Eternal Island (Book 1 in the Eternal Series)

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Eternal Island (Book 1 in the Eternal Series) Page 31

by Haigwood, K. S.

  They all grabbed a piece of luggage or two and loaded them into the jet. Janie was still shooting daggers at Becky, but Becky pretended not to notice.

  They all sat down and buckled up. Ariana checked out her missed calls – there were forty eight, all of them from Abe. She smiled, hit the send button, and put it on speaker phone as it began to ring. Abe picked up before the first ring was through. It made Ariana’s smile get wider.

  “Oh, Ariana, I miss you so much! I’ve been so worried. Rainey said you were asleep. Did I make you that tired? I love you so much and I don’t know what to do with myself without you here,” Abe whined.

  Everyone laughed, including Ariana.

  The line was silent. “You have me on speaker phone, don’t you?”

  Laughter, again.

  “Yeah, she does!” Becky shouted from across the cabin. “I wish she’d recorded that one, to play it back at the wedding, in front of the whole kingdom. You were so funny. Judging by her grin, Ariana agrees with me.”

  Abe laughed. “Well, have a laugh on me. As long as Ariana’s happy; that’s all that matters. You be careful tonight, Ariana. Don’t make me come to the States and commit an unquantifiable number of murders just to get my Queen back.”

  She laughed. “I’ll try to refrain myself from provoking a massive crime wave. I love you, too. I’ll call you when we’re on our way home.”

  “I love hearing you say that. Have a good time, honey.”

  “You, too. See you as soon as we return. Bye.” Ariana ended the call and grinned at her friends.

  “Aww, he’s so sweet,” Janie said.

  Lance rolled his eyes. “Hey, you’re mine, Janie. You ain’t gonna get to this island and find yourself some big vampire to be with. I brought wooden stakes.” He patted his backpack.

  Ariana, Becky and Rainey laughed.


  Ariana calmed her laughter enough to explain. “You can’t kill a vampire with a stake, Lance. Sunlight, decapitation and lack of blood are the only things fatal to them. Oh, and fire.”

  “Well, I’ll drag his ass out in the sunlight, then.”

  Ariana, hysterical with laughter by this time, giggled. “I’d like to see you try that one.”

  Lance rolled his eyes and reclined the chair.

  The rest of the flight went smoothly; the group laughed and joked to pass the time. Rainey recounted funny anecdotes about the effects of her protection spells, including the last one, which had left the King himself with bright blue hair. Lance and Janie shared stories about Ariana and Michael. There was laughter, and tears, too, hugs and plans made for the wedding on Saturday.

  The sun had been down for two hours when Elton landed the private jet outside Beverly Hills, on an airstrip used only for small aircraft.

  Rainey opened the plane door. “You guys sit tight and I’ll go see if they have a vehicle big enough for all of us to rent for the night. If not, I’ll have to call us a couple of cabs. Elton, you going to nap while we’re gone?”

  “Yeah, I’m going to stay right here and get a few hours’ sleep while you ladies spend all that money.” He got up and went to the back of the plane, where a bed was fitted for just these types of situations.

  “Alright, so we need a car or something that will seat five and has a trunk big enough to hold all the things we might buy, or roof racks, or a car with trailer. I’ll be back.”

  Janie watched Rainey go, and then looked at Ariana’s neck. “You know, I figured you would at least wear the necklace I got you. Will Abe not let you wear it because it has Michael’s hair in it? Is he intimidated by the fact that you still love your deceased husband?”

  Ariana looked at her with confusion in her eyes. “When did you give me a necklace? And no, Abe isn’t that kind of guy. He met Michael and they discussed us being together way before I agreed to it myself. Abe wouldn’t stop me from wearing something I wanted to wear.”

  “You didn’t find it? All your stuff at the hospital was gone when we came to visit, so I assumed you took it with you. I put it in your overnight duffle, in a clear bag, in the front pocket.”

  “I did bring that bag with me, but there was no necklace in there, Janie.”

  “Oh, no! It was a heart shaped pendant with a small lock of Michael’s hair in it. I had it engraved on the back, Janie & Ariana, Best Friends forever.” Janie leaned toward Ariana showing her the necklace Lance had bought for her. “Lance got me this the other night, it has the same thing engraved on the back, see?” Janie shot a look at Becky while Ariana was busy examining the necklace.

  Becky overlooked the negative vibes emanating from Janie. Ariana had already had a talk with her about their friendship and she would certainly have the same talk with Janie; she looked like she might take Janie aside and do that before they even made it back to the island.

  “Oh… The night Michael showed up,” Becky said, looking straight at Ariana. “I saw Julia earlier that day on our floor. I asked Jonah if she’d come to see him and he said he didn’t see her at all that day. She might have come to our room and gone through your things. She would have needed something of Michael’s to do a spell that would bring back his spirit.”

  “Crap!” Ariana said.

  “Who’s Julia?” Lance asked.

  Becky and Ariana looked at each other and said at the same time, “Long story.”


  Jonah knocked on Lidia’s door. After waiting a good three beats he knocked again. Why was he so nervous to be around her now? He had known her for fifteen years, and really she was the only person he could talk to without feeling like he was being judged. If this was how love felt, he wasn’t entirely sure how he’d ever be able to handle it. Being nervous wasn’t exactly his best trait. He had never been nervous in his life – what would have been the point? – and he didn’t like it. It made him feel… vulnerable.

  Jonah knocked again. Why wasn’t she answering? He closed his eyes, summoning his tracking system, and realized she was in the mess hall. He wasn’t really looking for an audience, but he had to see her.

  When he arrived, she was sitting in a booth in a corner, laughing with Gary, a warlock about her age. Any normal person would see it as nothing more than polite conversation, but Jonah wasn’t just any normal person.

  Before he even knew what he was doing, he had Gary by the throat. “I think you are done here.” Jonah set him down and Gary nodded vigorously as he ran off.

  Jonah took Gary’s empty seat and smiled to Julia. She did not look pleased to see him. “Uh-oh, I’m in trouble. I’m sorry, Lidia, I wasn’t thinking.”

  “No you weren’t, you never are. What the hell was that, Jonah? I’m not yours yet and if you’re going to act like that, I never will be. We were just talking about a spell to get rid of morning sickness.”

  “I’m sorry. Honestly, I am. I promise I’ll stop being a jerk. Please, forgive me.” Jonah dropped his head. She didn’t say anything, so he decided to tell her what he’d come to tell her in the first place. He looked up at her. She had her arms crossed over her chest and her mad face on; it almost made him laugh. Even when she was mad, she was still so cute. He held back his smile and began. “I broke it off with Becky. It went smoothly and she hasn’t a clue I did it because I’m in love with you.”

  Lidia relaxed. How did he know that saying those words again would get him off the hook? Either he was very good, or she was too weak to resist him. She was weak, and he was her weakness, always had been.

  “I dropped in and had a little chat with Abe, too. That didn’t go as well.”

  Lidia sat up straight. “Why would you visit Abe about me?”

  “Why didn’t he tell me you loved me, fifteen years ago?” Jonah snapped, then calmed down instantly as he had realized whom he’d snapped at. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I know I’ve been saying this a lot, but I’ve never felt like this before, and it feels strange, like I’m a little on edge all the time. Anyway, we had a fight, and let’s just say
, when I left he was seeing things from my point of view.”

  Lidia stood up. “It was not his business to tell you. If your head wouldn’t have been so packed with thoughts of your-dear-self only, you would have realized it on your own. It’s no one’s fault but yours, Jonah. You’re the most self-absorbed, most selfish man I’ve ever met. What did you do to Abe?”

  Jonah was nervous again. “Sit back down, Lidia. Everything is fine. His Highness won’t have any lasting damage.” He looked around the mess hall to see just how many people’s attention they had gotten. Lidia sat cautiously on the edge of her seat. “I rattled his brain once and then let him know how I felt about you. He didn’t like it. He’s got some kind of fatherly instincts toward you, I guess.”

  “And no wonder – he is my f… Oh!” Lidia put her hand over her mouth, her eyes wide with dismay at having let slip her secret. Jonah had frozen in his seat. “Jonah, don’t say anything. Promise me you won’t. He doesn’t know. My mother was… one of those women. She was Abe’s tramp one night, thirty years ago. He picked her up at Code Red one night and had a few drinks… one thing led to another… He brought her here, to his room… and… here I am. She never told him, but she told me who my father was the day she dumped me on the palace front steps. She left a note asking him to look after me, as I was Calsonic’s only known granddaughter. I was just a scared kid, so I didn’t say anything that might have meant me losing my only home. It became harder and harder to find the right moment for such a confession as I got older, and now… I no longer see the point in telling him. Everything is fine just the way it is. Please don’t tell him, Jonah,” Lidia pleaded with eyes the same blue green as Abe’s.

  “What is it with you and these secrets, huh? You didn’t want anyone to tell me how you felt about me, and you said nothing, either. I wish I’d have known fifteen years ago. I might have realized my love for you then and not wasted fifteen years of my life. You ever think that he may want to know he has a daughter, and that his daughter has turned out to be as beautiful, talented and smart as you are? He loves you like a daughter, so let him be a father. He has two grandchildren coming, too. Why don’t you want him to know? Give me one good reason, or I’ll drag you to his room right now and tell him myself.”

  “Jonah, don’t. I just can’t. I’m afraid he won’t be happy about it, and that he will turn me out like my mother did. I couldn’t go through being abandoned again.” She began to cry.

  “Who is going to abandon you?”

  Lidia froze, eyes huge with angst, hands trembling. Jonah’s gaze darted to the right, and then he quickly stood up.

  Abe looked back and forth between Jonah and Lidia, eyes narrowed with suspicion. Lidia closed her eyes and sighed.

  “Why don’t you join us, Abe?” Jonah gestured to the seat he’d just vacated. He moved over to sit next to Lidia. “Scoot over.” As Abe busied himself with ordering a drink, Jonah whispered in her ear. “Tell him.”

  She shook her head and mouthed back “No.”

  “If he does what you are afraid of, we’ll just go live somewhere else. I’ll take care of you and those babies, I promise. But I’m sure you’re wrong, Lidia. He’ll want to know; he’s that kind of man.”

  “If you two are planning to run away together, you can forget it,” Abe said in a stern voice. “He’s not going to abandon you, Lidia. His life is on the line, and he knows it.”

  Jonah held back a curse. “She’s not worried about being abandoned by me, she’s worried about being abandoned by you, big guy!” Abe’s mouth popped open. “Ah, shit!” Jonah swiped his hand over his brow. “You want me to stay here while you fill him in, Lidia, or would you rather I left the two of you alone?”

  She looked at him terrified. “Stay with me, Jonah.”

  He nodded and took her hand in both of his.

  “You might need another double,” Jonah gestured towards Abe’s glass.

  Abe raised his hand for a waiter, his eyes not moving away from Lidia’s. Jonah could definitely see the family resemblance in the line of his nose, the cheekbones, the brows. She looked just like him, except her hair was dark brown and his was black. For a second, his brain conjured up a mental picture of waking up in a bed next to Abe; he quickly chased it away – that was just too gross, on so many levels. Good thing there were no mind readers nearby. His eyes swept the room, to make sure.

  Abe carefully lined up his second drink right behind the first and said. “I’m listening.”

  “I can’t do this.” Lidia shrunk against Jonah’s chest.

  He put an arm around her shoulders and looked straight into her terrified eyes. “Yes, you can. I’m right here with you, and I always will be. You are a strong independent woman that I love, and I promise I won’t let him eat you.” Jonah smiled, getting a small smile out of her right back.

  Abe was confused. Why would Lidia be afraid of him? “Have you done something that I would disapprove of, Lidia? What’s wrong? Talk to me.”

  She took a deep breath and met Abe’s eyes. “I didn’t mean for you to find out like this. Hell, I didn’t mean for you to find out at all.” She paused.


  “Shhh! Stop shouting,” Jonah warned him. “You may want to think about this before you make it public. Now, give her a chance, dammit, you’re not helping.”

  Abe spoke in a calmer voice. “Okay. I’ve got time. Ariana won’t be back for a few hours yet. When you’re ready, Lidia.”

  Lidia took another deep breath and spoke in a small voice. “Forgive me if I stumble through this.” Abe nodded. “This Saturday, I’m getting a new step-mom.”

  Abe thought for a moment. “I thought you didn’t know your dad. He’s getting married?”

  “Yeah. Um… I’ve known him all my life. I talk to him quite frequently, actually. He just… didn’t know about me.”

  Abe smiled. “You think I’m going to be mad at you if you go to his wedding instead of mine? Go, Lidia. He’s your dad. Or are you worried I won’t let him onto the island after the way he’s treated you and your mother?”

  Lidia looked at Jonah then, who chuckled. “I didn’t hit him that hard, Lidia, I promise. He’s just not that bright.”

  “What? Did I miss something?” Abe asked.

  Jonah slammed his hand down on the table, making them both jump. “Look into her eyes, you freaking idiot, and tell me what you see.”

  “I’m getting tired of this guessing game, Jonah,” Abe growled, but he did what he’d been told and looked at Lidia. When his eyes met hers, it was like looking at himself in a mirror.

  He jumped up, eyes wide, and grabbed his head. “You…” He started pacing in front of the booth, then stopped. “I’m…”

  Jonah and Lidia both nodded slowly.

  He slipped quietly back into his seat. “Holy shit! Why didn’t you tell me?” Abe’s face sobered as it hit him. “You were afraid I wouldn’t want you, weren’t you?” His expression was pained.

  Lidia put her head down and Abe watched a tear fall from her eye. Abe jerked back up, pulled Jonah out of his way and grabbed Lidia in a bear hug. “Oh, Lidia. My sweet child. I’m so sorry. I’ve always loved you like a daughter. I’ve always taken care of you – it felt so natural all along, the right thing to do. Why would you think I wouldn’t want you? Oh, Jesus.” Abe hugged her tight. “I have a daughter.” Lidia sobbed in relief and Abe grinned over the top of her head.

  “You – a grandpa!” Jonah laughed. “Is that a gray hair I see?”

  “I had a few before I was turned. I pull them out, they grow right back. This has got to be the best week of my life. I found my soul mate, I found out I’m a father and going to be a grandfather and I’m getting married this Saturday. Nothing can ruin the mood I’m in.” He let go of Lidia and slapped Jonah on the back. “Let’s go celebrate for a couple of hours. Are you well enough to dance with your dad, my sweet daughter? I’ve got to call Ariana and tell her the good news.” He took his phone out of his pocket and hit the send

  She picked up on the third ring. “I was just thinking of you. I answered it this time, did I do well? Are you happy?”

  “Very. I have wonderful news, Ariana. You’re going to be a Mom.”

  Ariana laughed. “What? I’m not pregnant yet, Abe. I think I might know about it before you do.”

  He chuckled. “This Saturday you will be. Lidia just informed me that I’m her father.”

  “Holy cow. Really? That’s great. That would be why she always felt so familiar to me. I can’t wait to give her a hug. I wish I had been there when she told you, so I could see your face; it must have been so funny. It’s kind of pathetic of you to marry someone younger than your own daughter, don’t you think?”

  They both laughed.

  “When are you guys heading back?”

  “Not long. We ate and shopped. I think I found the perfect dress for Saturday. I got you something, too.”

  “Really? Is it big?”

  “The price tag was, but no, it fits right in my purse, so that is where it is… What is… AAAAHHHH! Ariana screamed.


  Abe’s smile slid off his face and panic gripped his insides. “Ariana? Ariana! Oh, shit! Jonah, something’s happened to her. She’s not answering.”

  “Aww… Won’t you talk to me instead?” came a familiar voice through the line.

  “Julia?” She must have been the one who made Ariana scream. “What did you do to her?”

  “Now, Abe, there is no need for yelling. I just blew a little sleeping dust in her face and she’s counting sheep. Don’t worry, she’s fine.”

  “I’m going to kill you, bitch!” Abe screamed.

  “On the contrary, I think the only one dying tonight will be Ariana. Unless, of course, you would care to take her place… Would you, old friend?”

  “If you harm one hair on her head…”

  “Abe, Abe, Abe. You are in no position to threaten me,” Julia said.

  “Where are the others?”


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