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Her Willful White: Dark Duke’s Legacy Book 2

Page 9

by Andresen, Tammy

  Dez didn’t answer right away as he slipped out onto the terrace through one of the many open doors. Moving just out of the light in the ballroom, he pulled her close, wrapping his arms about her middle. “Fleur,” he whispered close to her ear. “He is a spy and a smuggler. He’ll get his. Mostly likely, the Whites will be the ones who give it to him, but if we don’t…” He ran the back on one finger down her cheek. “Someone else will.”

  She shook her head but somehow, her cheek ended up dropping onto his chest. “Part of me agrees,” she drew in a deep, shuddering breath. “What I’ve learned about my father through poking around has made me wonder if I should have left the investigation well enough alone. I wish I didn’t know the darker parts of his life. My memories…”

  He squeezed her tighter. “I know. Trust me, on that front. I completely understand.”

  She lifted her head. She could hear the sincerity in his voice “Tell me.”

  He cupped her cheek. “Unlike you, I’ve always known my father wasn’t a good man. But…” he grimaced. “In his will, he hinted he’d been murdered, too. Like your father.”

  She gasped. “I don’t know which to ask first. Why your father wasn’t good or how you know it was murder.”

  Dez shook his head. “That’s not even the end of the secrets he shared after his death. He also mentioned an unknown half-sibling we need to find.”

  Fleur’s hands slid up his chest and wrapped about his neck. “Oh, Dez…that is so much. And here I am, putting my problems on your shoulders, too.”

  He chuckled at that. “I’m pretty sure I put your problems on my shoulders. Not you. And I’m happy to help. But all these things. They’ll be answered or they won’t. We’ll unravel the secrets or we won’t. But what I’m beginning to see is that how I live my life from here on out, that’s what matters.”

  She trembled against him. “But finding my father’s killer. That is important. I want to be the sort of person who—”

  But she stopped short as Dez’s hand covered her mouth. “Shhh,” he whispered as he leaned down toward her ear. “I hear something.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Somewhere in the dark, they heard the sound of a branch snapping. It was likely nothing.

  And yet, Dez couldn’t escape the feeling that something was wrong.

  He looked back at the doors, then down at Fleur’s wide eyes. If he could just bring her inside…

  He took a step backwards, staying in the shadows, Fleur still pressed to his chest. He’d just been lecturing about ordering life by importance. He’d been trying to say that she should put her future above her father’s murder.

  Advice he’d meant for both of them.

  He’d started this investigation solely focused on his business, but he was beginning to wonder if he was also allowing the past to color his future and order his priorities all wrong.

  More important than anything else now was keeping Fleur safe.

  A rustling sounded in the hedge just beyond the terrace and Fleur’s arms tightened about his neck.

  Dez moved closer to the wall and even further into the shadows. The light spilled from the house at an angle, and he and Fleur were hidden in that triangle of darkness where he intended to stay. If they were discovered, they’d only be a few steps from the door and the crowd.

  Two shadows emerged from the bushes. His breath hissed from his chest. Without thought, he slid Fleur behind him, using his body as a block between her and these men.

  And then something dark rumbled inside him as he caught the features of the first man, Le Serpent. And next to him…Will.

  “Have you seen the delegate?” Will asked, his voice only just loud enough for Dez to hear.

  “Non,” the other man answered. “I don’t think he’s coming after all.”

  Will made a noise halfway between a groan and growl. “We have to stop any treaties they might be arranging. Peace would be very bad for business.”

  Both men stopped several feet from the doors. The din of the crowd made it difficult—but not impossible—to hear them. Fleur’s fingers gripped around Dez’s waist.

  “In my case, both of my businesses,” Le Serpent said.

  Will snorted. “There is always room for spying, my slippery friend.” Then he stared into the ballroom. “Any sighting of our other query?”

  “Fleur Dupont?” Le Serpent asked. “I saw her partially hidden behind a fern. Odd placement for such a beautiful flower.”

  Will grimaced. “As you said the other night, she knows who both of us are. We can’t approach her.”

  “Non,” Serpent said again. “And we can’t kill her either. What does that leave?”

  Will smiled, cold and hard. “Do you remember, Ducky?”

  “Ducky?” the other man snorted. “The handsome imbecile?”

  “That’s the one. It’s known that Fleur’s uncle would like to see her matched quickly. Ducky is good looking, titled, and easily controlled. He’d make a fine husband for our beautiful little flower.”

  Fleur buried her face in his back, a shudder shaking her body and echoing through his.

  But her fear was trumped by his own possessive need. Jealousy and anger pumped through his veins. Some other man was going to attempt to swoop in and take Fleur?

  He’d never allow it.


  Le Serpent laughed. “I think that plan is ducky.”

  Will laughed, too, a laugh Dez had never heard from the man, sinister and low. “Now, I need you to find that delegate. See that he has a quick end. No poison this time. Make it obvious and try to make it look as though some prominent Englishman is responsible. Let’s keep this war going, shall we?”

  Then the two men entered the party as though they’d not been planning mayhem and destruction for multiple countries to serve their own selfish needs.

  Dez clenched his fists. Part of him wished to charge after them, bury a fist in each of their faces. But he’d not leave Fleur.

  “Come on,” he whispered as he spun in her arms. “We’re going to find my family.”

  She still held him about the waist. “I need a minute. I’m not sure I can walk without support.”

  He wrapped his arms about her back. “It’s all right. I’m not going to let them hurt you.”

  “They know who I am.” She trembled as she spoke. “They’re making plans for me.”

  “I know.” He brushed his lips over her forehead. “There is no way I will let them come anywhere near you, Fleur. I swear it. Remember when I told you needed to prioritize your future? I need that, too, and right now, you are at the very top of my list.”

  * * *

  Surprise jolted through Fleur.

  Even stronger than when she’d heard that man’s plan to wed her off to some man and control her winery.

  Dez had said she was more important to him than anything else?

  She knew he didn’t wish to wed, and she understood. But hearing those words made her heart thrum in her chest. She tilted her head back to look at him, express her thanks, but as he stared down at her, her lips parted even as her gaze travelled to his mouth.

  This man made her ache inside, made her breathless with want, and now he stood between her and the very men who wished her harm. She’d like to stay tucked in this dark corner with him forever.

  And when his mouth descended over hers, his kiss firm, yet tender, stealing her breath as passion sizzled straight to her core, she realized he was right.

  There were a few things even more important than bringing her father’s killer to justice or her winery.

  Dez, hard and strong and so warm…he was everything.

  His lips moved over hers until his tongue swept along the seam of her lips. Sensation, like lightning, sizzled through her. As she gasped, his tongue probed deeper, touching the tip of hers.

  She moaned, the sound lost in his mouth, as he pulled her closer, his hand sliding down the curve of her back and then over her rear.

  When he pres
sed her hips closer to his, the ache that had started between her legs pulsed.

  “Dez,” she gasped against his lips, her hands raking up his back. “I…” How did she explain the sensations rippling through her? The need building but also the emotion that had been growing inside her like a wave, threatening to crash over and consume her.

  “I know,” he answered.

  Did he?

  But he eased back then. “Can you walk now?”

  “Walk?” She might float.

  Tucking her hand in his arm, he led her back inside, circling about the edge of the party.

  Even Fleur, jumbled as her thoughts were, easily picked out Justice as he leaned against the wall.

  His face set in hard lines, Dez approached. “You saw them?”

  “Saw who?” Justice muttered, his frown deepening.

  “Who?” Dez asked, his voice laced with incredulity. “The man who shot you.”

  Justice’s gaze snapped to his brother’s. “He’s here?”

  Fleur tucked closer to Dez. Justice looked so fierce, she worried there was even more danger. “Justice, who did you see that has you looking so worried.”

  “Might have been Lucifer,” he mumbled, looking out into the crowd. “Do you think the devil is a woman?”

  Dez snapped his fingers. “You are not up to scratch, brother.”

  Fleur didn’t understand the reference, but it got Justice’s attention. “I’m always up to scratch.”

  Ben came up next to them, Chloe on his arm. “What are we discussing?” She gave them all a sunny smile.

  “Justice is babbling incoherently,” Dez griped. “But Fleur and I just saw Le Serpent and my former second.”

  She squeezed his arm, aware that he’d named her villain first.

  Ben’s brows lifted. “He’s here?”

  “Yes,” Fleur answered. “And he plans to marry me off to some man named Ducky.”

  “Ducky?” Chloe’s nose wrinkled. “What a dreadful name.”

  Ben however, looked at Dez. “We need to talk.”

  Dez gave her a single nod. “Stay with Justice and Chloe. I’ll be right back.”

  His arm slipped from hers and the butterflies began beating in her stomach. She didn’t want to be without him. Not tonight. Maybe not ever.

  Chapter Twelve

  He and Ben didn’t have to go far. Dez grimaced as his brother hissed into ear. “What the fuck?”

  “Which part?” he returned drily.

  Ben didn’t answer as he looked at his brother. “Do us all a favor and just marry her.”

  Dez blinked as he turned to look at his brother’s profile. “Why is that a favor to you?”

  Ben shrugged. “You’re significantly less growly and annoying since Fleur came into your life.”

  Dez opened his mouth and then closed it again. Was that true? Was he happier with Fleur in his life? Even with all the drama the answer was a very easy yes. “Ridiculous.”

  Ben quirked a small smile. “You know I’m right.”

  “Hmmm,” he grunted back.

  Ben crossed his arms. “She needs your protection, whether you want to admit it or not. The sort of protection you could give her as a husband.”

  He couldn’t deny that. “The danger will pass but marriage is for the rest of our lives.”

  “True,” Ben replied. “I’m trying to picture you being forever pleasant. You’re right. It’s difficult.”

  “Fuck off,” Dez returned but without much vitriol. Because Ben had a point. With Fleur permanently at his side, he could keep her safe.

  “Did I mention she has a winery?” Ben added.

  “I’m aware,” he fired back.

  “But have you considered that the war might end, and you’ll need a new product to ship?”

  He sucked in his breath because that was a bloody good point. Shipping wine through Europe would be an excellent way to make a living, and far safer than gunpowder. “I can’t abandon Justice and Sayden.”

  “I don’t know nearly as much as you do about the making of gunpowder, but I’ve heard it’s dangerous business.”

  “Sayden has a good system that minimizes the risk.” Dez looked down at the floor because Ben was making another excellent point. God damn him.

  “Still, perhaps they also need a new profession. One where they don’t risk their lives daily.”

  Dez drew in a long breath. “I’m not sure they’re built for work that is safe. They like danger. It’s honestly a miracle I’ve kept them on the right side of the law for as long as I have.”

  Ben nodded in understanding. “I’ll continue to think on that. Do you know what father left them in the will?”

  The will. The bloody will. “I didn’t ask. But my guess is that it was complete shit.”

  Ben made a noise deep in his throat. “He left me a horse. I ran a breeding program to support myself all these years. And now that I’m the duke, he gives me his prize stallion.”

  “Will you keep up with your former business?”

  Ben shrugged. “I’ve been so busy with the dukedom, assembling my siblings, trying to find our long-lost brother, R. White, and marrying Chloe, I’ve not had time to consider.”

  “You forgot helping me investigate my ship explosion.”

  Ben chuckled at that. “So, I did. I suppose I rolled that into the sibling category.”

  Dez shook his head. “He left me a compass.”

  “That’s it? A fucking compass?”

  Dez gave a small smile. “I suppose, in his way, he might have been trying to support our choices? But as usual, it’s far too little too late.” Dez looked at his brother. “There was a sum of money, too. I used it to buy your ship, which means I funneled my inheritance right back into the dukedom. Perhaps Father is responsible for the explosion. That seems like the exact sort of lesson he might teach.”

  Ben shook his head. “Is it any wonder we fear commitment? The man comforted us with his left hand and struck us with his right. Who can trust love after that?”

  “You did,” Dez answered quietly.

  Ben gave him a small smile. “Chloe makes it pretty easy, and I was still a bastard about the whole thing.”

  Dez grinned back. That sounded about right. “Marry Fleur?”

  “Yes,” Ben answered. “Secure her future and yours.”

  Dez gave a curt nod. Was he agreeing with this? But Ben’s words were making sense. And when he thought of his father, rather than shiver in revulsion, another feeling swept over him. Was he going to allow that man to dictate the rest of his life?

  His gaze swept over the room, stopping on Le Serpent. The man’s eye caught Dez’s. “Do I sweep in like a thief in the night and steal her out from under Will’s plans, or do I make my intentions known?”

  “How soon do you think you can marry her?”

  He grinned at that. Not a joyful look of merriment. It was more of a teeth-gritted gauntlet, throwing look of disdain directed at the Frenchman. “I’ve got two ships and my brother has several more. We could leave for Scotland on the morrow.”

  Ben clapped his shoulder. “Shout them to the entire room, then. It’s time we took the offensive.”

  “Agreed,” Dez turned back toward Fleur. The crystal blue of her eyes sparkled in the candlelight. No more hiding. No more running. Not from spies and not from his feelings. It was time to seize his future.

  * * *

  The air in the room shifted.

  Fleur stared into the intensity of Dez’s gaze, her pulse fluttering. Perhaps it was not all of the air that had changed, but just him. As he moved toward her once again, she knew he’d come to some conclusions. She could see the change in his stride, the purposeful way he came back toward her.

  And when his arm slipped about her waist, his other hand grasping hers, she swallowed down a lump.

  “Let’s dance.”

  She gave a silent nod as he pulled her toward the dance floor. But rather than find a spot along the edge, they moved into th
e very center of the floor.

  Dez, taller than most of men, glared at several of the surrounding couples and Fleur watched, brows raised, as the crowd parted for them, leaving them with a large dance circle. “For a man who does not like society, you’re doing an admirable job of making us the center of attention.”

  He looked into her eyes and then slowly, deliberately, his gaze slid down to her mouth, his irises growing even darker as the air grew thick between them. Then he lifted his gaze and gave her a wink. “You are a woman who should be admired.”

  She smiled at him. “My aunt gave me specific instructions to not cause a stir.”

  “Well.” He leaned close to her ear. “She’ll have to be content with disappointment.”

  Her lips parted in question but before she could ask the music started and with crisp, sure movements, they began to dance.

  Fleur wasn’t certain what she’d expected. On the one hand, he was a physical specimen, on the other, he’d seemed awkward at the tea he’d attended at her aunt and uncle’s. But here, on the dance floor, he was every ounce the duke’s son.

  He commanded the floor and the circle about them widened.

  With breathless excitement, she met his movements, their bodies brushing as they danced until the tension within her nearly reached a breaking point.

  As the music finally faded, she nearly gasped in relief. Caught in an erotic storm, she wasn’t entirely certain if she’d wished for the dance to go on forever or if she wanted to slump into a chair.

  But his hand held her tight as the music died. The floor cleared as couples sought new partners, but they continued to stand exactly as they were.


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