Book Read Free


Page 14

by Andrew Macdonald

  “1 would think so too. Now listen to the details of old Yahweh’s bargain with his chosen people. Actually, I’m going to have to skip around again, because the covenant is spread out a bit, interspersed with other odds and ends, and repeated in somewhat different words in several chapters of Deuteronomy.”

  Harry opened the book near the front and began reading again: “These words which I command thee this day shall be in thine heart, and thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children and shall talk of them when thou sittest in thine house and when thou walkest by the way and when thou liest down and when thou risest up. And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes, and thou shalt write them upon the doorposts of thy house and upon thy gates.”

  He looked up and said, “Those are the orders to use tephillin and mezuzoth. Now listen to what the Jews get from Yahweh if they keep their side of the bargain.” He resumed his reading: “And it shall be, when the Lord thy god shall have brought thee into the land which he sware unto thy fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give thee great and goodly cities, which thou buildedst not, and houses full of all good things, which thou filledst not, and wells digged, which thou diggedst not, vineyards and olive trees, which thou plantedst not ….”

  He interrupted his reading again while he turned a few pages. “There are various things the Jews are required to do in order to get possession of all this loot from the Gentiles. Following the section I just read, the conditions are that they shall fear Yahweh, swear by his name, serve him, and not have anything to do with the gods of other peoples — ‘for the Lord thy god is a jealous god.’

  “Ah, here we are. This is chapter II. A lot of the same baloney I read from chapter six is repeated here, including the commandment to use tephillin and so on. Then comes the payoff.”

  He resumed his reading: “For if ye shall diligently keep this commandment which I command you, to do it, to love the Lord your god, to walk in all his ways, and to cleave unto him, then will the Lord drive out all these nations from before you, and ye shall possess nations greater and mightier than yourselves. Every place whereon the sole of your foot shall tread shall be yours…. There shall no man be able to stand before you; the Lord your god shall lay the fear of you and the dread of you upon all the land that ye shall tread upon, as he hath spoken unto you.”

  “Mind if I read that myself?” Oscar asked.

  “Not at all. There’s a lot of surplus verbiage in there, but the passages I read — the ones that go to the heart of the Jews’ covenant with Yahweh — are marked in the margin. As you readjust compare what the Jews wanted from their god with what our own pagan ancestors might have wanted in a similar situation. We might have asked for courage on the battlefield, perhaps even for victory over our enemies or for a plentiful harvest — but can you imagine us begging specifically to be given the fruit of other peoples’ labor, without having to work for it ourselves?” Harry handed the Bible to Oscar.

  Oscar read silently for a few minutes while Adelaide chatted with Colleen and Harry went into the kitchen for a pot of coffee and some cups.

  “I note,” Oscar eventually commented, “that among the other things the Jews are commanded to do in order to have those ‘great and goodly cities’ delivered to them ready-made is the requirement that they engage in genocide. In chapter seven it says, ‘And thou shalt consume all the peoples which the Lord thy god shall deliver unto thee; thine eye shall not pity them.’ Then a few chapters later the commandment is repeated: ‘Of the cities of these peoples which the Lord thy god giveth thee for an inheritance thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth, but thou shalt utterly destroy them.’ Then a number of tribes are named which are to be exterminated down to the last woman and child, apparently because they are unfortunate enough to be the inhabitants of the cities coveted by Yahweh’s chosen people. 1 wonder if they find these exhortations to genocide embarrassing today, in view of their eternal whining about what the Germans did to them during the Second World War. Of course, this stuff was supposedly written more than 3,000 years ago. 1 presume they don’t still take it seriously, and it would be unfair to hold it against them.”

  Harry finished pouring a cup of coffee for Oscar and then answered: “As a matter of fact, they take it very seriously. Jews are the most religiously conservative of all peoples. They’re just as determined to stamp us out today as they were to stamp out the Jebusites, the Amorites, and the Canaanites then. Remember, what you are reading there is part of the covenant between the Jews and their god. He promised the world to them, and we’re in their way. It is true, of course, that well over half of all Jews today regard themselves as non-religious. But if you were to suggest publicly that parts of their covenant with Jehovah are abhorrent to all fair-minded men and women and ought to be scrapped, you’d have the atheist Jews screaming just as loudly for your blood as the faithful synagogue-goers.

  “If you’ll think about it a minute, Oscar, you already know that’s true. That’s the sort of reaction you expect from Jews. If you so much as give one of them a crooked look, they’re all wailing and screaming about ‘anti-Semitism.’ Where their own interests are concerned, they are utterly incapable of objectivity. So they not only see nothing incongruous in simultaneously demanding vengeance against Germans and cherishing their own genocidal covenant, but they have had the chutzpah to demand that the Christians change New Testament doctrine wherever it expresses hostility to Jews.”

  Harry took the Bible back from Oscar and flipped rapidly through the pages. “Here it is, in Matthew, chapter 27. Pilate, the Roman governor of Judea, is trying to deal with a mob of Jews who want Jesus to be killed for violating Jewish law. Pilate wants to turn Jesus loose, but the mob, which is being egged on by the Jewish rabbis and priests, demands his death. ‘Pilate saith unto them, What shall I do unto Jesus which is called Christ? They all say, Let him be crucified. And he said, Why, what evil hath he done? But they cried out exceedingly, saying, Let him be crucified. So when Pilate saw that he prevailed nothing, but rather that a tumult was arising, he took water and washed his hands before the multitude, saying, I am innocent of the blood of this righteous man: see you to it. And all the people answered and said, His blood be on us and on our children.’

  “That’s pretty clear language, but a few years ago the Jews began complaining about it, because a small minority of the host population in this country and in Europe still took Christianity seriously — and they took at face value the Jews’ acceptance of collective responsibility for Jesus’ death. It resulted in anti-Semitism, the Jews said. So they demanded that the Christian churches change their teaching on that subject. And the churches did it! Now they all say that Matthew was wrong, that it was really the entire human race which was responsible for Jesus’ death, not just the poor, blameless, loveable Jews. But just imagine the screams of anguish you’d hear if some Christian theologian said that it’s about time for the Jews to renounce some of the more intolerant and bloodthirsty statements of old Yahweh!”

  Oscar laughed, “I’m sure you’re right. That’s one thing I have noticed about them: they always have something to complain about. Whenever there’s a conflict, it’s always your fault, never theirs. No matter how far backward you bend over for them, it’s never enough. They always want more, and they act as if you owe it to them. I think that ‘gimme’ attitude of theirs, that eternal pushiness, is what has made most people dislike them.

  “But just because they’re easy to hate doesn’t mean that they’re parasites. They’re hard workers, they’re smart and creative, and it seems to me that they contribute at least enough to our civilization to make up for the damage they do with the media.”

  “Oscar, think about what you’re saying. You have a narrow mental image of a parasite as a fat Negress surrounded by a swarm of illegitimate picaninnies, all on welfare. But that’s almost a benign type of parasite, akin perhaps to a tapeworm. In Nature there are also other types of p
arasites, not so benign: types which might reasonably be compared with the rabies-carrying vampire bat. Parasites don’t have to be mindless and passive, like a tapeworm or a welfare mammy. They may also be quite clever and aggressive, perhaps enough so to exist by their own efforts. But if their innate inclination is to ‘suck the milk of the Gentiles’ — if they even sanctify that ambition and hold it up as the basis of their spiritual existence, of their covenant with their tribal deity — and if they have a record spanning thousands of years, during which they have infiltrated and destroyed one society after another while living as a privileged minority among their potential victims, then it is accurate to describe them as parasites.

  “No one who knows them will deny that Jews will work hard when there is the prospect of gain — harder, in fact, than many of the Gentiles who complain about them — or that they’re clever. If you make a balance sheet of their contributions and their depredations, though — and do it carefully — I believe you’ll change your mind as to their being an asset to our civilization. One of the things that makes that task tricky is that they control so many of the data that go into the balance sheet — and they are not bashful about blowing their own horns.

  “Their boasting, in fact, is really outrageous. They never tire of reminding us that they are the creators of the West’s religion and of a greatly disproportionate share of its literature, art, music, and science. They have so often repeated their claim that the four greatest thinkers and innovators of the last 2,000 years have been Jesus, Marx, Freud, and Einstein — all Jews — that they have most Gentiles, even those who should know better, believing it. I’m sure that you’ve heard that particular boast yourself a hundred times. Have you simply accepted it at face value, or have you questioned it?”

  Oscar blushed and stammered, “Well, to tell the truth, I….”

  Harry cut him off and continued the monologue: “It’s the same with nearly everyone. The fact that the Jews have been able to get away with such preposterous humbug virtually unchallenged is a tribute to their colossal ability to deceive. Just think about it. There is no doubt that Jesus was a religious reformer of exceptional ability and charisma, if we judge him by the supposed record of his life and teachings in the New Testament, but the religion founded by his followers certainly wasn’t a Western religion. It gained a foothold among the slaves and other alien elements of the demimonde in the decaying Roman Empire, and then it was imposed on our Saxon ancestors by fire and sword. What it became during the thousand years since then certainly was colored by our own racial character, making it at times in the past rather different from the subversive creed used by Saul of Tarsus and his successors to undermine the power of Rome.

  “During the last 50 years or so, however, its subversive, anti-Western tendencies have come to the fore again, and today it ranks right up there with the mass media and the Federal government as one of the principal agents of racial destruction. It is a religion of equality, of weakness, of regression and decay, of surrender and submission, of oblivion. If our race survives the next century it will only be because we have gotten the monkey of Christianity off our backs and have found our way to a genuinely Western spirituality again. The Jews may claim Jesus as one of their own if they wish, but in the long run I hardly believe that we will consider ourselves in their debt because of it.

  “As for Marx, including him in their famous foursome is really a bit of impudence on their part. There’s absolutely no doubt about his Jewishness; he came from a family of rabbis. And there’s no doubt that he has had an effect on the Western world: his followers have murdered more of our people than anyone else in history — 30 million in Russia alone. Worse, they’ve usually been selective in their murder, deliberately killing off the best elements of our race, because those have been the elements most resistant to Marx’s nutty theories. Are we supposed to be grateful to the Jews for that?

  “Marx’s doctrine is as anti-Western as Jesus.’ It too was designed to appeal to the dregs of Western society, the worst elements among us, and to pull down the best and the strongest to their level. To the Jews he may be a great man, but as a system builder, a political theoretician, he was a zero. Communism has been a bust wherever it has been tried among White people. It simply isn’t workable, and it shows up its designer as a windy fraud.

  “Freud, fortunately, hasn’t had a chance to do us as much damage as Jesus and Marx, but that’s not from lack of trying. Some of the bizarre notions of human motivation he foisted onto the Gentile world are still being promoted by his disciples. Imagine how many millions of dollars neurotic women have paid out to Freudian quacks posing as physicians or therapists!

  “Can you see the common element in the effect all three Jews have had on our race? They were illusion builders. In each case the Jew involved concocted an illusion, and then his fellow Jews marketed the illusion to our people. In each case disaster followed. There was a lot more talent involved in the marketing than in any of the illusions themselves. The illusions would have simply faded away if a crew of talented hucksters hadn’t taken them in charge and successfully peddled them.

  “In the case of Christianity the head huckster was Saul of Tarsus, alias Paul; he was the one who infected the Roman underworld with it. In the case of Marxism, Bronstein, alias Trotsky, came to New York and recruited a gang of his fellow Jews to go back to Russia with him and help spread the virus. They were lucky enough to have the assistance of Lenin, a truly gifted part-Jew, who was an organizer and strategist as well as a huckster.

  “And I don’t have to tell you that the vast majority of the men who marketed Freud’s hokum, just like the majority of those who still peddle it today, were Jews. In each case the Jews saw a weakness in the Gentile world which they could exploit; in each case they took an illusion concocted by a Jew and used it as a crowbar to pry an opening for themselves at the point of weakness.”

  Oscar interrupted: “And what about Einstein? Was he just a huckster too?” A trace of sarcasm might have been detectable in his voice.

  “No, but many of those who promoted his image as the greatest genius of all times were. Einstein was a gifted scientist. Even if his name had been Smith or Jones, he would be greatly respected by other scientists today, although his name wouldn’t be a household word. But because he was a Jew, when he began making his mark in the scientific world his fellow Jews cranked up their promotional machinery. And that’s really the only reason why it makes a certain kind of sense to group Einstein with the other three: what they all had in common was a crew of Jewish hucksters persuading the Gentile world that there was more to their man than met the eye.

  “I’m not a physicist, but one of our League members who is has told me that Einstein, although he deserves much credit, has been given a lot which rightfully belongs to others. For example, the mass media — even the high school and college undergraduate textbooks — credit him with being the sole creator of the theory of relativity, with being the man who taught the world that E=mc2 and thus led us to nuclear energy. And that simply isn’t true. Other physicists and mathematicians had been working with relativistic concepts before Einstein. The basic equations of relativity were derived by a Dutchman, Lorenz, and an Englishman, Fitzgerald, before Einstein got into the act. Even E=mc2 isn’t Einstein’s equation; a German, Hasenoehrl, published this result in 1904 in connection with his theoretical calculations on the equivalence of energy and mass.

  “Einstein took the work of these and other men as his base, and he added to it. He provided new explanations. For that he deserved credit. It’s understandable that his fellow Jews would want to brag a bit about him, but they went way beyond that. The Jewish hucksters saw their opportunity to build another cult figure they could market to the Gentiles, and they did it. They exaggerated. They distorted. They promoted. And they crafted the whole illusion so cleverly that even the scientists — men who knew better — let themselves be carried along with the hoax. Men familiar with the work of Lorenz, Fitzgerald, Haseno
ehrl, and other pioneers of relativity theory apparently thought it would be ill-mannered of them to speak out against the exaggeration of Einstein’s role.

  “Besides Einstein, of course, there have been other Jews who have made real contributions — although one must be cautious in accepting the claims made for many of them, just as in the case of Einstein. But one must try to balance against these positive figures an appallingly large number of Jewish culture wreckers and civilization destroyers. Just look at the wasteland which our art and music and literature have become since the Jews elbowed their way into it. They actually brag about their accomplishments in these areas too! They say, ‘Look how many awards and prizes our Jewish writers have won.’ Have you read any of the crap these Jewish Nobel laureates and Pulitzer Prize winners have churned out?”

  “Um, I worked my way through Malamud’s The Fixer in college. Competent writing, I suppose, but I found it a pretty forgettable book. Guess I could say about the same for Pasternak’s Doctor Zhivago. Never could figure out what other people saw in those two. I also dipped into a couple of Norman Mailer’s novels and got about halfway through Portnov ‘s Complaint by Roth. They were much worse than Malamud and Pasternak — real trash. They were worse than trash, in fact; they were sick. They were written by sick men, with a sick view of the world.

  “At the time I was reading those things I didn’t choose them because their authors were Jews; I chose them because they were being praised by the media — and by my professors and some of my peers — and designated as significant writing. After about my fifth or sixth Jewish novel, though, I found myself compelled to believe that there was just a flavor about Jewish writing that didn’t agree with me.


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