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Mister Billions: A Small Town Enemies-to-Lovers Fake Marriage Billionaire Romance

Page 20

by Miller, Cassie-Ann L.

  She yawns again, snuggling down under the covers. “Please. My Papa is a horrible singer, too. It’s okay.”

  I chuckle. She’s got a point. Like always.

  I sing through that Twinkle, Twinkle song twice. It’s the only kid song I can remember right now, and even still, I had to get assistance with a few lyrics on the first run through.

  After I’m convinced she’s asleep—and that no razors or scissors are left nearby—I scrub my face clean and then move back downstairs. I keep myself busy, tidying the kitchen, straightening up the living room, and picking up the toys strewn across the floor.

  Just as I fall into a chair to rest my feet, I hear a tiny pitter patter on the hardwood floor. Callie crawls into my lap, still groggy. “Up already?” I bury my nose in her blonde curls and inhale her sweet bubblegum shampoo.

  I have no clue how long she normally naps, but it’s been about an hour, so we’ll call that success.

  A moment later, heavier footsteps approach from the hallway. I smile at Cannon as he enters the living room. I haven’t seen him all afternoon and my heart flutters to acknowledge that.

  His eyes soften at the sight of me with the child all curled up in my arms. “Who wants to go swimming?” he asks.

  “I do! I do!” A tiny hand shoots upward. She’s wide awake now.

  After changing into our suits, the three of us goof around in the in-ground pool in the backyard.

  Cannon holds onto his niece’s belly, guiding her around the water while she kicks and splashes and giggles. Her makeup is long gone. After a few more sessions in the pool, I bet we’ll have her swimming on her own. I should pick up some floaties for her next time I’m in town.

  Whoa! Where did that thought come from?

  It's like I'm quickly losing sight of the fact that this marriage of mine has no future. Cannon and I haven't discussed our status directly but there's no need. His expectations are clearly outlined in the prenup his lawyer prepared before we said our vows. As soon as he gains control of Kingston Realties, he'll have no further use for me. The contract made that clear.

  The momentum of that reminder nearly knocks me off my feet. Suddenly, I feel a little bit afraid because Cannon owning Kingston Realties would mean he doesn’t need me anymore. It would mean he could terminate our agreement at any moment and throw me away. And these emotions percolating in my heart wouldn’t even matter.

  If things feel different between us now, it's because I'm the one losing sight of our situation's reality.

  “Ouch! Water in my eyes! My eyes!” Callie shouts.

  I rush out of the pool to grab one of the beach towels I brought out. Cannon sits his niece in one of the pool chairs. He crouches down beside her and holds her tiny, wrinkly hand as I wrap her up, taking extra care to wipe all traces of water from her little eyes. I feel a pang at the man's tender concern as we care for the little girl.

  Yeah, this guy is definitely baby daddy material.

  I wish I knew how to turn these thoughts off but with each moment we spend together, I fall a little deeper.

  When Callie has recovered, I stand, needing to put some space between Cannon and me. But he comes up behind me. His dripping arms wrap around my shivering body and he kisses the top of my head. I should fight it, I should pull away. But I melt into the feeling of being tightly secured in his embrace, safe in his—

  The asshole straps me to his chest and launches himself into the pool. I barely have time to scream before the water swallows us both. We break the surface with a splash!

  I flail in his hold. His niece's shrieks of amusement fill the air.

  I swim back to the surface, ready for revenge. "You're going to pay for this, Cannon Kingston!" I threaten, splashing in his direction.

  Before I can put my plan of attack into motion, I catch sight of his father approaching the pool.

  The man has a wide grin spread across his dashing face. “Looks like Princess Callie is the babysitter, huh?” he comments with a laugh as he scoops up his granddaughter.

  She slings an arm around his neck and points at the pool. "Uncle Cannon is so silly, Papa!"

  Laughing, he stamps a kiss on her cheek. “Ready to go, Princess?”

  “I want to stay,” she begs. “We’re having fun!”

  “Sorry, bug. Nana’s got our dinner started, and these two look like they need a break.” Mr. Kingston sets her back on her feet as Cannon and I climb out of the pool.

  We take Callie inside and I get her into some dry clothes. She complies but makes sure to pout as much as humanly possible the entire time.

  At the front door, I kneel in front of her, wrapping my arms around her tiny form. “You can come back real soon.”

  Pleading eyes move between Cannon and me. “Promise, Aunt Lexi and Uncle Cannon? Promise?”

  “Pinky promise,” her uncle confirms, making my heart swell. In fact, I think it’s on the edge of bursting right here on the front mat.

  This is the most fun I’ve had in one day for as long as I can remember. And I'm the girl who loves tearing up the Frosty Pitcher on a Friday night.

  These people…they're just so easy to be around. They love each other and it shows.

  I want to be a part of that.



  You’ll get much faster service if you go to the bar,” Penny says, practically batting her eyes at Walker from across the table. I guess she would know since she works here most of the week.

  Right now, she’s just a lowly patron like the rest of us, and getting good service is nearly impossible. We've been waiting forever to get another round of drinks.

  "Sounds like a good idea." A slow smile unfolds across my brother's scruffy face as his eyes linger on his 'friend'.

  They sit there unmoving, wearing identical goofy expressions. It's like they think the whole damn world has stopped just for them to keep staring at each other.

  Walker doesn't usually come to the bar. Silently, I wonder how Penny managed to bribe him into getting out of the house.

  Jessa has been dominating the conversation with her bubbly personality. Tucked into my side, Lexi has been too busy laughing at her sister's ramblings to notice Iris shooting me suspicious glares half the night. As for Penny and Walker, they've been sharing annoying, forlorn glances since we got here and at this point, I can say with certainty that everybody at the table would pitch in to get them a room at a nearby motel just to relieve them of their repressed sexual tension.

  I elbow my dumbass brother in the ribs. "We gonna get that beer or what?" He and I are tragically outnumbered by the ladies in our group, so I don’t mind getting a break from the estrogen for a minute.

  Walker peels his gaze away from Penny just long enough to glare at me and shuffle out of the booth. I plant a quick kiss on Alexia's cheek and grin at the hint of a blush that crops up her neck. Walker and I leave the ladies at the table and head for the counter.

  The two of us weave through the sports crowd of the Frosty Pitcher to grab refills for our table. There aren’t many places to hang out on a Sunday afternoon here in Crescent Harbor, so it’s packed from wall to wall. Flat screens line the bar, and Jude’s Iowa Paragons team blasts on the surround sound speakers in an early preseason game. My little brother is a bit of a legend around here, even though he was drafted out of state.

  It’s a good five minutes before Walker and I are able to grab some empty bar stools, and I split my time between watching Lexi laughing with her girlfriends and watching my brother Jude dominate on the television.

  I put in our order with the bartender, and I’m vaguely aware of Walker grumbling some shit in my ear while I stare across the room. I love the way Alexia laughs. It’s loud and unbridled and so damn sexy. Even though I can’t hear her from this far away, it’s easy to imagine the sensual tones of her voice.

  Somehow the sight of her enjoying herself is even hotter than the sound. She throws her head back, and her wild hair bounces, reaching down her spine. My eyes f
ollow the column of her throat, and my fingers itch to reach out and touch the soft skin there.

  Walker is still running his mouth, and I’m trying my damndest to listen while I continue to watch Stormy.

  “I’m surprised to see you two still together since the business deal is final. What’s up with that?”

  “Hmm?” I'm hedging. I still haven't told her the truth. The objective of our marriage—getting control of my family company—has been achieved and I've been withholding that information from my wife. I'm practically holding her hostage.

  “Lexi. You like her, don’t you?”

  Man, my brother sure is dragging me into the deep end here. I’m not really ready to address what is going on inside my head, largely because I still don’t even fucking know. How can I explain something I don’t even understand?

  But I do know Walker. And I know he’ll call me out on my shit if I try to lie or change the subject.

  Ruefully, I nod and glance at him. I feel like I’m signing my own death certificate here. “More than that...Brother, I think I might be in love."



  I’m surrounded by my favorite people tonight. The guys are just across the room, and Jessa, Iris, and Penny are crowded into a corner booth with me.

  Iris is telling us all about her latest business idea. She recently had some big plans that sounded promising, but those weren’t netting any quick revenue. I offered to bring her on at the boutique—at least temporarily—since business has really picked up after Cannon started that shopping app and online ads for me. But she refused my help because she wants to do this on her own. I know she’s struggling. I just hope her new idea comes through for her, fast.

  While my bestie talks, my gaze keeps averting to watch Penny. She thinks she’s being stealthy, stealing quick, longing glances at Walker. I wouldn’t be surprised if she went and clocked in, just for the excuse to go serve Walker his beer.

  I hate that the two of them waste time dating other people. It’s so dumb. They’d be cute together. I hope they quit running in circles around each other and just get it on.

  Jessa shoves her empty glass aside and waggles her brows at me. “Okay. I just have to say it—you and Cannon were looking pretty cozy a few minutes ago.”

  Good god, she’s a persistent little thing. Jessa has been bugging me for days to find out what’s going on between me and my groom. My friends know we’ve been sleeping together, but other than that, I've been holding the details close to the vest.

  Penny speaks up, traitorously backing up my annoying little sister. “I was thinking the same thing. You have to spill, lady. What is going on with you two? Do you have feelings for him? Like more than fake wife feelings?” Her grin is downright evil.

  Based on their expressions, it seems like my girls already know the answers to those questions. The jerks. I sure wish they’d fill me in because I’m still trying to figure this all out.

  It’s like Cannon can feel my stare, because a second later, his caramel eyes meet mine. My insides coil and flip. I’m still trying to understand his effect on me. Why is it so darn strong?

  After a blushing glance toward the object of our conversation, I sigh heavily, giving in to their peer pressure. “I’m trying really hard to convince myself that I don’t.” Deep down I know that what I feel for Cannon is stronger than anything I’ve ever experienced. I know that it's love.

  I'm freaking myself out trying to come to grips with those scary feelings. I try to slam the door on them quickly and with force. But those fuckers fight back.

  “Oh, I knew it!” Jessa claps. “I told you. You two are going to get your happily ever after. You just wait.”

  Penny leans across the table to grip my arm. “You deserve this, Lexi. You deserve a man who looks at you the way Cannon has been looking at you all night.”

  Iris doesn’t seem quite as thrilled as the others. “You need to protect yourself and your heart, Lexi. I have a funny feeling about that man.” I know that her shitty experiences with Kirk have left her jaded. I don’t blame her, but I refuse to think that all men are as awful as her ex.

  They can’t be.

  I’ve seen with my own eyes that assumptions can be wrong. Cannon has proved me wrong again and again. He’s not the selfish bastard I thought he was the day he sat barking orders at my sister across the coffee shop. We've both come a long way since then.

  Now, he fucks me every night. He eats breakfast with me every morning. He comes by the shop with a different kind of flowers every day at lunch. He snuggles up with me to read personal development books after dinner. And then, he fucks me all over again.

  “I’ll be fine.” I tell Iris, even though I’m really not so sure if that’s true.

  “Just promise me you’ll be careful,” she pleads.

  I nod, unable to voice the words of an outright lie. I’m scared it might be too late to be careful.

  I like him. A lot. And every time I think about the upcoming dissolution of our marriage, a heavy rock settles at the bottom of my stomach.

  Yes, this marriage was only supposed to be temporary. Logically, I know that Cannon and I could never work out in the long run We’re opposites in every way that counts…but I’m not ready for this to end.

  I steal another glance at Cannon right as the bartender sets our drinks on the counter. But this time, my husband's eyes don’t meet mine. His attention is firmly locked on the television in front of him. I watch as his hand freezes with his beer bottle suspended midway to his mouth. His expression drops right before my eyes.

  In a heartbeat, the room erupts in shouting and swearing. I blink in confusion as the entire bar roars with loud, angry yelling. People are jumping out of their seats and screaming at the football game.

  I shift my attention toward the television closest to our table and I gasp. Now, the whole world is moving in slow motion.

  I'm on my feet, too. Oh my god. No, no, no, no.

  Jude Kingston lays helpless on the football field, gripping his leg. An agonizing expression twists his face as coaches and medical staff surround him.

  Moving on pure instinct, I'm shoving through the crowd, trying to find my way across the bar to get to Cannon. I don’t stop until my arms are wrapped around his shoulders. His wide eyes don’t leave the screen, but I know he feels my presence, because he reaches up and tightly grips my hand.

  Together, we watch in horror as Cannon’s youngest brother is carted off the field.



  Dammit!” I shout, punching my steering wheel as I make a left turn. “Why won't anybody return my calls? Can you look in my phone for another number?”

  Lexi plucks my phone from where I threw it into the cupholder after my last failed attempt to contact my brother's agent. “Of course.” She quietly searches for the name I give her.

  She hasn’t said much since we left the bar, but she lets me know she’s here for me with small, comforting touches. It’s soothing.

  Margot would have been more concerned with filming her commentary on Jude's injury to post on her Instagram stories than with checking in to make sure I'm okay, and I would have blown a damn gasket by now.

  I appreciate Alexia’s quiet, calming presence, but still, I’m desperate to find out what’s going on with Jude. I’m at my wit’s end searching for someone who will pick up their damn phone. Watching him being carted off the football field was one of the hardest things I’ve had to do. Jude can be an absolute shithead, but he’s my shithead, and I’d do anything for him.

  Right now, I need to know how he is. I need to know where he is.

  The Paragon team manager doesn’t pick up either. Christ, I’m about to ask Lexi to pull up the team roster list, so I can find someone who might know about Jude’s condition right now. Someone who might actually be close to their cell phone at half time. I’m fucking grasping at straws here.

  Why is no one answering their damn phone?!

  My own phone buz
zes in Lexi’s hands, and I ask her to put it on speaker.

  “Jude?” I’m still holding out hope that my brother is fine. He just pulled a muscle or had an agonizing leg cramp. He’s just hanging out in the locker room, laughing with a trainer while I lose my bloody mind over here. I'm hoping hard for that.

  “No, this is his agent, Paul Price. I saw that you called. Cannon Kingston, right?” My hopes wither and dry up on the backroads of Crescent Harbor, Illinois.

  “Yes, that’s me. I’ve been trying to get ahold of Jude or find someone that knows what’s going on with him. Is he okay?” My gut churns with dread. It can’t be a good sign if his agent is calling. It can’t be good if Jude is unable to call me himself.

  His agent talks too fast, giving me a speedy update, like he’s being charged for talk time. Before I can ask any questions, he quickly ends the call, saying he has a dozen other calls to make. The man asks me to pass along the update to the rest of my family.

  My mind instantly goes to mom. Shit...

  When he hangs up, Alexia is looking at me with wide eyes from the passenger seat, but still, she doesn’t intrude. She doesn’t badger. She just rubs the back of my neck while I drive.

  “Can I dial your parents for you?” she offers quietly.

  I nod, my throat tight. “Yeah, my parents.”

  She takes my phone and does just that, and all too soon, my mother is answering the call.

  “Oh, Cannon. Tell us you have some news," Ma begs with an anxious desperation that’s all too familiar. "We can’t get through to anyone.” I know she and Dad had to have been sitting at home, watching Jude’s game.

  My father speaks. "Son, tell us your brother's going to be okay."

  I relay the update from Jude’s agent. “He dislocated his kneecap.”

  “Oh god,” Ma wails, her voice cracking with panic.

  “Were they able to pop it back in?” Dad asks.


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