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Flight of the Maita Supercollection 3: Solving Galactic Problems Collector's Edition

Page 140

by Moulton, CD

  The three Klaft were nervous, giving one another strange looks.

  "There's a great deal you don't know," Nortich said. "We'll continue trading only with the locals for a variety of reasons. What we wanted from you is something that will have to wait. Believe it or not, we'd hoped you were a bit more honest than you've shown yourself to be."

  It was Kit's turn to be surprised. What the hell was going on here?

  Nothing else happened that evening of any note. In the morning Kit spent time at the records hall, then was able to get another short run – which he didn't want, but which he couldn't very well refuse if he was to stay in character. On his return the following day he met Givzoo and Zantoo at the pub where he played some Stars and Comets, losing a couple thousand credits. They became even closer while Kit became more confused.

  The two Klaft seemed to be quite honestly concerned about other peoples. The two women never did or said anything that would indicate they were any different on that score. Givzoo told him about the breakage at their labs and said they had already arranged for new equipment and materials to be delivered. Kit was with Givzoo at the pub the following afternoon when a message came from the Klaft ship that the glassware would be waiting for him at the south gate. Givzoo seemed startled at the news. Kit went with him to accept delivery.


  Tab unloaded the glassware from the boat to the dock, then put it on a cart to take to the spaceport gate for Givzoo to pick up. TR suggested it be handled that way instead of contacting the Klaft scientist with the standard delivery message from the warehouse so there would be a record of the transaction in the empire machines with which to face him later if that became advisable. If he raised a stink about it Tab could always be surprised – since there could be no possible reason for these philanthropic scientists to wish any secrecy.

  He sent word to the Klaft ship the stuff was waiting, then joined a few of the locals drinking a bottled beverage until Givzoo and a Bentan came to the gate and out to take delivery of the goods. The Bentan was Kit. That was good. It indicated Kit had gotten in close with the group. Givzoo introduced him as Clohk Nate, a friend. He didn't say anything about the glass being delivered there, but asked Tab to take it to a warehouse near the outskirts of the town where a woman named Volich would show him where to place the items. Givzoo paid cash chits for the glassware. There was no opportunity for Tab and Kit to make any real contact before Tab took the cart and headed toward the warehouse. Volich was waiting to have him place the cargo on a skimmer craft – a machine that wasn't allowed outside of the spaceport area on a restricted planet. The woman seemed quite pleasant. She even showed great concern when he twisted in an odd manner as a crate slid from the cart striking him in the chest. He didn't show any undue curiosity about anything, unloaded the wares and went back to his hotel.

  This was about all they could do here. It was time to get back to the area of Koosd – but he couldn't go there without Kit – but then, maybe that would be the best idea. Some time would be spent with TR while he waited to learn something to give them a direction. There might be something they could plan, now.

  Tab checked out of the hotel, got into the boat and went along the coast until there was no danger of his being seen by anyone. He hauled the boat up above the highwater line, tethered it to a couple of stout trees, then called TR to come after him. He was soon in orbit and attached to the computers by direct link.

  "What've you discovered about these people?" was his first question.

  "Very little, really," TR responded. "They've done some very good work on several worlds and have received high commendations from Maita for two really outstanding projects. You know about the one. The other was an infestation of a termite-like insect on Jovid four. The bug could have destroyed all the structural woody plants as well as a great percentage of the food crops. It would eat almost any organic material, was resistant to all the known safe insecticides and wouldn't respond for long to repulsor sonics.

  "Givzoo and friends came in at their own expense, developed a bacterial predator against the termites, but said they would stay for a time to observe the results. Givzoo claimed the way those organisms became immune to things the control wouldn't last long.

  "He was right. It was only forty two days before they found immune termites and it all started over again. Fortunately Givzoo – and Nortich, who specializes more in fungal controls – had spent the interim time studying the next form of attack. It was a fungoid that only attacked those termites that were immune to the bacterial infection. It was so nearly perfectly engineered biologically that only those termites immune to the bacteria were attacked by the fungus and vice versa. Within a year the termites were extinct. Maita gave them a large empire grant and the highest commendation the empire gives. That's why this seems so out of place. The Klaft – and I've studied everything we have about them – are one of the finer races in the empire. They simply don't do this sort of thing. They're much like the Inktans psychologically. They tend to be very good at research and teachers. They have a number of professors at University, so that says a lot. They're more on the biological end while Inktans are more known for social evolvement."

  "From what little I've seen of them I tend to agree," Tab said. "I don't begin to understand any of this."

  The fastcom chattered, then came onto direct digital. It was the private scrambled channel only the two ships and Maita could use.

  *Tab, TR and T Six. I am involved almost completely in this thing on Tlorg. This is a secondary channel I have assigned to follow what you're doing, but I wish to make a suggestion or two for your consideration. It is shown that there's some psy force at work there. You have built-in circuitry to make you immune from those effects. I propose that TR and T6 modify Tab and Kit in the following manner (There was a fastpulse input as Maita sent the diagrams). This modification will allow a small section of your minds to be influenced by that psy force, but will set the essential you and the full control aside from those circuits. You may react as you see fit. We don't know exactly what we're up against here and we don't want our adversaries to know what they're up against, either. I believe you get the idea. Do what you think is best. It isn't necessary that you respond to this circuit. These are only suggestions.*

  "Well?" Tab said. "Why haven't you made the changes? What do you think Maita has in mind?"

  "They're basically to allow you to experience the effects of the psy much in the manner you experience things I project onto your internal screens," TR replied. "You can see what you're supposed to be feeling and can fake it if you think it's advisable to do so. I agree it can give some pretty good insight into what this is about.

  "Maita? If you're not too busy now you've seen our conclusions about the Klaft. This is something entirely out of character for those people. Tab has come to the conclusion that some outside force is at work. I think some experiment is out of control. Maybe they were working on a repulsor field of some sort and found a way to put it into a living organism, then found it was too strong to resist. It now has other psy powers. It's now controlling the Klaft instead of the other way around."

  *Possible, but most unlikely at this point. You don't know enough. It's possibly an experiment out of control, but I don't detect any intelligent direction from the data. I'm sure the Klaft would find a way to destroy anything particularly dangerous they had any hand in developing. Unfortunately, I don't see what else it could be, either. We need more data. Don't go too far to accept an unproven theory. It could prove disastrous.*

  "So we know there's something there and that's all," Tab complained. "I haven't figured whether they're making experiments in cloning or in gene splicing or what from the stuff they got through me. It could be any number of things."

  "We can leave out legal things," TR replied. "Whatever it is they intend to hide it. I wish we knew whether they think of whatever it is as a profitable thing or something else."

  "No....They aren't so much a profit-seeking race," Tab a
nswered. "Look at what they've done on their own. Look at the grant Maita gave them."

  "Look at how they tried to use crooked games to get T Six," TR replied. "Look at how they're hiding from the empire."

  "Well, maybe you'd better modify me and send me back to Koosd," Tab said. "I can make up a story about Kit handling business somewhere else while I poke around there. Keep a floater handy for me to use if I decide to go to those labs. I can see what the psy force is really up to if I allow it to know I'm, say, on the lake. I'll see whether it's directed at a specific target or generally around. Maybe it's general unless a target's spotted, then it gets aimed."

  "Kit will either finish what he's doing at A Port and come to Koosd or he'll go to the labs with Givzoo," TR said. "It's gonna be a strange game we're playing!"

  Tab went into the medbox where the new circuits were added, then took the floater along the coast road outside of Koosd, managing to walk into town a little before dusk. He went to Veen's where he booked a room, explained that Jarj Fel would be along in a few days and fell into the routine of telling jokes and traveler's stories. There was no news about anything strange happening since the two left. Things were going along normally. There was a girl, Kaer Peld, who very openly offered to spend some extra time with Tab. It would be considered odd if he were to refuse her under the circumstances. He was built with ALL the abilities of the Grandish (Except to actually father a child) so he agreed it would be most pleasing to him to share the time with such an attractive and warm person.

  As was his nature he quickly developed a deep fondness for her. She also found him to be an excellent partner. After two days around the town Tab decided to go to Lope's farm and thence to Milk Lake to see what was changed there, if anything. That was a natural thing for a person of his nature, too, so didn't cause any comment whatever.

  In the swamp below the lake Tab called the floater in soon after dark on the first night. He took it as close as he thought advisable to the labs to see what the new sensors would show. It wasn't very much, really, but was quite a bit, at the same time. The repulsion was very mild. It was nonspecific and nondirected, but it was also rather unlikely that whatever was causing the phenomenon was aware he was about. He merely felt somewhat repelled by the area in general and was prone to find interest in odd things, random plants and was curious about whatever was away from the direction of the labs.

  The curiosity would jump from subject to subject. No line of thought held for more than a few minutes. To concentrate on any specific thing quickly resulted in a loss of interest in that thing.

  He went back to the swamp before dawn, not having realized he was taking nearly so much time in the study. Maybe his time sense was distorted. He hadn't been aware of the passage of time in either the new part of his mind or the regular part so he would have to guard against that kind of a "back door" attack on his psyche. It was time enough for him to be able to form a guard that would automatically shut off the new circuits when his regular mind was being affected by the force. He then could look back to see what was happening all along through the automatic recording his mind made of all events around and including him. It was a dampening effect of sorts on one level. It merely suppressed his emotions and his senses, making him slowmoving and lethargic. It was a very real slowing of time to him.

  It was also impossible, but the bumblestinger was too large and too heavy to fly – theoretically. That didn't seem to bother the bumblestinger.

  It was also impossible to use the dimensional interface, yet he had used the transmat many times and thought nothing of it.

  So it was as simple as that. The thing, whatever it may be, distorted reality. If it could so affect a machine it could wreak havoc with an organic mind. The real test would come very shortly now. Tab was going to row out into the lake and toward the creek where the lab was located. The long distance scanners wouldn't be avoided as they were before. If whatever was causing the influence could detect anyone approaching it might have a very powerful method of defense. Let's see what effects we'll find with THAT one!

  * *

  Kit stayed around A Port with the Klaft for a couple more days. T6 had received the plans as TR had and modified Kit in the way TR changed Tab. The Klaft seemed to be waiting expectantly for something to happen, but there wasn't much of a hint as to what it could be. They seemed to want to confide in Kit about something, but couldn't quite bring themselves to actually do so. They seemed to genuinely like him as he truly liked them.

  Kit told T6 they seemed to be afraid of something, which was logical. They had created a monster of some sort. Kit was sure of that. Something had gone terribly wrong and it was out of control. It was all too possibly controlling them at this distance and that said a lot.

  One morning a small ship came to the port, landed close to Givzoo's ship and sent over a small sealed crate. T6 sent two minifloaters to learn as much as they could without taking any chance of being detected, then the other ship was gone. Zantoo came over to invite Kit to their ship.

  "I've been waiting for a few records and supplies," Givzoo said after they were all seated around the table. "They have arrived. I have instruc ... I would like to invite you to see our research facility here. I'm sure you will find it isn't most intriguing. I'm sure you won't wish to waste your time ... uh, that you will not find it a waste of your time. You will want to join us in this horrible ... this wonderful project."

  Givzoo was sweating except for the fact that reptiles don't sweat. He looked as if he were in pain.

  "I understand," Kit replied pointedly. "I'll be most happy to come with you. I'm certainly curious about this project."

  Zantoo was shaking all over as he tried to say something, but he stopped and stared at the floor.

  "I see. It can't hear what I’m saying, can it?" Kit asked suddenly.

  Givzoo shook his head the least bit. There was a hopeful look in his eyes.

  "It can only direct what you say and do? It can't really know what anyone else is doing around you?" Kit asked.

  Again, there was the minimal shake of the head.

  "I figured something other than you was in charge," Kit said. "Your reputation's known everywhere. The Klaft simply don't interfere with emerging cultures and they don't ever act in a secretive manner. You have been acting totally out of character since I first met you. I think maybe I can resist it if it's some kind of psy power. I've withstood a lot from an Acnian and you know how even the emperor uses those T-hypnotics sometimes."

  Givzoo really looked hopeful now.

  "Was it some kind of experiment that went wrong?" Kit asked.

  There was a small shake of the head, then a nod.

  "I see. Yes and no," Kit said. "An experiment that attracted the attention of the wrong kind of being, then?"

  Again, yes and no. Zantoo slowly held up his arms and ran the three-fingered hands together, interlacing the fingers, then laid the hands in his lap.

  "An experiment where the wrong kind of being merged with it?" Kit asked.

  The almost imperceptible nod. It still didn't make any sense or tell him much, but he knew the Klaft weren't really involved. Not voluntarily, they weren't. That relieved him immensely. He liked the Klaft.

  "Well, I'll be most happy to accompany you to your research facility," Kit said brightly. "I'll go to my ship to get some things. Is there anything special I might need?"

  "Just the normal things for a trip into the forest," Givzoo answered. "It sometimes gets very cool at night so take some protective ... clothing."

  "Very well," Kit replied. "How long shall it be before we leave?"

  "We'll leave in our skimmer craft in an hour or so," Zantoo said. "It shouldn't take more than two hours to get there with a full load. Northeast at a hundred twenty five kilometers per hour."

  They were telling him as much as they dared. He was aware from that attempt they could think independently and could use subtle trickery.

  He went to T6, where he was informed of what Tab
found at the swamp about the way the psy force worked so he was able to modify in automatic protective devices. He reported what he had found so TR could inform Tab that the being, whatever it was, could be tricked. It had control only of specific areas.

  "I think that it's trying to expand its areas of influence," he reported. "Our little quake may have been at a very opportune time to screw that up – we can hope. We have to find the nature of whatever it is. None of the specialties of these people give me a hint, really. Trace what they were doing on Tesfort. I think more and more that is a critical part of this. I wish I could figure HOW!"

  He spent a few minutes making some plans, but they would more than likely prove useless. It was a thing that would have to be played to the lay of the board, as the expression went among players of Stars and Comets. Events would have to control actions instead of vice versa.

  When the time was right Kit closed T6, sealed it and went to Givzoo's ship. They went together to the warehouse where Tab left the glassware, settled as comfortably as one can in a badly overloaded skimmer craft and were off for the labs. They didn't hold much conversation on the way. It was obvious Givzoo and Zantoo hadn't dared to tell Volich and Nortich of the talk they held an hour earlier.

  The circuits for detecting and reading the psy force came into play not far from the labs when Kit felt the repulsion. He made a face and complained about the dull trip, which would be expected of him. He jumped from subject to subject and acted overly tired.

  "You can rest at the labs," Givzoo promised. "We have some very nice quarters. We haven't used them much for quite awhile because of the nature of our research. When we started getting certain results we didn't ... need those extra people about so the four of us who were the ones working closely on the project and were the ones who were first aware of the results sent the others away. Research is so much safer that way, don't you think?"

  Before Kit could reply, Zantoo said, "The closer we are to the actual research the more EVERYONE understands EVERYTHING that's going on, you see. We felt it was best that few were close enough to the research to give our results away yet. Far too much would be lost from any PREMATURE knowledge of what we have been attempting to accomplish. It won't be long now if things continue as they've been going before EVERYONE ON GRANDISH will know of our VICTORY over these things!"


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