Still Disrespectful (Disrespectful 2)

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Still Disrespectful (Disrespectful 2) Page 2

by Tynessa

  Chapter 2


  It actually broke me down to see my wife suffering like she was. Her and Teyana had always been thick as thieves and her making the decision to go back to her pussy ass baby father resulted in my wife cutting her off.

  In so many different ways I tried to understand Teyana’s logic behind this move she made, but I couldn’t find one. I’d known her for years and I always thought the dumbest thing she ever did was have a baby by that fuck nigga, but she proved me wrong because this was by far the dumbest.

  Sevyn didn’t wanna lose her friendship with Tee, but she couldn’t possibly be a real friend and stand by and watch her fuck her life up and not speak on it. Teyana was adamant about leaving my cousin for Tyriq’s ass; I just hoped she knew what she was doing.

  Hell, even Gambino was walking around looking like a zombie. It was as if he lost his best friend. I couldn’t stand to see them like this. I decided to take my wife on a vacation to see if I could get her to relax for at least a few days without carrying all this stress. She may not have known it yet, but her ass was pregnant.

  She was getting thick, she was always tired, and the pussy was wetter than ever. I asked Gambino if he wanted to come, even if he just stayed in his room all day. At least it would’ve been a change of scenery and get his mind of his troubles for a few days. He declined. He was gonna go back to Buffalo and have a sit down with Jazz before he killed her ass.

  I couldn’t believe she had the balls to do that shit. I mean, I never liked the bitch but I respected her on the strength of my cousin. Her ass shot me and if she wasn’t pregnant with a kid she was claiming to be my blood, I would’ve been let Sevyn head up there and off her ass. It would be a new day when she dropped that load though.

  I walked in my bedroom and saw my wife packing our bags. She looked so down. I really hoped this trip put a little ease on her heart. I couldn’t tell her everything was going to be okay because I knew it wasn’t. Teyana was the only real friend she had and they were more like sisters than anything. We both knew what type of nigga Tyriq was and shit could go either way if she did or said the wrong thing and pissed him off.

  “Hey, baby, this time tomorrow, you will be relaxed enjoying the sunny skies of the Bahamas. Let me see that beautiful smile that made me wife you.”

  “I know I should be jumping for joy to go on this trip, but I am so worried about Teyana. I have a bad feeling about this. All this sneaking she doing to call me like she not a grown ass woman is pissing me off.”

  “Teyana did what she thought was best. Do I think she was being selfish? Yes. But at the same time, her son’s life was at stake, Gambino was laid up in a hospital and it didn’t help any that his ex-girlfriend is the one who pulled this whole fucking caper off. Teyana felt that either way she was gonna be in drama, but the drama with her child’s father seemed like the way to go. Shit, we know he won’t harm Camari. We can’t say the same about Jazz. She didn’t give a fuck that he was in that shop with us when she shot me and Gambino.”

  “I guess. Well babe, I need to run to the mall to pick up a few things. My damn clothes are shrinking. I can hardly fit any of the shorts I wanna take with me.” I shook my head and laughed at her ass. She was in denial like a mothafucka’.

  “What’s so funny? You don’t think clothes shrink, because I know I ain’t gaining any weight,” she said, getting mad. I laughed again.

  “You might as well get over the denial stage, boo. You’re pregnant. You ain’t even realize how much your hips and fat ass nose done spread, have you?”

  “Zy, I am not pregnant. I just had my period….” She paused. She couldn’t even remember that she hasn’t had a period in almost four months.

  “Almost four months ago,” I said, letting her know that I noticed it.

  “That could be from stress. I am not pregnant, Zy. I haven’t been sick or anything.”

  “Ok. Prove it. While you’re at the mall buying bigger clothes, grab a pregnancy test on your way back home. That will do for now and when we come back, you can make a doctor’s appointment to confirm what the test says.”


  Since the shooting, I’d been laying low. Though, I was back in New York now, I knew that Gambino had ways of getting to me if he really wanted to. Why he hadn’t yet was beyond me. I rubbed my swollen belly. I liked to think it was because he thought I was pregnant with his child that he hadn’t come for me yet. Maybe he didn’t even know it was me that shot his ass. I thought I had succeeded in killing him but when I received a call from his ass I almost shit bricks.

  I know what you’re thinking. Yes, I’ve set him up before and lost my first child behind my selfish reasons but I’d be dammed if all of a sudden Gambino didn’t wanna be with me no more because he found a new bitch. When Zywon called him and told him about that bitch being laid up in the hospital on her death bed, Gambino stopped shopping, which we were doing for our child might I add, and ran to be by her side. Didn’t even bother to take me home. That’s how I knew that he was in love with her.

  After our argument that night, I went to clear my head at a nearby lake. I was there about twenty minutes before he walked up on me and asked me my name.

  “Jazmine,” I replied. He looked familiar but I couldn’t pinpoint where I knew him from. Being that I wasn’t originally from Atlanta, there wasn’t really anyone I knew outside of Gambino’s family.

  “I’m Tyriq. My girl introduced us a few months back in Applebee’s. You were with your rude ass nigga.”

  “Ex. He left me today for your bitch.”

  “That’s if she still breathing. I took care of her when she thought she was going to leave me for that rude ass boyfriend of yours.”

  “Well I hate to be the bearer of bad news but not only is she still alive, but she’s pregnant by Gambino.”

  “Not for long. I’m the only man that Teyana knows. She will never be able to love him because of all my cheating and abusive ways. She will never trust him and he will leave her. But if you want your man back, I do know a way for Teyana to come back to me and Gambino will be yours again. He damn sure won’t want anything to do with her when I’m done.

  From there we came up with our plan. I called Calvin to come and help us push it through and a few nights after Teyana was released from the hospital we executed our plan. So far it seemed like the only part of the plan that came together was Tyriq getting his son and Teyana back, even if it was against their will.

  Calvin walked in the house yelling, bringing me out my thoughts. He was everything to me and I don’t know why I didn’t just let Gambino go and give him my all. He deserved it. He had been there for me through everything. Hell, the only thing that made Gambino better than him was the money.

  “Hey, my love,” I said to him when he entered our bedroom. I was so in love with this man, but it was a damn shame I couldn’t give him my all because of the hold Gambino had on me. Sad part about it was—he didn’t even want my ass.

  “Hey, baby love.” Calvin hovered over me as I laid on the bed. He kissed my lips passionately until he pulled back and stared into my eyes. “I love you,” he said with so much sincerity in his voice. I smiled and closed my eyes as he kissed my belly. He was happy about my pregnancy.

  A part of me was ecstatic that Calvin was the father. I knew he would love this baby, unconditionally, and that neither I nor the baby would want for anything. However, I would be lying if I said I didn’t wish Gambino was the father. I knew Gambino would never be with me again, thanks to that bitch, but with him thinking this baby is his, he would still have some kind of dealing with me. That’s why he’d never find out that he was not the father—not if I could help it.

  “Why you didn’t tell me your boy was in town?” Calvin asked me as he helped me to sit up on the bed. I couldn’t wait to drop this damn baby. Shit was slowing me down.

  “Who are you talking about?” I don’t know why but deep down, I had a feeling he was talking about Gambino. I just
prayed he wasn’t.

  “That nigga Gambino. Don’t act like you didn’t know he was in town with the way he’s been blowing up yo’ phone.” I rolled my eyes at his ass. I knew damn well he hadn’t been going through my shit.

  “While you being nosey and shit, I know you seen that I haven’t answered any of his calls. What would we possibly have to talk about after the shit we’ve done?” I gave him a duh look. I’d be a damn fool to answer the phone for that crazy ass nigga. I knew I’d eventually have to talk to him, but not this damn soon. Mama didn’t raise no fool.

  “Well for one, you can tell the nigga that this ain’t his baby,” he stated the obvious while pointing at my stomach. Here we go.

  “I am gonna tell him. Just give me time,” I lied. How was I gonna tell Gambino that I was pregnant by another man when I was just down his throat for getting that bitch pregnant. I wasn’t about to look like a hypocrite. Nope!

  “How much time do you need? You should have been told him.” I was about to curse Calvin’s ass out if he didn’t get off my nerves.

  “I know, Calvin. How do you know he’s here, anyways?” I tried changing the subject.

  “I saw him today,” he informed me. “Yup, he pulled right up on me. I was shocked as hell because I didn’t even know his ass was out the damn hospital. I went by to see his mama the other day, but she didn’t say shit about the nigga having gotten out,” Calvin went on to say.

  “Did he seem like he knew anything? Like how was the nigga acting?” I asked nervously, gesturing for him to continue talking.

  “Calm down, ma. You good! Nigga just asked have I seen you. He said he needs to holla at you about the baby. He didn’t even mention anything about the shooting. Told me if I saw you to have you to call him. He’s going to be in town for a few days.”

  I didn’t want to fall for the shit Gambino was spitting but I knew if I wanted him to continue believing the baby was his, it would be best I called him. I just knew for sure that if he knew what was going on behind his back that both Calvin and I would certainly die.

  Chapter 3


  Being in this hellhole I called home was sickening. I swear, I’m so miserable here. All I did was lie in bed and think about Gambino when I wasn’t tending to Camari. If it wasn’t for my son, I would’ve been killed Tyriq. For the first couple of days when I came back all he did was rape me every night. It got to the point that I just stopped saying no when he would ask for sex for the simple fact that I knew whether I said no, he was still going to have his way with me. Yet, I wouldn’t dare tell Gambino that I was having sex with my fiancé while carrying his baby.

  “You better not be in my house thinking about that nigga, either,” I heard Tyriq say from behind me. I turned to face him, but not before I rolled my eyes upwards. Why must he always start shit with me? “I have been standing here calling your name for about five minutes now. You about ready to go?”

  I didn’t even respond back to him as I got up and slipped on my heels. We were taking, Camari to his mother’s house while we had a date night. I didn’t know what had gotten into him. Yesterday he came in with flowers for me and today he was taking me out. During the process he was still talking shit, but that was just him.

  “Yes, I’m ready,” I said to him. I grabbed my clutch and we were out the door. The whole ride to Tyriq mother’s house was a quiet one. When we pulled up, I was thankful that Tyriq didn’t ask me to get out. I hated his stuck up ass mama. While he ran inside, I took my phone out to send Gambino a quick text.

  Me: Sorry for the short notice but I have a doctor’s appointment this Monday. Would have hit you up sooner, but Tyriq has been on my ass. I’ll keep you posted. I love you!!

  I saw, Tyriq, coming back out so I hurried and slipped the phone back into my clutch. I didn’t bother giving Gambino the time of the appointment because I didn’t know if Tyriq would attend or not. I mean, he had yet to speak about the pregnancy, but I was pretty sure he knew.

  We arrived at the restaurant and everything was going okay. Tyriq wasn’t saying too much to me and I damn sure wasn’t saying shit to him. But I knew it was too much like right for that to last throughout the whole “date.”

  “So, when do you plan on telling me about that baby you’re pregnant with?” he asked me the million dollar question.

  “When you tell me what gave you the right to pull that little stunt you pulled,” I shot back at him. I sat back in the chair with my arms folded and waited for his ass to reply.

  “You don’t question me about shit I do. How many times I have to tell you that, woman?! I told you that I’m not letting you go,” he responded right before he busted out with a laugh that caused my skin to crawl. “You and that bitch ass nigga didn’t think y’all were going to live happily ever after, did ya’ll? Nah, ya’ll couldn’t have possibly thought that shit.” He continued to laugh as if something was funny. Tyriq was such an asshole. I hated his fucking guts.

  “Whether we thought that or not, Tyriq, it wasn’t that serious to shoot at him. What if you would have killed him or better yet, what if you would’ve shot your son—?” I was cut off by him grabbing me by my face, pulling me closer to his as he leaned over the table.

  “Bitch, don’t you ever in your fucking life question me about killing the next nigga. I wish I would’ve killed his ass. That would’ve been one less mothafucka’ I have to worry about.” With that, Tyriq mushed my face back so hard, I damn near fell out my chair. Folks were staring at us but he didn’t give a damn. There’s no way I could continue to live like this.

  Tyriq reached back across the table and grabbed my hands as if he wasn’t just mushing my face and spoke again. “Now as far as this fucking bastard baby goes, I ain’t one to take care of another man’s kids but since I despise this fuck nigga Gambino, I’m willing to step up just to spite his ass but you will not leave me. Only way you leaving me this time is in a body bag.”

  When the waitress brought our food to the table, Tyriq ate like nothing ever happened. I had lost my appetite so I pretty much just pushed the food around the plate with my fork. When Tyriq was done he got up and went to the bathroom. I used that opportunity to text Sevyn and tell her that we needed to talk. I knew she was mad at me too, but I knew that when I told her that I planned on leaving Tyriq she would do anything to help me. I couldn’t live like this. I had to get out of this bullshit I had gotten myself into.

  I looked through my messages to see if Sevyn or Gambino had texted me back but neither did. I knew it was going to take some time for me to get back on Gambino’s good side but I wasn’t expecting Sevyn to shut me out like this. I was expecting her to call or text me and cuss me out but she had yet to do so.

  When Tyriq returned to the table, the waitress soon followed with the check. Tyriq grabbed it from her, looked at it and tossed it to me before he got up and walked off. I couldn’t believe this nigga brought me out only for me to pay for the meal. Ain’t that about a bitch?!


  I didn’t know who Teyana was trying to play but she wasn’t about to play me. Yeah, I know it was some snake shit for me to kidnap my own son, just because I knew that it would bring her ass back home. I don’t know why she even thought that I would let her live happily ever after with that fuck nigga.

  All the messages she thought she was sending to Gambino’s bitch ass and that bitch Sevyn were being forwarded to my cell. I didn’t want her to have any contact with them. Had she not sent that message to Gambino about the doctor’s appointment, I wouldn’t have even known that she was pregnant. I couldn’t even front and say I wasn’t hurt that she was pregnant by another nigga.

  Teyana was mine. I know I didn’t do right by her and I should’ve kept my hands to myself, but that’s all I knew. Growing up I watched my father beat on my mother and she never left. When he died is when my mother walked away. Teyana wasn’t supposed to leave me. She was supposed to stay and stick this shit out with me just like my mother did with my fath

  Once Teyana made it to the car, I headed to my mother’s house to get my son. Once we made it to my mother’s house, I made Teyana get out the car this time. My mother didn’t like Teyana, but it humored me to make Teyana uncomfortable around her. When we walked in my mother’s house she was sitting on the couch with a crying Camari laying his head in her lap.

  “Aww baby, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?” Teyana ran over to him. While Teyana was trying to calm Camari down, my mother was shooting daggers at me.

  “Teyana, can you take Camari to the back so I can talk to my son?” Teyana grabbed Camari and took him to the bathroom to clean his face. My mother told me to sit down. I didn’t know what was up with her but something wasn’t right because she spoke to Teyana as if she felt sorry for her.

  “Tyriq, do you wanna know why your son was laying on my lap crying?”

  “I’m sure whatever reason you whooped him he deserved it. But the whooping means nothing if you’re gonna baby him afterwards, Ma.”

  “You’re dumb as fuck, Tyriq. Do you know your son asked me to help him and his mother get away from you? He is tired of seeing his mother cry herself to sleep every night because when you’re not beating on her, you’re verbally abusing and threatening her?” I couldn’t believe he was telling my mother this stuff. I hadn’t laid a hand on Teyana since she came back home.

  “Ma, no disrespect but what I do in my house is just that, my house. I don’t know what exactly Camari thinks he sees but I haven’t laid a hand on Teyana since we got back together. Furthermore, you don’t even like her so why would you care how I treat her?” Before I knew what was going on, my mother was slapping the shit out of me. I rubbed my jaw and looked at her like she had two heads.


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