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Living It

Page 3

by Casper Graham

  “Oh, yes, it was. You haven’t flirted in a million years. Not ever since…” Elizabeth trailed off and gave him an apologetic smile. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have brought up the past.”

  He shook his head. “It’s fine, Liz. I’m okay now.”

  Elizabeth obviously didn’t believe him, but the lure of the details about his impromptu date with Jonah the previous evening was obviously too difficult to resist. “Okay. Tell me everything. Don’t leave out anything juicy.”

  He chuckled. “We only have an hour for lunch. We still need to eat.”

  “That’s not important. Come on. I’m dying to know.”

  He chortled in amusement. “Food is not important?”

  Elizabeth glared at him. “Don’t try to change the subject. Details now. Chop chop.”

  He leaned against the chair and looked around the pantry twice to make sure everyone else was busy with his or her own food or too engrossed in his or her own conversation before placing one of his forearms on the table and beckoning Elizabeth to shift her head closer toward him. “He’s so hot.”

  Elizabeth beamed in excitement. “Tall?”

  “Just an inch taller than me at most, but he’s definitely much more muscular.”

  Elizabeth got a glint in her eyes. “Let me guess. He’s hairy with a stubble on his face.”

  “Well, I don’t know how hairy he is, but I love the hair on his arms. He doesn’t have much in the way of facial hair, but he has a nice five o’clock shadow going on.”

  “Ooh, dreamy. Tell me more.”

  “I still don’t know what came over me last night when I asked him out on a date at the ice cream parlor, but I’m so glad I did.”

  “That’s so sweet.”

  Davion glanced down at his food when he felt the heat creeping up his neck and cheeks. “Thanks. I like him.”

  “I can tell.”

  “You haven’t even heard the best part yet.”

  Elizabeth’s eyes widened in excitement. “There’s more?”

  Davion nodded. “After the date, he took the initiative to reach out for my hand and held it tight as we made our way back to my car.”

  “Aw, did he kiss you, too?”

  He mock-gasped. “What kind of a boy do you think I am? Of course not. I don’t kiss on the first date.”

  Elizabeth rolled her eyes. “Don’t act all virginal and pure now. You’re neither.”

  He laughed out loud. “Truth. Anyway, he called me up around half past ten earlier.”

  “Ooh, a second date?”

  “Yeah.” He heaved out a soft sigh. “He wants me to have dinner with him tonight at his restaurant.”


  “Along with the rest of his family.”

  Elizabeth dropped her spoon back onto her plate in shock. “You’re kidding, right?”

  Davion shook his head. “Nope.”


  “I know, right?” Davion bit his lower lip once or twice before continuing. “Maybe I should cancel on him.”

  “No!” Elizabeth exclaimed in a hurry. Davion stared at Elizabeth in confusion. “I mean, it’s way too soon to meet the family, but it’s a good thing. Right? It shows he’s serious about you.”

  “But I don’t know him well enough. For that matter, he barely knows me either. What if he turns out to be like my ex-boyfriends?”

  “What if he doesn’t?” Elizabeth countered, and Davion was stunned into silence for a moment. “Davion, come on. I know the dinner situation came out of nowhere, but take a chance on this Jonah guy. You do like him at the very least, right?”

  Davion nodded. “More than any men I dated ever since my last relationship.”

  “Then do it. Have dinner with him and his family. It’s a risk, but maybe it will be worth it in the long run.”

  Davion hesitated for a few seconds before expelling a breath he didn’t know he had been holding back. “You’re absolutely right.”

  “I always am.”

  He snorted at Elizabeth. “Modest much?”

  “When I’m right, I’m right.”

  “Your ego is incredible.”

  “I know.”

  “Not a compliment.”

  “I’ll consider it as such.”

  “Oh, whatever.”

  After that, they smiled at each other for a moment before picking up their utensils again and resuming their lunch. There was nothing else that needed to be said between them. Davion was certain Elizabeth was familiar enough with him to know he wouldn’t miss dinner with Jonah and the man’s family later that evening no matter how nervous he was. Besides, it was a simple dinner with Jonah and a bunch of other people. He could handle them just fine. How difficult could it be?

  * * * *

  Jonah regretted dinner before it even began. Jackson and Jacqueline stared at Davion with calculating gazes from across the table. Jonah’s mom had the widest grin on her face as she insisted Davion take the seat next to her. Jonah sighed and grabbed the chair on Davion’s other side. He was thankful Joanne, Grace, Nathan, and Gerald decided to converse among themselves after greeting Davion warmly. His nephews and niece were also chatting with one another. He glanced at his dad, who only shrugged in return. He obviously couldn’t count on his dad for assistance to rescue Davion from his mom, Jackson, and Jacqueline.

  “So, Davion, what do you do?” Jackson asked after Davion informed the server of his choice of food and drink.

  Jonah glared at Jackson. “Behave.”

  Jackson smirked. “Just trying to start a conversation with your loverboy, Jojo.”

  Jonah winced in embarrassment while Davion eyed him in confusion. “It’s my childhood moniker.”

  Davion nodded. “That’s nice. Mine is Dave or Vion. Anyway, I work at the museum as a curator.”

  Jacqueline cut in before Jonah could respond. “Nice. Anyway, which one of your nicknames do you like better?”


  “That’s wonderful,” Mom spoke up from the other side while reaching out for Davion’s hand. “Speaking of childhood, I have so many things to tell you about Jojo here.”

  Jonah almost choked in shock. “Mom, I’m sure Davion has no interest in hearing any of those boring old things from my past.”

  His mom beamed at him before turning toward Davion. “Nonsense. What do you think, Dave? Care to indulge an old woman as she takes a trip down memory lane?”

  “I don’t mind, Mrs. Wong.”

  Jonah was tempted to face-palm himself when his mom pinched Davion’s right cheek.

  “Oh, you’re such a polite young man, unlike the four heathens I gave birth to.”

  “Mom, seriously, I don’t think—”

  “Hush, Jojo. Your lovely boyfriend and I are getting better acquainted.”

  Jackson snickered from across the table. “Give it up, little bro. Grace, Nathan, and Gerald got the same treatment during the first family dinner. It’s your turn now.”

  “But Davion and I only had our first date yesterday.”

  Jacqueline chortled in amusement. “Then why did you agree to this dinner?”

  “Mom wouldn’t take ‘no’ for an answer.”

  Jackson snorted. “I think you like Davion very much, and something inside you hopes he will become a part of our family.”

  “Jax!” he exclaimed in annoyance before turning toward Davion, hoping Davion hadn’t heard the conversation. The man obviously did, judging by those reddened cheeks. “Sorry, Davion. Ignore Jax. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about.”

  Davion shook his head. “It’s fine. Anyway, Mrs. Wong, you were about to tell me about Jonah’s childhood.”

  Jonah exhaled in defeat when his mom appeared really excited upon hearing that.

  “Oh, yes. Indeed. Jojo used to love Superman. He—”

  “Mom, no, don’t—”

  “—used to wear his blue shirt and jeans before putting his red briefs on the outside and pretending he was Superm
an. He ran around the house as if he was flying in the air. It was one of the most adorable things I’d ever seen.”

  Jonah rubbed the back of his head in mortification while everyone else, except for his nephews and niece, burst out laughing. Not that his nephews and niece were on his side or anything like that. They were probably bewildered by the story because they couldn’t imagine him as a child. Or something to that effect. Jonah turned toward his mom and glared at her.

  “Thanks, Mom.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  He rolled his eyes. “I was being sarcastic.”

  “It doesn’t matter. I’ve been waiting for the chance to embarrass you for years. You and your siblings gave me and the old man gray hair years before our time because of your antics. It’s payback time. Jackson, Jacqueline, and Joanne already had their turns. You’re the only one left.”

  “Gee, thanks, Mom.”

  “Anytime, son.”

  After that, he turned toward Davion. “Sorry. My family, especially my mom, can be a bit much sometimes.”

  Davion chuckled. “Don’t apologize. I’m having a great time so far.”


  Jonah’s heartbeat almost stopped when he felt Davion’s warm palm on the back of his hand. It was even better when Davion entwined their fingers together.

  “I was dreading this meal because I was expecting it to be awkward. I’m relieved it’s turning out to be so amazing and entertaining.”

  Jonah heaved out a sigh of relief. “Glad to hear that.”

  The remainder of dinner went as well as could be expected. His mom, Jackson, and Jacqueline asked Davion plenty of questions, but none were invasive. Even his dad, Joanne, Grace, Nathan, and Gerald joined in the conversations once in a while. Overall, he thought dinner went well. Everyone seemed to have a fantastic time. When it was over, he was astonished to discover he felt rather disappointed time passed by so fast. He and Davion walked toward the entrance along with the rest of his family.

  “Don’t be a stranger,” Jackson said while shaking hands with Davion before leaving with Grace, Tyson, and Troy, who simply waved at him and Davion.

  “I like you, Dave. I hope to see you around more often,” Jacqueline added.

  Nathan bade him and Davion farewell before lifting Tanya up. His niece was already halfway asleep after the excitement of the evening. He was delighted when his dad gave Davion a one-armed hug. It was his dad’s way of showing his approval. His mom embraced Davion really tightly before beaming at the two of them.

  “You take care of each other now.”

  “We will, Mrs. Wong,” Davion replied. “Thank you so much, both of you, for allowing me to join the family dinner.”

  Dad smiled at Davion. “You’re welcome. I’ll see you next Monday, Jonah. Bring Davion, too.”

  “Sure thing, Dad.”

  “Thanks, sir.”

  Jonah grinned at Davion once his parents exited the restaurant. “Thank you for coming.”

  “You don’t have to thank me. It’s my pleasure.”

  The two of them were quiet for a moment. He didn’t know how to proceed from this point onward. He was taken aback when Davion grabbed his hands before leaning in closer.


  Davion blushed as he leaned in closer toward Jonah. “May I kiss you?”

  Jonah gulped and nodded. “Absolutely. Please.”

  The first press of their lips together took Jonah’s breath away. A tiny part of him wondered if his breath smelled okay, but he was soon lost in the sensation of kissing Davion’s beautiful lips. It was the perfect ending to such an incredible dinner. His heart fluttered as they both deepened the kiss at the same time. He hoped it would be the first of many kisses they would share with each other. He sighed and tightened his hold on Davion’s hands. He was beginning to feel something deep in his guts. It was more than lust or simple affection, but he wasn’t ready to label it as love yet. Regardless, he didn’t want to lose this feeling. Ever.

  Chapter 5

  Davion scratched the back of his head in irritation as he sat on the leather chair in his office at the museum and attempted to work out the details for the upcoming special exhibition in the following month. He tapped the fingers of his left hand onto the glass surface of his desk while using his right hand to scroll down the screen of his laptop. It wasn’t his first gig ever, but this particular exhibition was time-consuming due to the number of precious and priceless items involved. The security aspects alone were enough to drive him insane. Thus, he couldn’t help the gruff tone that came out of his mouth when someone knocked on his office door, which distracted him from his current activity.

  “Come in.”

  Oscar, his personal assistant, opened the door and entered his office. “Dave, there’s someone outside waiting for you.”

  He scrunched up his face in confusion and slight irritation before glancing at the time on the laptop screen. “I don’t have a standing appointment at four. Who is it?”

  Oscar shrugged. “He told me his name is Jonah.”

  Davion’s expression brightened in an instant. “I’ll see him now. Thanks, Os.”

  He stood before dashing toward the door, ignoring Oscar’s amused snicker. He beamed widely at Jonah when he caught sight of the man sitting on the couch in the waiting room with a cloth bag next to his feet.

  “Hey, Dave.”

  “Hey! Not that this isn’t a wonderful surprise, but what brings you here?”

  Jonah rubbed the back of his head while smiling and pointing at the cloth bag. “I thought we could spend a little time together. The restaurant won’t be busy until around half past six when the evening crowd starts coming in. I almost couldn’t enter the museum because the security guards at the entrance told me it was closed to the public at exactly four o’clock. I had to lie about having an appointment with you. I’m glad your personal assistant agreed to let me in when the guards called him.”

  Davion chortled. “I’ll explain the situation to them all later.”

  “Great. Anyway, I asked the chefs at the restaurant to prepare some beef sandwiches and a few slices of blueberry pie. They also included a large bottle of freshly-squeezed orange juice for us.”

  “Afternoon snacks?”

  Jonah chuckled as his cheeks reddened even further. “Yeah. I mean, only if you have a spare moment.”

  Davion’s head was filled with figures and details of the exhibition, but he could use a break. “Absolutely. Let’s eat in my office.”

  Oscar winked at him as he and Jonah made their way into his office. He had to resist the childish urge to stick his tongue out at his personal assistant. Instead, he shut the door without uttering a word to Oscar and gestured at the couch in his office. Jonah took the hint and strode toward the couch. Davion followed suit, but he had no idea what to do afterward. He had never been in such a position before. None of his ex-boyfriends ever performed something as romantic as this. Elizabeth would label him a sap, but he couldn’t help the rush of affection toward Jonah for being so sweet.


  He stared at the beef sandwich, which was placed on a small plate in front of him, before nodding at Jonah. “Thanks.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  The silence stretched on for a moment as they munched.

  “I’m coming off as being a little desperate, aren’t I?”

  Davion turned to face Jonah in bewilderment. “Huh?”

  Jonah threw him an embarrassed grin while patting the plate in his hand and the cloth bag on the office floor. “All these.”

  “I still don’t get what you’re trying to say.”

  Jonah inhaled deeply before responding. “I really like you. I’ve never felt something so strong for anyone in the past. I’m astounded myself. I just want to be with you all the time. I can’t even stop thinking about you.”

  “Oh…” Davion trailed off, feeling pleased and excited that he wasn’t the only one having such a powerful emoti
on in what he considered to be a blossoming relationship. “I…I don’t mind it at all. I…I kind of like it.”

  Jonah beamed at him. “Yeah?”


  “I’m glad to hear that.”



  The two of them grew quiet after that. Instead, they focused on the sandwiches. Davion wished he had some romantic words to fill up the ensuing silence, but he was left speechless for the next several minutes. When he spoke up, he almost cringed at how lame he sounded.

  “Great sandwich.”

  Jonah nodded. “It’s one of the most popular items on our menu at the restaurant.”

  “That’s awesome.”

  “I think so, too.”

  He bit back a sigh. He couldn’t get any odder if he tried. There must be better things he could have talked about. He had no idea why he chose to mention the sandwich instead. Or he probably did. After all, all the blood in his body was now filling up his straining dick, which was pressing painfully against his slacks, so he couldn’t think properly. He couldn’t stop the arousal from coursing through him. His lips were dry as he ogled Jonah’s muscled, hairy arms.

  He gulped as discreetly as he could as he eyed the hair on Jonah’s exposed chest. He didn’t care if Jonah opened the top two buttons of his shirt on purpose or otherwise. All that mattered was it provided him with a fantastic view of Jonah’s amazingly muscled chest. He had just swallowed the last of his sandwich when Jonah grabbed the plate from him and returned it to him seconds later with a slice of blueberry pie.

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. Our blueberry pies taste incredible, as well. At least I like it.”

  He smiled at Jonah. “I’m sure I’ll love it.”

  Jonah chuckled at him when he let out a soft moan. “I’ve never been jealous of a blueberry pie in my entire life before. I wish I was the one to make you groan in pleasure like that.”

  He snickered before winking at Jonah. “You’ll get your chance.”


  He chortled at the seriousness in Jonah’s tone. “Behave yourself, and you’ll be rewarded.”

  “I will.”

  They glanced at each other for a few seconds longer before looking away.


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