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Diary of a Vampeen: Vamp Yourself for War

Page 8

by Unknown

  “Just those seeing the High Authorities,” the guard answered. She took the metal bins and exited the room again.

  “Don’t ask questions Alexa,” my mother reprimanded, her voice a low tense projection.

  I awkwardly stood with my arms crossed, anxiously waiting to be released from this embarrassment. So far I was realizing my mother was accurate in every warning she gave.

  The red haired officer returned with our items but no containers in sight. “Here you are ladies. You’ve both been cleared. James will print you a security certificate. When you’re dressed, come out and have a seat in the lobby. And good luck little lady,” she said giving me a quick nod.

  “Thank you Gloria,” my mother replied. Gloria left and we started dressing at vamp speed.

  “You know her?” I asked as soon as I finished.

  “Used to,” she stated, no inclination or emotional ties present.

  Out in the lobby we sat in the black leather chairs that created an L-shape to face the reception desk. Despite the layout, the stand out factor was again the white walls, no pictures, and no windows. It made sense though considering we were three stories underground. There was sufficient lighting despite the lack of outside contributions.

  The security officer, James, handed us our security certificates. They weren’t actually certificates; instead we received white badges with the same symbol as printed on the lone elevator button. On the bottom left my name was displayed in block lettering ‘Jackson, Alexa L’. We both clipped our tags on our shirt collars – I was thankful I’d worn a v-neck tee.

  The minutes ticked by with nothing but silence in the waiting room; this was what I was now referring to it as. We both sat side by side without the flex of even one muscle. Vamps could remain motionless indefinitely if they wanted to, but boredom and hunger were sure to make us move at some point.

  Finally, seven minutes and forty-three seconds after my mental connotations, a tall, middle-aged, blonde woman in a black pant suit came through the door across from where we sat. “Hello Alexa. My name is Roxy. I’ll be your escort to the High Authorities. Please follow me,” she stated before turning on her heels toward the same door.

  My mother stood and I followed, but we were immediately stopped in our tracks. Roxy spun around to face my mother. “I apologize Mrs. Jackson, but the authorities wish to meet with Alexa alone. You have not been permitted to attend this session.”

  Hearing those words coerced my subdued fear to the surface. I faced my mother with a panicked expression plastered on my face. She simply nodded and returned to her seat. She didn’t speak even one word or give me a reassuring glance. I swallowed hard feeling a small amount of serum in the bottom of my throat due to my new stress.

  “Come along Alexa. The authorities wait for no one,” she prompted.

  I reluctantly followed silently behind Roxy. We exited the door and walked down a short widening hall. It broadened from the width of one door to the span of two. At the end of the hall stood two solid oak, four paneled double doors. Roxy placed her hand on the far right top door panel. Within seconds a red light flashed beneath her palm and we were granted access.

  Beyond the doors I expected more halls or another small white room. Surprisingly, we entered a large business office hustling and bustling with commotion. Offices and conference rooms lined the walls; desks, filing cabinets and office machines covered the large open floor. In the center of the room stood a thick column. It housed a flat screen monitor inset on each side displaying and rotating every few seconds with live security footage.

  Roxy led me to a large conference room at the end of the left wing stretch. There were again white walls and no windows, aside from one looking onto the floor.

  “Gentlemen, this is Alexa Jackson. Alexa, this is Laurence, Auggy, and Felipe. They will be taking over from here,” she advised. She promptly closed the blinds and left the room leaving me in front of three very intimidating leaders.

  “Take a seat Alexa,” Felipe prompted. He carried a bit of an old European accent and the looks of a young Don Juan. He had sleek black hair, a body of defined muscle complimenting his tan skin and brown eyes; a strong jaw and perfectly pout pink lips complimented his sultry image.

  I sat obediently, trying to recall all my mother had instructed. All I could feel though were my fingers shaking, my knees buckling, and my heart racing because all I could see was three authorative judges sitting in front of me ready to determine my worth and freedom.

  “This shouldn’t take long Alexa; we simply have a few questions, matters if you say, to ask of you,” Laurence announced. He looked to be the youngest of the group but was clearly the oldest in the room based on his verbiage and approach. He was taller than Felipe and was a stark pale ivory complexion with light blonde hair and soft green eyes. I acknowledged him with three seconds of eye contact and a nod of my head.

  “Enough chit chat. We have questions about the attack you launched on Keira,” Auggy roared. His voice was a gruff military-esk style which fit his army attire, crew cut and bulging steroid dipped muscles. Of the group, he was the most intimidating.

  “Despite my partner’s intimidation tactics, I want to assure you you are in no trouble Alexa,” Felipe smiled entwining his fingers in a relaxed outward manner. Again, I only shook my head.

  “Let’s start with the basics. Did you know Keira?” Laurence questioned shifting to grab his legal pad and pen from the chair beside him. Despite being a conference room, there were only chairs, no table.

  “No, not personally,” I replied sitting back in my chair.

  “You say not personally, so you admit she was an acquaintance?” Felipe attempted to confirm.

  “No,” I said trying hard not to fidget and shake. Surprisingly my nerves didn’t hit my voice.

  “Do explain what you are implying then Alexa,” Laurence stated.

  “Umm,” – darn it, I hesitated. I quickly tried to make up for it. “I’m not sure if this is acceptable or not so I will ask. Am I allowed to tell you the story, provide all the details from my first run-in to my final confrontation with Keira? I promise not to omit or delude the information. I just feel it may be easier than grasping at straws and details one by one for merely a small picture of the issue when I can provide the full in less time and of course answer your questions after,” I offered hoping I didn’t just condemn myself or overstep any invisible boundaries.

  “You are a smart young vampeen. It took courage to assert yourself as you did. While that is far from our standard practice, we will grant acceptance this time,” Laurence stated writing a few more lines on his pad.

  And so I began. I told everything from the day before my transformation when Kellan woke me up that morning to the final walk out Al made with Keira. I left no conversation out, no embarrassing emotions understated. I even back tracked and explained the details of my brief fling with Mike so they had a back story.

  Upon finishing, the three men sat motionless glaring at me. No sway in a positive way displayed in their stances, which allowed my nerves to electrify me. The serum rose in my throat to the point where my gums ached and oozed. I wanted to scream, tell them to make a decision already, but I didn’t. I knew better.

  Chapter 7

  I contemplated speaking, breaking the silent growls set to hurl my way, but, again, I knew better. So I sat and awaited my fate. Five minutes, ten minutes… I started fiddling with my hands in my lap to keep from cracking. There was no break in their stares, no movement on their part in any form. Ten became fifteen minutes which drifted to sixteen. By this point I was screaming inside. I wanted my mother, needed her confidence and assurance, simply her security like I needed blood to survive.

  Seventeen minutes and fifty-two seconds after I spoke my last word, Laurence relieved me.

  “We have discussed your actions and have concluded a final proclamation,” he announced, all three shifting slightly. He must have read the puzzled expression on my face because he added, “Yo
u’re not the only one with a gift Alexa. Auggy, Felipe and I can communicate mentally as well as read the minds of others, including you.”

  So they can read all my thoughts…

  “We can and have,” Felipe confirmed.

  “You’re not like others Alexa. You have a kind heart and a strong preservation for humanity, yet you’re protective of us equally. You have no quarrel or premeditated opinions over people or vampires alike. You haven’t judged once since you entered. You appear subdued but we see the fierce warrior inside you,” Laurence detailed.

  “You would be extremely valuable in our ranks. You are exactly who I need for infiltration with our enemies. No one would cast you out. You look too innocent. Plus you’re loyal to a fault and would never betray those who count on you,” Auggy relished, desire saturating his pores.

  “Indeed you are right my friend however Alexa has made it clear to us that she wants no such placement or privilege currently,” Felipe spoke on my behalf. I was relieved to not have to deliver a refusal, though they could contract me against my will if they wanted.

  “We do not force application, only to those criminals we deem an asset, which is just. No man has ever chosen death over the ranks with us,” Auggy said narrowing his eyes in my direction as if I’d offended them.

  “Relax my friend. It seems we owe Alexa. She, shall we say, completed our mission for us. It was not her responsibility but rather our officer’s duty. Obviously you are aware of Alejandro Bancroft’s failure to comply with safety and regulation in this scenario,” Laurence stated touching his fingertips together contemplatively in front of his chest.

  “Yes, I suppose I do,” I replied, uneasy with the subject. I didn’t agree with their punishment, with their dismissal of my mentor. He was and is a brave vampire with equal balance of preservation, strategy, and tactics.

  “Hmm, I believe we view Senor Bancroft differently. Nonetheless, let’s get on with this. Alexa we have decided to grant you one wish as our form of repayment for your assistance. So name it, anything you’d like and it shall be awarded,” Felipe prompted.

  “Alexa, amuse me while you ponder your reward,” Laurence requested. “Tell me, what drives you to preserve humanity when they refuse to do it themselves?”

  “Many things contribute to my attitude towards humanity. The biggest though is my connection to that race. My dad is human, my best friend who is like a sister to me is too. Vampires, from what I’ve seen, don’t have the same ties of love. They either forfeit their connection and close off their heart or they outlive their relatives. Regardless when a human owns a part of your heart, you carry a protective instinct and a mother’s fear. It’s easy for me to picture every male as a father like my own, every woman a sister and best friend. I couldn’t bear to lose those two staples in my life.

  “With that in mind, I would and will always fight to keep from inflicting that sort of painful loss on another. My nose issue helps keep me in line and away from my primal vampire instincts, but even if it worked properly, my beliefs would remain. Humans may act stupid, irresponsible and be vulnerable in more ways than vamps, but that doesn’t justify cruelty. And those that deserve it are the weak links every species has. Even vampeens and vampires are subject to the ingrates. I would never punish or view an entire group or population based off bad examples. We all strive to stand as strong individuals above all else. So I will never judge all vampires based off Keira’s behavior; the same as I wouldn’t judge humans based off Hitler. Even if I see a group of people acting out, I will never carry over their ideas or retaliable expressions onto their like kind. It’s all these things combined that compile my outlook basis,” I explained. I was surprised to have opened up to that degree in front of such officers. If they didn’t agree with my expression or felt that I’d crossed a boundary in protection of secrecy, I could be in trouble. But I refused to lie or downplay my opinion on the matter. This was my outlook alone, nothing I forced on anyone; plus they asked.

  “My, oh my. I believe we have a future peace ambassador in front of us gentlemen. It seems the doctor may have been correct in his predictions,” Laurence commented.

  “Dr. Zhan?” I checked recalling the doctor’s tale from two prophets of Kellan and me bringing peace among our kind.

  “But of course. He tends to the medical needs of our entire staff here,” Felipe confirmed.

  “I admit I’m starting to believe the quack. It’s not every day that I meet a noble warrior. Even I fail in that definition at times,” Auggy chimed in. I took that as a great compliment given his hardcore military management and Vietnam mentality. “It is a compliment. I’m not easily impressed,” he stated having read my thoughts again.

  “Which brings us back to your reward. What have you decided upon?” Felipe asked. Laurence retrieved his paper and pen again to document my answer I assumed.

  I sat silently for a moment contemplating the options. When you’re offered anything and yet have everything you need, what is left to choose? And that’s when I knew. I was to choose the reason I was here, the only person I’d continually thought of throughout this meeting – Alejandro.

  “I would like Alejandro Bancroft to be reinstated in his previous position with no negative remarks tied to his employee file or family name,” I stated without hesitation. The moment I said it, I felt deep down that it was the right choice.

  “I’m curious Alexa. Would you be willing to work for us, with pay of course, on certain special assignments? Nothing full time or obligatory. You would be allowed to accept or reject each project we consider you for,” Laurence asked. Auggy’s eyes lit up at the idea and Felipe smiled coyly.

  “I’m sorry to question you, but am I really that valuable to you?” I still saw myself as an overweight, insecure teenager with little importance or influence in this world.

  “You see our security?” Auggy asked. I nodded. “That’s because bribery and betrayal are common. They’re common because many vamps don’t have a strong moral foundation. They are selfish and sway with the team that will give them the most. That’s why we pay high salaries. Let me ask you Alexa. Would you kill a vamp for a million dollars?”

  “No,” I whispered finally understanding their view.

  “Sadly almost everyone else would. You didn’t even hesitate or think otherwise internally,” he concluded.

  “So will you consider assisting us at times?” Felipe asked.

  “Under one condition,” I replied.

  “My, my. You are attempting to bargain with the High Authorities? Don’t erase our good impression Alexa,” Felipe said cupping his hands.

  “Every future leader should know the basics of negotiation though I assure you I won’t change your opinions of me. My condition is that my reward be fulfilled to the extent of my terms. I don’t want Alejandro or his family looked down upon please,” I reiterated.

  “More to admire from you Alexa,” Laurence commented. “Roxy,” he called. Two seconds later she was in the room.

  “Yes sir?”

  “Bring me a phone,” he commanded.

  “Use mine sir,” she offered, handing him a slim-lined, high tech cell phone.

  “Get Alejandro Bancroft on the line for me immediately,” he directed. Without hesitation her fingers flew over the number keys. She handed it to him as soon as I heard the first ring.

  “Hello?” Alejandro answered.

  “Bancroft, report for duty at oh-seven hundred. You are required to resume your position with no negative remarks immediately,” Laurence demanded. This was the first time I’d heard a truly authorative exclamation from him.

  “Sir, yes sir,” Alejandro chanted in response.

  “You have Miss Alexa Jackson to thank for your reinstatement. You shall be granted no other reprieves in the event of another mistake. Anthony will have your badge upon arrival. You will have to clear security so don’t be late,” he directed remaining strong toned.

  “Yes sir. Thank you sir,” he replied.

  Laurence returned the phone to Roxy. “Don’t confuse my delicate demeanor with you for weakness Alexa. I command respect because I am to be feared. You are favored by us but by no means privileged,” he explained.

  “I understand and am grateful,” I smiled.

  “Roxy, escort Sharon Jackson in,” Felipe stated. With a quick nod she was off.

  “Here Alexa, take my card. My personal line is on there should you ever need anything,” Felipe said extending a small white business card.

  “Here, take mine as well,” Auggy offered. He handed me an identical card. Laurence volunteered his right after Auggy.

  “Thank you,” I replied. Looking down I saw each card contained a first name and phone number in black print in the center. No titles or a company name was shown; the remainder was as stark as the walls.

  A moment later my mother entered the room.

  “Mrs. Jackson, I don’t have time to discuss anything. I simply wanted to confirm that your daughter is safe and free to leave. She has agreed to work on special assignments for us yet has no obligation to us beyond what she agrees to. You are to discuss this agreement with no one outside this agency and your spouse. Alexa, you are permitted with Kellan as we know your relationship with Alejandro’s son is protected,” Felipe rattled off in a commanding tone, far from the one used with me prior.

  “Yes sir. Thank you,” my mother replied.

  All three men stood at once; I quickly copied moving next to my mother. “One last thing Mrs. Jackson,” Laurence spoke having taken a few steps toward the door.

  “Yes sir?”

  “Your daughter has found favor in our eyes. No other has attained such a status before so I want no confusion or manipulation. She has our favor; not you or your family,” Laurence confirmed.

  “Yes sir. I understand,” she stated. My mother seemed so rigid, nervous yet on her toes. I could tell she was flustered underneath.

  “Good bye Alexa. It was a pleasure meeting you. Again, please call should you need anything,” Felipe said.


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