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Mr. Always & Forever

Page 70

by Ashlee Price

  It was exactly what she wanted to hear but she still wasn’t convinced. She waited for more and when she heard him tell her to go to him, there was no other thought but to do that very thing. As she walked closer to him, it was her whole body that was shaking, instead of just her hand.

  “Yes, my lord.”

  “Have you changed your mind about me, Sarah?”

  She looked up suddenly and their eyes clashed for a moment. She didn’t need to ask more to know what he was talking about.

  “No, my lord.”

  He smiled to himself and told her to sit down with him. She moved to go to the seat next to him and he shook his head. Taking her hand in his, he pulled her down to his lap and she gasped slightly when she felt his need against her. Sarah was more than willing to let him touch her again, the feelings he had induced the time before still fresh in her mind.

  “Can you feel how much I want you?”

  She nodded her head quickly and bit the bottom of her lip to stop herself from moaning. His hand moved to her core and Sarah rose up so that he would touch her again. It was all she could think about and when he finally came in contact with her center, his hot mouth moved to her neck. “I was so angry to see you with that man today, Sarah, touching my body.”

  He emphasized his words with a hard press against her. She cried out as the motion brought her closer to the place she was before. She leaned back further on him, her legs moving to the outside of his own. Sarah opened herself up to him fully and Lars took every advantage of it. Pulling her dress down, his hand moved to the large dark mounds. As his fingers touched her tips, they pebbled into hardness that he couldn’t resist tweaking. Another whimper and squirm in his lap was how she responded and the act drove him mad.

  “I could take you right now, bent right over this table.”

  Sarah shivered with the suggestion. “Your food is going to get cold, my lord.”

  He chuckled in her ear and moved back to her neck with his lips. Each touch and nibble of his teeth made her rub herself more against his hand. Lars was playing her body like a fiddle and she was writhing in pleasure. “Please, my lord.”

  “What, Sarah? What do you want?”

  Lars made sure that his hand moved even slower, liking the way she begged so prettily for what she had no clue about. “Tell me what it is that you want Sarah.”

  Sarah was just trying to remember to breathe. The movement on her lower regions and on her sensitive nipples guaranteed that she couldn’t think of an answer. “Please, my lord.”

  He laughed and moved a little faster as her body arched with the pleasure. It was only when she had had enough and Sarah was so close to release that he moved his hand away, though the one pulling on her dark tips continued their assault on her body. She whined and begged him again.

  “I want to hear it, Sarah.”

  Her eyes closed and she started to turn red just by thinking it in her head. “I need to come, Lars.”

  He started to rub on her again, liking the panting and hard breathing going on in front of him. His hands pushed up her skirt and he could feel for the first time how ready she really was. Sarah was practically dripping wet, his fingers moving to feel the barrier between them, just to reassure himself that what he remembered was real. As Sarah tried her best to ride his hand, it was better than he had hoped it would be. Mila had never responded to his touch like that and he knew then that he was going to explode himself if he didn’t have her soon.

  “Do you want me inside of you?”

  She whimpered as he pressed against her core, slipping against the last thing that stood in his way, the banner that proclaimed him the first and only to be there.

  “Yes, my lord. More than anything that I have ever wanted in my whole life.”

  It was the last straw, the last thing he could hear. Pushing her off of him, he bent her over until she had to catch herself with her hands on the table. Pulling her skirts up and grabbing a round cheek, he was able to see the contrast of color and he didn’t know why the darkness looked so lovely in the dying light. She was magnificent and his own need was becoming painfully squeezed as he tried to free himself for the occasion.

  Feeling and playing with her tits as they dangled, he nudged himself to her hot opening and heard her hiss as she felt him pushing in. “Are you sure, Sarah?”

  She nodded her head quickly and then he pushed in as fast. It took her breath away, not from the momentary pain, but for the final release of pleasure that she had been waiting for all day. She called out his name, over and over again as he held himself deep inside of her. She moved and thrashed, but couldn’t have dislodged him if she had been trying.

  Finally when she had slowed down and she was back to soft mewls instead of screams, he pulled his massive meat out of her slowly, her insides hugging to him for dear life. Gritting his teeth, he slammed back in suddenly and made her squeal in delight. He needed more of her, the tight sheath making him need more of her. She was everything that he could have asked for and when he started to lose himself inside of her, there was no thought of what that would mean, what the consequences would be. In that moment, there were no consequences, only pleasure.


  “What is it, Sarah? You have been quiet all day and now you are not even taking my hints.”

  “What hints?”

  His hand moved to her center and pressed in against her dress. She loved when he did that and it never seemed to be enough when he did do it. Her head went back and she moaned, fully prepared to have her mind taken off of what she had been thinking about lately.

  “Those hints, Sarah.”

  “Your wife is in the castle, my lord. I just don’t want to disturb her.”

  He didn’t believe her and when he pushed harder, making her cry out, he told her so. “Tell me what is going on or I won’t let you come tonight.”

  She didn’t panic, but the idea of it was not a pleasant one. “I have some news, my lord, and I am not sure how to tell you about it.”

  “Just get out with it, Sarah, or it is going to be a long night for you.”

  She whimpered the way he loved so much as he touched and teased her with the tips of his fingers. She was always so ready for him and he didn’t have to feel beneath the fabric to know that she was already ready for him, just from the mere mention of it. It was only one of the ways that Sarah was perfect for him and since she was so right for him, it meant that he was becoming happier and more relaxed then he had ever been.

  “Just tell me, Sarah.”

  She bit her lip and tried to find the right answers. The truth was though that there were no right answers. She was just going to have to say it and see what happened next.

  “I’m pregnant, Lars.”

  He stopped and pulled her to look at hm. “How do you know?”

  She shrugged. “Women know these things.”

  Lars welled up inside with something he had never felt. The love he had for her doubled instantly and he was almost too overwhelmed to say anything.

  “Well say something, Lars.”

  He kissed her slowly. “What can I say? It is perfect. You are perfect. There is no better news that I could have heard Sarah. You make me a very happy man.”

  “Good because you are never getting rid of me.”

  “I wouldn’t dream of it.”


  Highlander’s Secret

  Harriet has made a grave mistake, giving into pleasure and letting Lord Damien have his way with her. He was going off to war, and in that moment, she offered herself as a way to always remember him. She didn’t think he was going to make it back from the fighting, and if she was never going to see him again, at least she would have that one night to remember for the rest of her life without him.

  Their one night of bliss has turned into a baby she is not supposed to be carrying. He hadn’t married her – couldn’t, because of her status – and Harriet has been sent away in shame for her indiscretions. Her parents won’t even ha
ve her in their house, and she is living far away with an older aunt who makes sure to remind her how foolish she has been.

  He doesn’t love you.

  He just used you for what he needed.

  That’s how men are, and Damien is no different.

  Harriet wants to believe that her aunt is wrong, that Damien will come and save her from her fate, but she doesn’t even know if the man she loves is still alive. As the baby grows in her stomach, her hope of being rescued gets smaller and dimmer.

  Is it all just hopeless?

  Chapter 1 – Harriet

  I was starting to feel the discomfort of carrying a child. It wasn’t that I wasn’t happy in some ways, but the physical parts of it were hard to contend with. It would have been easier if I was married and had a husband to help take care of me. But I was not that lucky and with each day, my stomach grew larger and the weight of it all was clearer to all involved.

  Now I was in the countryside, hiding my shame so that I could give my child away as soon as it was born, forgetting that it ever happened. That was what I was supposed to do, but as the days grew closer to when he or she would be in the world with me, I knew that I wasn’t going to be able to do it. I had already grown attached, already loved the unborn child in my life. If not to have something to remember their father by, knowing I would never see him again and if I did, it wouldn’t matter. While my family was high up in the clan and my father had some authority, we were still not of royal blood as Damien had been.

  But I tried not to think about him, physically shaking my head loose of the thoughts. Why was I thinking about a man that I could not have? I could never have him and he was most likely dead after the last clash with the Samuel clan. I had heard there were many that died and there was a thought that I couldn’t shake off that he had been one of them.

  I stared out at the countryside and the cliffs to the west before I went back into the house I was sharing with a distant aunt. She gave me a disapproving look as I came to sit down and I was almost tempted to go back outside, despite the fact that the wind was whipping something fierce out there.

  “Come sit down child before you catch your death and neither one of you will survive.”

  I did as I was told, though I liked to think that it was just a suggestion instead of an order. In the end it didn’t matter. I was not welcome at my parent’s home until the child was out of me and gone. So for now, Aunt Lea was all there was and I had to watch myself with her. The older woman had a mean streak and something against my mother. I tried to stay out of it and stay out of her way as much as was humanly possible.

  “What do you seek out there child? Do you think that Lord Cross will come and rescue you?”

  I sighed and nodded my head that I had none of those fantasies in my head. I knew that I was alone and I didn’t need the old crow to remind me of the predicament that I had gotten myself into. It was my fault, even though he had honeyed words and a devilish smile, I should have said no. It was my duty to say no, but when he had touched me, I was sure that my mind had left the very head on my shoulders. I was lost in his kisses and that one night with him in a heat of passion, had changed the very course of my own life. Now I was left with a baby that I had to keep a secret and no one to help me. I was all alone. No one would marry me now, after I had disgraced myself.

  So to add insult to injury, my loving aunt decided it was a good time to rub it in. But I could say nothing, so I bit my tongue so hard sometimes that I was sure I was seconds away from tasting blood.

  “I know that he is not coming. I just like the fresh air outside.” And the quiet of the lack of her words, yet I didn’t share that little tidbit with her. She smiled at my frown, sure that I was beaten down sufficiently that she could go back to the tapestry that she was working on.

  “Yes, it is best to be realistic and not think about the notions of love or you being able to keep that bastard child that you are carrying.”

  I tried not to flinch from her words, but my hand went onto my stomach as if to ward my child from her harsh words. She noted the gesture and had a malicious smile on her face. “I only told your mother that I would keep you until the child is born. Without anywhere to go, how can you possibly expect to take care of it? No man will have you, not after all of this, so you might as well get it through your head. There is no happy ending for you, Harriet.”

  “You are right. I know you are, but it’s hard to imagine it. I feel so close to him and now that he is getting bigger and kicks all of the time, I don’t know. It’s just different.”

  She shook her head that it wasn’t different at all. “Don’t let your emotions get into it. I would have given anything to have had a child with my husband, but we were never blessed at the right time.”

  I waited for more, but she didn’t say anything else. I wondered then if that is why she looked at me that way. Was it because of a jealousy of my child? I knew that she didn’t like my mother, but it never occurred to me it could be something else as well. Maybe it was me that should be more cautious with what I say.

  “I am sorry to hear that. I guess I never really thought about why you didn’t have any. I must have thought that you just didn’t want children. Some people don’t.”

  She shook her head a little and I could see the bitterness in her face. “I was not good enough to be blessed with a child, no matter how much I prayed. And then my William died and I never tried to remarry. How could I, when I knew that I would never love again?”

  I didn’t know what to say. It gave me a lot of insight into what it was like in her mind, but I still didn’t know why those facts made her hate me and my mother so much. What did that have to do with my baby? I would have thought that she would want to help, to ease her own pain, but that didn’t seem to be the way she looked at it. Instead it seemed more like if she couldn’t have her baby and be happy, I wouldn’t be able to either.

  “You know, not everyone gets the happy ending that your mother got. She was lucky and Lord knows that no one thought her and your father would last, but she surprised us all when you came along and then your brother. Both little miracles.”

  She said it as if we were not little miracles, but mud on her shoe and I looked away. I don’t know why I let her get to me so. She was just bitter and at least I knew the reason why now.

  “I know that I won’t get my happy ending.” I wanted to assure her that I would be as unhappy as she was, but I didn’t want to push my luck. I was still trying to find a way for her to not send me away with my newborn, but it didn’t seem like anything I said or did was helping my cause. In a way, as my stomach grew, so did her hate for me. The knowledge of why didn’t stop the discomfort of the looks and the worry of what was to happen next.


  The next day I made sure to stay out as long as I possibly could. The weather was fair and it wasn’t too cold, so it was close to dark when I finally was greeted with her dark scowl. She looked at me as if I had done something wrong and I tried to ignore her. When she asked me where I had been and I told her, she was sure that I was going to get sick and surely die from my walks.

  “With such a light constitution, you really should take more care, Harriet.”

  I just agreed, as I always did and went up the stairs to my small room at the top. It was hot most of the time, but there was a small window that helped let the light in to make it less dark and uninviting. I sat down on the bed I was given when I moved in and sighed to myself. I was starting to realize that I had to make some sort of plan, though I knew that the options were limited for someone in my position.

  There was not much that could be done and in less than a month, I was going to have to make a decision. I knew what my heart wanted, but I tried to be realistic and it wasn’t hard with my aunt constantly reminding me of the impossibility of it all.

  I was determined not to let her thoughts get in the way of what I must do though. I was not going to give my baby away and if I was not able to come home, than th
at was okay. I knew that I would figure something out. I just wasn’t sure what yet. I did not have much of anything to my name and I was depending on my aunt at the moment for everything. I thought of what I had and what would fetch a price in the village. I had to do something and I told myself I would go the next day and sell the few heirlooms that I was given by my mother. I wouldn’t be much, but maybe enough for a time after my aunt made me leave.

  I looked out at the cliff side and wondered again if my life was ever going to get better. It seemed like anything I did made it worse and though I missed Damien and the way he had made me feel so special, I knew that I would most likely never see the man again. I had to wonder to myself it was all worth it in the end and I wasn’t so sure that it was.

  Could all of this be worth the few moments of passion we shared?

  Chapter 2 – Damien

  I had finally gotten back into my town of birth when my duties were done. It had been a long summer and as it had closed, the fight with the English seemed to slacken and many of the Lords serving were sent back home. The clans were pushing back the English and there was no need for me then. All I could think about in all the time I was away was of Harriet. She had been on my mind constantly and I was sure that she would be there waiting for me.

  She had claimed that our relationship was impossible, but I failed to see the problem. We couldn’t get married because she was beneath me in status, but I had no obligations to get married. One day I would have to marry to produce an heir, but I had always imagined Harriet there with me. She may not be my wife or never would be, but she was the woman that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with and her status was of no real consequence to me.

  I made my way to her father’s house, where she was undoubtedly still staying. She had told me that she would wait for me and I believed her. But as I drew nearer to the small, well-established home in Edinburgh, I had a sinking feeling in my gut that I just couldn’t shake.

  Knocking softly at first, there was no answer and I knocked a little louder on the wooden door and waited for an answer. Finally there was the sound of movement in the dwelling and I waited for the girl’s father to open the door.


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