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Troubled Waters (The Lake Trilogy, Book 2)

Page 17

by Grant, AnnaLisa

  As we begin to walk, Marcus takes my free hand in his. It’s not an unfamiliar feeling as he did this any time we were in public together during our façade of a relationship. It reminds me of a time when Marcus’ heart hadn’t been infiltrated by the demon known as Gregory Meyer. I didn’t mind it then, but now my skin crawls at even the idea of being close to him. I’m not worried as we walk, though. I’m sure that’s because I know Wesley Furtick isn’t too far behind.

  “What did you want to talk about, Layla?” he asks, finally breaking the silence.

  “Well, you gave me a lot of information when we talked. I guess the first thing I wanted to know is how you really feel about me. You told me that we were going to be together, but I never heard you tell me how you felt.” I’m hoping I can appeal to his heart. If I can reach in there, perhaps I can bring out the old Marcus.

  “Isn’t it obvious?” He stops and turns our bodies to face each other, not letting go of my hand. He’s standing close and I’m barely able to squeak out a syllable.

  “No.” I feel a surge of nervousness run through my body so much that the electric pulses even make my teeth hurt.

  “I’m in love with you, Layla. I started falling for you that first day when we sat in the coffee shop. A bit poetic that we would meet in a coffee shop today, don’t you think?” His eyes are soft again and his words sincere. He’s in there. The real Marcus is in there.

  We begin to walk after a beat and I collect my thoughts and try to plan what to say next.

  “Marcus, I’m concerned about you,” I say.

  “What is there to be concerned about? I’m better now than I ever have been.” He is matter-of-fact in his delivery. Confident.

  “Well, you say that you love me, but you’re trying to coerce me into a relationship with you. I don’t think that’s very loving.” I’m choosing my words as carefully as I can.

  “I’m not coercing you, Layla. I’m reminding you of what you were afraid to admit because you felt you were tied to Will. I know you felt the same way about me – I could feel it when we were together. I can feel it now. I’m sure it was a confusing time: wanting to be with Will because he could give you any thing, but wanting me because of how you know I made you feel.”

  “And what is it exactly that I was afraid to admit, Marcus?” My stomach is doing flips and I think I might throw up.

  “You’re in love with me, Layla. I know you feel like you’re betraying some promise by saying it, so I won’t make you…not yet. I’m sure somewhere in your mind you think it’s too soon, but it’s not. It’s not because I know you didn’t really love Will.” He’s delusional. He really believes that I’m in love with him.

  “And so because I’m in love with you, and you’re in love with me, that makes me your possession?” I’m going back to his text, trying to understand someone who is losing his mind.

  “Yes. Wouldn’t your aunt and uncle say the same about each other?” Marcus’ delivery is unnerving. He’s looking at me like I’m crazy for not understanding what he sees as basic truth.

  “I suppose,” I say nervously. I don’t want to encourage him, but his statement isn’t completely off base. I would say wholeheartedly that I belong to Will, but that’s because I truly am in love with Will. “You haven’t told me what happens in three, well, two days now.”

  “Well…I wanted it to be a surprise, but since you asked…we’re going away together,” he says smiling bigger than I’ve ever seen him smile. He’s almost giddy.

  “What? Where?” I’m officially freaking out on the inside now.

  “It’s a bed and breakfast in the mountains, not far from Davidson actually. It’s beautiful and you’re going to love it.” He’s so pleased with himself, like he’s just hit a homerun in the game of romance. That couldn’t be farther from the truth. I barely want to be here with him right now, let alone go anywhere with him!

  “Shouldn’t you have asked me about that first, Marcus?” My nervousness is coming through in my voice now. Marcus can tell I’m uneasy and he’s become offended.

  “I was being romantic.” His demeanor has turned agitated. I’ve definitely not said the right thing and he’s starting to squeeze my hand. “You know, you could show a little appreciation. Will never did anything like that for you. He couldn’t because you two couldn’t even be in public together. But I can. I can because I can give you everything that Will did and more.” He’s snowballing and I’m getting scared. I don’t know where Furtick is and I don’t know how to signal him.

  “It’s a very romantic gesture, Marcus. I just don’t think my uncle and aunt are going to be ok with letting me go,” I say, trying to provide a reasonable excuse while brightening my tone. I’m certainly not going to get into the lack of physical relationship Will and I had. I’m confident he’d read it as I was saving myself for him.

  “You’re a grown woman, Layla. You don’t need their permission.” Marcus’ pace begins to quicken and I’m doing my best to keep up. Clearly Furtick can see that I’m trailing behind a bit and in need of his intervention. Will he take the shot?

  “Where are we going, Marcus?” We’re heading toward the corridor that leads to the north parking lot. Where is Furtick? The quad is teaming with people – too many for him to take the shot.

  “Perhaps a preview of what’s to come will help,” he answers curtly with a smile.

  “That sounds lovely, but doesn’t tell me where we’re going right now,” I say in between catching my breath. He’s walking fast now, but my legs are moving closer to a run.

  “Well, when I got your text I knew you weren’t going to make me wait, so I’ve got something special planned for us today.” We stop when we reach his car. Not the crappy hatch back he had in Davidson. A black Prius, just like Will’s. He presses my back against the passenger side back door and leans in closely. I can feel his breath on my face and my lip quivers as nerves take over completely. “You’re going to love my new place.”

  Chapter 19

  Before I know it Marcus is putting me into the passenger seat of his car. “Seat belt,” he says in a soft directive. When I don’t respond quickly enough he pulls the seat belt out and I take it from him. He’s still agitated by my comments. Only when I’m fully buckled does he close the door. Get out, Layla! Now, while he’s circling the car! I scream to myself. But I don’t move. Even if I did scamper from the car, he’s just going to chase me. I can make this harder or easier. The easier, compliant way will hopefully yield me some answers and in turn help Marcus.

  Sorry, Furtick, I think. I’m sure he’s cursing me to high heaven right now. I wonder where he is but remember that Cline put a tracker on Marcus’ car so I feel a bit of comfort in knowing that I won’t be completely MIA. And as I recall, Cline also bugged the car so I know I should get Marcus talking.

  “So we’re going to your place. What about your roommates?” I ask knowing full well that he’s moved to a new apartment.

  “I’m not living with those immature frat boys anymore, Layla. I’ve moved on to a place more suitable for us.” Us? His irritation with me is softening. He smiles and I can’t help but feel good about it. As long as he’s happy, things are going to go just fine. I need to keep him calm, which means I have to keep calm. “We’ll have all the privacy we need.” He gives me a wink and puts his hand on my leg. He’s inching it up too high on my thigh and a shiver runs through me. I take his hand in both of mine so he’s not even touching me. “That’s more like it,” he says giving my hand a little squeeze.

  “So I guess you’ll be getting a job soon. With your experience at the bookstore, I’m sure you’ll find something on campus, or nearby.” I do my best to make normal conversation. I really don’t want him to get upset like he did while we were walking. The last thing I need is for him to do is floor the gas and slam us into a tree in some crazy murder-suicide attempt.

  “Nope. I won’t be doing anything that will take my attention from you,” he says. His delivery is eerie. It remi
nds me of the tone Mr. Meyer used when he found me on the trail during his early morning walk while we were in the mountains. My stomach turns at the memory.

  “But how are you paying for your apartment and school?” I know the answer to this, too, but I need to appear as if I don’t.

  “Let’s just say I’ve saved enough money to last us for a while.” His vague response leaves a harder look on his face. He’s not going to tell me any more about Gregory Meyer, at least not right now. And he’s using that word again, us.

  I’m silent for the rest of the drive to Marcus’ apartment. Every few minutes of the fifteen minute drive Marcus volunteers a giddy comment. “This is going to be so great,” or “I can’t wait for you to see,” he says. I give the best smile I can pull together and nod in feigned excitement. We approach the gate to the complex and Marcus enters his code. I try to see what numbers he punches, but my view is obstructed by Marcus’ hand and the shape of the metal box.

  The gate opens a moment after he enters his code and soon we’re winding through the maze of buildings. I’m doing my best to pay attention to where we’re going but it’s too much. Left, right, right, left, left, left… I know Furtick, Taylor, and Cline know where Marcus’ apartment is, but I’m trying to remember in case I end up having to make a run for it.

  Marcus parks the car in a space close to the building. “Wait right here,” he says with a bright smile. When his door closes I take a deep breath and let out a heavy sigh.

  “If you’re listening Furtick, I’m sorry,” I whisper before the door opens. Marcus takes my hand as he helps me out of the car.

  “So, Marcus…uh…when did you decide you would move to Tallahassee?” I ask timidly as we walk toward the building. Knowing what the catalyst was I’m not sure how he’s going to respond, but perhaps it will be a good lead-in to talk him out of what he’s doing. I’m trying to nonchalantly look for Taylor and Cline, hoping that they were monitoring our conversation in the car, although I’m not sure how the whole bugging thing works. I don’t see them, but then again, they’re not supposed to be seen.

  “Well, that’s hard to say. After that night at Halloween, when Will exploded as he did, I knew it would only be a matter of time before you’d come to your senses. And then when Will went missing, I knew you would want an appropriate amount of time to mourn so as not to appear to be heartless. But I suppose when you moved here, which I knew was out of complete obligation, I knew you’d miss me so I started tying up loose ends and working on the logistics.” Marcus’ confidence seems to rise with each step we take toward his apartment. And as we begin to take the stairs up to the second level my fear level also rises. Marcus really believes that my relationship with Will became a lie; that I really wanted, and now want, to be with him.

  “Then why all the comforting talk about how they’d find Will and everything would be ok?”

  “I couldn’t present myself as a completely insensitive jerk, Layla.”

  We reach his apartment and my dread has reached an all new high. I have to believe that I can reach him. That has to be my sustained objective. If I lose focus for even a minute I don’t know what will happen. Marcus smiles at me as he unlocks the door. “Ready?” he asks with a new tone of joy. I nod with a faint smile.

  The door opens and Marcus puts his hand on the small of my back to usher me in ahead of him. As I cross the threshold I am overwhelmed with the loveliest aroma. It’s beautiful and immediately calms me, even if just for a moment.

  I walk past the kitchen on my right and enter the living room. It’s large, bigger than I would have thought for an apartment, but then this is a gated development and these are high- end units. There’s hardwood flooring in the entryway and kitchen, which I noticed has brown, black and silver granite counters and dark wood cabinets.

  He’s already furnished the apartment and everything is nicer than what I’d expect a bachelor to have. But beyond the furnishings, flooring, and granite is a site that overcomes me with mixed emotions. The apartment is filled with flowers – vases and vases of flowers. Roses of all shades, long stemmed and spray. Violets both opened and closed, and my favorite, Gerber daisies, in an assortment of colors. There are so many, hundreds, that I don’t even recognize.

  “I didn’t know what your favorite flower was, so I had them bring something of everything. Do you like it?” Marcus says in a voice that reminds me of the man he used to be. He’s not cocky or arrogant. Right now, he’s a guy who’s crazy about a girl and going to extremes to impress her. Were he not on the other side of a mental break down, I’d think this was sweet.

  “They’re lovely,” I say still taking it all in. Marcus takes my hand and leads me into the living room.

  “Here, let me show you around,” he says happily as he puts my backpack on an accent chair. I’m glad he’s back in a good mood. It eases my nerves and makes me feel like he’s reachable. “You saw the kitchen when we walked in. Obviously this is the living room, and the dining area is over there. And over here…” he begins as he takes me toward a hallway. “…is your room.” I still myself in the moment, not knowing how to respond. The wrong words on my end could be disastrous, but to tell him what he wants to hear will only encourage his delusion.

  “Wow,” I say ambiguously. It’s a simple room with a wrought iron, queen-size bed, matching side tables, and a beautifully ornate dresser.

  “Do you like it? I wanted you to have your own room at first.” He smiles at me as if I should be grateful for his act of valor, but he has no idea how inappropriate and assumptive he has been. Even if I were interested in him, does he really think I would move in with him? Just more evidence that he really does not know me at all.

  “Well, I’m not really sure what to think about it, Marcus. You’re moving a bit fast.” I try to say it shyly so as not to offend him but that doesn’t seem to work. I’ve tried hard to not upset him but I see the heat begin to rise on his face and I brace myself for what may be coming next.

  “This isn’t fast, Layla. We’ve had these feelings for each other for a year now. And when two people love each other, they take steps to move their relationship forward.” He takes my hand again and pulls me behind him to the other end of the hall. “And this is our next step.” He’s brought me to his bedroom. The room, just like the living and dining area, is filled with flowers. It’s beautifully romantic and terribly frightening at the same time.

  “Marcus, I…” I start to object but Marcus cuts me off.

  “I know you’re nervous. And I know you don’t want your aunt and uncle to think that you’re disrespecting Will’s memory. After all, they think you were really in love with him. But I think if we can just explain to them how we feel about each other, they’ll understand. They want you to be happy, Layla.” He runs his thumb along my jawline and it takes everything in me not to jerk away. He really is his father’s son.

  “I think we should talk about this,” I say moving out of the room and into the living room. I take a seat on the couch, crossing my legs and arms in my own defense.

  “Alright,” Marcus says sitting next to me too close. He pries my arms from their pretzel state to hold my hand. I don’t put up too much resistance as he’s already upset. I sit, collecting my thoughts. I compose myself and quickly formulate an idea that I think will buy me some time, as in days, if Marcus will agree.

  “Well, I think you’re right about my aunt and uncle. I don’t think they’d understand me wanting to be with you right now. But, you know, what Will and I had being together secretly worked really well. I think we could make that work, too. I mean, just while we’re working this out.” I look at him with hopeful eyes, thinking that I’ve offered a viable option. If he can let his guard down, maybe I can reach him. However, I’m dismissed quickly as his face hardens.

  “No! That’s not how this is going to be. You and Will had to hide. We don’t.” Marcus is angry. “You love me, Layla, and I won’t let you think that we have to live in the same secretive state th
at you and Will did.” He takes my face in his hands and pulls me to him. My body is shifted in such a way that my defensive leg crossing comes undone. Marcus’ lips are on mine before I know it. I try not to resist too forcefully but I’m too obvious in my struggle and I have set Marcus off. “Layla, don’t make this difficult.”

  “I just…Marcus, I can’t do this.” I really can’t do this. I thought I could but I can’t play into his delusion any longer. All it’s doing is fueling him. “I know about everything,” I blurt out but Marcus isn’t thrown. He lets me talk, all the while kissing my neck. I continue to try to push him off of me, but he’s too strong. “I know about how your mother forced you to play her games in her retaliation toward your father. I know that Meyer rejected you time and time again. I know you hated Will for having a father who acknowledged as him as his son.” Marcus stops mid-kiss, his lips feeling glued to my skin. “But forcing yourself on me isn’t going to change any of that. I don’t love you.” I verbally vomit all over him and he doesn’t flinch. He just stares at me with dark eyes.

  “So you’ve decided to make this difficult,” he says, not acknowledging what I’ve said at all. “That’s ok, Layla. You’ll give in to your true feelings soon. In the mean time I’ll help you along the way.” He stands, holding tight to my hand, and pulls me to stand with him. He releases my hand and slides his arms around my waist. “Put your hands on my shoulders,” he directs. I do as I’m told after a moment of hesitancy. I mustn’t forget that there are two powerful guns located somewhere in this apartment.

  Marcus leans in and kisses me again. It’s sweet and, in another universe, nice, but his passion builds quickly and it takes only moments before he’s pressing into me forcefully. He’s holding my body with more strength than I realized he had. I’m absolutely not kissing him back but that isn’t stopping him. He holds me tighter and moves one hand to my behind. I pull my face from his and try to push him off of me.


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