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Diary of a Vampeen: Vamp Yourself for War

Page 23

by Unknown

  “Kellan you’re being difficult. Lex, just kiss them,” Gabi stated motioning to Kai and Kalel. Her hands were on her hips in full boss mode. I got the feeling she was just a frustrated.

  I chanced a glance at Kai. I could tell his hopes were up. I focused on Kellan again waiting…

  Nothing. He zoned everything out. He stared aimlessly out into the night ignoring everyone. I turned to Craig; he shrugged eyeing his best friend. If he was concerned or thought the idea was bad, he certainly didn’t voice it.

  “Mocoso obstinada,” I muttered madly. “Kai, Kalel, will you please walk with me so I can show you.” Kellan growled instantly and was at my side.

  “You’re not going anywhere with them alone.”

  I sighed deeply as the tears streamed down. I was mentally and emotionally exhausted. “How else am I supposed to do this?” my voice was barely audible.

  “Just kiss them!” Gabi yelled.

  Kai took matters into his own hands and planted his lips on mine. The shock value was certainly there. Kai’s lips were soft but held too much passion. He became eager and rough quickly.

  “Can you see it?” I thought hoping he was connected already viewing my thoughts rotating on a loop of the events.

  “Yes, I’m in no rush.”

  “I am. Don’t push.” I was certainly in a foul mood after Kellan…

  “Promise me I’ll get another chance to experience this.” I felt his hands cup my face holding me to him.

  “Kai, don’t push.” I repeated but left his hands in place.


  “Did you get it yet?”

  “I got it the first second we began. I just wanted more.”

  I yanked back and gave him the dirtiest look I could muster. He had the audacity to wink at me. I growled a rumble I didn’t know I was capable of. Why must men abuse opportunities with women?!

  “Kai, you better not have abused the situation.” Gabi was suddenly beside me facing off with him in disapproval.

  “I take advantage of every opportunity life gives me,” he smirked arrogantly and shrugged nonchalantly.

  I looked at Kalel not bothering to look at Kellan. I was pissed at him. I wouldn’t have had to do any of this if he would have just cooperated. It’s not like I asked him to die for me, only walk a few hundred feet. “Can you get the information from Kai; do your mental thing please?”

  “Yes,” his answer was solid. I suddenly looked around very aware that I’d had an audience to my spat and brief kiss with Kai. The silent tears continued down my cheeks as they flushed with embarrassment. Kalel grabbed my hand and took me into the library. He hugged me knowing I needed it before he pulled back and looked at me with seriousness.

  “Be solid in your choice of man Leka. If you can hesitate, than you’re forcing it. I don’t want you to make a mistake.”

  “Thanks. I’m trying not to,” I sniffed.

  “But you are.”

  “You think me being with Kellan is a mistake?”

  “Only you know that.”

  “You think I should be with Kai, don’t you?...”

  “Maybe. Or perhaps there are others out there too; even me.”

  I broke away and stared at him in disbelief. Did he just say he liked me? Was that what he was implying? I didn’t even think he saw me like that in that way, potentially speaking. I just… Why did he have to further complicate things for me?

  I slowly backed away from him. I know I had a funny sort of startled expression but I wasn’t ready for that. I walked out of the library and walked to my parents.

  “Grab me if you need me…” I whispered before escaping to Kai’s room. A million thoughts flooded my mind as I collapsed on his bed.

  Tap, tap, tap.

  “Yeah?” I called. The door opened and shut. I was face down in the sheets and didn’t bother to look up.

  “Hey kiddo. You have a minute for your old man?” I instantly shot up into a sitting position and startled him.

  “Sorry,” I smiled apologetically. “What’s going on Dad?”

  “Now you know I don’t usually pry,” he began settling on the bed beside me. “But what was that downstairs? It’s not like my little girl to let guys other than her boyfriend kiss her.”

  He was right… That, this, wasn’t me.

  “I don’t know Dad… I’m so confused. I thought Kellan was the one, as in the one. But then I met Kai and he’s so different. They both offer me something different. And now I think Kalel likes me. I’m just being pulled in so many directions and I don’t know which way or which guy is right anymore. I’m just so very confused,” I carried on. He didn’t comment or cut me off. He listened to me. He let me ramble, be hysterical and dramatic at times, yet he never interrupted. After ten minutes straight of my verbal vomit over boys to my father of all people, I shut down. I got quiet to hear his thoughts.

  “You know how I knew your Mom was the one for me?” he asked. I shook my head no. “She was the one I couldn’t live without.” He took a deep breath to gather himself. “When she wasn’t around I went crazy. I felt like I was missing half of myself. We went our separate ways many times before she knew I was it. She dated other men but kept coming back to me. I like to think it was because I was better than the others, but if I’m honest, it’s only because she loved me. When your heart is already taken but one man, no other can fill the void. You’ll always feel like you’re missing something,” he explained.

  “Like me and Kellan,” I rationalized out loud.

  “You’re young sweetie. You have, as strange as it is to say, you have forever to make a decision.”

  “Not if I want kids,” I interjected though I understood his point.

  “You still have eight years for that with a year to fall back on. My point is there’s no rush. And when you’ve found the one, you’ll know.” I sat motionless thinking over all he’d said.

  “Did you waver at all with Mom in the beginning or did you know right away that she was it?”

  “I felt a strong connection to your Mom in the beginning but I didn’t know she was the one until we broke up the first time.”

  “Thanks Dad. That really helped,” I smiled at him adoringly. I felt five again with the glossy perfect view of my dad as a hero and no less.

  “Anytime. I know I’m not immortal, but as long as I’m breathing I’ll always be here for you.”

  “About that. Whatever you decide I’ll support you. I know Mom doesn’t want it, but I think it’d be cool if I had you forever.” It took me a minute to realize I was fiddling with my fingers. I tucked them under my legs.

  “You’d always be my little girl.”

  “I know.”

  “I was thinking of asking the Bladangs. What do you think?” I heard the quiver of his voice but he was beaming. He really was doing this for us unselfishly.

  “I think I could pull some strings. I have a few connections.” We burst into laughter at the same time; it was a giddy chuckle. I breathed deep seeking refuge from the reality of the moment. Me and my dad just had our first heart to heart since I was a little girl. The best part: it didn’t matter that I was vamp and he human. We were still relatable; love being our commonality.

  It was agreed that I would stay with the Bladangs through the weekend since there was no school. No one was happy about it but I refused security and they were the only ones trained against assassins.

  After I went to Kai’s room, Kellan left without so much as a goodbye. I was still angry with him for being such a stubborn donkey, but on the flip side, I did disrespect him in front of everyone. I stabbed his manhood and dishonored our relationship by allowing Kai to kiss me. It proved helpful though. They were able to create a sketch of the villain and study his fight sequences.

  “Rise and shine sleepy head!” I jerked straight up on high alert.

  “Relax. It’s just me,” Kai said patting my shoulder.

  “What time is it?”

  “Just past five.”
r />   “AM, right?”

  “Maybe,” he arched one perfect brow, toying with my consciousness.

  I felt my pockets for my cell. Nothing… Oh wait. I don’t have one. Crap. And I was still in somebody else’s baggy clothes.

  “Your clothes are in the bathroom. Craig and your friend Melanie brought them.”

  “Mel was here?!” I cut him off.

  “Well, yes.”


  “About an hour ago.”

  “And nobody thought to wake me up?!”

  “You needed to finish healing Leka.”

  “An hour less of sleep wouldn’t have stopped that. I would have been fine,” I grumbled. I stomped off to the bathroom to sift through the bag.

  “Why must the women of this house be so moody?” Kai mumbled more than asked in a narcissistic way.

  “Because we have to put up with you!” I roared back.

  I changed into my Juicy Couture velour set. If I was going to be on lockdown I might as well be comfy. After searching further I found my Uggs with an ‘I miss you’ note from Mel. I crushed it to my chest sentimentally. I knew I’d just hung out with her yesterday, but I always thought about her. Her parents still hadn’t told her, which was torturing me, but I was excited that I was never going to lose my best friend.

  Well, until I flipped the post-it over for the PS.

  You both were wrong. Just say sorry.

  Ugh. I knew she was right. Those two words – I’m sorry – are the hardest to say sometimes. Nobody likes to admit they’re wrong. Harder is admitting you’re wrong to the one you love. With a stranger, if they don’t accept it then oh well. It’s not like they matter to you or play a big role in your life. But the one you love, if they don’t forgive you; let’s just say there’s a lot more at stake.

  I trudged downstairs in a zombie-like state. I was lost in thought. They were all in the dining room on cue with their morning routine.

  “I’m going to skip breakfast if you don’t mind…” I announced.

  “Por que mi amiga?” Gabi asked, concern wrinkled in her forehead.

  “No se. No tengo umbre…”

  “None of us are truly hungry,” Rafique chuckled. He shut up instantly when Gabi shot him a look.

  “Ok nena,” she sighed. She eyed me curiously but said nothing more.

  I walked back to the living room. The sun was beginning to rise which confirmed it was morning. The sky was painted with the vibrant hues that preamble its grand entrance.

  I heard someone approach. I continued to look out over the water not acknowledging them directly but also not ignoring them.

  “Here. We got you a phone.” I turned to see Kalel handing me a bright pink phone.

  “Thanks. It has keys,” I smiled. He laughed lightly.

  “Yes, it does. It’s a blackberry. It’s advanced though. It has a built in tracking device. And if you press the center button for five seconds a laser will shoot out through the camera.

  “A built in weapon. Nice,” I said scrolling through the menu options.

  “Your e-mail is connected to it and I’ve input everyone’s number for you.”

  “This is really great. Thank you. Just one question… How do I dial? The numbers also have letters…”

  “Three ways. Scroll to your address book, highlight the person and hit call. You can just start pressing the numbers from the home screen like your old phone or if you want to go high tech you can speak the number or name of the person you want to call.”

  “And I will take door number two! I never knew there were so many ways to call a person.”

  Suddenly a loud whistle shot through the air. Less than a second later the window shattered and Kalel was on top of me on the floor.

  “Flip it! Flip it!” he yelled.

  Instantly the windows were covered in some sort of metal. I heard loud pings and items being ricocheted off them.

  “What the heck was that?!”

  “Your assassin is back for round two. And he’s ready,” Kalel huffed as he jumped off me.

  “How can you be sure?”

  “That’s high tech bullet and bomb proof glass. He’s done his research,” Gabi explained. They were flying all over amongst several rooms and downstairs corridors. Clanks, drawers being opened and shut, floor boards being plucked up… they were gathering.

  “Alert the troops! I want all officers here in three minutes!”

  “Grab the bows, daggettes and lasers!”

  “Pull the trackers and release the hounds!”

  “Hounds?” I asked aloud to myself. I nervously fidgeted with my hands standing in the spot Kalel knocked me to.

  “Robotic dogs. They have built in surveillance and weapons. We can see and attack from wherever they are via remote control access,” Rafi explained as he crossed to the library.

  “Leka, put your hair up and put on this hat,” Kai threw me a dark green bourette. I scooped up my hair immediately and tucked it under the fashionless hat.

  I looked up and they were suddenly all there. They were dressed in combat attire and each were packed with weapons in multiple stuffed pockets. They had guns, knives, swords all situated around them in various slots on their shirts and pants.

  “Are you up for a game of cat and mice Leka?” Kai asked.

  “Uh… I guess,” I shrugged. My usually slow pulse was running a marathon. It happened so quickly…

  “She’s in shock,” Kalel sighed.

  “No, I’m fine. Let’s just do this.” I put on my best game face. “So what do I need to do?”

  Everyone gave me a hesitant head cock and narrowed observant eyes.

  “Just tell me!” I yelled. “I said I’m fine.”

  “You have to really be ready Lex. One wrong move and he’ll get you,” Gabi warned.

  “I know,” I whispered tightly.

  “Ok, we’re splitting up. Art, you man the canines. Rafi head south and direct the officers. Anyone who slips up or lets him by gets axed on the spot; that should keep them in line. Gabi head west, pick up the Blackheads and drop the pellets,” Kalel ordered.

  “Blackheads? Pellets?”

  “The Blackheads are our neighboring clan. Pellets are tiny bombs that are set off by movement within a certain radius. Kai head east and scour the river rocks. Set up traps along the bank. That’s where he’s likely to try and escape. He’ll know we’re on his trail,” he continued not missing a beat.

  I jumped at the sound of a siren in the house.

  “Damn it!” Kai yelled.

  “What…” Kai had me in his arms before I could say another word.

  “Scatter!” he yelled.

  “Tighten the belt!” Rafi directed across the way.

  Kai shut us in the library, locked the door. He began furiously yanking books off the shelves revealing a door. He punched in a code and pushed me through first before pulling it shut behind him.

  “What’s going on?” I pressed furiously.

  The siren stopped and I stood motionless against the wall. He had secured us in a small cement and metal closet. Along the back wall was weapons and a shelf of ammunition though it wasn’t ordinary bullets of sort.

  “This ass isn’t working alone. He’s cut throat. Your head must be worth nearly a billion,” he rambled; it made no sense to me.

  “English, please!”

  “They lined the house with stealths, tiny gas bombs that won’t kill a vamp but will certainly knock you out for a bit.”

  “I thought gas couldn’t harm us. We don’t have to breath…” I rationalized.

  “It seeps into our pores and acts as a powerful anesthetic. Each bomb costs a good five million dollars which makes me think whoever hired these goons is offering a reward of close to a billion dollars,” he explained but his voice was annoyed I guessed by my questions given the edge it had towards me. “I’m annoyed with the assholes, not you,” he stated fiercely not back to his regular control level.

  “For someone who
’s not mad at me, you sure as hell are acting like it,” I growled back. After a minute, logic set in. “They’re vamps too. How do they protect themselves from the gas?”

  “With expensive protective gear.”

  “Oh…” I sunk to the floor in an angry, scared huddle. For being immortal, there were a heck of a lot of things that could hurt me…

  He sighed and settled down beside me. He opened his arms and I scooted into them as he stroked my back soothingly.

  “I’m sorry. I was an ass. I panicked. We’ve prepared for this exact scenario but we’ve never actually had anything happen before.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to cause so much trouble.”

  “Leka, you only say sorry when you have something to be sorry about.”

  “I know. I just… I don’t even know what I did. Why are these vamps after me?”

  “I don’t know but I promise I’m going to find out,” he swore solemnly.

  “I’m just glad I was here and not… my parent’s house! You don’t think…” I couldn’t even finish the sentence. Tears filled my eyes at the thought. I couldn’t bear to… if anything happened to them. I didn’t know how I’d survive.

  I found my new phone and punched in my mother’s cell number. It rang and went to voicemail. Crap.

  “Hello, you’ve reached Sharon Jackson with Atlantic Shore Realty. I apologize for being unavailable but if you’ll leave your name, number and a brief message I’ll return your call as soon as I’m available. Thank you.”

  “Mom, it’s me. It’s an emergency. Call me as soon as you get this. I love you.”

  The moment I hit end I dialed my dad. Kai sat silently beside me rubbing, comforting me the best he could. I knew he didn’t say more because the possibilities were endless outside this safe room. We couldn’t know how many of them were working together or what they were sent to do.

  Voicemail. Dang it. The tears once restrained now crashed down my cheeks like a waterfall. I left the same urgent message.

  I knew the only other person I could call was Kellan. I didn’t have his parent’s numbers. I pressed the numbers through glossy eyes and a painful feeling clutching my heart.

  “What?!” The word was dark; hate spit at me in his tone.


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