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Doms of Dark Haven 2: Western Night

Page 16

by Sierra Cartwright, Belinda McBride,

  She groaned at the twin sensations and shivered as Hunter came down to her for a kiss—their second ever. Would she count every kiss in the future? She hoped there’d be too many to keep track of.

  He was gentle this time, exploring, learning his way around her lips. He probed gently with his tongue, and she knew he’d been watching and learning from Tex. She hadn’t been kissed often, mostly allowing her subs to show their gratitude with a kiss to her hand or cheek. Never on the lips. That privilege had been reserved for the very rare man who’d appealed to her enough to pique her curiosity. And she’d never before been moved by the embrace. Now the sweetness of Hunter’s kiss brought tears to her eyes even as Tex’s mouth did amazingly carnal things to her breast.

  Both men tasted and teased, one making her heart beat faster; the other drawing a twisting arousal to her belly. The heat from her buttocks softened to a seductive warmth that crept between her legs; she throbbed and swelled with excitement.

  Before she could comprehend what was happening, their hands left her body, and she was left alone and cold. For the first time in her life, Holly understood sexual frustration. She nearly screamed with it.

  Chapter Six

  She was such a complicated woman.

  Tex thought of himself as a simple man, and he found himself nearly paralyzed with the challenges he was facing. He hadn’t missed Hunter’s involuntary flinch when they’d briefly touched during the first moments of Holly’s seduction. In spite of the challenges she presented, Holly was proving to be less problematic than her other mate.

  Tex moved back to the bench along the wall to take a few moments to sort out his next move. He watched Hunter, acknowledging that the man was truly beautiful. He was all restrained passion and repressed sexuality. Like Holly, he was scarred to the core. Tex sighed and briefly wished his friend Rico was here. The man had insight and common sense that Tex lacked. Holly’s fear was something she’d tackled head-on. She was in tune with her feelings and emotions. Hunter? The man hadn’t even been aware of the fact that he’d flinched from Tex.

  If Hunter didn’t find a way to overcome his fear of being touched by other men, he’d not only split up the three of them before the relationship even got off the ground, he’d also live a life of higher stress and loneliness. Wolves not only liked touch, they needed it. Chase had designed the communal living room in the big resort with generous couches, cushions on the floor, and soft carpeting, all with the idea of puppy piles and casual contact. In the years that Hunter had been with the pack, Tex had never seen him voluntarily touch another person, not even his fellow betas.

  He glanced up and saw Hunter looking at him impatiently. Holly was still suspended, her eyes downcast. She’d been watching him, though. And if Tex was right, she was most likely aware of his concern. Going years without speaking had taught her to observe and to listen. She also knew Hunter better than he did. He’d seek her advice, but not tonight.

  Tonight was for other things. Tonight they were going to play.

  He reached into his kit, deciding it was time to move Holly along. She had limits beyond those she’d stated, though she might not be aware of them herself. She didn’t like being bound, and Tex was certain she wouldn’t like losing her senses. He tossed a blindfold to Hunter.

  “Put that on her.” He turned away, calculating how quickly he could push her out of her comfort zone. Most subs he’d played with in the past had clear limits and rules. Holly wasn’t afraid of pain, and she had a few true phobias he didn’t want to push. At the same time, she was dominant by nature. She wouldn’t break easily, so he could take some risks. He pulled a plug and lube from his bag and set it to the side. It was the last thing she’d see before she was blindfolded.

  Hunter slipped the soft black mask over her face, and immediately Holly tilted her head, listening and scenting. With a grin, Tex slipped a bottle from his kit. He moved to her side. “Hold still.” He opened the small brown bottle and dabbed the roller on her upper lip, just below her nostrils. The scent of lavender floated into the air. It was a gentle way to confuse her sense of smell.

  She sneezed.

  He then opened a packet containing soft foam earplugs. He handed one to Hunter and then pushed back her silky black hair, admiring her graceful, slightly pointed ear before stopping it with the plug.

  “Can you still hear me?”

  She nodded.

  “Holly, are you ready for a little more?”

  She moved her head, clearly seeking out the sound of his voice. She could hear just enough to listen to his instructions. Her nipples grew tighter, and goose bumps rose along her arms. She shivered, but her scent held no fear.

  “Hunter, move to her front; play with her gently.”

  The wolf swallowed hard and nodded. Hunter played with her nipples, stroking and then pinching. She flexed and swayed. Her pale body was supple in the dim light.

  “Lift her leg. Prop her foot on your knee.”

  Tex picked up the plug and lubed it generously. It was slender, just enough to give her a slight stretch. He pressed the tip to her anus. Automatically she tightened against it.

  “Relax. You’ve done this to subs before?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  Good. Then she knew the drill. In fact, if her mentor made her experience flogging, she’d probably worn a plug as well. He stroked the smooth skin of her bottom and started again. This time she worked with him, and Tex was able to insert the plug completely. He set her leg down, smiling as she wiggled a bit, getting the feel of the plug.

  Tex breathed deeply. The adrenaline surged through his body, making him a little high. He chose a soft, thuddy flogger and a slender cane, which he tucked into his belt. Aware that Hunter watched, he stepped around and behind Holly again, taking a moment to admire her still-rosy ass.

  “Spread your legs.”

  After a short pause, she obeyed. He twirled the flogger and then softly swatted her bottom. She jumped. When he whisked her sharply with the cane, she quickly took her position again. Hunter leaned forward, pressing a kiss into her shoulder.

  “Be still, Holly.”

  She licked her lips nervously and nodded. Beads of sweat rose on her forehead. Tex began again, raising the speed of the heavy flogger, relying on Hunter to give him cues to her emotions.

  Smoothly he changed back to the cane and tapped it lightly across her thighs. She went tense. After a series of light blows, he settled one single, stinging strike over the center of her buttocks. She went rigid but didn’t move.

  “Good girl.” He stroked her skin and reached between her open thighs, smiling at the slick moisture there. “Very nice.”

  He reached around and rubbed his wet finger over her lips, waiting till she opened her mouth. He slipped his finger into the warmth, nearly losing control as she tentatively tasted herself.

  “Touch her.”

  Hunter hesitated and then ran his hand down her belly, down to the dark curls at the juncture of her thighs. When Holly’s body jerked, Tex knew Hunter had found her clit. The wide-eyed expression on his face confirmed Tex’s suspicion that it was entirely by accident.

  “Gentle there, Hunter. Just stroke softly. Let her body show you what she likes.” He reached down, and his fingers met Hunter’s hand. He covered the other man’s fingers and guided him, letting him explore and discover. After a moment, he let Hunter continue on his own. Clearly he was a quick learner.

  Holly’s quickened breathing and heightened color confirmed her arousal. The sharp edge to her scent told him she was reaching her limit. Panic was struggling to assert itself. With his free hand, he removed one of the earplugs.

  Immediately her tension dropped. He wanted her out of her comfort zone, but not distracted by fear.

  “You feel what he’s doing to you, darlin’? You like what Hunter’s doing to you?”

  She nodded rapidly. Sweat trickled down her neck, and Tex slowly licked it off. She whimpered.

  “Holly, have you ever had an
orgasm before?”

  Too quickly, she answered, “Yes.”

  He swatted her sharply with the cane.

  “N-no. Never.” Her cheeks flushed red. He ran the base of the cane down her spine, grinning as she shuddered. Between Hunter finger-fucking her, the questioning, and the occasional punishment, she was completely off balance.

  “Would you like to come tonight? Now?”

  The gasp she gave sounded as though she’d been punched in the gut. He peered over, cupped his hands over her breasts, and watched her supple, muscular belly undulate.

  She nodded. Before he could use the cane, she answered properly. “Yes, Master.”

  “Good girl.” He bit lightly into the meat of her shoulder and then kissed her tenderly.

  Normally he’d make a sub wait and earn his or her climax, but with Holly, just bringing her to orgasm would be a triumph.

  “Hunter. Trade places. Hold her for me.”

  When he moved to her front, Tex saw a ring of watchers throughout the dungeon. Possession and pride warred within. He didn’t want everyone to see his woman naked and vulnerable, yet he wanted to put his—their—stamp of ownership on her. Meeting Hunter’s gaze, the other man nodded. Hunter bent to her, then kissed and nibbled the back of her neck. Once again he played her nipples, pinching and stroking. He moved up behind her so close that he supported her entire weight. He rocked his hips into her ass. Not bad for a novice.

  Tex lowered himself to one knee, just level with her lower belly. He ran his hands over her belly before leaning in and kissing her just above the line of her pubic hair.

  “Make noise, baby. Tell me if you like it.”

  She really didn’t make much noise, but her gasping breaths told him what he needed to know. Tex stroked her slick folds, running her juice back and forth, making her thoroughly, completely wet. He looked up and watched her face as he slipped his fingers into her channel and quickly found the swollen, raised region of her G-spot. When he pressed, her hips bucked, and the low, rough groan she released sounded more like agony than bliss.

  But she didn’t object, didn’t call out her safe word. Her mouth dropped open, she panted, and her head fell back onto Hunter’s broad shoulder.

  Without releasing the pressure, Tex bent his head and tasted her, gently played with her, avoiding the hypersensitive head of her clit. He slowly pressed and released, thrusting his fingers into her body.

  “Tell him, Holly.” Hunter’s voice was rough with arousal.

  “Good. I’m good. Toast, toast, toast…” For a moment she lost her words. “I need…I need… Oh dear God…faster…” Her voice was louder. She probably couldn’t tell how loud with the single earplug in, but Tex wanted to smile anyway.

  Hunter held her tightly, not allowing her to move, forcing her to remain completely at Tex’s mercy. Her body arched and quivered, her hips shuddered, but he prevented her from thrusting. Tex looked up and saw that Hunter was watching. His eyes had shifted from human to wolf. He was as out of control as Tex had ever seen him, yet he was holding on, anticipating what Tex wanted from the scene.

  He pulled at one nipple, and she cried out.

  Now. It was time.

  Tex burrowed, fluttered his tongue, and his fingers thrust into her and held while Hunter growled in her ear. Their gazes met, and Tex knew he’d found his perfect partner.

  “Now, Holly!” Hunter clasped her soft breast hard.

  Her scream was strangled. Heat radiated from her body, and Holly came. She climaxed on his fingers, against his mouth. He felt the rhythmic surges of her body, tasted the heightened adrenaline in her fluids. As she peaked, Tex gasped for breath, looking up to watch as she broke into pieces, sweat gleaming on her skin. She screamed again, and the cry tapered off to a sob. There were probably tears as well. She hung from the bonds at her wrists, and Hunter rested his forehead at the crook of her neck, whispering softly into her ear. Tex rose slowly to his feet. His erection was tight and painfully hard against the denim of his jeans.

  He didn’t care. As Hunter unbound and lowered her hands, Tex leaned into her, letting her weight drop into his body. He almost lacked the strength to hold her, and they swayed until Hunter’s arms came around Holly and held them both upright. She twisted her hands loose of the rope and pulled the mask away, revealing that she’d been crying.


  She smiled. She smiled! Her face was flushed and damp with tears, but she smiled at him.

  Soft applause came from the outskirts of the dungeon.

  Tex stifled a laugh.

  “Can we maybe move this party somewhere else? I think…” Hunter looked around, glaring at their audience. “I think maybe that bed thing over there?” He gestured to the hanging orgy bed. The large, swinging platform bed was curtained by hanging chains. It would do.

  “Take her on over. I’ve got to pack up.”

  Hunter lifted Holly into his arms, and as they moved across the room, Tex watched them.

  One barrier had fallen. It had been easier than he’d expected. He prayed the next part of his plan would go off equally well. He picked up the flogger he’d set on the floor and unhooked the cane from his belt. As he began to put his toys away, a presence at his back made him go stiff and still.

  “I suppose this would be the appropriate time to ask, just what the hell do you think you’re doing?

  Chapter Seven

  It took Hunter a moment to catch his balance on the bed. He’d lifted Holly up, and she’d crawled up to the fluffy pillows; he awkwardly followed her. When he gingerly settled into place, he was frightened…worried about what they’d just done. Had they pushed her too far? He couldn’t pin this one on Tex alone, because he’d fully participated, following along as the other man took the lead.

  His thoughts came to a screeching halt when a soft, lavender-fragranced body twined around his and cuddled close. He went stiff, his body protesting the sudden intimacy even as his cock went hard, willing him to take her right then and there. Slowly he forced himself to relax, willing the erection away.

  He’d had plenty of practice at doing that.

  He licked his dry lips. “How are you?”

  Such a huge question in those few words. Holly dragged her head up to look at him, her black hair straggled over her face. He reached up to smooth it away, noting with wonderment that she didn’t flinch.

  “Right now? High.” Her head dropped as though she hadn’t the strength to hold it up. “Melty. Empty, but full.”

  She lay quietly for a moment, and he remembered the man they’d found earlier. Tex had told him the man was cooling down, that he’d reached a mental state called “subspace.” Judging by the expression on Tex’s face tonight, he’d gone to a similar place in his head as well. Hunter glanced over and could barely see him though the silvery curtain around the bed.

  “Overall, I’m doing good.” Her voice was sleepy. She almost sounded drunk. “I thought you guys would have found me sooner. Some tracker you are!” She gave an indignant snort.

  “Would you have been ready for this if we’d come sooner?”

  She sighed gently. “No. No, I wouldn’t have. Still, why didn’t you come?”

  “You left no clues for me. No scent trail. Nothing.”

  Her hand crept up to his chest, and she played with the edge of his shirt. “I thought…I thought you could track without a trail.”

  “I don’t know… It was like I was head-blind. I needed something. And your trail… It just stopped. You got into a car.” He huffed out a breath, his ego still a bit tender regarding that failure. If he could sense the movement of a vampire over a mile away, why had he been unable to follow Holly?


  He glanced over at her.

  “Nobody seems to be able to keep a secret from Chase. When I ran, he was at the road, waiting for me. He told me I was on my own but never alone. I guess maybe he blocked you.”

  Hunter frowned. Could their alpha do that? Hell, excep
t for the normal, original pack members, they all had something a little extra. So if Ethan and Kurt could tag team on emotions, maybe Chase had been able to suppress Hunter’s skills long enough to let Holly have her time away from the pack.

  He should be royally pissed, but looking at her, he simply couldn’t find the anger. If he’d found her and dragged her home, she’d probably still be a wolf sleeping at Tex’s feet.

  “What do you think of all this? The club and all?”

  He looked around, catching glances of movement, finally paying attention to the moans of the subs, the slapping of leather against skin. In the corner, Xavier stood swathed in shadows, surveying the room.

  “I’m not sure what I think, but I get it. My wolf gets it.” He flushed with the confession. His wolf was a near stranger now. Tonight it had come forth as it hadn’t in years. He thought he’d mastered it—broken it and stored it away. When the damn thing had roared back to life tonight, he couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt so alive. But still, the animal was a killer. He couldn’t expose Holly to it. And if they had children someday, would they even be safe?

  “I’m not a sub, Hunter.”

  “You’re submissive to me.” He glared at her for a moment, satisfied as her gaze dropped. He clasped her chin and forced her to look at him again. “You’ll do what I—what we—tell you.”

  “Here, maybe,” she conceded. She wasn’t coy. She didn’t play games with her words.

  He slid a hand into her hair and tugged till her head tilted back. Her blue eyes burned with anger and arousal. “Tonight. After we’re finished here, we’re going home.”

  She sat up in alarm. “No… Hunter, I have a job and roommates! I’m finally learning to be myself!”

  He loosened her hand from his arm, looking pointedly at the slightly tapered nails. Tiny spots of red blood began to rise on his skin.

  “Chase didn’t send you for me, did he?” There was a tinge of fear to her voice. If Chase called her back, she’d be unable to say no. Seeing her consternation, Hunter took a breath, forcing himself to calm down. She’d left home to learn to be independent and find herself. Under normal circumstances, he’d be willing to move slower, to let her make the decision. Unfortunately times were changing, and not for the better.


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