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Troubled Waters (The Lake Trilogy, Book 2)

Page 12

by Grant, AnnaLisa

  “It’s ok, Layla. I totally understand. Kudos to you for being able to keep this a secret! I’m still in shock! When did all this go down?”

  “I accidentally ran into his mom on campus last month. At first I thought I was imagining things. You know, too stressed from not talking about Will being gone. Then when I saw her again I just couldn’t stay away. I followed her and it all got exposed from there. I wanted to tell you, but there’s still so much at stake. This whole thing with Marcus has made things very difficult.”

  “Yeah, what’s his deal?” she asks, twisting her face with her question.

  “He’s got some crazy crush on me, but don’t tell Will. He doesn’t know the extent of it,” I say putting it lightly. I really don’t want her to worry. “I think he thought he could pick up where Will left off. Since I can’t tell him about Will, I’m not sure how we’re going to deal with him. He hasn’t been around in a while, and I have Furtick as my permanent shadow, so I’m feeling relatively in the clear…for now.”

  “Well, let’s put all that aside this weekend. We’re going to savor every second we all have together. Layla?” she begins. “Thank you for trusting me. I know it was a big deal to let the cat out of the bag, and I want you to know that you can absolutely rest assured that I will carry this secret as long as you need me to. You’re the sister I never had and I would never do anything to betray you.”

  “I know, and thank you. Thank you for being so trustworthy. There isn’t anything I can’t tell you. I never had a friend like that until I met you. It means more to me than you’ll ever know.” We reflect each other’s smiles and drift off to sleep. My heart is full of love and peace and, for now, all is right in my world.

  Chapter 13

  This is by far the best Thanksgiving of my life. I’m spending the day with my love, my future-future mother-in-law, my best friend and her family, my Bonus Uncle, and…my parents.

  It took some time, but I remember the moment I knew Luke and Claire had successfully filled that parent-shaped hole in my heart. Claire and me crying on the stairs to my finished basement, Luke and Will standing by watching me love and embrace Claire, telling her that she was the best mother. The finished basement, wall-hung photos of my parents, trunk full of memories…they were the most amazing tangible gift I’ve ever received. The best gift that day was the heart and soul knowledge that I could let Luke and Claire be my parents and I didn’t have to feel guilty about it. They embody what it means to be a parent in every sense of the word and I couldn’t be a luckier girl for it.

  “So, Caroline,” I begin with an already teasing tone. “Are you going to spill the beans about this boy toy of yours?” I ask, pulling ingredients from the fridge.

  “Oh, so you’re interested in my love life, eh?” She cocks her head to one side in the cutest Caroline way. “Well, he’s studying film and is an actor, but who isn’t an actor out there! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been asked to be someone’s model. Then I stand up and they’re like ‘Oh, you’re short, never mind.’ Whatever! One thing I can tell you about Californians is that they tell you like it is. There is no sugar-coating going on there!”

  “So does Layla need to send Tyler and Chris out there to check on the worthiness of this guy?” Will teases.

  “I don’t know, Will, he could give them a run for their money!” she says.

  “Does this boy have a name?” I ask.

  “His name is Ryan and he really is just about the most adorable thing you’ve ever seen.” She takes out her phone and pulls up what seem to be a dozen pictures of Ryan.

  “He’s cute. He’s no Will Meyer, but he’s cute,” I comment as she swipes through her phone’s camera roll.

  “Thanks, baby,” Will says, followed by a kiss to the top of my head as he passes me.

  We spend the rest of the day making food and grilling Caroline on Ryan and when I might get to meet him. We discuss the possibility of him meeting Will as John Holland and decide to put that on the back burner until there’s more to their love story.

  Furtick passes through the kitchen and I give him a look that he immediately recognizes as “Is there any new development on Marcus?” He shakes his head, grabs a few baby carrots from the relish tray and makes his way out of the kitchen and on to the porch

  I watch him for a while through the window and think how happy it makes me that he’s taking some time to relax. He and Eliana are engaged in a steady stream of conversation and both look pretty happy. I watch Eliana tuck her hair behind her ear and smile. Is she flirting with him? I don’t know, but whatever they’re talking about, whatever she just did, elicited the biggest smile from Wesley Furtick I’ve ever seen.

  “I know we don’t do this as a habit, but I’d like to say grace before we eat,” Luke says surveying the table full of family and friends. I can’t help but think that Luke may have thought he’d never see this in his own home, and the fact that we’re all here makes me so happy for him. We all bow our heads in approval and anticipation of Luke’s prayer. “God, we’re so thankful for all that you have given us. Life. Love. Friends. Thank you for this abundance of food, and may we remember that there are so many who will go without today. Amen.”

  We all give a collective Amen and begin to pass plates and serving bowls. Our plates are full of turkey, green bean casserole, turnips, mashed potatoes and gravy, and sweet potato. The girls discuss the deals we’ve been scoping out in the Black Friday sales papers, and I’m pleased that I don’t have to convince Caroline of how fun it will be. The boys talk about the upcoming game and try not to think about how much money we’re going to spend in about eight hours.


  Sunday comes all too quickly. Caroline’s parents left bright and early for the drive home, so we’re taking her to the airport so she can fly back to California. I have treasured every second of having her here. Even though I’ll have to refer to him as John when we speak or text, it feels so good to have a friend that I can talk to about Will.

  Caroline and I both cry as we say our goodbyes on the curb of the drop-off zone at the airport. I hug her tightly and make her promise to text me when she gets back to her apartment. Will gives her a huge hug, lifting her from the ground, and thanks her for her unwavering friendship.

  Will and I climb into the back of Furtick’s Jeep and we’re off as soon as I know Caroline is safely inside. Because of the insane airport traffic, Furtick insisted on driving us rather than following. It was a valid point so Will and I didn’t argue.

  “Furtick, would you mind taking us to Stir? We’d like to grab some dinner,” Will says. I love the way he can take command of even the most insignificant situations. He’s not wishy-washy about it. It’s after seven and we haven’t eaten, so of course we’d want to have dinner.

  “Of course, Mr. Holland,” Furtick replies.

  “Would you like to join us, Furtick?” I offer. Will gives me a bit of a scowl but lets it go when I give him one of my own. How could we not invite him? After all he does for us, it’s the least we could do.

  “No, thank you, Miss Weston. I’ll wait in the vehicle and keep an eye out after I’ve done a sweep of the restaurant, but thank you for the invitation,” he declines politely.

  “Ok, but you can change your mind if you want,” I say.

  Will and I are escorted to a quiet table in a dimly lit corner. As far as dining locations go, it doesn’t get much more romantic than this. Our server appears almost immediately and takes our drink orders. We’ve eaten so much over the past four days that I seriously contemplate having a side salad and water, but after reviewing the menu I’m reminded of how much I love this restaurant.

  When the server returns with our drinks, Will orders their Brie Leek Tartlets appetizer for us to share. He knows they’re my favorite so he doesn’t even have to ask if I would like them. I could make a meal of them! After another once-over of the menu I decide to indulge and order the chef’s signature dish: braised beef. I know I won’t be able t
o finish the whole thing, but it’ll make great leftovers. When it arrives I take the first bite and am reassured of my choice. Oh, so good!

  “So…how was your Thanksgiving?” Will asks, grinning from ear to ear because he already knows the answer.

  “It was amazing. Thank you so much!” I answer excitedly.

  “What did I do?”

  “Letting me tell Caroline opened my world back up. I’ve been trapped in this alternate universe where I’m in love with John, not Will. Sometimes I felt like I was supposed to pretend life before now didn’t exist. I don’t want you to ever think that I don’t love every single minute of my life with you here, but…that was life with my grandmother. I wasn’t allowed to talk about my parents, so it was like I had to pretend I never knew them. I like being able to stay connected to parts of my life before Will Meyer died.”

  “I understand,” Will says taking my hand. “It’s important that you still have that connection with the things that were wonderful about our life in Davidson. You are all I need. You are my life, my everything. Not that I don’t love Caroline or our friends. It’s just not as important to me that I have them in my life now, but I don’t fault you for that need. I want to give you everything, Layla, and if telling Caroline is what you needed, I wanted to give that to you. I don’t want you to feel trapped.”

  “I don’t feel trapped with you. I feel free with you,” I say squeezing his hand. “It’s just that I was so cut off from real relationships for so long. I didn’t have friends, at all, when I was with my grandparents. I wasn’t even sure I knew how to be a friend, but then Caroline and Gwen came along and made it so easy. You made it easy. So…thank you. Thank you for understanding me. It’s another reason why I love you so much.” I lean across the corner of the table and give Will a quick kiss.

  We enjoy the rest of our dinner reviewing the highlights of the weekend including the Monopoly rematch where we fashioned a hostile take-over of all of Caroline’s properties. Will won that round, and by the time we were done my sides ached from so much laughing. As we finish up our meal we agree that it was an incredible time, and that we’ll talk with Luke and Claire about telling Tyler next. We have no idea when that’ll happen, but both feel confident that he’ll be able to contain our secret.

  We exit the restaurant and Furtick is at the door. He’s usually so good about being a ghost that I’m shocked that he’s put himself out in the open like that.

  “Miss Weston, Mr. Holland,” he says sternly. “It’s time to go. Now.”

  “What’s going on Furtick?” Will matches Furtick’s tone.

  “Mr. Reynolds is on the move. He left Charlotte around two today, which means, if he made good time, he’ll be arriving shortly. I’m sorry, Mr. Holland, but Miss Weston needs to go home immediately.”

  “Ok, let’s get home,” Will says in agreement.

  “We’ll be dropping you at your apartment on the way. I’ll make sure you get you have your car in time for class tomorrow morning. Right now, we can’t risk anything.” Furtick’s tone is strong and decisive. He’s in “Marine” mode and what he says is law.

  “What do you mean? I’m not going to leave her alone!” Will is furious that he can’t be there to protect me.

  “And what do you think you’re going to do if Mr. Reynolds shows up?” Furtick stares at Will but softens for a moment. “Will. She needs you to go home. If you risk being found out, you risk losing her. I need you to trust me. I will take care of her like she’s my own. I promise.” Will’s eyes drop. He knows Furtick is right and he hates it. He’s done so much, sacrificed so much, risked so much so that we could be together. I know he hates that he now has to let go and let Furtick and Luke take over.

  We scurry to the Jeep and Will and I climb in the back. “Oh, Will,” I fall into Will’s arms.

  “It’s ok, baby,” he says.

  We pull up to Will’s apartment and I realize that I’ve never been here. It’s a gated community for which Furtick knows the security code. We drive through the endless maze of buildings and arrive at Will’s. I kiss him with a soft, tender kiss, and tell him that I love him more than he’ll ever know. No sooner have the words left my mouth than Will is out of the car and Furtick is whisking me away. We’re screeching out of the parking lot just in time for me to turn and see Will duck into the safety of his building. I scan the windows and wonder which one is Will’s.

  “I don’t mean to be unappreciative, Furtick, but why are we at DEFCON 1? If he’s just getting into town, why the urgency in getting me home and Will anywhere but with me?” I ask, truly trying not to sound thankless. “Aren’t Taylor and Cline following him?”

  “They lost him when they merged into traffic on I-95 in Jacksonville.”

  “And you didn’t want Will to know that.”

  “No, ma’am. I…I didn’t want him to think my team wasn’t capable of protecting you.”

  “He doesn’t think that.”

  “Just the same, I’d prefer he not know. We’ll be able to trace Mr. Reynolds once he starts using his debit card in town. And we’re assuming he’ll go back to the apartment he set up when he first arrived here. Taylor and Cline are rectifying the situation.”

  “I know you can protect us, Wes.” I use his given name because I want to connect with him personally right now. I know the business and personal are battling it out for his emotions. It’s harder for him at certain times, like when there seems to be an imminent threat to me. I can only imagine what it conjures about his daughter, but I want him to know that he’s more than a human shield to me.

  “Thank you, ma’am.” Furtick doesn’t say another word to me on the drive home. He does, however, have several conversations with Luke and Taylor. His choice of words, especially when he’s talking to Taylor, makes me blush. I can’t make out what the situation is exactly except that Marcus is somewhere in town but they don’t know precisely where. He hasn’t made it back to his apartment yet and he hasn’t shown up at my house either.

  When we arrive at the house, Claire flies out the front door to meet me, followed by Luke who heads straight for Furtick. They’re arguing as we all enter the house and find ourselves in the Great Room.

  “How the hell did they lose him, again? Are you telling me that two professionally trained men can’t follow one person? I’m having a hard time trusting your team here, Furtick!” Luke roars.

  “Stop, Uncle Luke! Stop! It’s not his fault! Furtick is doing an amazing job and he is keeping me safe! It’s no one’s fault that Taylor and Cline lost him in traffic. You want them to break the law just to follow him?” I say, just a decibel below Luke’s.

  “I want them to do whatever is necessary to keep you safe,” he says, calming only slightly.

  “Well…if they’re going to do whatever is necessary, they’d better save their law-breaking tasks for when it’s really going to count, shouldn’t they?” I rebut.

  “Ok, everyone just calm down,” Claire adds. “Everyone in the kitchen…now.” We all obey without hesitancy because that’s what you do when Claire gives an order. “If Marcus is bold enough to come straight here, I don’t want Layla out in the open like that where she can be seen from the window. Layla, you don’t leave this house without Furtick. Not Furtick as your shadow; Furtick as your third arm. He will drive you to school. He will walk you to class. He will wait outside your classroom. He will not leave your side. Do you understand?”

  “Yes,” I say with a heavy sigh.

  “And no Will. Not even on campus,” she adds. “Luke will call him tonight and tell him.”

  “Why can’t I tell him?” I protest.

  “Because we need to be selective in the information we give Will,” Luke answers.

  “How long is this going to go on? How are we supposed to live like this? It’s like we traded one hell for another!” I run up to my room like a little girl, but I don’t care. I can’t believe what’s happening. I had Will and then lost him and then just got him back, and now Mar
cus is having some psychotic break and ruining everything! What happened to having paid my penance? What happened to getting my life, my love, back?

  I can’t think. My head is swimming in an overflowing goop of unfairness so I go into the bathroom and turn the shower on. Steam begins to fill the room and fog up the window and mirror. I get in the shower and let the hot water wash over me. It’s calming and peaceful. All the tense muscles in my body begin to relax and the goop in my brain is melting. I lean my head from side to side, stretching my neck. Ahhh.

  As I wash my hair my mind seems clearer and I start thinking of things I could say or do to reason with Marcus; give him all the reasons he doesn’t really want me. I’m damaged, and everyone I’ve ever loved has been killed. Do you really like those odds, Marcus? How about I just reiterate the truth that I don’t feel the same way about him? You don’t want to be with someone who doesn’t love you.

  By the time I’m finished my fingers are sufficiently pruney and my mind is full of ideas that I’m more confident will be shot down than considered. I grab a towel and dry my hair briefly before I wrap it around my body. I tuck the corner into the top of the towel and reach up to wipe the steamy mirror, but stop in my tracks. Written in the steam are the words, DON’T KEEP ME WAITING.

  I scream.

  Chapter 14

  Luke has put us on silent lock down. It took him twenty minutes to convince me that the creepy note had been written on the mirror before I took my shower, and when the mirror steamed up the words appeared. The idea that Marcus had been in my room, my bathroom, makes me want to throw up.

  Once I was calm enough to understand and believe him, Luke issued the decree that we were all to be silent. If Marcus could get into the house unnoticed, there’s no telling what he did while he was there. Luke and Furtick are scouring the house for audio or video devices, waving little black electronics around like old men looking for treasure on the beach. They turned my room upside down, as well as the kitchen and the Great Room. Luke even has Furtick check the porch, patio, and the dock, although the dock is so heavily shrouded with limbs and Spanish moss that I don’t know what he could possibly do there.


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