Waiting for Callum (The Waite Family Book 2)

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Waiting for Callum (The Waite Family Book 2) Page 5

by Angel Devlin

  Chapter Seven


  “Maaammmmmaaa. Mamamamamamamamam.”

  I opened one eye slowly. For a moment I wondered where I was, given that the last few days I’d been at my parents’ home and now I was in my daughter’s bedroom. She was sat up in her bed chattering away happily to herself and my smile broke wide. I was so fucking lucky to have my baby girl.

  I got up and opened the blind, letting the day in. It was slightly overcast today. Given the alcohol I’d had last night and the crying I’d done, I was grateful for not being lasered by sunshine.

  “Good morning, sweetheart. Want a snuggle with Mummy?”

  “Yeah, please.” Laurel smiled and climbing out of bed, she got under the covers on my sofa bed and snuggled in at the side of me. I vaguely remembered Cal helping me up here. I should have felt embarrassed, but I didn’t appear to possess that gene.

  Today was a brand-new day and Laurel was my focus. I’d also tackle the mail, look at Rob’s mobile and computer and I would indeed dress in black. Because the street knew I was home now and at least one of them was bound to call around, especially if the gossip was starting to trickle through.

  Well, fuck them. I was in mourning but there were indeed no rules and so if they had to sit while I cried on them it served the nosy fuckers right.

  Laurel only endured my cuddle for around five minutes before she wanted to get up.

  “Milk, Mummy.”

  “Okay, baby girl.”

  Damn it. I didn’t think we actually had any milk. That was another job for today. Food shopping. I’d do it online. In the meantime, it was going to be another 'rescue me' phone call to Vi, this time asking if she had any spare milk.

  “I’m coming round with it. Sit tight.” I was going to protest but she carried on talking. “I’m coming and we’re chatting about things. I’ve told Milo I'll be out for a while and that’s that.”

  Not five minutes later, I answered the door to Violet. Her face was flushed and hair escaped from where she’d tried to tie her blonde bob into a ponytail. Milo had obviously kissed the fuck out of her before she left the house. I decided to keep my mouth shut on this occasion.

  Her grey eyes swept over me, no doubt assessing the current state of damage.

  “I’m sorting Laurel’s breakfast so come through. You can put the kettle on, given that I went to sleep last night with the help of three glasses of whisky. I could use a coffee right now.” I sucked the side of my cheek. “To be honest, I could use more whisky, but I don’t think that would go down well in Parenting 101.”

  “So I’m guessing Cal got the electrics back on?”

  “Yeah, the bulb had blown and tripped the fuse, that was all. If it happens again, I’ll know what to do.”

  “Oh good, you weren’t disturbed for too long then.”

  “Actually, he had a whisky with me. Probably thinks I’m a right dickhead. I needed to talk and he offered an ear.”

  Vi crossed her arms over her chest. “Um, I thought I told you to ring me if you needed to chat?”

  I put some bread in the toaster. “I can’t explain it, other than he was someone I didn’t really know, and it felt okay to offload on him. I didn’t need a response. Like I said, poor guy. He was a dumping ground for my angst and drama. Apologise to him on my behalf, will you?”

  “Okay. I’m seeing him tonight. We’re taking Eli bowling.”

  “Yeah, he said. Said I could tag along if I wanted, but I’m not going to.” I met Vi’s stare. “It’s too early for going out anywhere. I need to have my meltdowns in private.”

  “So was Cal a good listener then? He seems the sort to be. Bit insular. I’d say the most private of the five of them I know.”

  “He told me he was a villain, about his private life, but then he shut down and wouldn’t say anything else…” I left my words trailing for Violet to fill in the answer.

  “When I first met Milo, he described Cal as a ‘beautiful soul’ but he said he jilted his fiancée two years ago.”

  My mouth gaped open.

  “He just found out his ex-fiancée is getting married again. Milo said he hadn’t dated for years, but hearing about his ex had him realising it was time to move on.”

  “And do you know why he did that? Fuck, that poor woman. Did he call off the wedding before the ceremony or…”

  “I never told you this, okay?”

  I nodded intensely.

  “She was left at the altar. Complete drama. I don't know all the details because Milo said it was Cal's story to tell.”

  I sighed heavily. “I understand. At least I know what his background is now, so if I do bump into him again, I won’t put my foot in it.”

  With Laurel sat eating at the table, Vi and I took a seat at the other end of the table, hot drinks in front of us. I took a sip of coffee and delighted at the taste. It was just what I needed this morning.

  “So how are you doing, really?” Vi kept her voice lowered.

  “Shit, my friend. I keep thinking Rob will walk through the door any minute. Then I realise he’s gone and I cry. Laurel keeps shouting for him and doesn’t understand why he’s not there. Then there’s all this unknown bollocks about whether he shagged a pupil.” I scrubbed a hand through my hair. “Add concerned parents into the mix and I could just pack our bags and disappear.” My voice choked with emotion.

  Violet moved her chair across the floor so she was nearer my side and put her arm around me, much like Cal had done last night, except she was much smaller and so it was comforting but not as much as Cal’s had been. Her hand moved to rub my back a couple of times.

  “I’m so sorry, Becca. It’s fucking shit, and there’s just nothing except time that’s going to make it any better. That and of course that lying piece of scum telling the truth.”

  “But what if she is telling the truth?" I sat up straighter, moving out of Vi's embrace. "I’m going to get the mail that’s come and his laptop. Will you help me while I go through everything? Make sure I don’t miss anything.”

  “Sure. Oh I meant to ask, how’ve you gone on with work? They giving you some time off?”

  I shook my head. “Rob had life insurance. I’ve handed in my notice, effective immediately. It’s just one of many things I have to sort out. At least that will help keep me busy, all the paperwork.” I looked at my daughter, “and Laurel of course. I’m going to take her out to the park this afternoon. I can’t stay cooped up inside forever, and I feel like I need a walk.”

  “You could pop for some shopping on the way back.”

  “Not yet. I can’t face it if Brenda’s there. I don’t need all her questions and gossip extraction.”

  “Fair enough.”

  I sat and opened the cards and the mail. There was nothing untoward with any of it. It was the same with his laptop and emails. I could turn up nothing that made out a dark and salubrious past.

  “It’s looking more and more like she made all this up.” Vi confirmed what I was feeling myself.

  I nodded, sitting back. “It does. I really hope so.” For the first time in days I had hope that I could mourn Rob properly. That it was just a matter of time before the school called to apologise. “So how’s living with Milo?”

  Vi beamed. “It’s great so far, although it’s very early days.”

  “And wedding plans?”

  “I’ve told him straight that I’m not getting married until the summer of 2022. I want to take things slow now, after the whirlwind beginning. I’m already twenty-five and divorced once.”

  My mouth curved in a bemused smirk. “And how did he take to that news?”

  “He said the unnerving words, ‘We’ll see, Princess’.”

  I burst out laughing. “Watch for holes in the condoms. He’ll be trying to get you barefoot and pregnant.”

  “He’s certainly got us practicing enough.” She joined in laughing too.

  “Hey, there are worse things than marrying the man of your dreams. And you’re d
ivorced at twenty-five. I’m widowed at twenty-six.”

  “Life can be so cruel.” She put her hand over mine. “Come on, let’s go to the park now. That way, if there’s anyone around I can head them off at the pass on your behalf. Let’s get you both out of here for a bit.”

  “Okay.” I drank the rest of my coffee down.

  “I’ll stay with Laurel while you go get a shower.”

  I hugged my friend, taking her a little by surprise. “Vi, you haven’t known me that long and yet here you are, giving me your support. I just want to tell you how much I appreciate it. I really don’t know what I’d have done without you this last week or so.” Once again emotion choked my words.

  She squeezed me in response, her own voice thickening. “I’m here whenever you need me. You understand?”

  I nodded.

  “Hey, I met you the day after Milo and I’m bloody engaged to him. So looks like I’m the Queen of Fast Relationships. Therefore, we’re besties, okay? It’s official. I’ll get you a friendship bracelet or buy one of those heart pendants, where you keep a half each.”

  I smiled and headed for the doorway. “I’ll be as quick as I can.”

  “Take your time. I’m not going anywhere.” She said. “Me and Laurel are going to have storytime.”

  The feeling of love and support washed through me as the shower refreshed me and washed away the grogginess of the morning. I thought about those heart pendants. That was how I felt right now. That I only had one half and the other was buried in a local cemetery. I let the shower water join with and wash away my tears before I fixed my brave face and set off for the park.

  Chapter Eight


  “So, Eli. Can you bowl? That is the question.” Milo winked at him as we all waited for our bowling shoes.

  “I dunno. I haven’t been since I was little.” Eli replied.

  Angela rolled her eyes. “If it’s not on an Xbox or their phones, it’s odd. Eli is currently having an out of body experience at having to participate in a real life event and not press buttons.”

  He stuck his tongue out at her.

  Dad hovered nearby. “Such a change in the years since I raised kids. I spent a hell of a lot of time stood freezing my arse off while Silas and Finn played football. Then Juliet went to dance classes.

  “Don’t even go there.” Milo growled.

  I started laughing. “Aren’t we allowed to talk about the time you went to dance class, Miley?”

  Violet turned around to look at her fiancé so fast I was surprised her head didn’t fall off. “You did what?” Those eyes turned on me. “Tell me right now. I need to know this. Did he do ballet?" She looked at him again. "I can just imagine you in tights.”

  “I wouldn’t be allowed now, Princess. Would be too vulgar with the size of my—" Finally at the last minute he remembered Angela was standing there. “Feet. My feet wouldn’t look good in those weird shoe things.”

  “He did a tap class." Juliet announced. "Always was a weirdo.”

  “I’d watched Singing in the Rain, leave me alone. Right, are we starting this game or not?” Milo, now having his bowling shoes on stomped off in the direction of our lane.

  We ordered food and drinks to come to our lane and half an hour later I was failing dismally at the game but enjoying a pint of beer. Vi came to sit alongside me in the booth.

  “Thanks for helping Becca out last night.”

  I shrugged. “It was no bother. Only a trip.”

  “I heard you stayed chatting. So again, thank you. She really appreciated it although she’s embarrassed I think for pouring her heart out to the visiting electricity saviour.”

  “Christ, she’s nothing to apologise for. Poor woman just lost her husband, and having a little kid there as well… Bit rough isn’t it, what they’re accusing her husband of? Not knowing the truth must be torturing her. How can you mourn with all that going on?”

  Violet nodded. “I know and it’s difficult to know how to help. We went through the mail and Rob’s phone and computer today and there was nothing. It’s all on the school now to find some concrete evidence. She really doesn’t need this.”

  “I wish she’d have come out tonight. I get she’s newly widowed, but this would have been a distraction. She could have just talked with you.”

  “Yeah, but she only just buried her husband. It’s hard to know what must be going on in her head. I understand her need to stay home with Laurel and just lie low. We went to the park this morning though, so she’s been out.”

  “Oh that’s good.”

  “It was, because we didn’t bump into anyone we knew, so she was able to enjoy some fresh air and we chatted while Laurel made a friend on the swings.”

  “I honestly don’t know how you’re supposed to get over someone so close dying. Especially at that young age.”

  “I know. He was thirty. In some ways it’s good that Laurel’s so young isn’t it?”

  “Yeah, I guess.”

  “God, sorry, Cal, we’ve come out for some fun and to get to know Eli and here we are all gloomy, talking about Becca. Tell me about you. How’s things going?”

  “My life’s as exciting as ever. I’ve been working, as you know because you give me the jobs to go to, and then, well, the most exciting part of my week was turning the fuse switch back on.”

  “Oh, Cal. You need a date. Did nothing happen with Lisa at the pub?”

  “Nope. I tried to talk to her and she turned the conversation to Ezra and asked if I’d heard how he was doing. I took it as she wasn't interested.”

  Violet wringed her hands and turned to look at the bowlers. “It takes forever to get a turn when there are so many of us.”

  “Yeah, this game could last some time. Especially when your other half has to do his macho posturing and bending before he takes a turn.”

  “Which is doing nothing at all because Silas just walked up, bowled, and got a strike. My boyfriend is not looking as cocky now.”

  I turned to look as Silas saluted Milo and walked off back over to where Eli stood.

  “So, are you going to try and explore other dating avenues? There are dating sites and apps.”

  “I don’t feel that desperate yet.” I laughed. “I’d rather do things the normal way. There’s really no rush. I’m not sure what I have to offer anyone anyway.”

  “Callum Waite. You have lots to offer someone.”

  “Princess! Come and have your turn and quit harping on like a fishwife.”

  “Ooooohh.” Violet’s feathers were ruffled. “If there is a God, he’ll let me get a strike.” She shouted. “Don’t care, Princess. Worth losing to just see you bending over in those tight jeans.” Milo shouted back. The family at the next booth looked over. The dad laughed, the mother gave him a prod to the arm, clearly telling him not to be so overt in nosying at us. It was hard not to look at us when we had Milo Waite strutting and Juliet with her bright blue hair and piercings. People assumed stuff about Jules because of her appearance. Stereotypical stuff that wasn’t her at all. So far she’d spent the evening chatting to Angela and Eli.

  I got up and took my turn after Vi. My first attempt went down the gutter and my second knocked three pins down. A bowling talent I was not. But I’d thought it would be a good place for us all to mix and it seemed to be going well.

  Vi came back to sit at the side of me, but this time Milo followed. “What’s happening here? You decided you prefer this skinny whippet version of me? Do I need to diet?”

  “No, we’re just chatting, about dating.” Milo’s eyes swept over me. He knew my truths and despite being a gobshite had kept them to himself. I’d wondered if he’d have told Violet. I’d have understood if he had, but she didn’t appear to know. Her conversation and behaviour weren’t hinting at that. But then if I had someone, I'd have shared everything with them, so maybe she was just keeping it to herself and knew everything after all.

  “So, I’m going to be blunt here, Cal. Do you still have
feelings for your ex? Are you still in love with her and that’s why you’re not dating anyone else? Because if so, you need to go talk to her. What if she doesn’t love this new fiancé as much as she loved you?” She took a deep breath. “There, I said it. Sorry, but you need to be able to move on somehow. Why didn’t you go through with the wedding?”

  Okkkkaaayyy, so she did know. Just not all of it. I looked around, making sure no one had overheard her.

  “Fucking hell, Princess. You’ve made me look like a delicate flower.” Milo’s eyes were wide looking at his girlfriend.

  “Sod it, I’m basically family. I want to help.” She placed a hand on the top of my arm. “You were there for me, same saviour like Becca last night. Made sure my house was safe for me. I’m there for you. I want you to know that.”

  I decided to tell her the truth. “I was going to end things because I couldn't have children."

  Vi gasped. "Oh fuck, Callum, I'm so sorry."

  "I do feel like there’s unfinished business with her, but I'm sure we wouldn't have worked anyway. Just sometimes I find it unfair that everyone points fingers at me, because I didn't turn up at the altar."

  “Because you can't have children and kind of did it for the right reasons?”

  I nodded. “And because her father had me kidnapped and held in an outbuilding until I wrote a note finishing our relationship.” I confessed.

  There was a stunned silence from Violet. “What? Fuck, Cal. I know Milo said there was more to it, but I didn't expect it to be that. Did you go to see her afterwards? To explain what he’d done? Surely, she should know the truth?”

  “It didn’t matter. I’d been going to tell her I’d overheard she didn't want to adopt. She was having second thoughts but felt it was too late to cancel. Her father saved me the bother.”

  There it all was, my truths, bowled out. Strike for Callum Waite. I felt like the pins. Hit hard and knocked over.


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