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The Virgin Widow

Page 9

by Lillith Payne

  Serena wasn't sure how to take all the information that swirled around her, but she knew enough to keep quiet, to hold tight to her husband and listen to her king. She had questions, but they would wait.

  "All is decided. Lily will travel with Henrietta's family back to Italy, where she will marry her farmer. William, you will marry tonight and Teresa will take charge of Elgar. She's very fond of Serena and has the same sense of duty about her. Derek, you will marry tonight also. My niece, Elsa, is very excited about the betrothal."

  "Elsa! Not that fat girl with hideous marks on her face. I refuse. Prison would be better.” His declaration was his final statement and he sat back, expecting to overrule the king's decision.

  "Impossible. Elsa has loved you from afar for years. She'll make you a proper wife. You'll move to her lands, where her brothers can keep an eye on you. Make sure you don't stray and hurt her feelings."

  Derek's fingers ran under his collar, which was suddenly too tight.

  "As for Trahorn, I suspect Serena and Zane will produce an heir in time. I also suspect it's time for Fiona to give the earl an heir."

  "I quite agree, my lord. Her days of traveling and helping old friends in need are done. Her presence will be required at Huxley from now on. And I don't think she'll be making the season any longer."

  "Good, maybe then, with more practice, she'll produce an heir."

  "And what if I refuse?” Fiona stood, her hands on the table, her spoiled dress long forgotten. “What if I don't go along with your plans to be bedded by this oaf and bear children? What can you really do?"

  "I have other alternatives, Countess. I doubt you'll fare any better in prison than Derek or William would. And you're not quite as young as you might still believe. What man would have you once your reputation became known?"

  She all but melted into her seat, realization heavy on her heart. She would have to let the earl touch her, bed her. And soon her body would grow grotesque with a child. The idea made her ill, but she didn't dare leave the table.

  "As for Zane and Serena, wouldn't you like to share your news?” He gave a strange smile to them both, and Zane stood.

  "A toast to my wife, my pregnant wife, Serena. May she be healthy for many years to come.” Only the king and Henrietta, along with the Earl of Huxley, lifted their glasses.

  "I didn't think you knew,” she said, her smile wide with relief.

  "I know how to count, Serena. And you've made me very happy. Whatever happens, we'll be together, with our family.” Not caring who was present, she stood and embraced her husband, taking his kiss without a thought to any witnesses.

  "Now, I'd say it's time for the weddings,” Charles said with genuine humor. “We'll retire to the chapel and then back here for the lovely cake Hilda has prepared.” In a daze, one by one, the people left the table, all forming a strange procession towards the chapel.


  One year later, Zane held his son, Charles, in the crook of his arm, his other hand wrapped tightly around Serena. Their festival was ending and tonight there would be only a small supper for invited guests. Charles and Henrietta were in attendance. Glaringly absent was Lily, who was now married and living in Italy with her farmer husband. Word had been sent; her duties now included cooking and cleaning the hog pits. Her husband was very pleased with her and never let her stray from his sight.

  The Earl of Huxley and his wife, Fiona, were at home, awaiting the birth of their first child. It was rumored Fiona's mood swings and bad temper had grown as she did.

  William was back in Bristol at Elgar. His wife, Teresa, had taken to the land and the keep and ran it with a tight hand. Her people liked her and the language barrier was not a problem. William was no longer going to court or anywhere. He was always within the range of Teresa's voice; his attendance was required for her every whim. At first he couldn't stand to touch the tall, thin woman whose nose reminded him of a hawk, her black eyes showing her disapproval often. While she was not with child yet, it wasn't for her lack of trying. William no longer gambled, saw inappropriate ladies or drank with his friends. Instead, he spent long nights in front of the fire with his wife. It was said he'd grown very large around the middle in the last year, his wife's good cooking to blame.

  Derek was ensconced with Elsa, her brothers nearby to keep a watchful eye on him and their land. She had already delivered her first child, a girl they named Maria to honor Henrietta Maria. It was said Derek wandered in a strange funk these days, his wife controlling the keep and the lands. He too no longer gambled or went to court. He stayed close to the keep, close to his wife and child, who spent much time with him instead of a nanny.

  Reaching their bed chamber, Zane laid out a blanket for the baby to rest on and took Serena onto his lap as he sat before the fire. Sharing a cup of tea before dressing for their meal, Zane finally spoke.

  "You haven't given me my birthday present yet, Serena.” She couldn't help the color creep to her cheeks, thinking of how they'd spent the morning.

  "But, my lord, I gave you your present this morning, the book of maps, remember? I thought you liked it?"

  "I do, Serena, it's a wonderful present. I'm talking about your other news.” He pulled her tight and whispered, “I can count, Serena, and you've not bled in nine weeks; only once since Charles was born.” She flustered against him and he held her tight. “I'm very happy, Serena."

  "Are you sure, Zane? I mean, so quickly; I've barely gotten my waist back."

  "All with good cause, Serena. You've made me very happy in the past year.” She linked her arms around his neck, pressed her lips to his chin and mouth. “That's what started this,” he teased, his large hand warming her small belly.

  "I'm aware of that sir,” she told him, but her smile told him so much more. With the pull of a cord, Nanny appeared to take the sleeping baby to his cot, leaving the Duke and Duchess of Trahorn alone.

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  About the author:

  Having been born and raised on Long Island, New York, my husband and I were both eager to leave the urban lifestyle behind and explore our futures. With his encouragement, I'm living my dream of writing romance novels full time.

  Our new rural setting allows us to enjoy time together and gives me guiltless hours in my imagination indulging my other passion.

  When I realized my works consistently tended towards the erotic, I gave myself permission to explore places I might not venture in real life.

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