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Their Juicy Woman

Page 12

by Sam Crescent

  She laughed. “You’d never ask me. You’re too worried about me breaking.” She cupped his face and kissed him. “I love you, Casey.” She did the same to Parker and Shawn, vowing her love to them as well. “I don’t want any of you to have any doubt. I’m in this. All of us, together.”

  “Your mother warned us that if we waited too long, you’d beat us to it,” Casey said.


  “Your mother always knew we loved you, Pops. She knew that we all loved you, and that we wanted you as our woman. She gave us her blessing long ago. We will take care of you. We will love you completely.”

  Casey picked her up in his arms and carried her through the house. He took her upstairs, down the hall to the far bedroom. Opening it up, he placed her on the large bed. Removing his shirt, he reached for her, tugging hers over the top of her head. Parker and Shawn entered the room, closing the door behind them.

  “We’re going to show you exactly how good it can be with us.”

  His two brothers moved up behind her, and together they got her naked. She reached for them, holding all of them.

  Casey took possession of her lips as Parker cupped her breasts. She ran her hand down Shawn’s body, going inside his jeans, and touching him.

  They were all consumed with their need for her.


  Shawn groaned as she held onto his cock, working the length inside his jeans. He released his button, opening the zipper, giving Poppy more room. His cock sprang out, and he watched as Casey kissed down her neck, taking one of her nipples into his mouth.

  Her other one looked so bare that he leaned in, taking the beaded nipple. She cried out, and as he slid a hand between her thighs, he found her soaking wet. Plunging a finger inside, her tight cunt squeezed him, not wanting to let go.

  Sliding one, then two fingers within her pussy, he pulled out and stroked her clit. She gasped, crying out. She rested her head on Parker’s chest.

  She was all theirs, and he saw it now more than ever. She belonged to each of them.

  “You know Parker’s going to want to take your ass,” Casey said.

  Poppy whimpered.

  “She likes that,” Shawn said. His fingers felt how much she liked that. She’d gotten wetter.

  “I want it all. I want all of you.”

  They moved her so that she was kneeling on the bed. Shawn held her in his arms, and she gripped his cock, working from the root to the tip.

  She moved toward him, taking the head of his cock into her mouth. Closing his eyes, Shawn gritted his teeth. The feel of her was pure heaven, and if he didn’t gain control, he knew he was going to explode into her mouth.

  Casey spread her cheeks as Parker teased her cream up to her ass, lubing her anus. Casey moved from the bed and grabbed a tube of lubricant that was in one of the drawers. Shawn watched as he prepared her ass, covering Parker’s fingers in lots of the cool gel.

  He was mesmerized especially as she took his cock deeper into her mouth and he hit the back of her throat.

  They worked her ass as she did his cock.

  She took one finger, and he knew she struggled with that. Second by second, minute by minute, she relaxed, and he saw her take a second and then a third finger inside her ass. As Parker teased her ass, getting her ready for him, Casey played with her pussy.

  Shawn knew when Casey hit the right spot as she’d take him into the back of her throat. The pleasure rushing over her body, and it made it impossible for him to keep control.

  “Holy fuck! I’m going to come.” He was able to get the warning out, and to give her a little time if she didn’t want his cum in her mouth.

  Poppy didn’t stop. She swallowed him down, sucking his cock dry of any of his cum.

  When she was done, she rested her head against his thigh, moaning as Parker slowly sank his cock into her ass.

  Stroking her hair, Shawn smiled down at her, loving her more than anything, especially as he saw the love and need reflected back in her eyes.

  When Parker was inside her, Shawn helped to move her so that Casey could fill her pussy. Shawn held her hand, part of the lovemaking as Casey and Parker took her, filling her up as they had wanted to.

  The love he had for her only expanded. She loved his brothers and him with a passion he’d always hoped for. Even as Casey and Parker came, none of them abandoned her. They all loved her, stroking her body, and letting her know without words that she was the woman for them.

  Chapter Eleven

  One week later

  Poppy touched the bed and smiled. She’d moved all of their possessions into the master bedroom. There was no way she’d ever go back to the way things were. This was now her life, and she didn’t want it to change.

  Happiness filled every single part of her soul. Making her way downstairs, she folded up the laundry, aired the house, fed Stitch and the rest of the dogs, and stirred the large pot of chili. The cornbread was on the table, and she set the large table outside.

  Fall was fast approaching, and with it a lot of jobs on the ranch. Louise had advised her to can some of the fresh fruit and vegetables that she’d harvested from her small garden. Her mother had loved to can, so she was used to the method and wasn’t too daunted by it.

  Each of the ranchers ate their food. Casey, Parker, and Shawn ate, but she felt their gazes on her.

  For an entire week, she’d belonged to each of them. Every night was more sinful than the last. They had already told their parents that they were getting married. She smiled recalling how Casey had told a little white lie claiming to be the one to have proposed. She didn’t mind. These men were her entire life. She loved them all more than anything else.

  She saw the last of the ranchers off and made her way toward the kitchen. Everything was spotless, and there was no sign of her men.

  Heading upstairs, she found all three naked and on the bed waiting for her.

  “I was wondering where you’d gotten to,” she said.

  “Take your clothes off,” Casey said. “I want you completely naked.”

  “You’re being very bossy.”

  “I know what I want, Pop, and I want you. I’ve been watching you all day.”

  She was already removing her clothes. Moving toward the bed, she reached out, kissing first Shawn, then Casey, and then Parker. She never had an order. Whoever she got to first was the guy she kissed.

  “You have no idea how much I love you all.”

  “We’ve got an idea.”

  Casey took her hand, pressing a kiss on the diamond ring he’d given her to wear.

  Shawn held her stomach, trailing kisses down to her pussy. Within seconds they had her on the bed, her legs spread. Casey was by her head. Turning, she flicked the tip of his cock with her tongue, moaning as his taste filled her mouth. Parker was on her other side, teasing her breasts. She turned to him, licking the tip and sucking the head into her mouth. Shawn licked her clit. He nibbled and sucked at her bud.

  Arousal washed over her in every single pore. She wanted all of them. This was the life she’d always dreamed about.

  “We decided that Shawn could never last all that long with your mouth, so it’s his turn to take your pussy,” Casey said.

  She loved it when he took charge and told her what they were going to do.

  “I’m going to be the one to take your ass tonight, Pops.”

  “And I’ll be in your mouth, princess.” Parker cupped her cheek, bent down, and claimed her lips. “I love you so much.”

  “I love you, too.”

  She felt their love. It wasn’t just empty words. It was the truth. All of them loved her in their way, and she loved each of them. She didn’t want to think of a moment without them in her life.

  Turning her head, she sucked Casey back to her throat, tasting his pre-cum, and swallowing it down.

  “Oh. fuck, her mouth is perfect,” Casey said.

  They changed positions, and Casey took his time lubing up her ass and getting her ready to take
his cock. She’d watched a lot of multiple partner sex videos, and had always been interested in how three men could take one woman. She wasn’t disappointed. The videos she’d watched had nothing on the real thing. Casey, Parker, and Shawn loved her. There was the difference. They didn’t see her as a body. They saw her as Poppy, the person.

  Casey pressed his cock at her anus, and she tensed up. He stroked her clit, making her relax as he thrust past her tight ring of muscles. When he was deep within her, he lay down behind her, and Shawn came in front of her, filling her pussy. It felt so good, more than good to have both men inside her. She turned her head, and Parker was there waiting.

  To her, this didn’t feel weird.

  This was completely right. They were her men. She loved them more than anything else in the world.

  She wanted to grow old with them, to love them every second of every day.

  Parker filled her mouth, pumping inside her, and she took him to the back of her throat, swallowing him down with a moan. He tasted so good.

  Shawn and Casey fucked her body. When Shawn thrust into her, Casey pulled out, alternating between fucking her and making love. Shawn sucked on her nipples as Casey kissed and sucked at her neck.

  The pleasure was intense, and she couldn’t get enough of her men. They brought her to orgasm twice before Parker found his release in her mouth.

  Shawn came next, filling her pussy, and then Casey fucked his cock into her ass, filling it up. Afterward, Parker ran her a bath.

  The tub was large enough for three of them. They bathed her body, loving her afterward just as much as they did in the beginning.

  “Do you have any idea how much I love you?” Casey said.

  She leaned back against him. “About as much as I do you.” She closed her eyes, resting among them. They would take care of her. They’d been doing it for years, longer than she’d realized.

  The Smith boys were hers, and she was not going to let them go.

  “I can’t wait to be your wife,” she said. “I want to belong to you in every single way.”

  Parker chuckled.

  “Pops, you’ve been ours from the very beginning. Now you’re all ours, every juicy part of you,” Casey said.


  Shawn couldn’t get the smile off his face. He’d never expected anything to go so perfectly, so smoothly. His love for Poppy had only grown stronger in the past few weeks. This had been the life he’d dreamed about. The life he wanted more than anything.

  Parker and Casey both wore the same expression on their faces.

  Riding his horse out into the far field, Shawn looked back at his home, and was just so fucking happy. Nothing was ever going to change.

  In that moment, he imagined life with Poppy. The love she filled their house with. He wanted to see her pregnant with their child. He couldn’t wait for the house to be filled with the sounds of children’s laughter, and the love that he knew would come of it.

  Nothing could go wrong.

  “Hello, boss, you okay?” Henry, one of the ranch hands, asked.

  “More than fine. I’m in a really good mood.”

  “We all know it’s Miss Poppy that has done that. She’s a good woman, and we’re all happy for you. Will we be invited to the wedding?”

  Shawn laughed. “Of course. We wouldn’t exclude anyone. It’ll be on the ranch like always.”

  “Good, good. Sorry I was late today. My wife wasn’t feeling so good so I had to get the kids off to school. I came in at the same time as that lady person,” Henry said, walking off.

  “My mother?” Shawn asked.

  “No, no, some pretty little thing. Said she was friends with Poppy. Sounded important.”

  Something twisted inside Shawn’s gut.

  Turning his horse back toward his home, he kicked his legs and the horse took off. There wasn’t a single person who’d visit Poppy at the ranch. The only person who’d even try would be Mrs. Bunt, but he wouldn’t describe her as a “pretty little thing.”

  When he was near to the house he didn’t want to cause a stir. Putting the reins onto the fence, Shawn rushed across the backyard.

  He heard screaming, and he saw Sarah’s car parked in the driveway.

  “They’re mine. You have no right to them.”

  “Sarah, what the hell is going on?” Poppy asked.

  Shawn went on high alert. In the distance, he heard the sound of horse’s hooves. Casey and Parker were heading toward them.

  When they were close enough he signaled for them to stop.

  “What is it?” Casey asked.

  Shawn didn’t need to say another word as Sarah’s crazy rant came through. “They’re all mine. I’m the one that they’re going to pick. Not your dirty trailer trash ass!”

  “I’ll go to the front. You stay here. Parker, get on the phone. Call the sheriff.” Casey went off, and Shawn slowly began to approach the house.

  There was blood coming from Poppy’s nose, and she looked scared. Sarah had a gun aimed at her head.

  “What do you want me to do, Sarah? I love them.”

  “No, you don’t love them. You’re using them. You don’t know how to love. You’re disgusting. Filth. Pure fucking filth. I’m the only one they want, and they should have realized that I was the one for them.”

  “What’s going on here?” Casey asked, entering the room. He looked at Sarah, and then at Poppy.

  Shawn didn’t like this. He couldn’t make himself known. Sarah had a gun in her hand, and it was trained on his brother and on his best friend, the love of his life. He couldn’t lose anyone.

  Taking small steps, he kept on moving, being sure to not make a sound, which was next to impossible to do.

  “Casey, can’t you see she’s no good for you? The people in town are talking, and you and I both know you’re better than that.”

  “Then let’s go out and talk about this. We can figure out what’s wrong and hopefully no one gets hurt.”

  For a split second, Shawn thought she was going to go, that she was going to follow Casey out.

  “No, you can talk to me right here, right now. Tell her that you love me. Tell her that you made a mistake.”

  “I talked to Ben, Sarah. He said that he caught you hurting a cat many years ago. Did he lie?”

  “They’re animals. Disgusting creatures that don’t deserve to walk the earth. They spread disease and cause death. You don’t want that, do you?”

  “Did you kill my cows?” Casey asked.

  “No one would listen. I told them that I’d be the woman of this ranch one day. No one would listen. I know how to handle everything. No one else.”

  She was crazy. There was no other word for it. She’d created an illusion of herself, and thought that she was going to be their love.

  “But I see now that you’re never going to see the truth. Not with that whore between us, making you do things that aren’t right. She doesn’t deserve to be here anyway. She’s filth just like those damn animals. Spreading her horrid diseases.”

  Shawn saw she was getting angrier with every passing second. He couldn’t risk their lives. Making a decision to strike, he moved up behind her, and wrapped his arms around her waist.

  The gun went off as he took her to the ground. His heart raced as he heard a cry. He held Sarah down, keeping her steady as he looked up. “Anyone hurt?”

  He looked at Poppy, then at Casey, and then at Poppy again.

  “She shot our sofa,” Casey said.

  Just then, the sound of sirens filled the air, and Shawn breathed a sigh of relief.


  “The sheriff got a call about a suspicious smell out at Sarah’s place. Her neighbor said it was stinking the place up. When he got there, he found all kinds of rotting animal corpses that she’d been playing around with,” Parker said, moving outside to take the spare seat on the bench.

  Poppy shuddered. She had a blanket wrapped around her shoulders, and he took her hands, offering her comfort with his touch

  “She asked to come inside, and when I walked down the hall, she pushed me into the door frame.”

  He watched as she touched her head. Anger rose up within him. Sarah had been crazy.

  “That’s not all they found either,” Casey said. “Sheriff told me her entire house was filled with our stuff. Pictures of us in town or at the bar. There was one of you and Poppy at the bar a couple of weeks back. She was obsessed. Had already picked out her wedding dress, and stuff like that.”

  “Seems Ben wasn’t wrong after all,” Parker said.

  “I’ll make him a basket,” Poppy said.

  “Why? He’s been a bastard to us our entire lives. We don’t owe him shit.”

  “No, but he didn’t have to warn Parker either.”

  “The sheriff apologized for not taking our information seriously. He’s known Sarah his whole life and never knew that she was so dangerous,” Casey said.

  “Serves him right. Ben never went to the cops. He just took care of the cat she was hurting and kept that shit secret. Who’d have believed him though? They’d have assumed he was the person responsible,” Parker said. “I know I would have. He was my first thought when I heard about this.”

  The sound of a truck pulling up had them all turning to see Elijah, Bruce, and Louise climbing out. Within seconds their parents were embracing them, kissing them all over their faces. Poppy was pulled into a hug as well.

  “I’m so pleased you’re all right. I couldn’t believe it when Shawn called us. Why did you wait so long to tell us?” Louise asked.

  “The sheriff hasn’t been gone long. He took Sarah into custody. With the state of her house, it looks like she’ll plead insanity or some shit like that,” Shawn said.

  Parker wrapped his arms around Poppy, knowing that he could have lost her. She had changed his entire world. He wanted the future with her and no one else. When he pressed a kiss to her neck, she turned to smile at him.

  “Are you okay?” he asked.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. Just a little shocked, you know. She was so angry. So convinced that I’d taken her place.”

  “This is your place, princess. Never doubt that. You’ve been our woman for a long time.”


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