in love, and it hit him hard. I knew it was going to happen, I just didn’t figure it would be this soon. I don’t know, maybe I’m upset, not because I love him, but because he didn’t love me.”

  Ariana squatted down and hugged Becky fiercely. “I’m so sorry, Becky. I told you he was a jerk when we first met him. I know how it feels to lose someone you care about. That was bad enough, and I don’t have to watch him be with someone else. You’re going to get through this. I’ll help you.” She put her hand on Becky’s shoulder. “I don’t expect you to have fun tonight, because of how you are feeling.”

  Reverse psychology always worked on her, and she hoped Becky would react the same way.

  Becky dabbed at her eyes and smiled. “No, you’re wrong. I am going to have fun tonight, and nothing, not even Jonah Carpenter, will ruin it for me. Shopping always makes me feel better.”

  Ariana smiled and hugged her again. “That’s my girl. Now, let’s go sit down and buckle up. I feel the plane descending. You’re about to make two new friends.”


  Several hours of brooding later, Jonah used his built-in tracking system to pinpoint Abe’s location. His room – how convenient! He raced up the stairs. The elevator would be frustratingly slow and his temper was way too frayed to put up with any delays. He wasn’t going to push Abe to the point where he’d kick him off the island again – Lidia was here, after all, not on the mainland – but he was going to get his point across to that oversized baboon.

  Rounding the stairwell door, Jonah slipped and fell. The maid service had just finished mopping and he was so caught up in his fury that he hadn’t even noticed the WET FLOOR sign. This was not starting out in his favor, but there was still time to redress the balance, he thought, as he arrived at Abe’s door and began thumping a little to the side of his previous dent.

  The door swung open and Abe, who looked like he was in no better mood than Jonah’s, stood there with his cell phone in his hand.

  “What the hell do you want?”

  Oh, hell, no. He did not get to be the King right now. They had been friends for a long damn time, with only a few minor disputes… and another, more significant, one. But it was his turn to do the lecturing now.

  Jonah’s breathing was labored and his eyes red. Abe could tell something was badly off with the guy, he kind of looked… seriously pissed off, which surprised the hell out of Abe because he had never seen Jonah upset about anything; he was a guy that, frankly, didn’t give a shit.

  “Come in, sit down. You look as though you could use a drink. Want one?”

  “The only thing I want from you is an answer, an answer that a friend should have given me fifteen years ago.”

  Abe shot him a cautious look. “I can’t give you an answer unless you tell me what the hell the question is. And I would appreciate a change of tone. I’m sure, whatever it is, it’s just a misunderstanding… on your part.”

  Abe was taking a drink of Jack when Jonah slapped the glass out of his hand. He was so stunned that he didn’t see what was coming at him next. Jonah’s fist connected square-on with his left jaw.
  Abe shook his head to clear his vision. He kept his head down, intentionally not looking at Jonah. He was afraid if he did, he would tear the poor guy’s head off and spit down his throat. He wanted to save that for after he found out what he supposedly did to make him so enraged.

  “Jonah, I can see that you’re pissed at me for something you think I did or didn’t do, but I really need to know what it is before I can tell you the truth.”

  Jonah, feeling much better after his little Oscar De La Hoya moment, went to the bar and fixed himself a shot of Jack. He downed the first, poured another and said, “Why didn’t you tell me that Lidia was in love with me?”

  Abe could have sworn the vampire blood came to a screeching halt in his veins. This was not happening! With shaky hands, Abe fixed another drink for himself and then threw the empty bottle across the room. It shattered against the steel door, leaving a basketball-sized dent in it to match the one on the opposite side.

  “Do not go there, Jonah. I practically raised Lidia, and you and I both know your stance on women. I will not let you hurt her. It’s out of the question. She’s off limits to you. You don’t deserve her now, and you never will.”

  Jonah was on top of Abe in less than a second, but Abe was ready for him this time. He flipped Jonah’s body around so Jonah’s back was to him. Abe locked one massive arm around Jonah’s neck; the other had Jonah’s arm in an awkward position, bent backwards, ready to snap.

  “Cool down, cousin,” Abe said through a clenched, aching jaw. “I thought I knew Max and what he was capable of. I was wrong about him, and I would gladly fry him for it, but Lidia asked me to let it go. However, I do know you, Jonah, and I am very much aware of what you are capable of. So, if anything, you should thank me for doing my best to save your skin from certain scorching. I am positive that you are scared shitless of love and commitment and you will break any heart that gets too close to you. Can you honestly tell me that isn’t true?”

  “Let me go,” Jonah said calmly, and Abe complied.

  Jonah shook the choke hold off and put his head down, hands on hips, as if he were trying to get the words right in his head before they came out of his mouth.

  “What would it take to prove to you that I am worthy?”

  “Nothing! Because it’s not going to happen, Jonah! I’ve got a big ball of light outside that says so. You try anything with her and I’ll kill you without another thought. She may not even have the same feelings she used to have. Who told you, anyway?” He gulped the rest of his whiskey.

  “She did.”

  The whiskey sprayed out of Abe’s mouth. “When?”

  “About seven o’clock this morning, right after I told her I loved her.”

  “You what?”

  “I love her, Abe. I haven’t been able to get her out of my head for the last two days. It’s driving me crazy! I want to be with her, as long as she will have me. I want to take care of her and those babies.”

  “How can you take care of anyone, Jonah? You’re still a kid yourself – at least, you’re acting like one. You’re never going to grow up. You can’t take care of others when all you care about is yourself.” Abe poked Jonah in the chest hard enough to push him over.

  Jonah stood his ground. He stared Abe right in the eye. “Not anymore.”

  Abe sighed. “What about Becky?”

  “We broke up this morning, when I got back from Lidia’s. She didn’t know where I’d been, but she knew I was ending it, so she told me that I didn’t need to be an ass, she didn’t love me and we had a good time, but it’s over now.”

  “Just like it will be with Lidia?”

  “No!” Jonah shouted. “I love her, Abe! Just stop and listen to me for a minute. Have you ever heard me say those words before?”

  “Can’t say that I have. There must be something in the water around here. Either that, or Cupid’s just stumbled over Eternal Island. I guess that wouldn’t be much of a shock, considering what else lives here. What did Lidia have to say?”

  “She said…” Jonah shifted his gaze to the floor. “She said to come back in a month, if I am serious, if I still feel the same way. She said, if I broke up with every other woman, Becky included, and stayed tramp-free for a month, she would consider it. If I do that, Abe – and I will, because I would do anything for her – if I do that… will that be enough proof for you? Will you believe me then?”

  Jonah stared at his cousin, unblinking. Abe hadn’t known Jonah to go more than a week without a little female companionship, ever. But he also knew the guy would do whatever he had to do to get what he wanted.

  “You must be joking. It’ll take a lot more proof than that. You’re forgetting: I know you, Jonah. I’ve seen seven hundred years of your past that count against you.”

  “Don’t talk to me like you haven’t been around the block a few hundred times, King Perfect. That title doesn’t make you a better man than me, Abe. You actually think you deserve Ariana? Huh? Do you?”

  Abe shook his head. “No. No, I don’t.”

  “Then give me the benefit of the doubt, and let me have my chance with Lidia. Tell me this: is there anything that could keep you away from Ariana, now that you love her?”

  Abe bowed his head in defeat. “I see your point. Okay, I’ll allow it. But hear me straight, Jonah, when I tell you that if you hurt her in any way – if you hit her or those kids, if you mentally abuse her, if you love her and then leave her broken-hearted – I will hunt you like a dog. And there’ll be no place on earth where I won’t be able to find you, mark my words. And when I do… When I catch up with you, Jonah, I’ll kill you with my bare hands and laugh as I shred you to pieces. We clear?”

  “Crystal,” Jonah said, holding his gaze. Then he marched out of Abe’s chambers, slamming the door behind him. The top hinge came loose from the frame.


  Abe felt hassled. This was turning out to be a really crappy day. He picked up his cell phone off the bar and looked at it uncertainly. He must have tried to contact her at least a hundred times now, with no answer. Was her phone working okay? He dialed Rainey instead.


  “Rainey, what is she doing that she can’t answer the damn phone? Why did I even bother to get her the damn thing if she isn’t going to use it?”

  “She was exhausted, Abe. She’s been asleep ever since we left. She’s awake now. We’ve just landed in Arkansas. You want to talk to her right away or would it be okay for her to call you back once we’re in the air again?”

  Abe breathed a sigh of relief. “No, that’s fine. I can wait until you’re airborne. I just couldn’t get hold of her and I was worried. Tell her to call me as soon as she gets a chance, please.”

  “Will do, boss.”

  Abe was silent for a moment. “I’ve just had an unpleasant visit from Jonah. I think I have a crack in my jaw to prove it. Turns out the boy’s in love with Lidia, and you know as well as I do that she loves him – God only knows why, but she always has. I don’t know if she told him that I knew about it all along, or if he just assumed I did, but we had a little pow-wow here, in my room, a few minutes ago. Him with the pow and me with the wow. He has a pretty good right hook for his size. How’s Becky holding up; Jonah can be pretty harsh when he decides to dump his women.”

  “Wow, Jonah’s in love?” Rainey whispered excitedly. “This has been a pretty eventful week or two, huh? Don’t worry about Becky. She’s been crying, but I think she’s over it now. Ariana has been looking after her since she woke up. They got off the plane together, and she was smiling and laughing again. She’ll be fine.”

  “Don’t say anything about him being in love with Lidia; I don’t want Becky mad at her. It isn’t her fault she loves that worthless piece of shit.”

  “My lips are sealed, Abe. Hey, you take care of that jaw and I’ll take care of your girl. Have a good day. Find something productive to do with your time.”

  “Why do you, women, always tell me to find so
mething else to do?”

  “You annoy us when you don’t. Bye, Abe.” Rainey hung up before he could comment.

  Rainey got off the plane and tracked down Ariana. She and some girl who could only be Janie were bawling their eyes out and hugging each other. The tall handsome guy standing next to Janie must’ve been Lance, Rainey reasoned. Becky was looking a little uncomfortable, a few feet behind Ariana.

  Janie wiped at her eyes. “I missed you so much. I was so worried. Lance told me the good news. You’re getting married again. Oh my God, Ariana, is he hot? Lance said that it was all a weird dream and you weren’t for real and that you wouldn’t show because you weren’t real… Oh, I’m rambling. How have you been?”

  “I’m better now. I’m so glad you two decided to come. I feel complete now. And yeah, he’s hot, really hot, and he loves me so much, Janie.”

  Rainey spoke up. “Yeah, and that hot guy that loves you so much has been trying to get hold of you for the past eight hours. Call him when you get back on the plane, will ya? I think he’s called you a few hundred times, by the way he sounded. I’m Rainey, by the way, and this is Becky.”

  Ariana smiled. “How rude of me. These are two very good friends of mine. Rainey is the witch who ‘kidnapped’ me, and Becky is my roommate and best friend number two. Abe worries all the time. You would think, with all my powers, he would realize I can take care of myself.”

  Janie was eyeing Becky jealously.

  “I think he needs a personality transplant,” Lance said.

  Ariana shot him a look. “No, he does not. If someone had talked to Janie the way you were talking to me, how would you react?”

  “You might be right,” Lance said as he hugged Janie.

  “I can’t believe you two are finally together. Wow!”

  “It took you disappearing for Lance to actually see that I existed,” Janie said.

  Lance smiled. “Not true.”

  “Sorry to break the party, but could you continue the conversation on the plane? We need to get going if we’re going to make it to the bridal shop by eleven, Ariana.”


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