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Sing to Me

Page 6

by Unknown

  Neal sprang from the chair and slid a hand through the top of his hair, slowly walking toward a window wall on the seventeenth floor of the office tower overlooking Lake Michigan. With his long legs spread apart, he folded his arms at his chest and frowned. Liv reentered his mind, making him as anxious as he was upset. She wouldn’t want him now; not after everything he’d just innocently put her through. Again. Their first kiss had ended disastrously, and now this. Twice the wrong woman had stepped into his life and made him miserable, and twice it had caused undue harm to the only woman he really wanted in his life.

  “Definite counseling,” the attorney agreed. “But, there are cases where the perpetrator managed to fool everyone, including their counselors. We never find out the truth until it’s too late and they’ve been set free to go after the victim again; usually with undesirable outcomes.”

  Neal turned away from the window wall and gritted his teeth, attempting to smile when he knew it was futile. “I know that,” he groaned and glanced aside, not wanting to think about something that awful happening to Liv. Despite the waning possibility of his getting together with her, Neal still intended to take a chance, hopeful that his fears would prove to be unfounded. Liv seemed too nice and too mature to hold something like this against him, especially since she hadn’t done so after what happened to her eight years ago because of him.

  “Do what you can,” he ordered the attorney. “Maximum everything, and don’t forget to keep me informed. I need and want to know everything about this case. If I’m needed in court, I’ll go. I don’t give a damn about the press or paparazzi getting wind of this, either. All I want is for the nightmare to end, and the quicker the better.”

  “It’s an air-tight case, Neal,” the attorney said and left the desk to walk back to a leather executive chair. “Officer Stevens already gave his sworn testimony, and she not only brandished a weapon but broke into someone’s home as well. She’s continuously violated the restraining order, and we’ve got documented evidence of every other incident she’s involved you in. There isn’t a judge in town who can ignore this much criminal activity and not side with you, guaranteed. This is felony stuff we’re talking about now. She’s looking at a minimum of twenty regardless.”

  Eyes wide, Neal gawked at the attorney. “Don’t tell me anything about a sentence reduction for good behavior just yet,” Neal warned. “What you just said . . . I needed to hear that. Let me savor the moment for as long as I can.”

  The attorney chuckled. “Sure thing.”

  Chapter 8

  Now that she had her former life back, Liv pretended to be happy. That she didn’t have to sell her charming home was the best possible reward after having had to endure being discovered by someone as famous and well received as Neal Hendrix. He walked away on an angry note, and it hurt for a time to think he didn’t like her anymore and that she might never see him again. But after a few weeks went by, she was ready to shake off the blues and get back to her old way of living.

  Online articles about the stalking case dominated media outlets and trended for days. Each news agency tried to find and post the best images of the popular musician and former band member. On television and radio, reporters interviewed famous people who claimed to know Neal well enough to be able to make informed decisions about the stalking situation and wish him the best.

  Local newscasts had aired their surprise at having had someone as famous as Neal Hendrix in their midst while downplaying his stalker’s escape from their minimum-security facility earlier in the week. Until things died down, Liv held her breath and waited for them to mention her in connection with him, but it never occurred.

  She scanned the online articles for added information about Neal, which usually included sideline stories about all of the beautiful, famous women he had associated with at one time or another. Some also credited him with having discovered several famous recording artists while others listed his many accomplishments in the music industry. Others harkened back to his days with the band. A few brought up the unsolved mystery of his father possibly being an even more famous legendary lead guitarist for a legendary rock band from a previous era.

  It was everything that Liv already knew about Neal but still liked to read about as often as it came up on social sites and in the news. He was young, wealthy, popular, and attractive; which put him on a few top-ten lists including sexiest man alive and most eligible bachelor.

  “At least he’s finally rid of the psycho,” she grumbled, absentmindedly flicking a green straw sticking out of a Big Gulp filled with diet Coke.

  While gazing at another image of Neal on her laptop screen, a sad pout shadowed her looks. Her watery eyes gazed with unwanted longing at a picture of Neal in tight black trousers and an unbuttoned white shirt. Every toned muscle showed clearly against his smooth, tanned skin, and he leaned forward with laughter, making him appear younger than his twenty-five at the time the ad for an expensive car was published in magazines.

  “What are you looking at?”

  Sherry entered the balcony and sat across from Liv, smiling in a way that made Liv blush before she closed the laptop. “Hot guy up to no good again?”

  “His name is Neal, and I wouldn’t know after a few week have passed since I saw him last. My life is my own again, and I couldn’t be happier about it.”

  “You look happy, sweetie.”

  “Shut up,” Liv grumbled, leaving the chair to stand at the railing and gaze out at the sparkling water. “Nothing happened between us and I’m glad. I told you a hundred times Sherry, his lifestyle and mine can’t mix.”

  “Because something bad from the past is bound to come up if you did get involved with someone famous, like the hot guy.”

  “Will you please stop calling him that?”

  Sherry giggled, standing beside Liv and sipping a Manhattan. “He is, and you definitely miss him.”

  Upset, Liv decided it was time her teasing friend knew the truth. Setting her hands on Sherry’s shoulders, she walked the curious woman back to her chair and plunked her down, warning her not to say anything until she was through talking.

  “I was in tenth grade when Neal showed up one day, and late into his senior year. I’d heard bits and pieces about the hot new guy all day but never saw him in the halls or at lunch. At the end of another long, tense day, I started to leave when, in front of a ton of other students, including all the popular girls who were hanging all over him that day, Neal stepped in front of me and kissed me.”

  Sherry gasped, but Liv shot her a look that made her set a hand against her open mouth.

  “He was just as gorgeous back then as he is now, and just as popular with the ladies. The biggest cheerleader type of them all apparently wanted him, and when she saw what Neal did, she thought up a stupid scheme to get me out of the way. Not that I thought anything could come of that kiss, and she wouldn’t talk to me even to ask what was going on or was I interested in him.”

  Sherry giggled, and then she made a face, so Liv closed her eyes while her friend spoke her mind.

  “Why would she think you wouldn’t want a guy like him?”

  Liv waited, and when Sherry didn’t say anything, she sighed and opened her eyes, continuing with her story.

  “The only real friend I thought I had went along with the bitch’s plan. Andrea asked me to meet her at the library, and when I got there, I was shoved inside the back seat of a car and had some gross-tasting drink poured down my throat. It didn’t take long before I blacked out. When I finally came too, I was on the neighbors lawn and my so-called father was hitting me, shouting in Hungarian, and causing quite a show for the neighbors. Then the police showed up, telling me what they were alerted to as far as online images of the disturbing variety go.”

  Sherry gasped, and Liv blushed at her wide-eyed expression.

  “The old man dropped dead of a heart attack, the drunk woman nearly pulled my hair out while accusing me of murder, and after the funeral I was locked in my room unti
l my so-called aunt showed up to supposedly rescue me. I moved to another city and a few months later suffered a miscarriage. I had no idea I was pregnant or even how it could have happened, because I still don’t remember anything about that awful day. The police made me look at the images she’d posted on her home page, but that’s about all I know.”

  While Liv explained about her having blessed and buried the fetus in a field behind her aunt’s house, Sherry sniffed and brushed aside escaped tears.

  “When I finally graduated and received all that award and insurance money, I fled the country, but not before finding out my parents weren’t really my parents, and that I’d been kidnapped from a foreign country. Now, if you still feel the need to ask why I live the way I do, and why I’d rather never see Neal again . . .”

  Sherry pouted as she shook her head, giving Liv a reason to smile.

  “My God,” Sherry breathed. “I’m sorry Liv. I swear I’ll never tease you again about being a recluse. It makes perfect sense now why you’re so afraid to get with the hot guy.”

  Liv glared at her and Sherry extended her fingers, making a face before she apologized for being insensitive after having promised she wouldn’t.

  “I mean . . . you two are so perfectly matched, and I was hoping . . . alright!” she cried after Liv rose from her chair with her fingers clenched at her sides. “So, you’ll never see him again. I can tell you don’t want that, though. I feel sorry for you, Liv. I’d rather see you happy than miserable. After everything you just told me, I can’t think of anyone who deserves it more than you do. Not even me, and I’ve had some pretty shitty romances to think I deserve a break.”

  “I’m fine,” Liv grumbled, folding her arms under her chest and walking back to the railing. Narrowing her eyes in the afternoon sun, she swept a strand of hair that blew across her nose on a gentle breeze and watched all the activity on the water.

  It was supposed to help make her feel better to talk about the past and get everything out in the open, but it didn’t. Even while in therapy, the sessions usually left Liv feeling drained and depressed rather than relieved. Still, she did start to recover until there was no need to keep going back. The recovery was more about the way she was raised than it was about what happened because of Neal. It still managed to cause enough shame and self-doubt to turn her into a recluse.

  Not wanting to think anymore about the past or her losses, Liv concentrated on the activity aboard a beautiful, white yacht anchored in deeper water less than a quarter mile offshore. Someone was lowering a speedboat before climbing aboard it, and then it started to shore.

  It pulled up alongside the boulder and cement pier at the edge of her property, and Liv gasped to see Neal exit the boat. After tying a rope to a metal hook embedded in the cement, he started down the pier toward the beach.

  Even from a distance, he looked amazing in white shorts that came to his knees, and a short-sleeve teal shirt that highlighted his skin and the red tint of his dark auburn hair. The wind blew the wavy tendrils toward his face, making his hair appear even thicker and drawing Liv’s eyes to his face rather than his body.

  As he approached the house, Neal smiled as he waved at Liv, causing her pulse to throb in her ears, which she could feel were turning red. Wide-eyed with surprise, she turned away and stared inside the house, unable to swallow the hard, dry lump that built up in her throat. Her heart rate refused to slow down, forcing her to set a hand against her breast. The urge to run up to her room and lock the door was strong, but she remained frozen and shivering with excitement to know she would actually see Neal again – up close and breathtakingly beautiful – in all his sex-appeal glory.

  “He’s back,” she whispered, getting Sherry’s attention. Before her friend could ask her to repeat herself, she heard Neal making his way up the wooden steps leading to the balcony. As soon as they saw auburn hair, Sherry rose from her chair and Liv turned in Neal’s direction. She was confused about wanting to see him again and not wanting him to be there.

  Once their eyes met and he stepped onto the balcony, anxiety made her turn away. She had to lean against the railing for support. After having told Sherry about their shared past, that memory was too fresh in her mind to look Neal in the eye.

  There was also the thought that she had finally started making progress in her efforts to forget about him. That was supposed to be the best thing for them both, but now he was back and driving her crazy with need when she should be driving him away instead.

  I don’t want to, though, her mind hissed. I’m glad he’s back, and I hope he still wants to be with me. I’m going to try and see if I can’t break out of this old life and try something . . . dangerous. Thrilling. More thrilling than leaving the country or spending thousands on clothes and shoes.

  Behind Liv, Sherry offered Neal a coquettish smile and said hello. “Long time no see, big guy.”

  Neal smiled shyly and stepped up to Liv. Taking a deep breath, he eyed the yacht and said hello. “If I had your number, I’d have called first to let you know I was on my way.”

  “We were just talking about you.”

  Neal glanced over a shoulder at Sherry; half-wishing she wasn’t there.

  “Yeah?” he said and turned to lean against the railing. “Good things, I hope?”

  “Not really, but then I don’t suppose you could have done anything to stop –.”

  “Sherry Barbour, if you don’t shut your mouth this minute, I’ll –.” Liv scowled at her blushing but amused friend and waved a hand in the direction of the open French door.

  Sherry winked at Neal on her way inside the house, and when they were alone, Neal turned to face Liv.

  Leaving the railing, he rubbed his hands together and took a few seconds to admire her enticing curves and shapely bottom. It didn’t surprise him at all that she looked incredible in boy-shorts bikini bottoms, or that hot pink was a good color on her. The white lace cover she wore hid her breasts, but with a low enough drawstring collar to reveal cleavage that made him smile. It took everything he had in him just to keep his hands to himself and not at least smooth one of them along her tight, prominent backside, but he managed.

  Nothing about what he felt for Liv had changed in the few weeks that they spent apart, but it was obvious Liv didn’t share his enthusiasm and it hurt to be crushed this soon in his attempt to become romantically involved with her.

  “I missed you,” he offered and then stepped back after Liv turned a bit too fast, facing him with an angry expression and tears he hadn’t expected to see. “What’s wrong?”

  “Don’t,” she warned, bending an arm to prevent him from touching her. “I didn’t want to miss you, but I did. I don’t want you here either, but I’m so relieved to see you again, Neal. It makes me so angry that you can get me this flustered. I’d like to just kick your ass and get on with my life, but I’m not the tough-chick type. Knowing you’ll always be on top and I’ll always be on the bottom doesn’t make me feel any better, either.”

  Neal grinned at another of her double-entendres while also puffing with pride at the things she’d just admitted to feeling for him.

  Before he could say anything that might make her feel better, Liv suddenly threw herself at him. Neal extended his arms and frowned down at her as she wrapped her arms about his waist and pressed her body against his, startling him a second and even more pleasurable time. Seconds later, he relaxed and then laughed softly as he wrapped his arms about her, kissing the top of her head.

  With heady images of him being on top and her being underneath still running through his mind, Neal managed to recall Liv’s having accused him of being strange. He could argue that it was actually her who behaved strange since she seemed to talk one way and behave another. At least she was honest and up front with him. Her matter-of-fact manner was refreshing yet slightly intimidating. There was every chance that at any moment she would say just about anything and he would have to roll with the punches. Even if they came at him hard and fast enoug
h to cause immense pain.

  “This can’t work,” she quietly sobbed, holding him a bit tighter, not wanting to have him move away or maybe vanish into thin air, like she was just dreaming instead of his being real. “I don’t want your media friends plastering my past on the internet the way that Heather did back in high school.”

  “There are no traces of the past to post online, Liv. The judge in that case made sure of it, remember?”

  “They have ways of finding out just about anything from anyone’s past. Every president who smoked weed, every politician who beats his lover, and every girl who gets kidnapped and videotaped being raped while passed out.”

  Neal’s low growl made her blush, and she started to punch him but ended up tapping his arm with her fist instead, warning him not to make light of her fears.

  “I’m not,” he insisted, rubbing her back to help her calm down. “I get angry every time you mention that damn day, Liv. And I would never do anything to hurt you. I suffered along with you back then, and I’m sorry I ended up making you suffer again. I have to make it all up to you though, so let me in and let me love you. Please.”

  Liv raised her eyes and met the serious warmth of his gaze. His thumbs gently brushed aside the last of her tears, and then he leaned in to kiss her. It startled her to see another stirring look in those jade orbs. Desire. Passion. Intense need.

  “Wait,” she said, setting a few fingers against his puckered lips and then giggling at his confused expression. “You’re serious.”

  “Dead,” he cooed, trying to kiss her again when she pressed her whole palm against his mouth.


  He gripped that hand and held it between them, sliding his other arm about her waist to draw her body closer to him. “Why what?”

  Liv’s watery eyes scanned his handsome face, anxious to see more of that passion for her and yet intimidated by it enough to prevent him from having his way . . . just yet.

  For a moment she thought he simply felt sorry for her and overly guilty about what happened eight years ago, but after seeing the look in his eyes, she knew it couldn’t be true. He was honest and truly interested in her for her and nothing else. He wanted to be her lover, and the idea of letting him was starting to have its appeal.


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