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Forbidden Passions

Page 3

by India Masters

  “I don’t want to dance with you,” Libby whispered savagely.

  “I know you don’t, darlin’, but I promise I’m not gonna grope your ass like Puckett was getting ready to do.” He pulled Libby close against him, despite the stiffness of her body. “Relax, Lib. I’m not gonna bite.”

  Libby gasped. “You . . . Holy shit, Cade, you’ve got an erection.”

  Ty drew back to look at her, an eyebrow cocked. “I don’t recall you were much for cussin’ back in the day, Lib.”

  She uttered a delicate snort. “How would you know what I did or didn’t do, back in the day? As I recall, you paid me no mind at all, and your brother’s primary goal in life was to humiliate me, with you as his able assistant.” She tried to push away from him, but he held her firm.

  “We had our reasons, but that doesn’t change the fact that we treated you bad, Libby, and we’re really sorry about it. I sure wish you’d give us a chance to make it up.”

  “Nothing to make up for, Cade. I’m here to do a job for the magazine. Once that’s done, I won’t be coming back.”

  “Not even to see Alex? Thought you two had mended fences.”

  “My relationship with my sister is none of your business, and I’m certainly not interested in anything you have to say.”

  The song ended, and another slow tune started. Bodie tapped his brother’s shoulder. “My turn, little brother.”

  Bodie took Libby into his arms and pressed her close, staking a claim, aware that all eyes in the room were on them.

  Bodie spun them away from Ty. “You filled out real nice, Libby. How you doin’, darlin’?”

  Damn, even her glare was adorable. “I’d be better if you’d get your hands off me.”

  Bodie shook his head. “Not gonna happen, Lib. Ty and I are determined to make things up to you, starting now.” He danced her away from the spotlight and pressed his cheek against hers. “So why haven’t you called to set up a time for the pack trip?”

  “Ha! Like I’d ever consider going anywhere with the two of you. I wasn’t born yesterday, Bodie. I know you talked Striker into canceling so I’d have to use your company. But you forgot one thing. I’ve traveled all over the world, backpacked in the Andes and the Himalayas. I don’t need help packing my ass into Yellowstone.”

  He frowned and pressed his lips against her ear. “You are not packin’ yourself into the Yellowstone alone.”

  “The hell I’m not.”

  “The hell you are, Elizabeth Wild. You try it, and I’ll turn you over my knee.”

  Libby narrowed her eyes at him, and before he could react, her knee connected with his balls. He released her, bending double to support his upper body, hands on his thighs. Holy shit, that hurt.

  “Damn, darlin’, you sure know how to hold a grudge.” Jesus, he could barely draw enough breath to speak. “I sure hope you didn’t geld me. I was lookin’ forward to introducing my cock to your pussy.”

  “As if!”

  Ty stepped in, sliding an arm around her waist to pin her to his side. “What’d he do, darlin’?”

  “He . . . Of all the nerve . . . He threatened to spank me,” she huffed, then elbowed Ty in the ribs till he let her go.

  Bodie straightened up. “Now tell him why.”

  Both men’s eyes smoldered when she folded her arms beneath her breasts, enjoying the view as they plumped prettily.

  “I don’t have to justify myself to your brother or to you. I am a grown woman, and I will go where the hell I please, when the hell I please, and I do not need your permission or your help.”

  Her foot was still tapping impatiently on the cement floor when Bodie turned to Ty. “She thinks she’s going into the Yellowstone by herself. I told her there was no way, and she begged to differ by jammin’ her knee into my balls.”

  “I jammed my knee into your balls because you threatened to spank me.”

  Ty laughed softly. “He’s right, Lib. It’s too dangerous for you to go in alone, especially to the areas you’re gonna want to shoot. Bodie and I will take you.”

  “I don’t want you to take me.”

  Ty pushed his Stetson back on his head. “Well now, darlin’, that don’t hardly matter. If you go in alone, we’ll just follow you; and if we have to do that, Bodie won’t have to paddle your ass, because I will.”

  Libby pushed him away, and he let her go. “Fuck you, both of you.”

  Bodie raised an eyebrow. “We’ll be getting around to that too, darlin’.”

  Chapter Four

  Libby swallowed a groan. Too much, it was too much, this rush of hormones. Because that was all it could be. She didn’t like these men, these big, strapping alpha males who held her so proprietarily. Like they had every right to touch her. To press their erections against her belly.

  Puckett had been sporting a woody, but nothing like the impressive package rubbing against her the moment Bodie took her in his arms again. She’d felt nothing but repulsion for Puckett’s response. But the Cade twins? Jesus, her body was ready to do the horizontal mambo with both of them, and she didn’t even like them! Had no reason to like them, when all they’d ever done was make fun of her awkward teenage body, call her Cyclops, and tell her to get the fuck away from them with “that goddamn third eye.” That’s what they’d called her old Nikon, her third eye.

  When she’d come home for the funeral, she’d heard they were into sharing women but hadn’t taken it seriously. Why would she? People just didn’t do things like that in Lovell, Wyoming. Gossip always followed the Cade men. No surprise, really, considering their pa had been a drunk, a womanizer, and wolverine-mean to boot. Now, she knew without a doubt the rumors were true, and, damn her, she was intrigued.

  Hormones. That had to be the explanation. Well, that and the fact that she hadn’t been with a man since she crawled out of Giraud Boisson’s bed after a night of partying in Paris six months ago. Maybe she’d find herself a handsome hiker while she was in the backcountry. Have herself a fling in the wild. That would take care of her rampant hormones.

  She narrowed her eyes as Bodie’s lips caressed her ear. “You want me.”

  “I do not!”

  “Shhh . . . Don’t shout, people will talk. But it’s true, and you know it. I bet your panties are wet.”

  Her mouth moved, but nothing came out, so she clamped it shut and gazed over his shoulder in an unfocused stare. Clearly, she hadn’t kneed his balls nearly hard enough.

  “Come outside with me, and I’ll prove it.” He spun her around and let her go.

  Then she was in Ty’s arms again, with his equally impressive erection. “Come on, darling. We’ll both prove it to you.”

  Damn, she wanted to! What was wrong with her? These two men had made her life a living hell when she went to school with them. How could her body betray her? Fucking hormones.

  “I don’t want either of you.”


  “You disgust me.”


  “I wouldn’t let you touch me if you were the last men on earth.”

  Pants on fire.

  She gave him a hard shove, and he let her go. “And you will not be guiding me into the backcountry.”

  Libby spun on her heel and stomped back to the table and snatched up her bag. “I’m leaving,” she announced, then looked pointedly at Glory. “Can you get a ride home?”

  Glory looked over at the Cade twins, who were grinning like fools. “Oh, sweetie, I’m sorry I roped you into this, but I have to stay. And I think you’ve had one too many martinis to drive ninety miles to Lovell.”

  Libby raised an eyebrow. “I’ve had two martinis, and I didn’t even finish the second one.” She smiled at the grown-up geek table. “They’re still staring at me, aren’t they?” When Caroline turned her head to look across the room, Libby hissed, “Don’t look, for Christ’s sake.” She shook her head. “God, it’s all so fucking high school. I’m sorry, Glory, but I so have to get out of here. It was really great to see you guys
again. Use that e-mail address, will you?” One by one, she hugged them, then spun on her expensive heels and practically ran for the exit.

  * * *

  “Think she’ll run us off?” Bodie asked Ty as they drove down the drive to the Wild Horse Ranch.

  “Maybe. She was pissed last night, but she was also turned on. Much as she wanted to deny it, those hard little nipples gave her away.”

  Bodie chuckled. “Yup. But with a woman like Libby, turned on don’t mean givin’ in. She’d deny herself just to make a point. She’s like Alex that way.” He maneuvered the truck around to the barn and cut the ignition.

  The brothers climbed out of the truck just as Alex stepped out of the horse barn.

  “Well, if it isn’t Frick and Frack,” she said wryly, hands on her hips. “If you’re lookin’ for Lib, she’s out in the east pasture mending fence.”

  Bodie pushed his hat back on his head. “She talked to you about plannin’ on packin’ herself into the Yellowstone alone?”

  Alex nodded and sighed. “Yup, and I can’t say I’m happy about it. Libby’s usually pretty rational about things, but she’s got her stubborn on over this. Reckon I can understand her feelings, but what happened between the three of you was years ago. Should be water under the bridge when it comes to her personal safety.”

  Ty cleared his throat. “Well, if you don’t mind, we’d like to give her a hand with that fencin’, maybe see if we can talk her around.”

  “Help yourselves.”

  “Thanks, Alex,” Ty said as they hurried for the truck.

  They were inside and throwing it in gear when Alex shouted, “Be sure you latch that gate behind you.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” they hollered in unison as they sped toward the east pasture lane, the truck kicking up dust in its wake.

  Ty was out the door before Bodie completely braked to a stop, and opened the gate. He took care to make sure it was secure before climbing back into the passenger seat.

  “She’s liable to be pissed when she sees us,” Bodie pointed out.

  “Could be, bro, but does that really matter to you?”

  “Hell no.”

  The truck jounced over the rutted lane, and Bodie slowed down, pointing to a small figure in the distance. “Well, yonder she is. Reckon we’ll know soon enough.”

  * * *

  Libby didn’t bother to look up when she heard a truck approach. Alex had already called to tell her the Cade twins were on their way to talk to her. She’d also made it abundantly clear where she stood on the issue. According to Alex, Libby needed to let sleeping dogs lie, swallow her pride, and let Bodie and Ty guide her through Yellowstone. Despite her personal feelings, Libby knew her sister was right, but it still stuck in her craw that those two assholes had manipulated the situation in their favor. She stiffened slightly when the truck pulled to a stop and the doors opened and slammed shut.

  “Howdy, Lib,” Ty called. “Alex said you were out here mending fence. Figured we’d lend a hand, maybe talk some.”

  Libby shrugged. “Suit yourself.”

  Out of the corner of her eye, she watched Bodie walk the fence, then turn around and head back.

  “Top string needs replacing down to the next post. You got enough wire?”

  Libby jerked her head in the direction of the old ranch pickup. “In the truck bed with the stretcher.” She continued with what she was doing, ignoring Ty’s presence beside her as she removed the barbs from either side of the break in the wire, then threaded the wire’s ends through the sleeve. After crimping the sleeve over the wire, she wrapped each end securely around the barbed wire.

  “That’s the last of it,” she told Ty. “Except for that section Bodie’s working on. I’d best go help him.”

  “I’ll do it. You sit a spell; think about all the things that could go wrong in the backcountry, and you with no one to back you up.”

  Libby stuck her leather gloves in her back pocket with a sigh. “Believe me, I know what could happen if I go in alone. Same as I know what’ll happen if I go in with the two of you.”

  Ty gave her a heart-stopping grin. “Could be nothin’ll happen, Lib.”

  Libby rolled her eyes and hopped up on the tailgate. “Don’t go pissin’ on my boot and call it rain, Ty Cade. I know all about you and your brother and those fancy women in Jackson Hole.”

  Ty tipped his hat back, frowning. “Maybe so, honey, but we’ve never taken any woman against her will. That’s not part of it, and never will be.” A sensual smile curved his full mouth. “And, Libby, every one of ’em said they’d never had an orgasm that could compare to it.”

  She was blushing so hard, her ears actually burned. “Just . . . go help your brother.”

  When Ty turned and walked away, Libby reached into the cooler for an ice-cold bottle of water and pressed it to her forehead. Could she do it? Could she make love with two men at the same time? Especially if those two men were Bodie and Ty Cade?

  Libby swung her feet back and forth as she watched the two brothers repairing the fence, the muscles in their arms and backs flexing as they manhandled the roll of wire. No doubt about it, they were smoking hot. No New York model could come close to filling out a pair of jeans the way the Cade boys did, and there was just something about cowboys that still fueled her fantasies, even after all these years.

  It wasn’t that she didn’t believe they were truly sorry for the way they’d treated her. She’d heard it enough times by now to believe they meant it. And she could honestly admit that the idea of a threesome was intriguing. It wasn’t like she hadn’t thought about it before. Just not with these two men. She’d been too busy holding a grudge to think about them in any kind of positive light. So, maybe it was time to let go of the past and have a little fun while she was here. After all, it’s not like she was planning on hanging around after this job was done. Why not have a little fling with the bad boys of Big Horn County? Where was the harm?

  “That’s a mighty serious face for such a pretty gal,” Bodie said, startling her out of her reverie.

  Libby reached into the cooler and handed him a bottled water. “Just thinking about the trip.” She grabbed another water and tossed it to Ty.

  “Come to any conclusions?” Bodie asked.

  “Yeah. I reckon if I lit out on my own, y’all’d just follow me in, so I don’t see any way around hiring you.”

  Ty walked around to the tailgate and hopped up beside her. “Well, you always were quick as a hiccup, darlin’. I’m glad you came to your senses, ’cause we’d sure enough have dogged your footsteps.” He took a long swig of water and sighed. “So, you give the other any thought?”

  “Yeah, I’m thinking I’d be one handle pull short of a jackpot to even consider bedding down with the two of you . . .”


  She hopped off the tailgate and turned to face them. “But I’m intrigued, in spite of my better judgment.”

  “Maybe we could convince you with a little preview,” Bodie said, grasping her shoulders to ease her back into Ty’s waiting arms. She gasped when Ty snuggled her between his parted thighs, his hard cock pressed between the cheeks of her ass. He pressed his mouth against her neck, just below her ear, in a gentle caress of his lips. It was pure heaven.

  “I’m dyin’ to get inside you, Libby,” Ty whispered. “I bet you have the sweetest, tightest pussy. And your ass? Oh, I’m purely gonna love fuckin’ that ass.”

  A deliciously dark sensation flowed through her body. Like warm molasses gliding down her back, slow and thick, taking its sweet time to reach its destination. She could almost feel Ty’s hands parting her cheeks, the head of his penis pressing against her virgin flesh. He’d felt large pressed against her belly. What would he feel like?

  Ty’s arms slid around her, his big hands cupping her breasts. “Oh, honey, I am gonna fuck you so good. So is Bodie. And once we have you all hot, wet, and begging, we’re both gonna take you. Me in your ass, and Bodie in that tight cunt. We’re gonn
a love you so good, you’ll never wanna leave us, Lib. We’re gonna see to that.”

  “That’s right, Lib,” Bodie assured her. “You’re gonna be so hot and needy, you’ll beg us to fuck you, and we will. Every way you’ve imagined, and some you haven’t.” He took a step closer and skimmed his hands down over her hips. “But first, I need a little taste of you, baby. We both do, so let’s get you outta those britches and spread those gorgeous legs so ol’ Bodie can eat your pussy.”

  Bodie made short work of removing her jeans to expose her red silk thong.

  “Mmm, that’s sure a pretty sight. Ain’t that a pretty sight, Ty?”

  Ty chuckled. “It surely is. Now how about that shirt, darlin’? I wanna feel you in my hands.”

  He plucked at the buttons, opened her shirt, and flicked open the front closure on her bra, exposing her breasts. “These are real pretty too.” He cupped them, lightly pinching her nipples to attention. She shuddered at the feel of his rough cowboy hands palming her soft breasts. She should stop this before it went any further, before—too late—he lifted one and offered it to Bodie. “Like full, ripe berries. Reckon they taste as sweet as they look?”

  Libby inhaled sharply as Bodie leaned forward and suckled her breast. He nibbled, teased, then took her full in his mouth and drew hard on her. Her pussy clenched and throbbed. Oh Jesus, they were going to take her right here in the east pasture, in broad daylight, and she was going to let them! She was the biggest slut in the whole of Wyoming.

  “Turn your head and kiss me, Libby,” Ty demanded.

  “No.” It came out on a groan. Bodie released her breast and went to his knees. But Ty was not a man to take no for an answer, and he grasped her chin, forcing her to turn toward him. His mouth swooped down to cover hers just as Bodie’s fingers curved around the scrap of silk covering her cunt and tugged.

  The tiny thong gave way and bared her to the warm afternoon sun. Bodie’s hands slid between her thighs, caressing softly. “I’m gonna drape these pretty thighs over Ty’s legs so I can open up this pussy. God, Libby, my mouth’s just waterin’ for the need to taste you.”


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