Still Disrespectful (Disrespectful 2)

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Still Disrespectful (Disrespectful 2) Page 4

by Tynessa

  Chapter 5


  After my meeting with Gambino, I was so confused. I knew that I should’ve just accepted the fact that I would never get to be with him again but I couldn’t. Calvin was getting on my nerves day in and out about just leaving this shit alone, moving far away and being the family we were supposed to be.

  I knew he had to feel awkward looking in Gambino’s face every day but he has to remember that this was his plan from the beginning anyway. He was the one who originally set me up to meet Gambino by accident, have him fall in love with me and move me in with him in hopes that he would give me the codes to his safes. Hell, as long as we were together, I didn’t even know where the fuck the safes were located. He was also the one who had me hire my cousins to do the botched drive-by that killed my first unborn. The more I think about that situation, I think he knew that I was really pregnant by Gambino and set that shit up to happen that way on purpose.

  “Bae, where you at?” Biggs walked through the house yelling. Yes, Biggs and Calvin were the same person. I had been with Calvin “Biggs” DeMarcus since I was a junior in high school. He had and always would be my first everything. He, Zywon and Gambino met about two years after Biggs and I graduated high school. I was staying in Jersey with my dad, so I didn’t see Biggs much, but he was still my man as far as I was concerned.

  When Zywon and Gambino got promoted to a higher status, they left Biggs to continue being their errand boy and he felt disrespected. After a few months of being errand boy, Zywon finally gave him his own trap to run, but it was a slap to his face because he felt he should’ve been sitting on the throne with them since he started at the same time as they did. Since they wouldn’t give him the piece of the pie he was rightfully due, he decided he was going to take it and he put his plan into motion.

  “Bae, did you not hear me yelling through this mothafucka’ for you?” he said, snapping me out my thoughts.

  “I’m sorry. I was kind of zoned out. What’s up?” I asked. It wasn’t that I cared, but if I didn’t ask then he would know that something was up.

  “This nigga Gambino came out his mouth today and asked me and Zywon if it would be a good idea if he gave you and him another shot to make it work.”

  I almost passed the fuck out. What type of games was Biggs playing? I studied his face to see if he was playing to get a reaction out of me but I couldn’t find any. He was dead ass serious.

  “And what did you say?” I wasn’t trying to seem too anxious, but at the same time I wanted to know. Gambino even considering getting back with me was music to my ears. Maybe we could raise this baby as a family after all. If only I could convince him not to get a paternity test done.

  “I wanted to go off on his mothafuckin’ ass, but I had to play it cool. Of course yo’ boy, Zywon let his ass know that it wasn’t a good idea,” he said with a shake of his head. See, that’s why I hated, Zywon’s hatin’ ass now. Nigga ran his mouth too much about shit that didn’t concern him. Ugh, I wished he would’ve died the night of the shooting. I had tuned Biggs out as he rambled on, until he said, “Gambino dumb as fuck for even considering getting back with yo’ ass,” with an irritating laugh.

  “The fuck you mean by that?” Yes, I was offended as hell right now. I didn’t give a fuck what I had done to Gambino in the past. Shit, if I was such a bad person then why the hell he was so hell bent on being with me. After all the shit I’d done to Gambino who was to say I wouldn’t do them to him?

  “Bae, you know I ain’t mean nothing by it. I’m just saying, you shot the nigga and left him for dead and he’s still thinking about giving you another chance.”

  “And what’s so wrong with that?” I questioned Biggs as I folded my arms and rested them on top of my belly.

  “What, you wanna get back with the nigga or something?” By now, Biggs was standing there pissed all the way off. I really didn’t care about his attitude because he was pissing me off as well.

  “Did I say that?” was my response.

  “No, but it’s obvious that you do. You can’t even tell the mothafucka’ that’s not his baby you carrying.” He had a good point, but so what? As I stated before, it was his fault I was in the dilemma I was in.

  “Well you can thank yourself for that. Whose fault is it that I even got involved with, Gambino in the first place?” I asked. Biggs had the nerve to stand there and look confused.

  “So you saying this whole thing is my fault?”

  Duh, mothafucka’! I wanted to say. But instead, I said nothing.

  “Yeah, we were supposed to be setting him up, but you falling in love with the nigga was all on you. You the one that got your feelings involved.”

  Again, I said nothing.

  Biggs nodded his head up and down as he grabbed his keys off the dresser. “Maybe I should have told the nigga it was a great fucking idea, since with him is where you clearly wanna be.” With that, Biggs stormed out the bedroom and didn’t look back. At this point, I was confused. I loved Biggs, but he was right; with Gambino was where I wanted to be.


  I stormed out the bedroom and out the front door of the house I shared with Jazz. There were mixed emotions running throughout my body—both hurt and anger. At the moment, I didn’t even know which one overpowered the other. I was hurt because I knew I was losing the only woman I ever loved besides my mother due to my own selfishness. Then the anger part was because I didn’t understand how she allowed herself to grow feelings for Gambino. Yeah, it was a must I take this nigga out. There was no way in hell he was about to raise my baby as his own.

  I sat inside my car watching Gambino and Zywon as they carried on a conversation. I wanted that nigga’s blood so fucking bad it was ridiculous. I hated the ground Gambino walked on. I disliked Zywon too, but not nearly as much as his punk, bitch ass cousin, Gambino.

  Gambino was an ol’ cocky ass son-of-a-bitch. I hate niggas of his kind. Just thinking about him wanting to get back with Jazz caused my trigger finger to itch. All the shit I’d told him about Jazz sleeping around on him with another man, which was me, and he still didn’t leave her alone. Then after he’d finally gotten the courage to leave her, he was thinking about taking her back.

  “Bitch ass nigga,” I mumbled to myself as he and Zywon were making their way to my ride.

  “What’s up, nigga?” Gambino dapped me up, followed by Zywon. I just hit them with a head nod and said nothing.

  “Did you take care of that little shit for me?” asked Gambino. I really hated this nigga. Here I was, supposed to be running shit this way but it was like whenever him and Zywon came into town, they found a way to make me feel like I was not capable of handling business. They’d have me doing shit that I paid other mothafuckas to do when they were not here in New York.

  “Yeah, I took care of it. Aye—.” This rude mothafucka’, Gambino, held up his finger, cutting me off to answer his phone.

  “Yeah, Jazz,” he said, while walking off for privacy. Jazz was really testing me right now. Her ass couldn’t wait for me to leave so she could call this nigga. I cut my eyes at Zywon and he was already shaking his head. Yeah, I was right along with him. Gambino was about the dumbest nigga I knew. I just hope he don’t put too much trust in Jazz this time around. Once a snake, always a snake.

  “Man, cuz shot out. I just don’t get him right now. Like, this nigga really wanna give this bitch a second chance. Where the fuck they do that at?” Zywon fussed before putting fire to the Blunt he’d just rolled.

  “I guess that’s what good pussy do to a nigga,” I mumbled lowly. I guess I wasn’t too low because he looked at me with a raised brow.

  “Good pussy or not, she ain’t the one for my cousin. I kept telling that nigga that bitch was a snake. But that’s alright, ‘cause she’s going to get what’s coming to her,” he said while nodding his head up and down. Cutting his eyes at me, he said, “Her and the rest of the mothafuckas that was involved in trying to take us out.”

If I didn’t know any better, I would’ve thought the nigga knew something. I seriously doubted that though because me and Jazz were extra cautious with our shit. The night of the shooting when her mask came off was the only time we’d ever slipped up. Best believe I got in her ass for that careless shit. How the fuck she managed to lose her ski mask then was still beyond me.

  “Yeah, I feel ya’ on that,” I agreed just as Gambino was walking over.

  “What the fuck was she talking about?” asked Zywon’s nosey ass. I was glad he asked because I wanted to know the same thing.

  “She’s coming back to Atlanta with me when I leave tomorrow for a few days,” Gambino said nonchalantly. Had I had my gun on me, I probably would’ve ended that niggas life right then and there.

  “Bruh, what the fuck are you thinking? What about Teyana?” asked an upset Zywon. He might’ve been angrier that I was.

  “Man, she’s back with her fiancé; you know that. And to be honest, I’m sick of chasing her ass. I’ll be there for my baby, but I’m going to take things slow with Jazz and see what’s up.”

  To say I was shocked was an understatement. I never took cocky ass Gambino, to be pussy whipped. It was obvious the nigga was whipped by Jazz’s pussy. I chuckled to myself because she did have that effect of a nigga. I knew where he was coming from, because I too was pussy whipped. The power of Jazz’s pussy was a mothafucka’!

  Chapter 6


  I know what you all are thinking. I’m one dumb ass nigga, right? I mean, I don’t want to be with, Jazz—especially with the shit she tried to pull— but I’m thinking about that baby that she’s trying to pin on me. I shouldn’t even give a fuck, right? I have strong reasons to not believe it’s mine but hey, everything will come to the light, soon. Part of the reason I wanted her to come back to Atlanta with me is so I could get back inside her head. I needed to know the other mothafucka’ that was with her and Teyana’s bitch ass fiancé. Something was telling me that it was someone within our circle; but who? Jazz wasn’t smart enough to go out and find someone on her own, or so I thought. I wasn’t going to stress over it though, because when it was all said and done, her simple-minded ass was going to tell me everything I needed to know.

  I looked down at my phone as it rang. It was an Atlanta number, but I didn’t recognize it. I wasn’t going to answer at first but something told me I’d better.

  “Yo,” I said into the phone.

  “Gambino, I have been calling you for days.”

  “What’s up, Teyana? I’m busy.” I knew I was wrong for being short with her being that I just tore her ass out the frame a few days ago but I was really still pissed about her getting back with that bitch ass baby daddy of hers. His days were becoming shorter and shorter so I was slowly getting over it.

  “Damn, Gambino. I know you’re mad at me but you can’t fault me for being a mother first. I will do all I can to protect my son.”

  “Teyana, I would expect nothing short of you protecting Camari. I will put my life on the line for Camari my damn self but you aren’t thinking about the child you are pregnant with. I’m telling you, Tee, as much as I love you, if something happens to my seed while you living with this nigga, I will never forgive you.” I didn’t mean to come off so mean but I damn sure meant what I said.

  “Well I’m preparing myself to leave him soon. I was calling because I needed your help but fuck you.” With that, she hung up on me. I stared at the phone confused as fuck. The eerie feeling that I had in the pit of my stomach told me that shit was about to get bad real quick.


  Me and Jazz had been back in Atlanta for a couple days and honestly no matter how much I tried, I couldn’t pretend to like her ass for too much longer. I knew Jazz’s baby wasn’t mine. I hadn’t slept with her ass for months before she popped up pregnant. Jazz had a motive. I had yet to figure it out but ever since she had that first miscarriage things had been fishy.

  The family she hated so much, she was all of a sudden visiting them frequently. She was receiving calls from a burnout cell phone and all of a sudden she had money overflowing through her bank account. I had stopped giving her money and shit when I was ready to move on with Teyana, but I still had access to her accounts and she was sitting on damn near as much bread as I was. Her shopping habits should’ve had her broke a few months after I sent her ass back to Buffalo. I was more determined than ever to find out who the fuck she was working with.

  I left home early this morning to get caught up on the books at the barbershop and to keep my mind off this stressful ass situation I was in. Teyana hadn’t called me since the day she hung up on me and I couldn’t front; I was feeling some type of way. As if it wasn’t bad enough that she went back to this nigga, but then her ass was fucking him knowing damn well she was pregnant with my seed. She was on some ho shit and I wasn’t feeling it.

  I called her this morning but she didn’t answer and it had been two hours so I know she had seen that missed call. I didn’t give a fuck if I did say some rude shit to her. She was supposed to keep in contact with me at all times. I told her ass if I had to show up at that nigga’s doorstep again it wasn’t gon’ be a social call. She was testing me and I was about to remind her that I was a straight A student.

  “What’s up cuz? Why you looking so spaced out?” Zywon asked me.

  “You ain’t heard from Teyana today? I ain’t heard from her since before we came back home.”

  “Naw. Sevyn gave up on calling her because she hasn’t been returning her calls. I just usually update her off the information you give me.”

  “Fuck. Something ain’t right, man. When I went to her crib last week, she said that she had been texting and calling me and Sevyn. I told her that we hadn’t been getting anything from her and that’s why I showed up on her doorstep.”

  I was confused as fuck because Teyana showed me in her phone where she had been texting and calling us but neither of us were getting the messages. I got up and headed out the office with Zywon hot on my heels.

  “Nigga, where you going?” he said, locking the office door. That meant his ass was coming with me whether I wanted him to or not.

  “I’m going to get Teyana. I’m not about to play this fucking game with her while she pregnant with my seed. She can go back to that fuck nigga after she drop my load.”

  Zywon hopped in the passenger side of my truck and I peeled off. It took me about twenty minutes to get to her house. Her car was parked in the driveway but the house completely dark. The curtains weren’t open or nothing and that was odd because Teyana always opened the curtains for the natural light to shine through. She hated darkness.

  I opted against parking on the street and pulled in right behind Teyana’s Charger. We hopped out the car and Zy got ready to ring the doorbell but I stopped his ass and kicked that bitch off the hinges.

  “Tee? Camari?” I yelled through the house. I pulled my Glock from my waistband and took the safety off. I heard Zywon behind me doing the same thing with his. We looked in every room in the house and didn’t find her or Camari. I tore that house up looking for any indications that maybe she was hurt or left a clue or something. When I flipped her bed over, I found a cell phone. I powered it on and waited for it to come to life. About thirty seconds later, it began ringing with all types of text messages and shit going off. I opened the messages and they were all from Teyana’s phone to me and Sevyn. This nigga had been forwarding messages from her phone to him. No wonder we weren’t getting any of them.

  I showed Zywon the messages and all he could do was shake his head. We knew this nigga was crazy but I would’ve never thought he was smart enough to pull this off.

  “No wonder Sevyn wasn’t getting any responses from Teyana. This clown is smarter than we thought he was.”

  “I don’t know what the fuck is going on but when I get Teyana and Camari in my presence again, they leaving with me. Fuck her feelings until she drop my seed.” With that I walked out the bedro
om, down the stairs and right out the house. I wasn’t about to keep playing with the safety of these kids behind Teyana’s confused ass. If she really wanted to leave that nigga she could’ve. Once she came back and got Camari under her wing, it would’ve been nothing for me to get them away from this nigga. I did it the first time; I damn sure could’ve and would’ve done it again had she allowed me to.


  My mother had been getting on my nerves asking for me to come over and have a sit down with her. I loved my mother to death but I blamed her for my fucked up ways. I watched my father day in and out treat her like shit on a stick and in my head that’s the way all women were supposed to be treated.

  I knew that I should’ve took my father’s mistakes and went the opposite direction from them but when I was about seven years old, my father fucked my head up completely. I came home from playing basketball with my friends early one Saturday and my mom was at work. I knew my dad liked to stay in bed on Saturday’s and relax so I headed up to his room to ask him if I could make a sandwich until Moms got off work.

  I opened the door to the room without knocking and walked in on my dad in what I know now as doggy style position with a man behind him pumping in and out of him. I was standing there in utter confusion, not knowing what was going on. My dad jumped up and charged at me, yelling to get out his room. I hurriedly ran out the room and went to my room and shut the door.

  A few minutes later I heard the downstairs door closing. Then I heard my dad knocking on my bedroom door. I got up to open the door for him and went back and sat on my bed.

  “Son, I have told you over and over again to knock before you just come barging in my room.”

  “I’m sorry, Dad. What was going on in there?”


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