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The Grim Company: 1

Page 44

by Luke Scull

  The two Highlanders stashed the last of the gold and hefted their backpacks. Then they set off towards the north, to begin the first stage of an epic journey few had ever attempted and fewer still had ever survived.

  Anyone party to the odd couple’s passing, such as a certain nameless soldier still musing over his good fortune, would have noted the ghost of a smile on the face of the older warrior.

  In contrast, his companion wore a permanent scowl that, nonetheless, could not entirely mask the spring in his step…


  This novel couldn’t have been published without the help and support of the individuals listed below. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to each and every one of you.

  First and foremost my agent, Robert Dinsdale, who took me on when the story was less than half written – and sold a trilogy barely six months later. He helped shape the novel into something worth publishing.

  Jennifer Custer at AM Heath for negotiating various foreign language deals on my behalf.

  Alan Miranda, Simon Scoltock, and Russ Davis for their feedback on the manuscript when it was it in its earliest and most fragile form. Also, Kevin Smith for pointing out a number of errors.

  Mike Brooks for his support and advice from start to end. The novel wouldn’t have been the same without his input.

  Mathilda Imlah and the team at Head of Zeus for liking the story well enough to buy three of them, and for polishing out those rough edges.

  Danielle Stockley and the team at Penguin for taking the trilogy under their wing on the opposite side of the Atlantic, and Chris Lotts for helping deliver it unto their hands.

  Elizabeth Starr for her generosity in editing the entire manuscript out of the kindness of her heart – often during the early hours of the morning when the shadow of the sun was but a distant memory…

  And last but certainly not least, my wife Yesica for keeping the faith.

  About the Author

  LUKE SCULL was born in Bristol and lives in Warminster with his wife. Luke also designs computer roleplaying games and has worked on several acclaimed titles for Ossian Studios and Bioware. His latest project, iOS fantasy game The Shadow Sun, is scheduled for release in 2013. Visit his website at:

  About this Book

  THE GREY GRANITE walls of Dorminia rise to three times the height of a man, surrounding the city on all sides save for the south, where the Broken Sea begins. The stone is three-foot thick at its weakest point and can withstand all but the heaviest assault. The Crimson Watch patrol the streets even as Salazar’s Mindhawks patrol the skies. The Grey City was not always so. But something has changed. Something has broken at its heart. Perhaps the wild magic of the dead gods has corrupted Dorminia’s Magelord, as it has the earth itself. Perhaps Salazar’s desperate lust for power has finally quenched his last spark of humanity. Or perhaps this iron-fisted tyranny is no more than the consequence of a lifetime of dark deeds…

  Still, pockets of resistance remain. Rebels meet in the ruined sanctuaries of long-dead gods. Their hope of change is dwindling; their numbers weak and scattered. But when two formidable Highlanders save the life of a young rebel, it proves the foundation for an unlikely fellowship. A fellowship united against tyranny, yet composed of selfrighteous outlaws, crippled turncoats and amoral mercenaries. A grim company. But with the world entering the Age of Ruin, this is not a time of heroes…

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  Duty Calls

  Bonds of Blood

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  Beneath Notice


  One Last March

  Good News, Bad News

  Summer Time

  The Longest Night

  Fire and Blood

  Come the Hour

  The Hero’s Destiny

  The Wolf


  The Truth

  Born to Die


  About the Author

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  First published in the UK in 2013 by Head of Zeus Ltd

  Copyright © Luke Scull, 2013

  The moral right of Luke Scull to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with the

  Copyright, Designs and Patents Act of 1988.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

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  A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

  ISBN (HB): 978–1–78185–131–9

  ISBN (TPB): 978–1–78185–132–6

  ISBN (E): 978–1–78185–213–2

  ISBN (MMP): 978–1–78185–212–5

  Printed in Germany

  Head of Zeus Ltd

  Clerkenwell House

  45-47 Clerkenwell Green

  London EC1R 0HT




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