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Seductive Knight

Page 12

by Tierney O'Malley


  “Let it go, love. Let it go.”

  She moved her hips, meeting his fingers thrusts. “Don’t stop.” Higher and higher she rose. She’d touched herself before, but the feeling was nothing like this. This was ecstasy at its highest. Heat that she’d never felt before rippled under her skin as her body recognized the erotic desire that soon would consume her body. Alex moaned. She was so aroused nothing in the world could make her stop from reaching her peak.

  “Yes, that’s it, love. Fuck my finger. Move your ass. Damn.”

  A cry of surrender escaped her lips when hot pleasure surged from deep inside her. Hugging Gawain tight, she panted and heaved. Boneless, she didn’t move until Gawain pulled his hand out of her pants to return her hug.

  “Did you imagine us to be doing this?”

  “When I was ten?” she mumbled on his shoulder too embarrassed to look at him.


  “Not like this.”

  Gawain chuckled. “Not this hot, eh?”

  “No. Most of the time we just held hands.”

  “Are you going to talk to my shoulder all night?”

  “I can’t look at you.”

  “Yes, you can. Nothing to be embarrassed about. We’re both adults.”

  Alex straightened and pointed her gaze on Gawain’s chin as the magic of the moment slowly went away, bringing Alex back to reality.

  “You’re marvelous.” He kissed her forehead, eyebrows and cheeks, then swiftly clasped her bra again.

  “Please don’t say anything about what happened.”


  “I-I don’t know why I acted like that.”

  “Because you’re a young, uninhibited, full of life woman. If you didn’t act the way you did, I’d say there is something wrong with me.”

  “What do you mean?” Alex finally met his gaze.

  “I’m supposed to make you feel the way you did. It’s my job. And judging the way you rode—”

  Alex clamped her hand on his mouth. “Don’t you say it.”

  Gawain licked her palm. “You’re shaking. Are you okay?”

  “I’ll be fine. Just give me a minute. So, what kept you busy in the Philippines?”

  “Aside from climbing coconut trees and swimming in the ocean? I studied a lot. Nanni promised my mom that I would not grow up an ignorant.”

  “So you can read and write?”

  “Yes, and do a bit of arithmetic.”

  “You’re fluent in…”

  “Tagalog. Yes. What about you? Do you speak another language?”

  “Mom forced us to learn another language. We could choose what we wanted. I chose French.”

  “Good to know. I won’t say anything in French then.”

  “You know the language, too, huh?”

  “And Italian, German, Cantonese. I’m horrible at Japanese so I don’t consider it as another language that I know. I had just started learning Latin before I left. And I’m fluent in American Sign Language.”

  “How in the world did you learn all those languages?”

  “I have all the time in the world, Gawain. No television, games, cell phones, and computers where I live. Just books to keep me company. Also, Nanni has made it a rule that I excel in everything. Including social graces.”

  “Social graces.”

  “Proper decorum, she said, is really important. I could probably teach a class on etiquette including dining etiquette and how to conduct myself in public. Everything about the dos and don’ts in the society, I know. Which I totally disregarded the moment I saw you. Nanni would probably die if she saw me right now.”

  “Now I know what to tell her if I want to blackmail you.”

  “No, you’re not going to tell her anything. Or I’ll shave your beautiful hair while you sleep.”

  Gawain laughed. “Okay, I won’t, then. What else did you learn?”

  “To play an instrument. She said a woman who possesses education and skills would be treated with respect and admiration. She wouldn’t be looked down upon, frowned upon. And a woman with education is more believable than a woman who barely finished high school, with no prospects and doesn’t know how to behave in public. My mom…didn’t behave. But she was a victim of an unfortunate circumstance, Gawain.”

  “I know. I’ve seen more than a handful of them.”

  “The women that Bors asks you to stay in your house.”


  “Too bad Mom didn’t have anyone to protect her.”

  “She had one. Clayton.”

  Gawain was right. Dad had helped Mom get out of the muck she was trapped in, and he loved her until his last days. “That’s true. How could I forget that.”

  “So, you are a well-educated woman.”

  Alex sighed. “Mom’s idea. She made Nanni promise to make sure I’ll not end up like her. That Nanni should raise me as a lady so no one would compare me to her. The thing is, I want to be compared to my mom. She was wonderful, loving, and in my eyes, perfect. I don’t care about her past just as Dad really didn’t care who Mom was before he married her.”

  “But you didn’t want to disappoint either Molly nor Nanni so you act like a lady even when it pains you. I saw you try to be someone you are not.”

  Alex’s body stiffened. She was embarrassed that Gawain saw her façade. If he saw, then the others could see, too, that she wasn’t a lady. As if someone shone a bright light on her face, she finally woke up and realized she’d failed to do what she had promised Nanni—to act like a lady. She tried to get up, but Gawain trapped her with his arms.

  “It’s okay, love.”

  “No it’s not,” she replied with a thick accent. “You have no idea how many years I’ve practiced to act like a lady. Obviously, I didn’t pass. You could see that I’m not a lady. Not only that, I proved to you that I am not. In a matter of hours, I forgot everything. I let you kiss me! Touch me! And look where I am right now. Sitting here like your lover.”

  “I don’t see anything wrong with this.”

  “Everything is wrong.”

  “Baby, calm down.”

  “I am calm.”

  “Your accent tells me you’re not. Although I enjoy hearing you talk so sexy.” He quickly planted a kiss on her mouth.

  “Please be serious.”

  “Okay. Nothing is wrong with us sitting like this. Me hugging you, us enjoying the breeze, the stars, the solitude, the privacy within the wilderness.”

  “Nanni would say you’re wrong.” Alex shook her head. “I started my day wrong. If Baskerville weren’t sick, I would have been staying with him and not acting like a tramp! Nanni would die of a heart attack if she hears this. How can people respect me if I don’t have discipline.”

  “Hey, listen to me. Whatever you learned to become a lady didn’t stick because it’s not who you are. Your heart overruled your mind. My sister is a respectable woman, but she wouldn’t hesitate to clobber anyone in the head if needed, she laughs as loud as us boys, and you should see her when she watches football. The woman is crazy, yet that doesn’t mean she is a bad woman.

  “Baby, you don’t have to change who you are for people to respect you. I understand why Molly wanted you to have an education, but respect could be gained in many different ways. Respect others and you’ll get respect back. Not all the time, though. Still. Also, be honest and deliver what you promised. Accept criticisms. Being able to accept unflattering comments is a sign of your maturity and intelligence. We learn from other people’s view of us. That’s how we grow. And respect should come from within you before you expect others to treat you right.”

  “And Mom didn’t respect herself and is that why she was treated badly. Is that right?”

  “No. Not everybody is understanding of other people’s misgivings. Your dad treated your mom no different than any other woman. In fact, from what I’ve heard, even better.”

  Alex let out a sad sigh. “I know. I saw how they loved each oth

  Gawain traced little circles on her arms. “About the social graces and all that. Nanni is right. Whether we like it or not, there are things that we have to conform with, or be judged wrongly. But, honey, you don’t have to, you know. Sometimes, you just have to flip off the rule sticklers.”

  “I don’t think I’ll flip any one off.”

  Gawain chuckled. “Be who you are. It doesn’t matter if you eat with your hands as long as you’re not bad mouthing other people, hurting others, and you stand up for what you believe in, you’ll be fine. Now, if doing all those things doesn’t work and someone is still giving you shit, let me know. I’ll bury him alive.”

  “You are such a bad influence on me.”

  “I know. The Knights have that kind of effect on people.”

  Alex stared at the man in front of her. Not even a whole day, and he’d already managed to make her forget about her lessons, kissed her like a lover, awakened parts of her that hadn’t been touched by any man, and he freed her with his advice. “Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “For telling me to be who I am.” A smile tugged at her lips. She felt like her new self had emerged. She didn’t have to pretend and worry that she wasn’t acting right. No, she wouldn’t have to think about Post’s book. All she had to do was to be the girl her parents had loved her to be. As long as she acted within the bounds of reason, she’d be fine. Of course, minus the brattiness. She laughed at herself.

  “What made you laugh?”

  “All this time I’ve been practicing and worrying at the same time about becoming a respectable lady by acting like the princess of England, not realizing that I’m only fooling myself and deceiving other people—unknowingly—in the process.”

  “Don’t get Nanni wrong. She’s just doing what she thinks is best for you.”

  “I know. I understand her. Thank you, Gawain,” she whispered, then leaned her head against the crook of his neck.

  “You’re welcome. Does this mean you’re going to be a brat again?”

  Laughing, she pinched his arm. “Of course not. I’m not ten anymore.”

  “No. You’re not.” Gawain rocked her gently, his arms around her protectively.

  Cocooned in his warm embrace she felt safe, away from her worries, everything.

  How could this even be possible?

  “Do you think my mom is innocent?”

  Gawain gave her a smile that made her heart beat fast. “Baby, you owe me a kiss.”

  * * * *

  Alex laughed. “I forgot!” She tried to get up, but Gawain was quick. He grabbed her waist and pulled her down on the blanket.

  “Let go!” she squealed, laughing.

  “I told you. No talk about the past.” He covered her with his body. His knees trapped her legs together.

  “But you tricked me.”

  “Sorry. Couldn’t help it. You’re so beautiful, brat.”

  “Because it’s dark here and you can’t see my imperfections.”

  “What imperfections? These freckles?” He kissed the little brown spots on her cheeks that drove him nuts all day. “Do you have any idea how many women wish they had freckles?”

  “Why would they want to have them? They grow and multiply when exposed to the sun!”

  “Hmmm…Bors is having a family get-together. It’ll be sunny when we go there. There’s a small lake behind their house. We’ll go swimming and you’ll be out in the sun to get baked. I want to see your freckles multiply.” His lips graced the corners of her lips. Damn. He wanted to devour her and feel every secret place in her body. How could this be? They were practically strangers who had just met today. He’d never felt this kind of strong attraction before. Not even when he was a young teenager who woke up with a boner thinking about girls all the time. God damn.

  “Do I have to go?”

  “Yes, love. You’re stuck with me until we know everything that happened with Molly.”

  “I won’t know anybody there.”

  “Bors and I will be there. And I want you to meet my sisters-in-law. In the meantime, you and I will have fun.”

  He gently sucked her upper lip before giving it a lick. With her gaze on him, Alex’s tongue touched the spot where he licked her. That little action stoked the fire inside him. “You’re a temptation.”

  He cupped her cheek with his hand. Lying beneath him, she felt so good trapped like this. He could do everything with her and he knew right this minute she’d let him. Using his thumb, he gently pulled her lower lip down. Unable to resist the temptation, he lowered his head for a long erotic kiss. He tasted and invaded every recess of her mouth. Alex returned his kisses with equal ardor. Her hands moved up and down his back. Damn. He fucking loved it. As if his hips had a mind of their own, he thrust against her.

  Alex moaned and grabbed his ass.

  Damn, he was rock hard. And if he continued with this he’d end up making love with her. “God, you make me go crazy.” After one hard kiss on her neck, that without a doubt turned her skin red, he rolled off Alex. He looked at her neck. Yup. He gave her a love bite. Grinning for marking her, he sat up. She looked so delicious lying on the blanket, hair in disarray, and thoroughly kissed.

  Alex stared at the night sky. “I don’t want this night to end. It feels like I’m in a different world.”

  “Exactly how I feel, love.”

  “What are you going to do when I leave? Look for someone to share this beautiful little heaven of yours with?”

  “No. I might buy a blowup doll, though.”

  Alex laughed. The sound echoed in the still darkness around them. “You’re bad.” She sat up and crossed her arms.

  “I brought coffee, scones, blackberry—”

  “Scones? Scones?” she repeated. You mean that yummy white kind of triangular shaped dessert that Mom used to make?”

  “And jam.”

  “Don’t tease, Gawain. I love scones.”

  “I remember seeing a pile of plain scones at your party. I thought who would eat plain scones and nothing else. Someone told me, can’t remember who, that plain ones were your favorite. Not the blueberry scones or chocolate chip scones.”

  “Really? I remember. Mom made the scones.” Alex put her hands together as if in prayer and then clapped slowly. She began licking her lips, too.

  “Need another blanket?”

  “Sure, and the scones, please.”

  “All yours, love.”

  Wrapped in a blanket that they shared, they ate and drank coffee. Gawain loved the companionable silence and the teasing, but he didn’t think he could go on like this. Man, he’d have to borrow Bors’s handcuffs to keep himself from touching Alex.

  Since she was a little girl, boys would ogle her. Alex was oblivious to them. She’d been busy being a girl, playing with her friends. Most of the time with Maria. Now, he learned she’d been thinking about them getting married when she was just ten. He didn’t know what to make of that.

  What about now? Had she stopped dreaming about them together? Obviously, she wasn’t schooled in the art of kissing, but she was a quick learner. She spoke of going back to the Philippines more than once. He wondered if she had a man waiting for her back home.

  “When I leave…”

  He didn’t like the sound of that. “Aside from Ema and Nanni, is there someone waiting for you in Puh-lai-win.” When Alex giggled, he knew he’d butchered the word.

  “Yes. Someone’s waiting for me. He’s bronze all over, with dark eyes the color of sand, I’ve been sleeping with him for three years now, and he loves me.”

  Fuckin’ eh. Gawain scowled. “Do you love him?”

  “Very much.”

  “So you’re eager to go back because of him, eh?”

  “He’s one of the reasons.”

  He wiped his hands on his jeans, then laid down on the blanket. He stared at the skies. What did he expect? That she’d remain chaste? Still, she was supposed to act like a lady. “Nanni approved of your rel
ationship with, what’s his name?”


  What the hell kind of a name was that. Sounded like a loser’s name to him. He must be. Otherwise Alex would’ve been an expert in kissing. “You’ve been sleeping with someone for three years and yet Nanni wanted you to act like a lady. Isn’t that contradictory?”

  “She wants me to be happy. And Keeko makes me really happy.”

  “He’s still alive?”

  “Now what kind of question is that?”

  Because I want to fucking kill him. “An honest question,” he answered. “Would he be jealous if I go to the Philippines to visit you?”

  “Maybe. He’s kind of overprotective of me.”

  Gawain stared at the midnight sky littered by stars. Minutes passed, Alex broke the silence.

  “You’re scowling. What are you thinking about?”

  “Nothing. Just enjoying the view.”

  “It is spectacular, isn’t it?”

  Why did it bother him that Alex had a man waiting for her? He shouldn’t be jealous. But there it was. The familiar pain caused by a green-eyed monster.

  She belonged to someone else. Fuck me!

  Chapter Ten

  “Wake up, sleepy head.” Gawain sat on the bed. He could only see the top of Alex’s head. “Wake up, wake up.” He bounced on the bed.

  “Stop,” came the voice from under the bed spread. “You’re annoying. Go away!”

  He bounced on the bed even harder. “You’re wasting a perfectly good day. We have a long list of things to do, remember?”

  “We can start tomorrow. Leave me alone.”

  “You know, you have to get up now and sleep tonight. Otherwise, your body clock will stay in Philippine time.”

  “Don’t care. I just want to stay in bed.”

  “Can’t. I have a book here for you to read.”

  Alex pushed the covers off, sat up and then tucked her hair behind her ears. “You woke me up just to tell me about a book?”

  “I…well,” Gawain swallowed at the sight of Alex. She wore a thin camisole that was tight on her chest where he could see shadows of her erect nipples. Her arms were slender and golden, and her cheeks were red while her lips were puffy and begging to be sucked. She looked magnificent even in the morning. Damn. He wanted to suck those lips again. A dark, red mark on her neck got his attention, too. His chest puffed—he was the one who’d put that mark there.


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