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Awakening (The Vampire Destiny Series Book #3)

Page 13

by Anthony, Alexandra

  Taking a deep breath, I glanced up at Stefan. “He needs to know. I have to tell him, Stefan.”

  Stefan released my hand and slouched deeper into the chair. He gave me an almost imperceptible nod. “Then you need to tell him.”

  Lifting myself from his lap, I went to sit at my brother’s side. He twisted slightly on the couch to face me, his face filled with eager anticipation. “I met our mother. But it was more than a dream, Nikolaus. It was real.”

  He said nothing. His green eyes lost focus as he stared at me, disbelief creeping over his striking face. “What do you mean you met our mother? Josie, this isn’t funny.”

  I placed my hand on his arm and he quickly jerked away from my touch. “You can read my mind and you know I wouldn’t bullshit you, especially about this. It happened last night Stefan and I met with Nigel. I’m assuming you know about our father’s journal?”

  Nikolaus slowly nodded. “Nigel showed me the book yesterday after he met with you. It was disgusting, but not unexpected. He also told me you were asking questions about the other two Board members. It’s better to not ask questions you don’t want the answers to, Josie.”

  Touching his arm again, I was pleased that he didn’t pull away. “I do want the answers. Our father is evil, worse than probably either of us can possibly imagine. In a few hours, Stefan and I have to head over to testify in front of the Council members regarding Derek’s death. We both know our father will be waiting to attempt to approach me. I need to know everything I can…”

  Stefan interrupted me, his deep voice deadly calm as he addressed my brother. “Nikolaus, two things I know for certain. One, your father brutally killed your mother. Two, he experimented on your siblings when they exhibited no power, no use for his bigger plan. For some reason, you and Josie were both spared. The bigger question is why. Armes appeared to Josephine in some sort of dream or vision. Your mother told her many things neither of us understand yet. From what we discovered today, I am inclined to believe your uncle left information for your sister. We just need to find it.”

  Nikolaus swallowed hard. His eyes closed and when they reopened, his hand clasped mine. I opened my mind to him, giving him free access to my memories of the experience I’d had with our mother. It was easier than trying to explain every feature and I didn’t want to leave out a single detail.

  “She told me to tell you she loved you, Nikolaus. She didn’t want you to blame yourself for what happened to her. There was no way you could have stopped Kian. You were a child yourself.” I held his hand reassuringly. “I have to find the information that our mother said Garrett left for me. Then we can begin to right the wrongs of our father. I never knew our mother, but I love her. I want justice for her too.“

  A quiet tranquility filled the room. Stefan elegantly rose from the chair to stand at the windows. He clasped his hands behind his back as he stared into the New York skyline. “I promise you now, Nikolaus. I will help you do whatever it takes to avenge her death. However, you must promise to wait for the proper time. Do I have your word that you will wait for the suitable time to proceed?”

  Nikolaus hesitated for the briefest of moments. “Before I agree, I have one request.”

  Stefan didn’t move from the windows. His voice was steady and unwavering. “I offer you the thing you want most and you still ask for more? Name your request.”

  “When you kill him, I want him to suffer. I want him to beg for mercy, the same mercy he never had for my mother,” Nikolaus replied quietly. “Can you promise me you’ll make him pay for what he did?”

  Stefan finally turned to face us both. His mouth curved into the cruelest of smiles, his handsome face becoming beautifully sinister, his eyes blue butane. “You have my word.”

  He meant every word. Even though Stefan hated the dark side of himself, he was willing to lose himself to right what he considered a wrong.

  For the first time since my brother’s arrival, his tense shoulders relaxed and his mischievous smile returned. “Then we have a deal.”


  Nikolaus had left not long after our conversation, attempting to sneak unnoticed next door to see Anna. Time was ticking away before we needed to leave and I'd been staring into the mirror for the last 15 minutes, slowly running a brush through my hair. In less than two hours we’d be heading to appear before the Council. My stomach was coiled in knots even though Stefan had assured me repeatedly that everything was going to be fine.

  I wanted to believe him. Thus far, nothing had been easy. Secrets had been uncovered, with more lurking, waiting for the most inopportune moment to reveal themselves. Would I be prepared for the next secret? Would Stefan?

  As if reading my mind, Stefan filled the doorway, both of his large hands bracing the doorway. He was nude, his impressive body almost begging for my hands to touch every inch of him, from his broad chest to his finely muscled arms. The pronounced ridges of his stomach drew my eyes downward. I found myself struggling to force my eyes back to his. When they met, I drew in a deep breath as they traveled over the chiseled lines if his handsome face. His beauty and perfection could rival an angel.

  “You are still worried? It will be fine.” Stefan had felt my distress in our link and he'd rushed to help me. The bond had given him no choice. It wanted us to protect and soothe one another at any cost. It drove us to selfishly please the other, to provide comfort and love.

  Blurring to stand behind me at the vanity, he pulled first one strap of my tank top down over my shoulder, his fingers soft as they drifted down my arm, only to follow the path back up. I watched him in the mirror, noticing the way the tip of his pink tongue swept out to lick his bottom lip in anticipation, to the way his darkened eyes roamed over my skin. He noticed me observing and smiled deviously, his lips lowering to my bare shoulder.

  His other hand pulled the other strap down and tugged the tank top to my waist, baring my breasts. I watched as both of his large hands cupped them in approval, his fingers pulling and rolling the nipples until I let out a hoarse moan.

  "You are beautiful like this. To know that no one else will ever touch you like this again..."

  His voice broke off and his hands went lower until they reached my panties. Gentle fingertips traced the outline of my clit through the silky material, teasing me until they were soaked with my juices. As his fingers became wet, his eyes found mine again in the mirror. Transfixed, I ground my ass against him as he continued to touch me.

  "Ah, vackra. Should I fuck you here while you watch me?” Stefan questioned softly. His fingers continued their sensuous assault, sliding and slipping over the damp material.

  Speechless, I watched my own lips part in response to his words and the lilt of his voice. In the reflection of the mirror, my chest steadily rose and fell, my ragged breathing coming out as a pant. He pushed the tank top over my hips, along with my ruined panties. Both of his hands splayed over my naked body, one hand across both breasts, the other against my pelvis, the tips of his fingers once again finding my swollen clit.

  I was unable to move under the weight of his stare and the sight of his muscular frame in the mirror as he towered over me. One of my arms reached up to snake around his neck, my fingers sinking into the short hair at the nape of his neck. The hand that had been cupping my breast moved to my neck, his fingers tracing over the pendant he had given me.

  "Mine." He kissed my throat, lightly biting my skin with his blunt teeth. I wanted to feel more than the nipping of his human teeth. I wanted to feel the sharp sting of his fangs. I wanted him to devour me, and I longed to destroy him the way he always managed to render me helpless.

  Finally finding my voice, I replied with the one word I knew would come close. "Yours."

  A deep growl resounded in his chest to my assent. In response, my hips moved on their own accord, seeking out more friction. When Stefan pressed me against the cold marble vanity, I let out a gasp as my breasts made contact with the frigid surface. One of his hands held me in place while the
other smoothed over the rounded contours of my ass, his fingers parting my wet folds to slip inside of me, pumping in and out slowly, testing my arousal.

  For once, I didn't beg. I told him exactly what I wanted without any hesitation. "Stefan...fuck me."

  He pulled his fingers from my depths and I stared as he licked them both with his long, wet tongue. My taste caused his fangs to slowly elongate and the eyes that stared back in the mirror were black. His beautifully chiseled face had become severe as he stared into my eyes in the reflection.

  When his hips rocked forward and his cock plunged deep inside the depths of my wet pussy, an almost primal cry fell from my lips. His answering thrusts were powerful and steady, a constant low growl vibrating in his chest.

  Bracing my hands against the vanity top for leverage, I shoved back against him, answering his relentless pace.

  "Look at us, vackra."

  Raising my head, I looked into the mirror again and met his eyes, my answering cry echoing in the tiled room. Our gazes were locked on each other in the mirror. It was amazing to witness Stefan's magnificent beauty and power as he took me, his muscles rippling and flexing with each graceful movement he made. He dropped his eyes to look down to where we were joined, watching as his cock slid in and out as he fucked me. His eyes flickered back up and the pure desire on his face mesmerized me, rendering me unable to look away. He bared all of his teeth when he snarled, increasing the speed of his hips.

  "So good, Stefan. Don't stop," I gasped. Every part of my body had come alive under his touch, alternately singing and begging him for more.

  "I have no intention of stopping," he vowed. He put his hands on either side of my waist, changing his stance as he lowered his hips, leaning down and pumping faster.

  "Harder, Stefan," I begged. “More.”

  He pushed harder, slamming his pelvis into my ass, grunting with each stroke. Losing control, I cried out every time his cock fully filled me, the fullness and angle of him nearly splitting me in two. I could sense my climax building, inching me closer and closer to falling over the edge. His moans became louder and more violent as he neared his own completion.

  "Stefan, do it. Bite."

  His pleasure at my words filled the bond we shared. He leaned over me and his fangs sank into my shoulder. The overload of my blood, my command and the intimacy of our connection pushed him over the precipice. As he bellowed out his release, I willingly followed behind. The whole world seemed to stand still as wave after wave of pleasure crashed over me, some from my own body's release, but much of it was in response to his frenzied emotional state. It was astonishing when our minds became one in the intimacy of the moment. There really was no separation between us. We were one in every way. Body, mind, soul, blood.

  The sheer intensity caused burning tears to stream down my face.

  Stefan was quick to realize what happened and gathered me in his arms, pressing me tightly against his chest so he could calm me.

  "Shh… I have you, vackra, " he soothed, smoothing my hair. He smelled like sex, blood, and a scent that was simply Stefan; sandalwood and home. "I love you. Everything will be alright."

  His honest words meant everything to me in that moment. Not only did he have me safe in his arms, he was reminding me that regardless what happened with the Council and my father, he would be by my side.

  Plastering myself to him, my arms wrapped around his narrow waist. I clung to him, unable to let go. "I don't want to do this. I don't want to see my father or the Council. What if.."

  "This is the reason for your tears? Josephine, this is a formality. Nothing more, nothing less. We will go, give our explanations and leave. I promise." Stefan wrapped his arms and hugged me tighter to him. It was almost as if we couldn’t get close enough.


  "No 'buts'. We must show a strong united front. No weakness and no tears." He cut me off again, tilting my head back to gaze into my tear-streaked face. "Lukas and Anna will join us. We will do what is required and leave. We have vampires that are on our side. Remember that."

  Nodding, I drew in a shaky breath. Stefan smiled in approval, the pads of his thumbs wiping my tears away. "Your father will look for any weakness to use to his advantage. Do not give him any leverage."

  Stefan let me cuddle against his broad chest. He buried his nose into my hair, taking deep breaths. His voice was garbled when he spoke. “Also remember that I love you. Your love burns me from the my very depths until the only part that remains are the ashes of my soul and utter bliss. Meeting with the Council, the Board, even Kian is worth that sort of devastation."

  Normally I'd feel the flush of blood spreading over my cheeks at his heartfelt words. Instead I felt the blazing strength of my love intertwine with his in our bond. "I love you. What can I say to top what you just said?"

  He laughed deeply, his chest vibrating softly. "Just say that you love me. Knowing I have your love is more than enough. I have told you many times that If my heart could beat, it would for you."

  “I love you, Stefan. More than I can ever express.”


  We’d bathed, lingering in the shower until my fingers had turned into prunes and we’d soaped every part of our bodies thoroughly. I’d needed his closeness and reassurances. My gut instinct was telling me that tonight was not going to go as seamless as Stefan has assured me it would go.

  Things never did.

  I’d finished dressing when I felt the gentle tug of Stefan’s mind calling to me. When I probed our link, he’d carefully guarded his thoughts, yet it was clear he wanted me to join him. My curiosity aroused, I headed down the hallway, only to freeze in surprise when I entered the living room.

  Chapter 7

  Pomp and Circumstance

  To say I was surprised to see Stefan sitting with a strange man was an understatement. Their hushed conversation ceased at my arrival, both of their eyes coming to rest on me as I froze at the entrance to the living room. Smiling nervously, I took in the large man sitting across from him. The stranger’s dark, ebony skin glistened and his strange amber eyes glinted in the dim light of the room. His head was clean shaven and his full lips pressed together as I timidly walked to Stefan’s chair. They both stood in unison, a beautiful mixture of dark and light.

  "This is your mate?" His deep voice was level with no discernible accent. His eyes traveled over my face curiously as he adjusted the lapels of his expensive, well-tailored navy suit.

  "It is. Josephine, this is Amir Negasso." Stefan stepped to my side and wrapped a possessive arm around my waist, holding me securely against him. "Amir, this is Josephine Anderson."

  "It is my great pleasure to meet you." He nodded slightly, offering an outstretched hand in greeting. I placed my hand in his and he clasped it fondly. "This enchanting creature has tamed you, I see. It only took 800 years, my brother. You found your fated one."

  With a gasp, I jerked my hand from Amir, twisting to face Stefan with wide eyes. "Brother?"

  Stefan smiled broadly, amused at my evident confusion. "We are brothers only by blood. Solveig was his maker as well. We met Amir in Rome during our travels through Europe."

  Amir grinned, his white teeth gleaming against the rich darkness of his skin. "I remember things a little differently. You always tell the story as if we met on a charming excursion, Stefan. For me, it was a trip I will never forget." He turned his attention back to me, his ochre eyes glittering. "And you. You are Kian's much whispered about daughter. Not only are you more vampire than you are human, there is something else about you I cannot put my finger on. You also reek of my brother. That I will not hold that against you."

  Still speechless, my mouth snapped closed as I struggled to form a coherent thought or a witty comeback. I failed horribly on both counts.

  "He is only here to visit, vackra." Stefan leaned closer to whisper in my ear. Speaking louder, he raised a blond eyebrow as he gave Amir a sideways glance. "While Amir is my trusted brother, I must tell you he has one fa
ult. Over the years, he has developed a soft spot for Lukas."

  "Shall we tell all of my secrets so soon, Stefan?" Amir chuckled. He took a step closer and lowered his voice. "While I am here to visit, I am here for business and to offer my support. There is talk amongst our kind, Josephine. Changes are brewing. Alliances are being formed and sides have been chosen. It is a time of change. Unrest is upon us."

  My brow furrowed as I digested his grim declaration. I knew whatever unrest Amir was referencing likely had to do with my father and the Board. "I see. I'm assuming your visit means you are here to support Stefan."

  "Not only Stefan, Josephine. I am here to support you as well." Amir rocked forward on the balls of his feet, clutching his hands behind his back. "I side with those I feel are right. I have spoken extensively with both Nigel and Stefan. I am aware of the numerous misdeeds of both the current Council and Board."

  He traveled across the room effortlessly, his wiry frame rigid. He adjusted the gold silk of his tie, perusing the bookshelf for a few moments before he continued speaking. "My business here is simple, Josephine. I am to be appointed to the Council tonight. It is not common knowledge that we share a maker. You understand this knowledge it is to remain unknown to all other parties. Perhaps it is a devious move on my part and perhaps my deception makes me as corrupt as the others. There is a bigger goal and I will do everything possible to achieve it."

  I shifted nervously from foot to foot, the leather of my boots squeaking. Stefan's hand on my waist tightened and pulled me closer. Choosing my words carefully, I did the best to steady my voice as I spoke. "Eliminating my birth father is part of this goal of yours?"

  Amir turned his flinty amber eyes my way. He was devoid of all emotion as he studied my face intently. "Are you opposed?"

  "No. He means nothing to me," I answered simply. As blunt and brutal as my words were, I had no loyalty to Kian. After sending a henchman to kill me, he had severed any lingering ties we shared. He was now simply a threat; not only to me, but to everyone that I loved.


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