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Page 32

by Andrew Macdonald

  “I understand all of that perfectly well, Ryan. 1 even understand why you’ve opted for assassination instead of a frame-up. A frame-up might take a few months, and if Rogers stays on the air that long the Jews’ position will have been severely dam….”

  Ryan interrupted: “You’re damned right a frame-up would take too long. This thing’s got to be settled in a few days, at most.”

  Oscar resumed, “As I was saying, if you leave Rogers alone, there’s a good chance he’ll neutralize the Jews for you, so that their capacity for making trouble will be substantially reduced. Why not….”

  Ryan interrupted again. “A good chance isn’t good enough, Yeager. And even if he did turn a majority of the people against the Jews — which he won’t; it’ll be maybe 20 or 30 per cent at the most; there are too many people in this country whose interests are tied up with those of the Jews: the mainstream Christians, the feminists, the queers, a lot of the big capitalists — but even if he did turn a majority against them, they’d still be capable of making all sorts of trouble.”

  “Trouble you and the Agency couldn’t handle?”

  “Damned right! Look, I can deal with organized crime; with the Israeli secret police, now that I’ve got them whittled down to size, with your much-appreciated help; with Black rioters; and with political terrorists of all sorts, either individually or in groups. But 1 can’t take on the whole country at once. At least, I’m not prepared to do that yet. The general public has to be kept more or less pacified, more or less in line. And it’s the mass media which do that. It’s the soaps and the situation comedies and the game shows and the ball games and their favorite news commentators. As long as the media are telling them that they ought to put up with the present economic difficulties without complaining, that’s what most of them will do. But if the media start telling them that they’re being screwed and that they ought to start making a fuss, there’ll be hell to pay.

  “And I can’t do anything about that. What do you think would happen if I started rounding up all of the Jews in the news and entertainment media? I’ll tell you what would happen. There wouldn’t be any news and entertainment media left. There’s no way I can replace all of those Jewish editors and publishers and scriptwriters and directors and program managers and producers — no way. The whole industry is riddled with them, at every level, and it’d take years to replace them with Gentiles. The machine would come to a halt. The TV screens would go blank. The natives would become very restless. I don’t like it any more than you do, but I’m willing to face facts and you don’t seem to be able to. And the fact is that, for better or for worse, the media control the vast majority of the people in this country. They tell them what to think and how to behave, and for the most part that’s what the people do. Right now that’s for the better. I don’t want it to become for the worse.”

  Oscar stared intently at Ryan for a moment before answering: “Do you think it’s for the better that the Jews who control the media, while telling the public to grin and bear their economic hardships, are also telling them to grin and bear the racial mixing, the unchecked flood of non-White immigrants across our borders, the continued conversion of America into a Third World slum? Do you think it’s for the better that American schoolchildren are continuing to be given a falsified version of history and are continuing to be educated in a way which is calculated to suppress any feeling of racial identity or racial pride? That the general public is getting a stepped-up dose of ‘Holocaust’ baloney and phoney atrocity stories aimed at diverting any blame for current circumstances from the Jews? That the pro-Israel propaganda is being churned out as never before?”

  He paused for only a second, then continued: “Don’t you see, Ryan, that what the Jews are doing is locking us in to the present set of trends, and that we cannot and must not tolerate that? In return for helping you maintain order, they’re maintaining the trends which surely, and not very slowly, will destroy our race. Is that really what you want?”

  “You know it’s not, Yeager. But damn it, man, can’t you understand that what I want or you want is irrelevant? We have to deal with facts, not wishes and daydreams. And the fact is that we have only two choices. We could either keep muddling along the way we were, in good, old democratic fashion, just letting everything get worse and worse while everyone in the government is careful to avoid doing anything for which he might have to take the blame. Then we’d still have all the evils you’ve just mentioned, and there’d be a general breakdown of order and public morale as well. Or we can do what I’m doing now, which is to kick ass hard enough to keep the lawless elements from getting out of control, while the people as a whole learn the discipline of sacrifice and of obedience. The country may be going down the tubes, but as long as I’m running the Agency it’ll go down in an orderly and disciplined manner.”

  Ryan chuckled and then began again before Oscar could give a rejoinder. “Actually, 1 don’t think it’s going to be half as bad as you imagine. The Jews may think they’re locking us in to permanent control by themselves, but I have other thoughts. Let me tell you how it is from the viewpoint of the big boys, the ones at the top of the power structure, people like Senator Herman and the President. Right now they’re really worried. They get constant feedback on the mood of the public from the opinion polls they keep going all the time. They know that the public is almost completely disaffected from the government, that the people don’t really like or trust anyone in authority, and that the present civil stability is very precarious. They know that almost anything could wreck that stability. They know that they themselves have relatively little control over the situation. They know that just two forces are holding things together and safeguarding their own worthless asses: the Jews with their media, who’re keeping the general public more or less anesthetized; and I, who am ready, willing, and able to kick the pee out of anyone who tries to upset the applecart. So they’re licking both our asses now. The Jews are getting more money and weapons for Israel and more ‘anti-hate’ laws restricting anyone who might be inclined to point the finger at them. And I’m being given a virtually free hand in dealing with anti-government elements.”

  Ryan leaned toward Oscar and shifted to a conspiratorial tone. “And now I’ll let you in on a secret, Yeager. Very soon, my free hand will be much stronger than it is now. The big boys don’t like being kept in a continual state of anxiety. They don’t like having to keep licking the Jews’ asses and wondering when the bastards’ll stab ‘em in the back. They don’t like to be so dependent on me either, but at least they trust me a little more than they trust the Jews. They’d like to shift the balance of things more toward me and away from the Jews. They’d like to have stability more dependent on my police powers and less on the Jews’ ability to manipulate the mood of the public. They’re worried as hell about the elections coming up next year, because there are too many things which could get out of control. In particular, there are too many of their own colleagues who’ll do anything, including rocking the boat, to get reelected. The Jews are looking forward to the elections, figuring that they’ll get even more of their own creatures in and shift the balance toward themselves. But just between you and me there might not be any elections.”

  “What do mean by that? Certainly there would be much worse problems for the government if it tried to call off the elections. The media would raise hell.”

  “Right now they would. But not six months from now. Not after I put down the insurrection.”

  “What insurrection?”

  “The one whose development I’ve been very carefully monitoring during the last two months. We talk about ‘the public’ and how the Jews have it under control, but the truth of the matter is that there are many restless factions out there which have their own agendas: the Latino revanchists, who want to take the Southwest away from the gringos and rejoin Mexico; many of the Christian Fundamentalists, like those who’re being manipulated by Rogers now; the White supremacists, who want to kill off the min
orities; the Black nationalists, who’d like to do the same thing to the White majority; and lots of others. Well, sometime in the next few weeks — probably next month — the Black nationalists are going to stage a coordinated uprising all across the country, and I’m going to smash it. But before I do it’s going to do enough damage and scare the bejesus out of enough people so that the public will be happy for peace at any price. Part of that price will be no more elections, although our Jewish friends don’t know that yet.”

  “Do they know about the uprising?”

  “Not really. Not the details. What they do know is that many Black leaders are planning something. They don’t have the sources of information in the Black community that I have. I’ve been tapped into the planning of this thing from the beginning, nudging it in the right direction every now and then, helping it along when necessary — all without the Blacks realizing it, of course. What the Jews know is that there’s a hell of a lot more hostility to them among Black leaders — I mean the real leaders, the Black nationalists, not the Uncle Toms the Jews have set up to serve their own interests — than there is among any other segment of the population, and they’re worried about it. The Black leaders all understand the Jewish domination of the media — which is something that most Whites hadn’t figured out before Rogers started telling them — and they’re really pissed that the media didn’t raise a fuss when I cracked down on the rioters in Washington, Chicago, Miami, and a few other places. They’ve been preaching to the Black masses for years that the apparent Jewish sympathy for Blacks is entirely self-serving, that the Jews’ll drop them whenever it suits their purpose, and now the Black masses believe it. They’ll be going after Jews and Jewish businesses with a vengeance when they start the shooting and burning next month. So I won’t have any interference to speak of from the media when I wipe out the Black nationalist movement once and for all. I expect the fighting will last a while, and the President will declare a state of emergency, suspend many civil liberties, and postpone the elections indefinitely. When the dust has settled, the Jews will realize that they’ve lost their chance to shift things in their favor, but they’ll be happy enough to still be alive that they’ll continue supporting the government.”

  “Ryan, I still don’t see how that’ll make the situation better. The Black nationalists aren’t the ones we should be worried about. It’s the tame niggers, the assimilationists, the race mixers, the ones who want to intermarry and become as much like Whites as they can who are the real threat to the race. If you put the nationalists out of business, then there won’t be any separatist force, any source of separatist sentiment, left in the Black community. We sure as hell don’t want that. And the Jews’ll still be in control of the media, still pumping their poison into the minds and hearts of the White population.”

  “You must not have heard what I just said, Yeager: the elections will be postponed indefinitely. Got that? No more elections. That’ll be the best damned thing that’s ever happened to this country.”

  “Well, I’m certainly no advocate of democracy. But the country’ll still have a bunch of criminals running it. The bunch in the Congress, the White House, and the courts now are about as sorry a gang of crooks as have ever come down the pike. I don’t see how more elections could make things much worse.”

  “You’re missing the point, Yeager. Two points, actually. First, it’s not just that we won’t be switching the crooks at the top every few years any more; we’ll be changing the whole system. We’ll be eliminating the four-year cycle, the old shell game of switching back and forth between Republicans and Democrats. We’ll have a chance for real stability. We’ll be rid of the irresponsibility, waste, and mismanagement which come when the people running the government can think and plan no further ahead than the next election. And second, it won’t be the present gang who’ll be running things — not really. It’ll be me.”

  “How do you figure that, Ryan?”

  Ryan answered with another question: “What’s your opinion of President Hedges? What kind of man do you think he is?”

  “Well, I guess you should know that better than I. I’ve only seen him on TV. My impression is that he’s a rather shallow fellow without much character.”

  “You’ve judged him well. He’s a goddamned actor, nothing more. He’s absolutely hollow. Nothing inside him at all. Everything is on the surface. The man isn’t even interested in power. All he cares about is the semblance of power, the trappings of power. He thrives on being a big shot, on all the deference, the attention, the perks, the idea of being the leader of the nation. And he puts on a fairly good act of being President, but in reality the Cabinet runs his administration. The one good thing I can say about the man is that he’s smart enough to know his own limitations, and he doesn’t even try to set policy.

  “The men in the Cabinet are not bad administrators, most of them, but there’s only one of them besides me who has any balls.”

  “Hemmings, the Secretary of State?”

  “Exactly. Hemmings. He’s a tough little bastard. And, of course, he’s entirely the Jews’ man. He runs the State Department as if it were in Tel Aviv instead of Washington. But I’ve finally found out why he’s the Jews’ man. I’ve found out what they’ve got on the bastard, and I believe I’ll be able to keep him under control. If I can’t, then I’ll arrange for some Black nationalist to knock him off. Or maybe I’ll have you do it. But one way or another, I’m going to be the one calling the shots.”

  Oscar looked at the other man for a moment, then shook his head. “Ryan, I don’t know what you had to drink with your dinner tonight. You’re just not making sense. You know you can’t run the country by yourself. Maybe 20 years from now you could, if you spent all that time building up your machinery of control. But right now, as you admitted a few minutes ago, you’ve got nothing to take the place of the mass media. The Jews could pull the plug on you any time they felt like it. You can only rule at their pleasure.”

  “And they can survive only at mine.”

  “In other words, you’ll have to have an alliance with them. You’ll have to make deals with them: they keep the sheep from getting too restless and revolting on you, and you let them continue spreading their poison.”

  “It’s not quite that simple, Yeager. I’ll have a role to play in keeping the sheep in line too. I’ve been taking my own public opinion polls, and I’m not without a constituency out there. In fact, among the White working class and middle class, I’m the most popular man in the government at present. I’ve been keeping a fairly low profile in order to avoid jealousy, but when the Blacks do their thing next month, I’m not going to be quite so bashful. And when it’s all over I’m not going to be some shadowy secret police boss behind the scenes; I’m going to have pubic exposure on a regular basis. I’m going to talk to the people. I know the Jews will be looking for an opportunity to slip a knife into my back, but I don’t intend to give them one. The poison they’ll be feeding the people will be no worse than that they’re feeding them now. And I’ll be working on building that machinery you mentioned. So, you see, any deals I’m forced to make with the Jews now don’t have to be permanent. In 15 or 20 years I’ll be able to shift the balance a long way in my favor.”

  Oscar shook his head again. “Well, Ryan, there are certain attractive features to your plan. If I were in your position I’d be a little more worried than you seem to be about making the Jews behave themselves. But aside from that I guess I can’t think of anyone else I know who’s better qualified to pull off your scheme and then keep things under control than you are.”

  Oscar paused, leaned back in his chair, stretched his limbs for a moment, then continued: “The trouble is I just can’t go for any scenario which involves maintaining the present racial situation and the present Jewish media control. You may achieve stability. You may have a stronger, more smoothly running government. But the government isn’t an end in itself. It’s the race that’s important. It’s the race’s mission
of improving itself, of bringing forth a higher type of human being, that’s important. The government should exist only to serve that purpose. Stability is only desirable when it serves that purpose. And I don’t see that purpose being served at all in your vision of the future. Why can’t we fight the Jews? Why can’t we let Rogers keep broadcasting his message to the people? Why can’t we raise the consciousness of the White people, or at least a sizable portion of them, and then send the Jews to hell? So what if there’s no television for a while? So what if the rabble riot when the screens go blank? Go ahead with your Black uprising if you want, but then use the public support you gain when you put down the Blacks to get rid of the Jews, no matter what the cost. Let Rogers go ahead building support for that move. Then I can support you fully.”

  Ryan in his turn shook his head and then responded, “I must confess, Yeager, that there are certain aspects of your own vision that appeal to me. It’s a romantic vision. But I stopped being a romantic and became a realist about the time I passed through puberty. I guess you haven’t made that transition yet.”


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