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Charles Dickens: A Life

Page 61

by Claire Tomalin

  I was especially pleased when my old friend Douglas Matthews agreed to make the index.

  I have been unusually fortunate in my publishers. Tony Lacey has been my editor at Viking Penguin for almost a quarter of a century – since 1987 – and has given me support, advice and encouragement throughout these years. Over the same period I have also benefited from the knowledge and exemplary skills of my copy editor, Donna Poppy. This is the first of my books to be edited digitally, and Donna dealt with my refusal to make my corrections on-screen, explained the process and then transferred all my pencillings to her computer – a rare act of friendship.

  The work of finding and dealing with illustrations was enthusiastically entered into by Tony Lacey, Ben Brusey, Donna Poppy and Claire Hamilton. Dinah Drazin once again laid out the picture sections with great skill, taking on the challenge of my wanting to cram in more than at first seemed possible.

  Robert Sanders is the hero who fixed my old computer when it gave trouble and even managed to install WordPerfect into a new one, for which I am truly grateful.

  Finally thanks to my husband for once again putting up with a distracted wife, and never failing in patience and kindness.


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  First published 2011

  Copyright © Claire Tomalin, 2011

  Maps copyright © Andrew Farmer, 2011

  The moral right of the author has been asserted

  The acknowledgements on pp. 493–5 constitute an extension of this copyright page

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  ISBN: 978-0-141-97145-2




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