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To Touch the Sun

Page 5

by Gia Dawn

  She wanted to touch.

  And be touched in return.

  “Hah.” Manette’s voice dripped victory. “I can see in your eyes you long for them both. These are good men, Kiera, even though they have an interesting arrangement in the bedroom.”

  “Interesting doesn’t begin to cover it.” But Kiera couldn’t keep amusement from threading through her tone. Marco and Jason made interesting look blah.

  “Then we shall toast your success.”

  “That I get the painting done?”

  “And that you get done in the process.” Manette purred in as much satisfaction as the cat had done before.

  “Did I dress okay?” Kiera stood and smoothed her hands down her jeans. She hadn’t wanted to look like she was sending out an invitation, so she hadn’t worn anything remotely sexy. But the jeans hugged her in all the right places and her shirt fit like a second skin.

  “You look lovely.” Manette rose and held out her hand for the mask. “I doubt either of them will care what you have on, only that they can strip you down easily.” She giggled as blood flooded Kiera’s cheeks. “You are excited?”

  “I am.” Kiera finally admitted the truth. She was looking forward to the evening with an eagerness she had forgotten she possessed.

  Manette slid the mask in place, arranging Kiera’s hair around the headband. “Comfortable?”

  “Surprisingly. Well, I guess I’m ready.”

  Manette nodded with a smile, reaching out to take Kiera by the hand before leading her up a dimly lit flight of stairs and down a thickly carpeted hallway to stand her before a plain oak door. “Good luck,” she whispered in Kiera’s ear before leaving her alone in the shadows.

  It took Kiera several long moments to re-gather her courage before she took a huge gulp of air, knocked and turned the polished brass knob.

  “Miss Sunshine.” Both men stood as she entered the room, but it was Jason who spoke, holding out his hand in welcome. “I can’t tell you how thrilled we are you agreed to do the painting.”

  “Ecstatic,” Marco added, taking her hand from Jason’s grasp. His eyes flashed nearly black in the light.

  Neither of the men was masked. Kiera hadn’t thought they would be, but she had held out a slim hope she would have the protection of two layers of concealment between them.

  “I…uh, it was the least I could do.” Good. At least her voice sounded calm. “So, what did you have in mind? For the painting,” she hurried to add when they exchanged dangerous glances.

  Jason shrugged a shoulder. “We hoped you might have some idea. I’m afraid we don’t have your spectacular imagination.”

  “Not even close,” Marco added with a smile.

  Huh. Kiera had seen too much of the pair to know that was nowhere near the truth. When it came to sex play the men were geniuses at improvisation, their creativity more than matched by their impressive ability to follow through. As she remembered some of their most intense encounters, she felt her body hum with exhilaration. It grew exponentially when Marco took off his shirt and placed it over a chair, Jason following close behind.

  Barely able to breathe, Kiera moved to adjust the lighting, studying the room Manette had set up as a studio. A couch sat against one wall…well, more of a divan really with its scrolled arms and lack of a back, covered in bright-red velvet. On another wall stood what Kiera had learned was a St. Andrew’s cross. Jason and Marco had one in their playroom, and she had seen more than one woman melt in pleasure while helplessly bound to the stark wooden beams.

  A dark thrill shuddered up her spine as she thought of them forcing her legs apart and chaining her against the wood, where she would whimper and scream and beg them to take her.

  The damn thing was so fascinating Kiera found herself walking toward it, reaching out to stroke the wood, circling behind to study it from all angles. And as she did the picture began to form.

  Jason and Marco standing on each side, hands gripping whips of leather and sharpened swords as they slew the dragon come to devour the virgin sacrifice. Covered in smoke and blood and ash, they belted their victory as the dragon lay dead before them, their eyes already turning to feast on the woman—their prize, their bounty, whose tempting flesh they could now claim as their own.

  “Come here.” Kiera motioned to both of them without taking her eyes from the cross, so completely consumed by her vision it took her several moments to realize they had stripped down completely and now stood beside her in all their bare male glory.

  And glorious it was. Unable to stop herself, Kiera smoothed a hand across Marco’s chest, admiring the ridges of muscle in the light. Then she turned to Jason and moved her hand lower, trailing it down the plane of his stomach until she reached—

  With a flush of embarrassment she snatched her hand away before she came into contact with the tip of his lengthening cock, taken by surprise that it had extended so far up his stomach.

  But she got another surprise when she snapped her attention back to Marco whose own rod of flesh was just as firmly impressive.

  “So, how do you want us?” Jason asked innocently, batting his deep green eyes. “Together or one at a time?” His mouth turned up wickedly when Kiera gasped, too taken aback to stop the sound.

  “I don’t mind to watch while you do Jason first,” Marco added with all seriousness. “We have all night.”

  “I don’t think so.” Kiera shook her head and tried to back away, but the pair had her effectively caged between them, allowing her no avenue of escape. “You two have got the wrong idea.”

  “What wrong idea?” Jason frowned as he pressed his body hard against hers. “Don’t you want to pose us for the picture? Show us where you want us to stand?”

  “Check that the light is right, that sort of thing?” Marco pressed tight to her other side, reaching up to take hold of one arm of the cross as he leaned in even closer.

  “Y-yes. Yes of course.” Kiera forced herself not to tremble but failed miserably when Jason bent to whisper in her ear.

  “What did you think we were talking about, Miss Sunshine?” There was both amusement and desire in his voice. “Although I promise we won’t mind if you do like to put your hands into your work.”

  “We’re all for hands on,” Marco added in the same soft tone. “The more the merrier in our case.”

  In an effort to get her wildly sinful mind out of the gutter they’d dropped her in, Kiera took shelter in professionalism. This was not the first time she’d worked with nude live models—although it was the first time she’d been so turned on by the sight.

  “Right.” Kiera struggled to disentangle herself from the mass of limbs surrounding her and get back to business. She steadfastly refused to get sidetracked by the force of their seduction. But they were professionals too, she realized in alarm when they held their ground, forcing her to feel every inch of their flesh against hers as she wiggled out from between them.

  And as she took stock of their positions, she realized she liked Marco hanging on to the cross as if he had already claimed the woman for his own. “Stay there,” she ordered, stepping back to move a light into better position.

  “Stay where?” He tilted his face up to the ceiling. “Here?”

  With a groan of frustration Kiera moved to reposition him, taking his head between her hands and settling it back into place. She did not miss the mischief of his expression.

  “Bad boy,” she scolded, trying her best not to smile.

  “He should probably be spanked,” Jason stated calmly. “I’m sure there’s a whip around here somewhere.”

  “No whips,” she stated, hating the tremor of need in her voice. Both the bastards were getting out of control. “Jason, you stand on the other side. No, kneel on the other side.” She pushed him down before her, only to find his face was barely an inch from the juncture of her thighs where she could feel the heat of his breath through her jeans.

  “Like this?” he asked, staring up at her through his lashes as he mov
ed his mouth even closer.

  Then she understood something she should have figured out a whole lot sooner. “You two don’t care if I paint you or not.”

  “Nope,” Jason mouthed between her legs, shaking his head for added effect.

  “Sorry,” Marco added, stepping behind her to snake his arms around her waist. “We just wanted to get you alone.”

  “We’re groupies.” When Jason slid his hands up the inside of her legs Kiera’s knees went weak.

  Luckily Marco was holding her steady. “Call us your number one fans.” His words were muffled as he licked his way up her neck.

  When his hands closed around her breasts Kiera struggled to keep control, but it proved too difficult a task as he found her nipples and rubbed them with his thumbs. While a part of her whispered warnings at the back of her mind, another part reveled in the physical contact, making Kiera growingly aware of a very important fact. She wasn’t afraid of sex. She never had been.

  When the psycho broke into her New York studio he hadn’t assaulted her sexually. He’d never once tried to grab a breast or rip off her pants. His entire intent had been to steal her artwork and sell it on the black market for a major profit.

  The only reason she’d been hurt at all was because she’d shown up during the break-in and tried to call the police. He’d wanted her silent…dead even…but luckily the creep had only been obsessed with money.

  And now, with two amazing lovers turning her on in every way possible, Kiera could let go of her inhibitions and sink into the hunger that leapt up from its slumber. Jason and Marco always treated their women with respect, even the ones they’d paid for their pleasure. She had absolutely no reason to feel the least bit threatened in their presence.

  At least until she opened her eyes and got a close-up view of their fully erect and massive cocks.

  Chapter Six

  She squealed in sheer amazement at their size as she wondered where they planned on stuffing that flesh and how on earth she was going to manage to take them both. Kiera’s body jerked in response, every muscle clenching as she pictured them positioning her naked and willing between them.

  And she could not help but beg when Jason unzipped her jeans and slid them over her hips. “Oh yes, please…”

  “Please who?” he demanded, slapping her on one thigh.

  “Master will do,” Marco whispered into her ear, his fingers clamping hard around her nipples.

  “F-for both of you?” Kiera couldn’t believe she sounded submissive and needy.

  “Mmmm, good point,” Marco agreed. “Then I suppose it should be Master Marco and Master Jason. Don’t you think, bro?” he added to Jason.

  “I do. Can you remember that, little one?”

  Kiera shook her head. There was another title she’d much rather call them, one she’d been dreaming of for weeks now. “Can I…I mean…would it be all right if I call you Sir Marco and Sir Jason?” She finished on a gasp as Marco picked her up and Jason tossed her pants to the floor.

  “Sir,” Jason mused, running his hand up the inside of her thigh. “I like the sound of that. How about you, Marco?”

  “Nope. I much prefer master.” He scraped his teeth along her neck. “Master Marco and Sir Jason. Say it, cara mia.”

  “M-Master Marco and Sir J-J-Jason,” she replied obediently, gritting her teeth against the cry that gathered in her throat as Jason removed her thong.

  “Hmmm, I don’t like this position.” Sir Jason pointed to the divan. “Let’s move her over there.”

  “Done.” Before she could take another breath, the two men glided her over to the couch where Master Marco settled her on his lap.

  Jason resumed his position between her legs, forcing her knees wide apart before he began to lick his way up the inside of one thigh.

  Suddenly feeling far too exposed, Kiera tried to pull her legs back together, which earned her another nipple pinch in punishment. She arced against Marco’s hands, not knowing if she was trying to make him let her go, or if she was trying to press herself even harder into his touch.

  His cock was a rigid staff against her bottom, and when he opened his legs and shifted position it settled between the crack of her cheeks, sending a shock of new sensation through her.

  She’d experimented with anal play in the past but it had never passed beyond the finger phase and her lover at the time hadn’t been as into the experimentation as she had. Now, with Marco’s flesh sliding against the tiny opening of her ass, Kiera’s mind delved into a fantasy so darkly decadent she closed her eyes against the vision…until Jason slicked a finger into her cunt and her eyes flew open in delight.

  “Thought that might get your attention.” He nodded his approval. “From now on you keep your eyes open at all times. Either on me or on Master Marco, is that clear?”

  “Yes…Sir Jason,” she remembered to add, although it was too late to stop him from adding a second finger to the first and thrusting deep into her body.

  Kiera tried her best not to scream, but she had no power to stop the sound as Jason drove his fingers into her again and again, his eyes fastened on hers with an intensity that made her want to look away regardless of the consequences.

  But it felt so good and his face was so beautiful that she continued to hold his gaze, even as he moved to run his tongue along her clit, forcing another whimper from her throat as the sensitive flesh knotted in response. Then Marco pulled her lips to his and snaked his tongue between her teeth, moving it in and out in nearly perfect rhythm to Jason’s fingers driving into her sex.

  As desire rolled up over her stomach, Kiera tried to disengage. She was coming too soon, already halfway falling off the ledge. She had imagined this moment for such a long time, and it had been so much longer since anyone had touched her that Kiera could barely keep herself under control…and she felt certain she would displease both of them if she came without their permission.

  “I-I c-c-can’t,” she managed to whisper against Marco’s mouth when he gave her the barest room to take a breath, “I can’t stop…I have to come.”

  His eyes were as dark as a midnight sky, her artist mind noted absently. She had the perfect color in her paintbo— “Oh dear God,” she screamed as Jason nibbled her clit between his teeth, twisting his fingers high in the aching flesh of her cunt.

  She groaned as her body clamped around his hand, the orgasm rolling full speed ahead. “Oh God, Ja—I mean, S-sir Jason, please, please don’t make me stop!”

  In response, he lifted her knees over his shoulders and drove his tongue even harder against her clit, holding her steady as the pleasure swept up from her toes and down from her head until she bucked and trembled in their arms, over and over and over again.

  “Brava,” Marco praised as Kiera’s breathing grew steady once more. “And now on to the real fun of the evening.”

  He peeled her shirt off her shoulders and undid the hook of her bra, letting them both fall forgotten to the floor. Then Jason pulled her from Marco’s lap and forced her on her knees to face Marco’s massive erection.

  Kiera caught sight of herself in a mirror on the bathroom door. Her hair was a tousled mess that curled and stuck to the sweat on her cheeks, flushed pink with the aftermath of her orgasm. Her mouth was swollen from Marco’s kiss, but the rest of her expression was hidden behind the mask. She stared, wondering at the stranger who looked so alive and mysterious and sexy as hell.

  But they didn’t give her time to become truly narcissistic. Marco grabbed a handful of her hair and bent over to give her a last lingering kiss before he pushed her head to the tip of his cock.

  “Take me in your mouth, tesoro,” he ordered, his voice rough with need. “And do not stop until you have sucked me dry.”

  Kiera instinctively obeyed, opening her mouth to let him slide inside. But he was bigger than she’d anticipated as he pushed in fast, causing her to gag when he hit the back of her throat.

  “Easy,” he soothed, easing out a bit. “Relax and try

  With her head held steady between his hands, he slid himself into her mouth again and this time Kiera managed to swallow another inch. But there was still a good portion of him left untended to so Kiera wrapped her hands around his cock and used them in tandem with her mouth.

  “That is good,” Marco grunted, spreading his legs wider as she took him deep once more. She braved a glance through the tangle of her hair to see his eyes closed in abandon as she sucked him, letting her teeth scrape lightly along his rigid length.

  And then she felt Jason move behind her, lifting her hips and spreading her legs as he prepared to take her from behind. She heard the crinkle of a condom wrapper just seconds before he wrapped his hands around her thighs and sank his length into her cunt.

  Kiera whimpered. It had been a long time since she’d had a man properly inside her and muscles unused to stretching so far clamped hard around him in protest. But Jason was already rubbing her clit between his fingers, twisting and tormenting the pearl of flesh until desire drowned out all other reason as he pulled out and thrust deep into her once more.

  And the pleasure was building, swirling toward a second release, every nerve in Kiera’s body ready to jerk into blissful life…

  And then Jason tunneled a finger into her ass.

  With a cry of shock, Kiera tore her mouth from Marco’s rod as she tried to buck away from the sharp sting of pain. But Jason planted a hand on her back and held her down as he wiggled his way through the tight ring of muscle.

  “You knew where this was heading, little one,” he chided, bending over to whisper in her ear. “Scream if you must…or tell us to stop right now.”

  “Uh…uhhhh…no…no.” Despite the pain, Kiera was already beginning the leap to another level of pleasure.

  “No what?” Jason demanded.

  “No…don’t stop,” she managed in a whisper, sucking in her breath when he speared her with his finger once more.


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