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Lexi, Property of Rhyder: A Motorcycle Club Romance (Blood Brothers MC Book 6)

Page 5

by J. A. Collard

  I can’t believe I just kissed him!

  What a weird night this turned out to be.

  Opening the front door, I hear the television in the living room. I notice my mom on the couch watching a movie with Paige. Well, my mom is watching a movie, but Paige is asleep with her head on my mom’s lap.

  “How was your night?” my mom whispers, turning down the volume when she notices me.

  I smile, remembering my kiss with Rhyder. “It was good.”

  “I’m glad, honey.”

  “Need some help with Paige, Mom?” I ask, knowing she’ll need assistance getting Paige up the stairs.

  A very sleeping voice sounds out, “It’s okay, I’m awake.”

  Page sits up on the couch and yawns. She’s sixteen years old and in her sophomore year. I’m going to miss her so much when I leave and go to medical school. Even though she can be annoying sometimes, she’s still my sister, and I’d do anything for her.

  “Come on, sweetheart, let’s get you to bed,” Mom says while switching off the television and helping Paige up. I turn off the lights as we make our way upstairs to our bedrooms. I kiss Mom and Paige goodnight, head into my bedroom where I shut the door and lean up against it. I bring my hand up to my lips, still feeling Rhyder’s hard kiss tingling against them.

  I’ve kissed boys before, but this was different. This was the kiss, the kiss that has me weak at the knees and all giddy.

  What just happened?

  He went from being angry at me one minute, then all over me the next.

  Shoot, I forgot to tell him I’ll be away on holiday in Mexico with my family. I’m going to have to text him and let him know. I can only imagine what he would do if he came back, and I was nowhere to be found. I can’t seem to work him out, but I do know one thing, I’m going to miss him like hell for the next few days, and this is so unlike me. I don’t usually get involved with older men, and certainly not one who’s involved with a motorcycle club.

  What the hell am I thinking?

  There’s one thing I do know for sure, I want to be kissed by him again.


  “Fuck, fuck, fuck! What the fuck did I just do? I kissed her, goddammit, and I probably scared the livin’ shit out of her. I mean she’s been through hell and what do I do… I fuckin’ kiss her.”

  “Calm the fuck down, brother.”

  I look up from where I’m standing in my room at Torch, who’s just entered with a beer in hand. After church, Torch and I had words about how I trusted him not to say anything about Lexi until I was ready. I didn’t need the clubhouse to know about my overprotectiveness when it came to her. To be honest, I was probably not looking forward to being teased to hell and back about her for the rest of my life. The boys know me as a stud, one of the last single guys here at the club who has always said he wasn’t going to be wrapped up in one woman. Yet, here I fucking am, following a schoolgirl around like a damn lapdog.


  “What am I doin’, man? Why can’t I leave this chick alone?”

  “Because, brother…” Torch says, smiling wide, “… you’re a goner.”

  “What the fuck did you say?”

  “You’re a fuckin’ goner. Looks like I’m the one who’s gonna be the last man standing.”

  “No way, brother. I kissed her… didn’t ask her to marry me.”

  Torch spits his beer from his mouth as he tries to hold back his laugh. “Yeah, yeah, that’s what Blaze said. Oh… and Trigger.”

  “Not gonna happen. I just had a taste of her, that’s all,” I explain, taking off my cut and placing it neatly on my bed. On the ride back to the clubhouse I couldn’t think of anything but Lexi. Her long glossy hair smelling of sunflowers. Her full, luscious lips that tasted so goddamn good had me hard the whole ride back. She has curves in the all the right places with a firm round ass that would make any man want to squeeze it, but I can’t be that way with her. Lexi’s different, she’s not like the whores at the clubhouse. She is young and has her whole life ahead of her. I’m sure she has plans for her future, ones that don’t involve a biker who has nothing to his name but a motorcycle.

  “You’re thinking too much, brother.”

  I snap my head to Torch. “What do you mean?”

  “Look…” he says, taking a step closer and a swig of his beer, “… you obviously want her. Why not take her at least for a night, you know, to see if it’s anything more than just sex?”

  I widen my eyes. “Are you not listenin’ to what I’m sayin’? She’s a fuckin’ kid, man, her parents are rich fuckers. She’s not the kind of girl who has one-night stands.”

  Torch shakes his head. “I never thought I’d see the day that Rhyder gives up the opportunity to get some damn pussy.”

  I think about what he’s saying because it’s true. I’ve never cared about a girl, never thought about anything other than my bike, this club, and pussy. Yet, here I am, thinking way too much about this girl. Fuck, I gotta get laid.

  “Saw Brittany out front.”

  “Yeah? Might go see what she’s up to.”

  Torch laughs. “Up to you? You know she’ll do your bidding. Just click your fingers, and she’ll come running.”

  I laugh knowing he’s right.

  “I’m out. All this talk about getting laid is getting me hard. Might have to find my own whore.” Torch leaves, shutting the door behind him, and I sit staring at it.

  Should I have a shower or go find Brittany?

  Fuck it!

  I head toward the bathroom and remove my clothes. A cold shower is what I need, but when I stand under the water, it seems my mind is not helping my erection. I can still taste Lexi on my lips and how her body felt so perfect in my arms. The way she shivered when I stuck my tongue in her mouth proves she felt it too.

  On my own accord, my hand travels down my body toward my engorged cock, and I wrap my hand around and squeeze, feeling me pulsate beneath my own palm. I tilt my head back and breathe heavily as my hand begins to do the work pumping my cock as the image of Lexi forms in my mind, and I squeeze my eyes shut.

  I picture her in a black lace G-string showcasing her perfectly round ass to me. She’s looking at me over her shoulder as her dark curls fall down her beautiful back. I imagine my tongue licking her delicate skin behind her ear. Her moans come out in a pant, and my hand reaches around her body to squeeze her erect pink nipple as my other hand slides between her thighs, and my finger penetrates her tight pussy.

  Lexi moans out my name, and I bite down on her shoulder feeling the flutter of her orgasm so close to the edge. She feels incredible with her pussy tight and wet just like I imagined it.

  My mouth waters to taste her honey-coated pussy, and as my mind wanders further, I feel the pre-cum on the edge of my cock. Using it as a lubricant to continue stroking myself, I know I’m close, I’m so close. Then my mind travels back to Lexi, and I kneel in front of her, my fingers finding her bud, and my tongue follows as it rotates around her clit causing her to moan out my name. My name from her lips is my undoing, and I feel the hot cum squirt onto my hand and floor. I continue to stroke until my orgasm is over, and I’m completely sated.

  Opening my eyes, I try to remember the last time I had come so hard, and with all the fucking I’ve done, I don’t think I’ve ever felt a release like that one. If this is what it feels like using my hand to images of Lexi, I can only imagine what it will feel like once I’m inside her for real.


  I wake to the smell of bacon wafting through the house. I sit up, and thoughts of yesterday’s kiss come immediately to mind. Tracing my fingers over my lips, I smile remembering how hard Rhyder had kissed me. I could tell he was struggling with something last night, but what, I wasn’t sure. I know it’s bad to be thinking about him so much. I mean, what can I gain from it, anyway? It’s not as if I can be with him. I’m heading off to Harvard in the fall, and I will be far away from this place.

  So, what do I expect? For Rhyder to c
ome with me?

  My God, Lexi, you need to forget him.

  I feel my stomach drop at the thought of not seeing Rhyder again. My parents would die if they knew who I was with or who I was dreaming about. I know I need to forget him, it’s not healthy wanting someone I can never have. Maybe it’s good he’s going away for a couple of days, it might help to put him out of my mind.

  I place my feet on the carpeted floor and pull my slippers on. Then I grab my pink robe, wrap it around me, and head out of my room for some breakfast.

  “There she is. There’s my baby,” my dad greets with a kiss on my forehead, then he pulls the stool back for me to sit. “I’m making your favorite.”

  “Yay, smiley pancakes?”

  My dad smiles. “Yup, and bacon to go with it.”

  “Do I get some, too,” Paige asks as she takes a seat next to me. “Of course, my little rabbit,” he says, kissing her on her head too. “How lucky am I to have two of the most beautiful girls right here under my roof.”

  “Make that three,” my mom blurts out as she makes her way into the kitchen, dressed in her yoga gear. She heads around the island and helps herself to some coffee.

  “Of course, my darling, I have three of the most beautiful girls under my roof.” Dad kisses my mom on her lips.

  Paige and I look the other way. “Gross,” we both say in unison, then giggle at the same time.

  I’m going to miss these mornings, having breakfast with my family.

  “Who’s excited about our trip?” my dad asks, placing pancakes in front of Paige and then me.

  “Sure. Where are we going again?” I ask, pretending I like I can’t remember.

  “Have you seriously forgotten? How can you forget we’re going to Mexico?”

  “We’re joking, Dad. We’ve been hearing about this holiday for months now. Of course, we know where we’re going,” Paige says

  “I’m sorry, ladies, I’m so looking forward to this break. I can’t remember the last time we went on a vacation together. He puts his arm around my mom, bringing her in close and placing a kiss on her head. I’m so lucky I have parents like them.

  Diane’s father is a musician, and she hardly sees him. And Stacey’s parents have separated. I’m lucky I have the most loving and caring parents in this world.

  Taking a sip of my orange juice, I reflect on how much I’m going to miss them when I go to medical school.

  “I, for one, can’t wait,” my mom says, taking a sip of her coffee and smiling at my dad.

  We finish our breakfast, and my dad has a smirk on his face. I look over at my mom, and she’s also smiling.

  “Ah, what’s going on?”

  “We have a surprise for you, sweetheart. Well, it’s more a graduation present,” my mom adds.

  “Really?” I ask excitedly. “What? Where is it?”

  My dad grabs my hand and leads me to the front door, my mom and Paige close behind us. We make our way outside, and I’m greeted by a black Audi that’s parked in the driveway with a big red bow tied around it. It’s a convertible with two doors and leather seats.

  Well, that’s it—I’m lost for words.

  I look over at my dad and then behind me to my mom and Paige.

  Finally finding my words again, I say, “No, this can’t be happening. Is it? Is this for me?” I ask with shock coming through in my voice.

  My dad reaches into his right pants pocket and dangles a set of keys in front of me. “She’s yours, baby girl.”

  I squeal and jump into his arms. “Oh my God, you bought me a car!”

  “How else are you going to come home and visit us on the holidays when you’re at Harvard? You deserve it. We’re so proud of you.”

  Tears run down my face while I squeeze him tightly. “Thanks, Dad.” I peck his cheek, then run to my mom to hug her to thank her as well. I turn and grab the keys out of my dad’s hand, and sprint to my new car, opening the door and sliding into the seat. The smell of the fine leather envelops me as I look at myself in the rearview mirror.

  This is all mine.

  I can’t wait to show my new car to my friends.

  I can’t believe they bought me an Audi for a graduation present.

  “Hey, can I come?”

  I see Paige standing next to my dad and laugh. “Yeah, sure, but let’s get changed first.”


  Driving back to our house, I park my car and notice Diane and Stacey standing in my driveway talking to my parents. When they notice me, their mouths open wide gaping at me in surprise.

  “No way! Don’t tell me this is yours?” Diane smiles and looks from me to the back seat and then to me again. “You have to take us for a drive.”

  “I’ll let you girls go, I’ve got stuff to do.” Paige slides out of the car, and Diane tilts the front seat back for Stacey, allowing her to jump in the back. Diane slides into the front seat, and it’s not long before she’s touching everything on the dashboard.

  “Hey, stop that,” I say, slapping her hand away.

  “Lexi, you are seriously the luckiest girl alive. You have a car? And it’s an Audi, too. I can’t believe it!”

  I smile at her, then grab my sunglasses and place them over my eyes. “Yup, an Audi. Where to, ladies?” I ask as I start the engine.

  “I don’t care where we go, I just want to be seen in this.”

  Heading out of the driveway, I laugh, then wave to my parents once again.

  We take a drive around the streets then onto the highway so I can show these girls what this baby can do. With our hair flying in the wind and the music on loud, I can forget all my worries for now. Nothing matters but this feeling of being with my closest friends, carefree and in my Audi.

  I exit off the highway, then see one of our favorite cafés ahead. This will be a good place and a great opportunity to have that chat with the girls. It’s something I’ve been dreading, but I know I need to do. Diane and Stacey are my best friends, so they deserve to know what happened. If anything, maybe it will make them more cautious and aware it can happen to anyone.

  Reversing into the street parking space, I notice my hands are sweaty. I’m nervous. I’m nervous that if I tell them what happened to me that maybe they will look at me differently. I want them to treat me as they always have, not worrying about if they might say the wrong thing or hurt my feelings by bringing up the past. I simply want things to go back to the way they were before this happened to me.

  “What can I get you, ladies?”

  “I’ll have a mocha, please.” I move aside for the girls as they place their order.

  “Go get us a table. It’s on me.” Stacey waves us off, and Diane and I grab a table by the window.

  “You’re so lucky, girl. I would die for a car like that.” I look out the window at my Audi and think again how lucky I really am. “It is pretty cool, isn’t it?”

  “Cool? It’s not cool, it’s amazing. I hope I can get a car soon.”

  “How are things going with your savings?” I ask as Stacey sits beside me.

  “Could be better, but there’s no way I’ll be driving a car like that even if I saved all my life.” Stacey points to my car and sits back adjusting her top. “That’s what you get when your dad’s a surgeon at one of the best hospitals in New York.”

  I turn to her, feeling guilty that I’m able to have a car that extravagant and not have to save for it like she does. Stacey’s dad moved out when she was nine, and she and her mom have had it tough since then. Her dad doesn’t have to pay child support anymore, and her mom doesn’t get paid much. She works crazy shifts at the diner waitressing and struggles to make ends meet. Stacey’s got a part-time job working at the sports store and has been saving it all to go to college.

  “I doubt I’ll even get a car. I’m going to have to rely on public transportation,” Stacey adds.

  I place my arm around her. “There’s nothing wrong with that. You’ll get your car one day.”

  “Yeah, I hope so.”
r />   “Here you go, ladies. One mocha, a latte, and straight black.”

  We thank the waitress and take a sip of our drinks.

  “Sooo… you gonna tell us what’s been up with you lately?”

  I look up at Diane, who’s leaning forward, her eyes solely focused on me.

  Okay, there’s no time like the present so I stare at Stacey, who’s also waiting for me to speak, then back at Diane. Taking another small sip of my mocha, I inhale then swallow down the lump that’s formed in my throat.

  “I need you to know that it’s not easy for me to tell you this story, and that I need you not to judge me or look at me differently.” I blink my eyes, trying to hold back my tears which are pricking in the corners.

  Diane reaches out to hold my hand. “We’re here for you, Lex. No judgment here. We just want to know you’re okay.”

  I nod and look at our joint hands. “Thanks. I’m okay. Well, as okay as I can be.”

  They sit there quietly for a while waiting for me to break the silence again. I remove my hand and then place them in my lap. Stacey gives me a small smile, and it’s all the courage I need to continue, “Remember Jamie’s party a few months ago?”


  “Fuck, yes, I got with Julian that night,” Diane states and winks at me. Julian is one of Zane’s friends who’s also on the lacrosse team. Diane and Julian have been flirting with each other for a while, and at Jamie’s party, they finally got together. Well, for one night, that is. I had totally forgotten about that. What sort of friend am I? I’ve been so caught up in my own problems I had forgotten to ask Diane about Julian.

  “I’m so sorry, Diane. I forgot all about that.”

  Diane waves her hand. “No biggy, Lex. We kissed, had a bit of fun, and that’s that. He hasn’t even said anything to me since.”

  I narrow my eyes. “That asshole.” Julian is best friends with Zane, and he’s had a thing for Diane for a while, and Diane feels the same, but Julian has never taken the next step. Now, when he finally does, he’s back to playing games.


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