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The Ritual (Taboo Erotica)

Page 5

by Anya Merchant

  “Yeah, I know,” he said. “I just wish they didn’t live a million miles away.”

  The two of them were on their way back from visiting Angie’s parents and Tom’s step-grandparents, who were still as welcoming and kind as they had been 15 years ago when Angie had first married Tom’s dad.

  “Well maybe if somebody was a little more open to confronting their fear of flying!” Angie giggled and reached across the car to tickle Tom. He knocked her hand away and returned the gesture with an exaggerated glare, wishing on the inside that she’d stop doing that.

  Tom and Angie had been close from the start. Tom’s dad was a high powered businessman, not necessarily the best paid but most certainly overworked. He traveled a lot, and from the age of 4 when Angie had first entered the equation, it had mostly been Tom and her around the house.

  She had done everything, raising Tom in a gentle, understanding, sensual way into the young man that he was today. Angie loved Tom, and he loved her, but as he’d gotten older, their relationship had grown much more complicated, at least on his end.

  “I’ll have to catch up on my studying when we get home,” said Tom. “Exams are next week.”

  As a senior in high school, Tom was at a pivotal junction in his life. Academically, he was doing fine, and he had a good social circle of friends that were always up for fun on the weekends.

  “Well let me know if I can help,” said Angie. “It’s been too long since we’ve had a private study session in your room.”

  There’s a good reason for that, Tom thought to himself. Angie was, by far, the most attractive woman in his life. Tom glanced over at her in the driver’s seat, her big breasts and sexy thighs covered by a flirty summer dress that was just a little too small for her, in all the right places.

  She was short, but with long hair and gorgeous eyes. Her smile always had a mischievous edge to it that sent hot chills down Tom’s spine now that he was old enough to recognize the sexiness of it. And she had a habit of dressing in very skimpy clothing, and sometimes nothing at all, when she was just hanging around the house.

  “Yeah mom, I will,” said Tom. He already knew in his head that there was no way he could ask for her help. It was too much of a challenge for him to be alone with her, the proximity pushing his body to react in the same way as any red blooded male’s would, and the last thing he needed was to weird her out by popping wood with the two of them sitting side by side.

  Angie was so hot that it had almost become a part of Tom’s identity. Like any involved mother of a teenager, she often would help out with community and school events that were going on around him, and Tom’s friends held nothing back when it came to talking about how horny she made them.

  He had learned to drown it out after a while, but many of their suggestions resonated in his mind, primarily because a dirty, perverted part of him was just as eager to push it further with his mom as they were.

  “No, seriously sweetie, just let me know.” Angie reached her hand over and rubbed Tom’s thigh. “I’m more than happy to help you with anything you need.”

  It was torture for him. The entire trip had been torture, and Tom felt his cock quickly hardening in his pants. He shifted after a moment, forcing his mom’s hand away before the continued contact brought him any further into embarrassing territory.

  “The sun is starting to set,” said Tom. “We should probably find a place to stay for the night.”

  On the way out, the two of them had crashed at Angie’s sister’s gigantic country house, which had two guest bedrooms. But they were taking a different route back, mainly due to the fact that Tom had started off driving, and hadn’t thought to set up the GPS on his phone for guidance.

  “I’m sure they’ll be a place in this upcoming town,” said Angie, slowing a road sign that they were passing by. “It looks like we’ll be staying in….Westhaven for the night.”

  As the minivan slowly rolled out of the trees and into the town, the low angle of the sun cast long shadows across their surroundings. Westhaven reminded Tom a bit of the village that his grandparents lived in, but somehow, it felt much emptier, as though it was twice the size it needed to be for the number of people.

  There was only one main street in the town, and Tom didn’t see any hotel or motel signs on it. Angie pulled up to a man standing outside of a pub and rolled down Tom’s window.

  “Excuse me, where is the nearest place that we could stay for the night?” she asked.

  Tom watched as the man eyed his mom’s chest with lecherous eyes, and tried to keep his anger and embarrassment in check. The man pointed up to a hill that was off to the side, in the distance.

  “Uh, it’s up that way, ma’am,” said the man. “”Just make doubly sure that it’s the type of place you’re wanting to be staying at.”

  Angie looked at him queerly, and then smiled and nodded her head.

  “Thanks,” she said.

  The two of them took a left at the next intersection, and began heading towards where the man had directed them. The road up the hill was curvy and meandering, and the trees on either side of it looked strangely menacing, with sharp branches and few leaves.

  The building came into view as they reached the top of the hill. It was a big hotel, taller than what Tom had been expecting, given the size of the town. The outer color was an interesting shade of dark grey, and it was at least ten or so stories high.

  “The parking lot is abandoned,” said Angie. “I mean, I guess it’s to be expected in a town this size, but…is this place even open?”

  It was true. Tom could only see a single vehicle in the parking lot, a newish model sedan that looked very lonely amongst the rows and rows of empty parking spaces. Angie picked a spot a couple meters down from it, and the two of them climbed out of the minivan.

  “Well, I guess we should take some of our stuff inside,” said Tom.

  “Let’s take all of it,” said Angie. “I don’t know why, but I have a weird feeling about this place. If someone broke into the van in the middle of the night, I sincerely doubt the local police would bother to do anything about it.”

  The two of them didn’t have that many bags, but it was enough to make the walk to the front entrance feel a little longer than it should have. The doors were thick, ancient looking slabs of wood, and they creaked open as Tom pulled on one of the copper handles.

  “Hello there!” A busty woman in a tight fitting, low cut black dress sat behind the counter. “Welcome to Hotel Desire!”

  Tom glanced around the entrance hall. A curved staircase led from the middle of the room up to the second floor balcony, where there was a small elevator against the back wall. The carpets were maroon, and even though there was a chandelier hanging from the high ceiling, the room felt under lit, a little too dark for the welcome area of a hotel.

  “Hotel Desire, that’s kind of a strange name, isn’t it?” asked Angie.

  “Yeah, we get that a lot. Desire is the last name of the family that founded it.” The woman stood up slowly, and Tom felt his blood begin to pump as his eyes were drawn to her sexy cleavage. She picked up a clipboard and walked around to the other side of the counter, sitting on it and crossing her legs.

  “My name is Kendra, I’m the fulltime steward here at the hotel. I can get the two of you settled in right away. Let me guess, you’re here on a romantic getaway?”

  Tom watched as his mom turned bright red and began to sputter in response.

  “What? I, uh, no, that’s not it! This is my-“ Angie was cut off in midsentence as Kendra began to laugh and hold up her hands.

  “Relax, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it,” said the hotel steward. “I like younger guys every now and then, too. They have stamina, and can just keep going, and going.”

  Tom hated to admit it, but his cock was getting hard at both the idea and the way Kendra spoke about it. He felt ashamed at his reaction, and forced himself to step forward and explain.

  “Um, actually…” sa
id Tom. “This is my mom, Angie. We’re just stopping here for the night on our way home. My name’s Tom.”

  Kendra held one of her hands up to her mouth and laughed into it, and then flicked a strand of hair out of her face.

  “Oh, my mistake, I am so sorry for assuming,” she said. “It’s nice to meet both of you. We don’t get many visitors passing through Westhaven.”

  There was something in the woman’s tone of voice that set Tom ever so slightly on edge, and excited him. She was looking at him with a hungry smile, and making it obvious enough that he could see his mom, still upset over the misunderstanding, beginning to get very impatient and protective.

  “Thank you Kendra, we’d like to get up to our room as soon as we can,” said Angie. “It’s been a long drive.”

  “Of course,” said Kendra. “If you’ll just sign in right here, we can get started.”

  Angie set her bags down and began scribbling in a ledger on the desk. Tom felt slightly awkward as he stood there, smiling at Kendra and waiting for her to say something. She just stared at him, and licked her lips. He was more turned on then he had been in a very long time, but also a little unnerved.

  “Okay, right this way.” Kendra led the two of them up the curved staircase.

  The second level appeared to be a public area, with a small library, a kitchen and dining area, and a small corner lounge. Kendra pushed a button next to the elevator doors, and a creaking noise came from behind them.

  “The hotel was originally built in 1955,” said Kendra. “It was state of the art construction at the time. Westhaven was also a much more frequented town.”

  “Yes, I can see that,” said Angie.

  They stepped onto the elevator, which was small, even for just three people and the luggage. Tom felt his heart beating in his chest as the doors closed and the little box began to slowly move upwards. Both of the women were close enough to him to give his lower half strangely intoxicating ideas, and he felt his cock feeling extra sensitive from the excitement.

  “I’m going to put the two of you in suite 303,” said Kendra. “It’s one of the nicer rooms we have. Back in the day, it was reserved for the higher end guests that we’d get.”

  She walked a short distance down the hall, and then pulled out a key and unlocked one of the identical doors along the wall. Tom and Angie followed her inside, and got their first look at the room.

  “It’s nice…” said Angie. “But, there’s only one bed?”

  “There’s a cot that slides out from underneath, if the two of you feel that you need it.”

  Tom glanced around at the suite. It was spacious, with the typical generic, hotel room décor. The TV was a large flat screen, obviously something that had been upgraded fairly recently. There was a mini fridge against one of the walls, which Kendra walked over and plugged in, and the bathroom was clean, with shiny fixtures.

  “This will work,” said Tom. “It’s definitely nicer than if we had gone to a motel.”

  “Yes, sweetie, you’re right,” said Angie.

  “Alright, perfect. I have my own room on the second floor. Let me know if the two of you need anything during the night.” Kendra smiled devilishly again, and then walked over to Tom and stood very close to him. “Anything at all.”

  She let her hand come to a rest on his for a moment, and a strangely hot sensation shot through Tom’s body. He couldn’t resist staring at Kendra’s breasts, which she pushed out towards him in a way the maximized her cleavage.

  “I think we’ll be fine!” said Angie. “Thank you, Kendra.”

  The hotel steward nodded, handed each of them a key, and then exited the room and closed the door behind her. Tom still felt strangely warm, but he shook it off and walked over to the bed.

  “For a small town hotel, this place is not what I was expecting.” Tom leaned back and fell onto the bed, feeling the soft spring mattress underneath. “I almost wish we could stay more than one night.”

  Angie smiled and came over to the bed. She sat down next to Tom and let her hand drape across his thigh, an action that excited him even more. He tried to smile it off and interpret it as the harmless, motherly gesture it was, but a hard on was slowly creeping up between his legs.

  “Let’s take a look at that cot that Kendra mentioned,” said Angie. She moved off the bed and reached under it, and after a moment, pulled out a very uncomfortable looking flat box bed with a stain in the middle.

  “Uh, well…that’s…” Tom scratched his head as he looked at it.

  “You can’t sleep on this!” Angie pushed it back under the bed and sat close in front of her son. “It looks like it’s fifty years old. We’ll just share the bed, sweetie.”

  “Mom, are you sure about that?” Tom felt a little conflicted by her suggestion, and his cock tingled strangely in his pants.

  “I’m sure, honey.” Angie leaned in and gave Tom a soft kiss on the cheek, which felt much more exciting to him than it should have. “It will be fine, don’t worry. For now though, I need to take a shower. We’ve been on the road for a long time.”

  “Okay mom,” said Tom. “I guess I’ll just…watch TV.”

  He flipped on the flat screen, and watched his mother out of the corner of his eye as she pulled some clothes out of her bag and walked into the bathroom. Tom felt hornier than he had in a very long time.

  He didn’t know if it was the way Kendra had looked and acted before, or from his own hormones being backed up from so many days without release, but a voice in his head was yelling for him to do something about it.

  The door to the bathroom swung closed, and after waiting to hear the shower water start up, Tom switched through the TV’s channels until he found something that his mind found stimulating. There wasn’t much to pick from, during the day, but he found a women’s volleyball championship match, and then unzipped his pants.

  It was hard for Tom to not feel like a bit of a pervert, but something deep and primal had control of his mind. As an eighteen year old high school student, he was used to having his hormones pull him around by the dick, but this went above and beyond anything he had experienced before.

  His cock was already rock hard as he pulled it out of his boxers, and the women on the screen suddenly looked a lot more sexual and appealing. He slowly began to stroke it, balancing his shame for giving in during daylight hours with his paranoia of his mom coming out and catching him.

  Part of it was because of her. Tom knew that with the two of them sleeping in the same bed together, he would have to be on his best behavior. He felt like he would die of embarrassment if he ended up with a hard problem on his hands sleeping right next to the woman that had raised him.

  All of the sudden, the bathroom door creaked open. Angie had not shut it all the way when she’d gone in to take a shower, and now, from where Tom was on the bed, he could see his mom’s naked body through the relatively translucent shower curtain.

  Tom tried to pull his hand away from his cock, feeling dirty and ashamed, but he was too aroused to stop himself from continuing. His mom was turned away from him, and the steam on the clear shower curtain made it so he could see only the most minimal of details. Still, it was her, and she was totally naked, soaping up her big boobs right across the room from him.

  “Sweetie, can you bring me a towel?” Angie called to him from the bathroom, and Tom almost jumped off the bed. He tucked his cock away the best he could, and then grabbed a towel from a pile of clean laundry that had been left on the table in the corner.

  “Uh…sure mom, no problem.” Tom was more turned on than he had ever been in his life, but also more confused. She was his mom, and yet he wanted nothing more than to ogle her gorgeous, naked body, and stroke off to her.

  He made his way into the bathroom slowly. Angie was aware that her son’s eyes were on her now, and did her best to preserve her modesty by covering her chest with one arm and her crotch with the other.

  “I’m just going to leave it on this hook right here,” sa
id Tom. He was staring into the shower, and knew that his pants must be visibly tented.

  “Thanks, honey.” Angie leaned out from the side of the curtain for a moment, and Tom almost couldn’t handle what he saw. His mom only had her nipples and crotch covered, and the rest of her luscious body was dripping wet and on full display for him. She looked down at his package and then her cheeks flushed red, signaling to Tom that she was clearly aware of the state that he was in.

  “Uh…I’ll head out now,” said Tom. He slowly turned and walked out of the bathroom, feeling like a lecherous pervert.

  “Okay honey,” said his mom. “Can you shut the door?”

  Tom nodded, and did what she asked. He turned off the TV, and suddenly began to wonder what the night that lay ahead would hold for them.


  When Angie came out of the bathroom, she was wearing a tiny white t-shirt and a light blue pair of yoga pants, both of which clung tightly to her frame and emphasized all of her best attributes. Tom did his best to look away, his cock still excited from the incident in the shower.

  “Do you mind if I have the TV on for a bit before we head to bed?” asked Angie.

  “No mom, not at all.” He turned to her as he answered, and blushed as they made eye contact. His mom was a kind, confident woman, and she hadn’t said anything about how aroused Tom had obviously been in the bathroom. It was his burden to bear, weighing down on him with deep shame.

  “We barely ever watch TV like this anymore at home,” said Angie. “It feels kind of like a treat having one with all the channels in a nice hotel like this.”

  She began clicking through programs, searching for something to watch. Tom slipped into the bathroom to change into his pajamas, and then sat down on the bed. It took him a minute to feel comfortable enough to join his mom under the sheets, and as soon as he did, his lower half began to act up again.

  “Sweetie, are you okay?” Angie had a concerned look on her face, and leaned her head on her hand as she looked at him with tender eyes.

  “Yeah mom, sorry,” said Tom. “I don’t know what it is about this hotel, but I’ve felt a little…off, ever since we got here.”


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