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Zorvak's Rescue: Compatibles

Page 13

by Hannah Davenport

  He narrowed his eyes in questionable suspicion and then replied, “Yes, Captain.”

  “Wait for me there.” He nodded once and then turned his gaze on Cami.

  I am so sorry, Cami. I will return to you shortly, but right now, Roark will take you to my home. Now our home. Look around, make yourself comfortable.

  Just hurry. I don’t like being a bug under a microscope, and right now, that’s exactly how I feel.

  I caught Roark as his eyes roamed Cami’s body a couple times, and I didn’t like it. I cleared my throat. His eyes shot to mine. “Off limits.” The sternness of my voice and the hard look I gave him said everything.

  He nodded, glanced at Cami, and said, “Follow me.”

  As she walked away, following Roark, I turned on my heels and stalked toward Lord Garan’s office. Be safe and call if you need me.



  Change Is Coming


  As I stood in front of Lord Garan’s door; I steeled my spine. Not sure if he would be glad to see me or think I was a traitor and took off on my own accord. Time to find out. I placed my hand on the sensor and the door dematerialized, granting me entrance. A part of me felt relieved that my handprint still worked.

  I stood at attention waiting for Lord Garan to acknowledge me.

  When he finished with his task, he looked up and smiled. “Zorvak. I am glad you have returned.”

  “Thank you, My Lord.”

  “Please, have a seat.” He inclined his head toward the vacant chair in front of the desk. When I did as he asked, he continued. “Now,” his tone had turned serious, “tell me what happened.”

  “The day after you and I had our meeting, I was having last meal and was drugged. When I woke up, my wrists were shackled and I was on Ukan.”

  “The Humchins.”


  “And yet you escaped.” He eyed me with either suspension or admiration for escaping the clutches of that planet.

  “I will admit, I had help.”

  “Uh-huh.” He looked at me with knowing eyes. I had never seen him so… relaxed. “Since our last discussion, there have been two attempts on my life.”

  “I apologize…”

  He held up his hand, staving off anything else I started to say. “You have trained the Royal Guard well.”

  “Thank you.”

  In an unusual show of anything but complete control, Lord Garan rubbed his forehead. “When you disappeared, I feared Esad had had you killed. The relief I felt when I heard your request to land was immense.” He let out a heavy sigh. “I am tired, Zorvak. I will send the decree to the council, and if you accept, in one week’s time you will become the next Lord of Ulaya.”

  I bowed my head to show respect. “I am humbled, My Lord.” The honor he would bestow on me would be immense. My bloodline would lead Ulaya from now until it died out. If it died out.

  “In seven days, we will have the change of power ceremony. Until then, only me and the council will know, and plan accordingly.”

  After everything he had entrusted me with, I could do no different. “I must inform you of a situation first, give you the chance to change your mind.”

  He laid both his arms on the desk and waited with a confused look. “I am listening.”

  “When the Humchins held me prisoner, I cast my senses wide and found what I thought was a compatible Ulaya female. I formed the bond, sight unseen. Turns out, she is an unknown species who has agreed to be my bond mate. And we have agreed to keep that information private for now.”

  He studied me with intense eyes before saying, “I want to meet her.”

  “Yes, My Lord.”

  “Zorvak, this changes nothing. I have never seen a Compatible in my lifetime, and the fact you found this with another species is fascinating.”

  “If we have offspring, it will be next in line to lead.”

  “And you may not be able to have offspring, and like me, you can choose someone worthy to take your place.”

  “Thank you.” I never imagined he would allow me to take over if I mated a human. That’s what she called herself. Could it be possible to have everything?

  “Be here for last meal, bring her with you. Until then…” And just like that the conversation ended.

  I stood, turned, and headed out of the office with determination. I needed to see Cami, make sure she was okay.

  The meeting is over. I’m coming home.

  Good. I hope it went well.

  I’ll tell you about it as soon as I get there.


  Roark led me out of the mansion to a waiting car. He ushered me inside, and it didn’t look like anything I’d seen before. After typing in some coordinates, Roark sat back, crossed his arms, and let the car do its own thing. Cars flew by as we zipped between tall buildings. Some reminded me of Earth, others were different shapes and colors. Everything was strange and fascinating, even the people. They were all shades of red ranging anywhere from light to dark. Zorvak was darker than most.

  I secretly checked to see if my NI could connect, and to my surprise, it did. Looking around the city, I realized with a start the reason NI’s were dangerous. If I was a vicious person, I could control everything here. Technology at its finest.

  Roark landed the car-thing on the roof of a high-rise building. I wanted to ask so many questions, but I chose to remain silent.

  The door sprang open on its own, and when I stepped out, I walked to the edge and peered over. “Whoa, that’s a long way,” I murmured to myself. From here, I had a great view of the city. A wall surrounded what I could see and in the distance, I could see a volcano. Mental note, ask Zorvak what the wall is for. I needed to know if there were dangerous animals that roamed the planet. Maybe a man-eating beast.

  “This way.” Roark’s commanding voice boomed right behind me, making me jump slightly.

  When I turned around, he was already walking away. Arrogant asshole. He reminded me of the first time I talked to Zorvak.

  When we entered the immaculate apartment, I questioned whether Zorvak lived here or not. It smelled sterile, and nothing seemed out of place. Rich dark hardwood floors in some places while the kitchen floor gleamed like marble.

  A bookshelf filled with books, ran from floor to ceiling along the back wall. An inviting couch sat near the opposite wall, facing the bookshelf, next to a matching chair. To the right, a floor to ceiling glass wall with one glass door led to the balcony. Testing a theory, I walked over and placed my hand on the glass door, expecting it to dematerialize. I was disappointed when that didn’t happen.

  “It’s only programmed to work for Zorvak.” I glanced over my shoulder to Roark, who stood with his arms crossed, watching my every move.

  I nodded, slowly turned back around, and then continued my inspection.

  Everything looked normal except for the high-tech gadgets in the kitchen. I wanted to explore the other rooms of the apartment, but I doubted that Roark would allow me to rummage through drawers.

  The meeting is over. I’m coming home.

  His meeting didn’t last long, for which I was thankful. I didn’t like being without him. Especially since we just arrived. Good. I hope it went well.

  I’ll tell you about it as soon as I get there.

  I knew without looking that Roark stared at me. The heat from his gaze made my skin prickle. With nothing else to inspect, I plopped down on the couch, and after a couple of minutes, he sat down on the chair. By the look in his eyes, I knew he wanted to ask questions.

  “What species are you?” His voice was polite, curious.

  “Human.” Without the translator, I knew he didn’t understand me when he scrunched his nose and narrowed his eyes. So I switched to the universal language that Munic had taught me and repeated, “Human.”

  “I have never heard of human.”

  With my chin lifted high, I admitted, “I realize I’m alone here, in this part of space.”r />
  “How did you get here?”

  I wasn’t sure how much I wanted to reveal, however, I didn’t want to make an enemy of this man, or any of Zorvak’s people. I glanced at Roark, who sat with his arms crossed and a puzzled look on his face. I cast him a quick half-smile and answered, “By complete accident.” That was the truth.

  Please hurry. I wanted Zorvak here with me. He thinks there is a traitor, and I wasn’t sure who to trust, how much to tell.

  I am almost there.

  When he walked through the door, the relief at seeing his handsome face was immense…instant. His eyes searched until they found mine before glancing at Roark.

  He marched over to the couch, grabbed my hand and pulled me to my feet and into his arms. Are you alright?

  Yes, but I thought we were keeping everything a secret. Your friend is scrutinizing our every move.

  Don’t worry about Roark, I trust him, and I may need his help. I need to find out what happened after I was kidnapped.

  If you trust him, then so do I.

  He released his hold on me, stepped back, and entwined his fingers with mine.

  Roark’s eyes zeroed in on our tangled hands. “Something you would like to share?” He raised an eyebrow as his eyes flicked to Zorvak.

  “First, tell me what has happened.” Zorvak nudged me to sit down, and when I did, he sat down with me.

  Roark still studied us but I refused to let this man quell my happiness. Glancing at Zorvak, he answered, “Estine called for a healer and you were whisked off to medical. Later, you disappeared. All I know is that you were drugged. We questioned Estine extensively, but found no evidence of her involvement. Someone hid their tracks well. We couldn’t find you.”

  Zorvak nodded, but looked unfazed.

  Who’s Estine?

  Someone I shared my last meal with.

  A lover? Please say no! Please say no! Yes, I was jealous! I needed to know what the hell was going on, and what opposition I faced. The thoughts of Zorvak with another woman made me territorial.

  No. She was interested but I was not.

  Then why have dinner with her?


  A meal. Why share a meal?

  He never answered. Instead, he focused his attention on Roark. “Someone drugged me at Estine’s place. When I awoke, I was held prisoner on Ukan. Used as a pawn in the Humchins betting arenas until we fought our way free and landed back here.

  “We?” He raised one eyebrow.

  “Yes. We. Now what has happened?”

  Roark glanced from me to Zorvak as if he were unsure to disclose the information.

  “It’s alright, you may speak freely in front of her.”

  Roark inclined his head briefly. “After you disappeared, we tightened security to protect Lord Garan. There have been two attempts on his life.”


  “After you were drugged, we started tasting his food. With only a taste, Voth spent two nights in the infirmary.”

  “And the other?”

  “Someone tampered with the lift’s sensor. When he placed his hand on it, it electrocuted him. Luckily it wasn’t fatal. Now Lord Garan has an escort everywhere he goes. No area is considered safe.”

  What is a lift?

  Without looking at me, Zorvak answered, A lift is used to transport people from one floor to another.

  Ahh…an elevator.

  “It will be hard to catch a coward.”

  Roark nodded once in agreement as his eyes still darted between the two of us. He wants to ask you about me.

  I know.

  Why doesn’t he? It truly puzzled me why he didn’t come right out and ask. Maybe some protocol I wasn’t aware of?

  He cannot question a superior. I am Captain of the Guard and he is next in line so I outrank him.

  I thought you were friends.

  We are.

  That doesn’t make sense. On Earth, friends talk. This conversation is stilted. Is he afraid to ask?

  No. He is following protocol.

  Ohh, for goodness’ sake, we are in your apartment where no one else will hear. You should drop the formalities. On Earth, friends followed orders in public, stuck to protocol, but they still laughed and joked behind closed doors. Now I wondered if Zorvak, or any of them, truly had friends or were they just colleagues?

  I could feel his hesitation as he debated. I couldn’t take it any longer. You trust him? I mean really trust him?


  Turning my gaze to Roark’s narrowed eyes as he tried to discern what was going on, I smiled and said, “So, who are the suspects?” I was talking to both males, but I needed to get them both to ease up a little.

  One side of Zorvak’s mouth tipped up when he glanced down at me. “I would say Estine, Ardak, and Esad.”

  Roark’s surprised eyes darted to Zorvak. “Esad? Why?”

  When Zorvak didn’t readily offer the information, I nudged him with my shoulder and said, “Tell him.”


  Cami… came my instant rebuttal. He smiled before turning back to Roark.

  “The day before I was drugged, Lord Garan had summoned me to his office. He is ready to step down and wants me to take over.”

  I could see the wheels turning inside Roark’s head. “This changes everything. Esad would be outraged. Even Ardak, who is rumored to be his bastard son, would feel slighted.” Roark sat in silence for a moment before finishing. “If they had killed Lord Garan while you were gone, Esad would be named the next Lord.”

  “That’s what I’ve been thinking.”

  Never one to be sidelined, I interjected, “Is there anyone else you’re missing? Someone who would be hidden in the shadows?”

  “Explain,” Zorvak said with a confused look.

  “Everything that has happened has to be because Lord Garan wanted to pass the line to you instead of his own bloodline. So, who else knew? I assume it was a closed meeting, but someone had to have heard.”

  “She’s right,” Roark said, his eyes boring into me before darting back to Zorvak’s.

  “I was so focused on the other three, I hadn’t thought about that.” He glanced at me and smiled before turning his attention back to Roark. “We need to keep a close eye on everyone. But if someone got that close to Lord Garan, we need to pay close attention to those who are in and out of the mansion.”



  I knew Roark wanted to ask, I could see it in his eyes. Looking at my friend and confidant, I raised one eyebrow and said, “Ask.”

  He didn’t hesitate. “Who is she to you?”

  I glanced at Cami the same time she caught my eye. Still gazing into her green eyes, I said softly, “Camilla Ryan has agreed to be my bond mate.”

  I heard his slight gasp. “But you will be named Lord.”

  I knew what he meant. I had worried about the same thing until Lord Garan put those concerns to rest. “I have spoken to Lord Garan. He is aware of my intent.”

  “Alright then. May I ask what happened when you were kidnapped?”

  The weight of my stare mixed with the tone of my voice let Roark know the seriousness of what I was about to tell him. “This is between us. The only other person who knows is Lord Garan.” I continued when Roark nodded. “The Humchins held me prisoner and forced me to fight. When Cami came to the fight club, I knew we were Compatibles.” His eyes widened in surprise but he said nothing. “We formed a plan to escape, stole a vessel and here we are.”

  He raised one eyebrow. “I doubt it was that easy.”

  “No, but we are here.”

  Roark stared openly at Cami before saying, “As bond mate to the Captain of the Royal Guard, soon to be Lord Zorvak, I offer you my personal protection.”

  “Thank you,” Cami said in a soft tone.

  She couldn’t know the gravity of what Roark offered. All the Guard were sworn to protect the Lord and his family, but to offer personal protection meant that Roark would take ca
re of her if anything happened to me. “Thank you.” Roark stood to take his leave. I stood with him, leaving Cami sitting on the couch. “Lord Garan has invited us to dine with him this evening.”

  “I will have extra guards posted around the mansion.”

  I inclined my head in acknowledgement. Had he not have said that, I would have ordered it so.

  When Roark left, I turned to Cami and asked, “What do you think?”

  “The apartment is nice, but do you actually live here?”

  I laughed. “Yes, but I split my time between here and the mansion. That’s where we train the new recruits.”

  I studied her closely. Something was wrong. What bothers you?

  “Why is there a wall around the city?”

  “To help protect Lord Garan if anyone tries to usurp his position.”

  “The people here don’t like him?”

  I scoffed, “They do. They didn’t like his father, our previous leader, and they don’t like Esad, Lord Garan’s brother.”

  “Is that why Lord Garan chose someone not from his family?”


  “What if I’m not good enough? What if your people never accept me? Will I always be in danger?”

  I stalked over and lifted her into my arms. “My people will love you.” With tenderness, I softly kissed her luscious lips.

  “Do we have time?” she whispered against my lips. With her arms loosely draped around my neck, I carried her to my sleeping quarters.

  “Not really.” But I didn’t care. I needed to erase her insecurities, show her how much she belonged with me. After placing her on the bed, I undressed us both, climbed on top and eased deep inside her tight sex.

  She opened to me, both mentally and physically as I slowly rocked my hips, needing her to feel how much I needed her, how much I…

  “Why did you stop?” she asked with hooded eyes. Eyes that peered up at me with such tenderness.

  I love you! I don’t know when it happened, but I loved her.

  She smiled, and with warm eyes, she said, I love you too.

  I loved my mate and I showed her with every touch, every rock of my hips as I brought us both to sweet ecstasy.


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