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Blood Divine

Page 25

by Greg Howard

  Cooper sprang to his feet. “No!”

  Alexander gritted his teeth and wiped the saliva from his face with the back of hand. He turned to Cooper. The green hue of his eyes went instantly dark, filling Cooper with an overwhelming sense of dread. “You will pay for that, not him.”

  Randy swung a fist at Alexander. Missed him by more than a foot. “You touch him, and I will rip your fucking—”

  Stephen gripped Randy’s throat and lifted, instantly cutting off his words.

  Randy struggled to breathe, clawing at Stephen’s hands and kicking his legs wildly while dangling inches above the floor.

  Alexander glided over to Cooper and smiled. “Your friend here, with his small-town charm and manners, has proven to be quite the effective motivation for you, which is precisely why I brought him here. I think we will keep him. His presence may help you stay focused and malleable.”

  Cooper shook his head. God, this was going from bad to worse. He pointed at Randy. “At least let him breathe! He’ll behave. I promise.”

  Alexander nodded over his shoulder to Stephen who lowered Randy to the ground and loosened his grip. He buckled forward, gasping for air.

  Alexander leaned in and sniffed Cooper’s neck. He brushed Cooper’s skin with chilled lips, igniting a spasm of quivers through Cooper’s body. “Such a fascinating blend of the Bokor and Divinum. Your internal battle between light and dark power must be endless.”

  Alexander regarded him a moment and then turned away. “The Seraphim High Council had big plans for your ancestor, Sally. She was to be a great weapon against the Anakim,” Alexander said. “Too bad the poor girl didn’t live long enough to fulfill her lofty destiny.”

  Stephen glared at Cooper. “That cursed Negro slave killed her and set this house on fire. If Alexander hadn’t found me and pulled me out, I would have perished right along with my sister, brother, and father.”

  Cooper’s mind raced. Stephen had just handed him the ammunition he needed. He tucked it away, along with his grief over Lillie Mae, behind the fortified wall around his mind.

  It was an inopportune moment for Randy to lose the battle to hold his tongue. “Does this story have a point?”

  Stephen’s grip tightened around Randy’s throat, producing a muted wince of pain.

  Alexander ignored Randy and kept staring at Cooper. Madness flashed in his eyes. “You’re much stronger than Charlotte ever was. With your blood, I will make this world my own.”

  Cooper raised an eyebrow at Alexander, his blood beginning to boil. “You will never have me. And I will never help you breed more of your abominations.” He embraced the rage churning inside him. “I will send you straight back to whatever hell you came from.” Cooper’s fingers tingled, and he curled them into fists, triggering a smile on Randy’s face.

  Alexander walked over and assessed Randy from head to toe. “We can do this the easy way or the hard way, Cooper.” Alexander smiled at Stephen. “He would be even more spectacular after the change, don’t you think?”

  Stephen sneered at Cooper and hissed in Randy’s ear. “Yes, he would. Everything would be enhanced. He would be an Anakim god.”

  Randy gritted his teeth and twisted his body under Stephen’s iron grip, trying unsuccessfully to free himself.

  Alexander looked back at Cooper, danger lacing the emerald sheen of his eyes. “Give me what I want, or I drain him in front of you here and now. Your choice.”

  Cooper’s blood rumbled through his veins like molten lava. He searched deep into the black void of his mind, releasing all his rage and fear out into the spirit realm. But Blue had yet to make his presence known. Cooper played the only card he had left.

  He took a step forward. “Just like you drained Sally the night she died?”

  The room fell silent. The twitch of Alexander’s cheek was the only indication Cooper’s suspicions were correct. He could only imagine Stephen’s confusion.

  He seized the moment and pushed forward. “You were hunting Divinum blood that night, weren’t you? That’s why you came to Warfield. Like you said, Sally was very powerful. Her scent must have been incredibly alluring. You tracked her here, snuck into her room, and drained her. Then you left her for dead and escaped with a pretty blond souvenir.”

  Stephen shifted his weight, loosening his hold on Randy. He stared wide-eyed at Cooper, the cocky swagger quickly fading from his eyes.

  Randy raised an eyebrow, and an impish grin crept across his face. “Well, this is awkward.”

  “Don’t listen to his desperate babbling, Stephen,” Alexander said, his countenance turning more threatening by the second.

  “No.” Stephen’s voice was small. With eyes full of doubt, he stared at his lover and dropped the hand from Randy’s throat. “The slaves revolted. Blue killed Sally and set fire to the house. Alexander saw the flames from the distance and rushed in to help. I was the only one he was able to save.”

  Cooper’s brazen streak held firm. He moved toward Stephen. “A powerful Vodoun Houngan like Blue would have been able to detect an Anakim presence. He wasn’t trying to kill Sally, Stephen. They were in love. Blue was trying to protect her from him,” Cooper said, pointing at Alexander. “Those slaves died that night trying to save your family from the devil himself.”

  Stephen stared at Alexander, eyes wide and full of pain. Alexander’s silence spoke volumes.

  “Alexander.” Stephen’s voice was barely a whimper. “Tell me this isn’t true. Please.”

  Alexander looked away. “Ridiculous lies. Don’t listen to him.” His words held not a trace of conviction.

  Stephen stumbled back, bewilderment twisting the muscles in his face. “Then why can’t you look me in the eye?”

  Randy drew in a deep breath and exhaled through pursed lips. “Well. Sounds like you two fellas have a lot to talk about. I would suggest couple’s counseling, but it didn’t work for shit with me and the ex-wife.”

  Anxiety clicked in Cooper’s core. He couldn’t wait for Blue any longer. They were distracted. He had to end Alexander now while he had the chance, before Randy got hurt. He inhaled through his nose and held it inside, letting the darkness fill him.

  Alexander must have sensed his intentions because he sailed across the room. He grabbed Randy by the throat and spun his body around in front of him, holding it there like a shield. Randy struggled under Alexander’s grip, but he was no match for Anakim strength.

  Suddenly Stephen was behind Cooper with an arm wrapped around his neck, applying instant pressure against his windpipe.

  He hissed into Cooper’s ear. “You’re lying. I don’t believe you. Tell me it’s not true.”

  Cooper gasped for air and clawed at Stephen’s arm. He focused all of his residual Divinum power into penetrating Stephen’s mind. Why was he here that night? You think he just happened to be close by and saw the fire? He killed Sally.

  Stephen tightened his grip, and Cooper knew he wasn’t yet convinced.

  “Don’t listen to his Divinum lies, Stephen.” Alexander stood five feet away, holding Randy up in front of him. “Hold his arms down, Stephen. Now!”

  Stephen hesitated a few seconds but finally obeyed. He let Cooper go and bound his hands behind his back. Cooper lunged forward, but Stephen’s grip was relentless.

  Alexander glowered at Cooper over Randy’s shoulder. “I am done playing games with you, Divinum.” His lips parted. His mouth twisted unnaturally, and his fangs extended.

  Randy widened his eyes, and for once Cooper saw real fear in them. This was it. Randy would die at any moment if he didn’t so something. But Blue had forsaken him, he couldn’t access his powers, and he wouldn’t risk hurting Randy anyway. His only currency was the blood running through his veins.

  “Wait!” Cooper cried out in a panic. “I’ll do it! Whatever you want. You can drink from me. I will stay with you, just let him go.” Tears edged his eyes. “Please. Don’t hurt him.”

  Alexander looked up at Cooper, his face contorting into
a sadistic leer. A second of anticipation hung heavy in the air between them, and the tiniest bloom of hope opened in Cooper’s chest. He allowed himself to believe Alexander might accept his offer and spare Randy after all. But the evil fixed in Alexander’s eyes was absolute and unforgiving. He unhinged his jaw and ripped into Randy’s neck with the violent hunger of a starving wild animal.

  A bellow, primitive and guttural, erupted from the base of Cooper’s throat and rang in his ears as if it didn’t belong to him. He squirmed and twisted in Stephen’s grip to no avail. Hot tears sizzled on his cheeks. Randy’s eyes, protruding and wild, searched for him as Alexander tore deeper into his flesh.

  The energy drained from Cooper’s limbs as fast as the blood left the side of Randy’s neck and flowed into Alexander’s insatiable mouth. He was powerless. He could do nothing other than watch the vulgar feasting. Cooper collapsed into his captor’s cold, steely arms. A waterfall of gut-wrenching grief poured over him, pelting his body with relentless, painful blows as the life evaporated from Randy’s terror-stricken eyes.

  Chapter Forty-Three

  Stephen released his firm hold, and Cooper sank to his knees. He stared at Randy’s lifeless body, lying ten feet away, just out of reach. His eyes were blank with certain death. Blood trickled down his neck and disappeared into the dark, intricate patterns of the rug. He finally raised his head and stared up at Alexander.

  The Anakim strolled over to the fireplace, wiping the corners of his mouth with a handkerchief, like he’d just finished a lovely meal and had retired to the sitting room for some brandy and a cigar.

  Stephen crossed the room and stood in front of Alexander. “What he said about Sally. He was lying. Tell me he was lying, Alexander.”

  Cooper crawled on hands and knees over to Randy’s side and gaped at the carnage. Glaring back at the Anakim monster, darkness heated him from within. Alexander would pay for what he’d done.

  Alexander touched Stephen’s cheek and kissed him gently on the lips. “Of course he lied.”

  Stephen didn’t respond, but the cold mask of skepticism on his face spoke volumes.

  Cooper peered back down at the lifeless body before him. He touched his fingers to Randy’s eyes, closing the lids. The sounds of a hard-fought battle raged outside the window. Changelings screeched. Jericho soldiers grunted and released fervent war cries. They were too late. Randy was dead.

  Alexander eyed the window. “We don’t have much time.”

  Cooper stood with some effort. His body was completely numb except for the hot energy pooling in his hands.

  Alexander had the nerve to smile at him. “Decomposition sets in rather quickly after the draining. The longer he’s dead, the more likely he will arise a changeling. I’m sure that is not what you want.”

  A cold chill ran the length of Cooper’s spine. Alexander had played his trump card. Cooper had no choice now. He would have to let the monster drink from him so he could bring Randy back. As Anakim, but he would be back. And he needed Cooper’s blood to do it. The devil had won.

  Cooper’s mind raced with a ramble of conflicting thoughts. Was that really saving Randy? Doomed to a life of darkness? Subsisting on human blood? Would Randy even want that? He closed his eyes and lowered his head. He had to decide before the only option other than final death was transformation into a deranged vampiric zombie. His choice was a selfish one. Some version of Randy was better than no Randy at all. Cooper looked up at Alexander with fire erupting in his core. He crossed the room, each step more determined than the last.

  His approach silenced the two Anakim. He kept his voice low and assured. “Do it.”

  Stephen stood at Alexander’s side, his face marred with lines of doubt and mistrust.

  Alexander’s grin made Cooper want to rip his face off. He restrained himself. He had to be patient and hope Blue had not completely abandoned him.

  Cooper tilted his head to the side. “I said do it.”

  Alexander cocked his head and raised a brow.

  “Drink, goddammit!” Cooper straightened his spine. “And if you don’t turn him immediately, I will bring the wrath of God down on you.”

  Alexander’s smile faded. “Watch yourself, Divinum. I will do what pleases me. Luckily for you, the thought of having your man under my control, day and night, is tremendously appealing.”

  The thought of it made Cooper’s stomach turn. Shattering glass sounded somewhere in the front of the house. Alexander did not appear concerned that the Jericho soldiers were advancing on him. With the tip of his index finger, he traced a vein down the side of Cooper’s neck. The touch ignited an army of tiny goose bumps across Cooper’s body. Though it was not a complete shock, he still flinched when Alexander was suddenly on him. He felt cold fingers wrap around the back of his neck. The Anakim parted his lips, exposing fangs that were forever seared into Cooper’s memory.

  Cooper clenched his jaw, his words masked in a murderous growl. “Get it over with, you sick son of a bitch.”

  Alexander lowered his head, slow and taunting, as if leaning in for an intimate kiss. The razor-sharp tips of his fangs grazed Cooper’s neck, seeking the most desirable point of entry, leaving a thin trail of chills in their wake. Cooper’s whole body shuddered with an avalanche of ice rushing through his veins. The baneful power in his core seized in on itself, and he fought to hold it at bay just a little longer.

  He was unprepared for the sheer force of the penetration when it finally came. Alexander drove his fangs deep into the side of his neck. A shock of pain blistered at the insertion point and rushed through Cooper’s entire body. He instinctively tried to push the monster away, but with little effect. A flow of hot liquid spilled down his neck. He wasn’t sure if it was his blood or some vile poison originating from the rabid jaws clamping down on him like an angry pit bull.

  The dark force churning deep inside did not rush to assist him. Alexander consumed it. The Anakim drew it out of his flesh with primal, erotic groans. The sound sickened Cooper and the room spun around him. An all-encompassing pain commandeered his body, seeping into his pores and coating his muscles in agony.

  Then it changed.

  The pain eased. The ice running through Cooper’s veins heated into steel rods, which burned under this skin. Anakim poison, he surmised. The sensation was too much. He flexed his fingers, feeling as if he might explode from the inside out. He struggled to keep his eyes open and his mind under his own control. But it drifted, succumbing to the brutal domination with which Alexander held him captive.

  Cooper fought it, but he was no match for the ancient Anakim. He finally stopped pushing Alexander away and leaned into him. He dropped his hands to his side, reluctantly giving the monster easier access to take what he wanted.

  Alexander groaned, twisting his fingers through Cooper’s hair. He pressed their bodies together as close as they could get and gave a long, intense pull of blood from Cooper’s jugular. His cock hardened against Cooper’s thigh, throbbing and hungry. He slid his probing fingers down the front of Cooper’s body, gripping him roughly through the front of his pants, stroking him like an impatient lover. Cooper’s stomach lurched at the Anakim’s lascivious touch, but he had no energy to pull away.

  His body melted against the cold, marble-like statue of a man as the last shreds of his consciousness faded away.

  Chapter Forty-Four

  Cooper’s cheek pressed against the cold hardwood floor. He wasn’t sure how long he’d been out, but his bones ached and his muscles felt stiff. He opened his eyes and peered across the floor. A motionless body lay a few feet away. Someone hovered over it, shoulders hunched with predatory menace. Randy. Alexander.

  Cooper tried to make sense of the ghoulish scene. Beads of dark liquid fell from Alexander’s neck and landed on Randy’s parted lips like the first gentle raindrops before the storm. Randy’s torso buckled with a sudden, violent heave. His chest rose. Fell. And rose again. Thank God. He was alive. His eyes were glassy and wild, darting aroun
d in their sockets like frenzied pinballs. The muscles in his face twitched with confusion. He licked his lips, sampling the foreign liquid spilling into his mouth.

  Cooper propped himself up on his palms and dragged the dead weight of his legs across the floor, inching closer. He needed to touch Randy. Needed to know this was real. He was only an arm’s length away when Randy looked up at Alexander leaning over him, reached up, and yanked Alexander’s head down to him with shocking force. He clamped his mouth down over the open wound on the Anakim’s neck and drank.

  Cooper froze, shocked by the disturbing image. The irrational heat of jealousy burned his cheeks as Randy suckled Alexander’s neck like the starving newborn he was. Randy sat up as he drank at the fountain flowing from Alexander’s neck. The Anakim craned his head back, giving his newborn easier access. His Adam’s apple plunging up and down, and the feasting grew more impassioned by the second. Randy moaned as he consumed every ounce of Alexander that was offered him. The sound sickened Cooper. His stomach churned. Acid pooled at the base of his throat.

  Cooper couldn’t take it anymore. He crawled closer, a wave of panic rushing over him. What had he done? “Randy. Stop!”

  Stephen stood over him. “If he does not drink Anakim blood, he will die.”

  Randy worked Alexander’s neck like a starving wild dog gnawing on a fresh animal carcass. His eyes closed into tight slits, as if he was either enduring excruciating pain or lost in complete and total ecstasy. Cooper feared it was the latter. He knew it was.

  A wave of nausea chilled Cooper’s body from within, and a determined knot of bile rose up from the pit of his stomach, lurching in his throat. This time, he couldn’t force it back down, and he scrambled up on hands and knees. All of the anxiety, fear, and despair that had been knotted in the pit of his stomach for the last three days emptied out onto the hardwood floor in a rancid puddle, every strained muscle in his body assisting with the expulsion.


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