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The Perfect Beginning: A Thrilling Romantic Suspence (The Perfect Revenge Book 1)

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by Madyson Grey

  Rafael drove through the gates of the Thorntons’ property, coming to a stop in front of the massive house. He cut the engine of his silver Ferrari and hopped out. He had been anticipating this evening since yesterday. He felt like a teenage boy going on his first date, which was ridiculous. If there was one thing he was used to it was female company. He practically had a different one on his arm every week. Why was he so anxious about seeing Victoria? Because I’m unreasonably attracted to her, that’s why. He still couldn’t wrap his head around it.

  Sure, he had thought her interesting and had acknowledged her beauty when her father would speak of her and show her photos. He had even fantasized about her on several occasions. She had been like a ghost haunting his dreams, dreams he would easily push to the back burner of his mind when he woke up. He had never felt anything like he felt now. It was as if actually seeing her had jolted his heart awake.

  Victoria wasn’t even his type. He preferred tall, long legged, full-figured women who were worldly. Victoria was petite, a fair beauty who had the aura of innocence surrounding her. One look at her and his preference had instantly changed. He wanted Victoria and she would be his.

  Rafael rang the doorbell and waited. A smile hovered on his lips. He was at a woman’s house, ringing her doorbell, waiting to take her out like a perfect gentleman. It sure was a contrast to picking up women in hotel bars, his usual style. He nearly laughed out loud at the thought. Already Victoria was making him behave out of the ordinary.

  The door opened. Rafael’s gaze lowered to see a woman, wearing a broad smile. His own smile was just as bright.

  “Lena, how are you?” He took her hand and brought it to his mouth.

  Lena flushed and batted her eyelashes. “Oh, stop it, Mr. Rivera, you charmer. You’re making an old woman blush.”

  “I don’t see an old woman anywhere in sight, Lena.”

  She giggled and batted his arm playfully. “Come in, my dear. I will let Vicky know you’re here.”

  Rafael smiled and stepped inside. He watched the housekeeper trundle up the stairs. Lena was a very likable woman, motherly and kind, but sharp-tongued at times. During his visits to the house when David Thornton was alive, Lena took it upon herself to stuff food down his throat and lecture him about his behavior. Lena was acquainted with his mother, so she heard all the stories about his many women. He was surprised that she didn’t warn him off of Victoria.

  Lena came back down the stairs. “Would you like to sit in the living room and wait dear? Victoria will be right down.”

  “No, I’m fine. I’ll wait right here, thanks.”

  Lena’ smile disappeared. Her blue eyes narrowed. “What is your business with my little Vicky, young man?”

  Rafael stifled a smile. Just when he thought he had gotten away from the interrogation and the lecture.

  “No business at all, Lena. Our outing will be strictly one of pleasure,” he drawled suggestively, unable to help himself.

  Lena sucked in a breath, as she gave him a withering glare. “Vicky is a nice girl. You watch yourself.”

  Rafael drew back slightly, utterly amused as she waved a feather duster at him. His mother taught him to respect his elders, no matter their status. He cleared his throat.

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Seemingly satisfied, Lena lowered her weapon and sniffed. “Very well. You two kids have a good time. Give your mother my greetings.”

  Lena gave him another sharp glance and disappeared. Only then did Rafael’s amused snicker emerge. He nearly choked on it, however when he detected movement at the top of the spiral stair case and glanced up.

  He drew in a sharp breath at the vision descending toward him. The breath escaped in a whoosh, his heart rate picking up speed. A dress in a light shade of blue accentuated her slender frame. The plunging neckline put the swell of the breast on display. The dress ended a few inches above her knees, giving him a view of just enough creamy legs and thighs. He’d never seen a view quite so beautiful. He knew a vision that would rival the one he had now; Victoria naked beneath him, gazing at him with passion filled sea green eyes as he plunged into her softness. Control yourself Rivera. He could feel his erection growing in his pants.

  Victoria stopped at the last step, her eyes trained on the floor. After a few seconds she lifted her gaze, finally looking at him. Realizing that he was staring and not saying anything, he blinked, pulling himself out of his trance.

  “Victoria, you look magnificent.” He loved the way her cheeks colored.

  “Thank you.” She gave him a quick once over. “You clean up pretty nicely yourself.”

  The blush disappeared from her cheeks, as her features became cool and expressionless.

  Rafael’s lips twitched. Obviously he would not be getting any girlish giggle or eyelash batting from Victoria. Thank God, because frankly he’s gotten tired of women trying to flatter him to no end.

  “Thank you.”

  “Can I offer you something to drink before we go?”

  “No thanks, your housekeeper already-”

  “Rafael Rivera.”

  He stiffened at the sound of the husky purr. He had hoped that when he got here Marian wouldn’t be around. No such luck. Rafael pried his eyes from Victoria and turned slowly to acknowledge her mother. She was sauntering toward them from the direction of the kitchen, wine glass in hand.

  “I extend the same offer as my daughter. Something to drink?” She held up her glass.

  Rafael nearly snarled at the woman. He knew exactly who—what she was, a snake, a dragon, a leech, a piranha, he could on and on.

  “Mrs. Thornton,” he said coolly. “Thank you, but no. We’re leaving.”

  He glanced at Victoria and held out his arm. She placed her hand on it and descended the last step.

  Marian pouted. “Oh, come now Rafael. You know as well as I do that there is no need for such formality. We’re way beyond that.” He eyes flickered over him hungrily.

  A veneer of civility hid the fury boiling inside of him. He needed to get himself and Victoria away from Marian before she ruined everything, everything that hasn’t even begun yet. He gave Victoria a quick glance. And there would be something between him and Victoria. He would make sure of it.

  “We’re leaving Mrs. Thornton. I made reservations and I don’t wish to be late.”

  Marian’s smile fell. She sent him a venomous look. If looks could kill, he would be a dead man. Rafael gave Victoria’s arm a gentle tug and she propelled into motion, following him to the door. She glanced at him and then her mother with frown.

  Please don’t ask, please don’t ask, he chanted silently. When she didn’t say a word and Marian remained silent, he let out a breath and pulled the door open. Victoria stepped out but glanced back, giving her mother one last troubled look. Marian’s features, however, was blank.

  Rafael watched the exchange with interest. What was that all about? Had Marian said something to upset her before he arrived? His heart stilled. Had Marian mentioned anything of the encounter she had with him years ago? He hoped not, it was something he would like to forget. No, Marian wouldn’t dare say anything to anyone. She knew that if she did, he would make sure she paid.

  He opened the car door for Victoria and helped her in. When he slid into the driver’s seat he turned to her.

  “How are you, Victoria?”

  She gave light shrug. “I’m fine.”

  He observed her carefully, noting the faint dark circles beneath her eyes and the way she clutched the small silver purse. Her knuckles were white from holding the flimsy little thing so tightly.

  “You can relax, Victoria. I won’t bite, unless that’s something you like.”

  His lips curled upward when she drew in a breath and flushed a light shade of pink. He would never get tired of watching the way the color crept up her neck and seeped into her cheeks.

  Chapter Seven

  Victoria stared out the window, watching the scenery rapidly pass by. She was all too aw
are of the man beside. The interior of the fancy car seemed much smaller with his large presence. It seemed too small. She hunched in her seat, staying as close to her window as much as possible. If she scooted anymore to her right, she would fall out of the car.

  Her eyes dropped to his hands on the steering wheel. The big, bronze hands held the steering wheel and maneuvered with expertise. They weren’t the hands of the many rich businessmen she had encountered, soft and manicured as if they had never done manual labor in their entire lives. No, Rafael’s hands were rough and calloused as if he was no stranger to physical labor. She frowned what kind of work could he possibly have time for running a billion dollar company or companies as she had read?

  Masculine hands. She couldn’t help imagining them on her skin. Victoria shook her head. Let’s not go there. She reminded herself of her mission. There would be no romance, no sex, only revenge.

  “So, where are we going?”

  “Ah, she speaks.”

  Victoria bit her lower lip. She had to be nicer if he was going to believe that she liked him.

  “I’m sorry I’ve been so quiet. I have a lot on my mind.”

  He smiled. “No need to apologize. It’s understandable.”

  She did just lose her father. He frowned lightly. Perhaps he should have given her some more time.

  “Look, Victoria I’m sorry for rushing you like this. I mean, not giving you enough time to grieve. I just wanted to seize the moment. I assume you will be returning to Seattle shortly.”

  That’s what she wanted to do. She wanted to get on a plane and go home, away from her pain, from Marian and her mission of revenge, away from Rafael. She sure missed her cozy apartment and the job she loved, her simple life.

  “Actually, I’ll be in Los Angeles for a couple of months.”

  Rafael gave her a quick glance, bringing his eyes back to the road. A grin spread across his face.

  “I’m glad to hear that.”

  Now, there was no need for him to manipulate her into staying longer. Thank goodness, because he hadn’t thought of anything yet.

  Yes, I’m putting my life on hold just so I can destroy you, Victoria thought. Instead, she said, “I’ve decided to stay for Marian’s sake. She might get lonely in that big house. I don’t want her to be alone so soon after she lost her husband.”

  It wasn’t a complete lie. She was staying because of Marian, because she asked her to help in her twisted scheme.

  Rafael’s hands tightened around the steering wheel. “You really care about her, huh?”

  “Of course, she’s my mother. Wouldn’t you do the same for yours?”

  “I’d do anything for my mother,” he replied without hesitation.

  “Apparently, so would I,” Victoria murmured.

  If only he knew what she was doing for Marian. He shot he a strange look but remained quiet.

  “You didn’t answer my question. Where are we having dinner?”

  Rafael grinned. “It’s a surprise.”

  “I don’t like surprises.”

  “Trust me, you’ll like this one.”

  Trust him? Victoria nearly laughed. That was rich, coming from the man who put into motion her father’s demise. She would like to strangle him, but trust him? Never. She gritted her teeth and went back to staring out the window. She braced herself for the evening ahead. If she tried hard enough, she was sure she could get through one date with anther rich man who was full of himself. Rafael would throw cash around to show his financial prowess in order to impress her, probably confident that he could get her into bed. He would take her to one of the many restaurants in the city that had way overpriced menus. Then, he would talk about his business conquests and how powerful he was. She sighed softly. It was something she had seen many times.

  Twenty minutes later, Rafael pulled into the parking lot. Victoria sat up, realizing that the car stopped. She had been lost in thought, not paying attention to where they were. Her eyes scanned the surrounding. They weren’t in the city area at all and there was none of the five star restaurants she was familiar with in sight. Recognition hit her and she gasped. They were in the parking lot of a Thai restaurant her father had taken her to once, years ago. They hadn’t returned because she had left. She had fallen in love with the place and had hoped to return when she visited her father. If only she had come back before he died. She blinked back tears.

  “Surprise,” Rafael said beaming at her.

  “I- how did you-” She was at a loss for words. A mixture of emotion swirled in her. She was confused as to how he knew just the place to take her, sad because it was the last place her father had taken her, and happy because the place brought back wonderful memories. She looked at Rafael, not sure what to say.

  “Well, are you surprised?”

  “I am.” It was perfect, not at all what she had expected from him. “You’re a fan of Thai food?”

  “Not particularly, but because you are, I figured this was the perfect place our first date.”

  He got out of the car and walked around to her side to open her door. Victoria accepted his offered hand and slid out. He didn’t step back to give her space, so as she stood, she was dangerously close to him, almost touching him. With the car behind her, she was caged in.

  Victoria’s breath hitched as she stared at his chest, not daring to look up. If she did, he would see the effect his proximity had on her. Every cell of her body was on high alert, aware of the man so near to her. They practically called out to him. She gulped. When he didn’t move she was forced to look up. He was staring at her with searing intensity. She watched his eyes lower to her mouth and her lips instinctively parted. Was he going to kiss her? It troubled her, knowing that if he did she would like it.

  Rafael finally stepped back and she released a breath. If he had remained so close she was sure she would have melted.

  “Let’s go inside.”

  The palm he placed at the small of her back made her shiver. His touch burned through the material of her dress to brand the skin beneath. It wouldn’t do, she thought, to be so aware and attracted to the man. Even his pure masculine scent was intoxicating. Everything about him sent her senses off kilter. She was supposed to keep a clear head at all times and she could already tell it wouldn’t be easy. A groan nearly escaped.

  “I have a confession to make.”

  Victoria glanced up at him as they made their way to the entrance of the restaurant. She held her breath. Was he about to spill some big secret that would useful to the cause? Oh, God. Now she was calling it the cause, as if she was a part of some mission that would bring world peace.

  “What’s that?” She asked tightly.

  “I’ve never had Thai food before. I heard you took a trip to Thailand and fell in love with the culture, especially the food. So I’m trusting you to guide me down the right path when we get in there.”

  She gaped at him, stunned. He knew about the trip she went on with her father. How did he get that piece of information? And why would he remember such a trivial thing about her life? A smile forced its way out despite her intention to remain cool and distant.

  “Don’t worry, you’re in good hands with me.” Her smile disappeared quickly as guilt swept in. He said he trusted her. If only he knew that he shouldn’t trust a bone in her body.

  Rafael grinned. “Good, I can relax now. I was worried I might embarrass myself with my lack of knowledge.”

  “Who told you about my visit to Thailand?”

  “Your father.”

  Victoria frowned. “He did? But why-” She stopped when they stepped inside and an Asian woman immediately headed straight to them. She gave them a warm smile.

  “Good evening and welcome.” She turned to Rafael. “You are Mr. Rivera, yes?”

  “I am.”

  “Very well. Please come this way to your table.”

  The woman led them through the restaurant past other diners. She opened a sliding door, which led to a balcony with a lovely view
of the ocean. There were several tables lining the balcony but they were all empty. Rafael assisted her into a cushioned chair around a circular table. “Thank you,” she murmured, getting another whiff of his scent.

  When he sat, the woman asked what they would like to drink. “Thai Basil Mojitos,” Rafael answered.

  As the waitress disappeared back inside, Victoria eyed Rafael suspiciously. “Okay, that couldn’t have been a coincidence. Thai Basil Mojitos? How did you know to order that?”

  He sat back and chuckled. “I might have heard a few more details about your trip to Thailand.”

  “Oh no,” Victoria groaned. She broke out into a fit of giggles. “I’m officially embarrassed.”

  Rafael grinned. “Don’t be. I found the story quite adorable. Let me see if I can remember everything. It was a few days before your eighteenth birthday. Your father was going to Thailand on business and you begged him to go along. He thought the trip would be a great birthday present so he allowed you to accompany him. That’s where you had your first experience with alcohol, or so you thought.”

  Victoria smiled. “Yes. On the night of my birthday, Daddy and I dined out. I begged him to let me have a bit of alcohol because I officially considered myself an adult. He refused because I was still underage but with persistent begging he relented. He went to the bar and came back with two Thai Basil Mojitos. Little did I know that mine was without the alcohol. He totally manipulated me.”

  She chuckled. “I was so excited and felt so grown up having had my first alcoholic beverage. I bragged to everyone I spoke to on the phone that night.”

  “And you woke up with what you thought was a hangover the next morning.”

  Victoria rolled her eyes. “I was excited even about that. My first hangover, headache and vomiting, the works. When Daddy told me I had to see a doctor I was so confused. Who sees a doctor for a hangover? Then he told me that there was no alcohol in my Thai Basil Mojito so my symptoms had to be something more serious. Turned out to be a stomach bug. Anyway, I felt so betrayed. I didn’t speak to Daddy for an entire day. My first grown up experience was totally ruined.” She laughed at the memory.


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