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Releasing Kate

Page 4

by Cyna Kade

  Kate could literally feel his concern winding through her torso, warming her. When was the last time any man had shown her any concern? Unexpectedly touched and ready to melt, she fought off the feeling. She shook her head and pulled herself together. “Yes I’ve been here since last night and yes I’m driving,” she said. “I’ve gotten home in worse shape. I’ll be fine.”

  “No. I’ll drive you home.”

  “Thanks, but I’ll be fine.” Kate just wanted to get away from the confusion he caused.

  “You don’t understand. I’m not offering. I’m telling.”

  Kate looked into his eyes and saw implacable determination. The same take-no-prisoners attitude he’d used earlier.

  She shrugged and said, “Fine.”

  He opened the doors as they descended to the parking garage entrance. Kate wanted to protest but knew it would be futile so she politely said, “Thank you,” after every door.

  The parking garage was a dim, cavernous space. Footsteps echoed and wind whistled between the pillars. Kate had to admit to a certain level of comfort in knowing she wasn’t alone. Then she stiffened as she realized Michael’s company might not be safer than an empty garage. What was she doing? Was she seriously considering letting him drive her home? All her instincts for self-preservation kicked in and as much as she might want Michael, she wasn’t quite ready to take that step. She hadn’t even known him for twenty-four hours but she knew he was too domineering and controlling for her tastes. She ignored the fact that her body screamed otherwise. Besides, the conversation in his office had left her shaken.

  Kate spotted her car and pulled away from him. She got her keys ready.

  He put a hand on Kate’s arm. “What are you doing?”

  Kate turned toward him and met his eyes. “I’m going home. In my car. Alone.”

  He started to protest. Kate interrupted.

  “George,” she nodded her head toward the lit booth at the entrance, “is a notorious gossip. He doesn’t care about accuracy either. It’s bad enough he saw you walk me to my car. If you give me a ride, by tomorrow everyone in the hospital will assume that we are having a torrid affair.”

  “That could be arranged.”

  Kate stiffened even as her heart raced. “You said you weren’t propositioning me.”

  “I wasn’t propositioning you in the office. I’m not propositioning you now. I am merely responding to your need and offering my services.”

  Anger washed through Kate. He had trapped her again. She wanted to jump him right here on the concrete floor. She couldn’t deny his attraction. But she’d spent her life being cautious and logical. She wasn’t going to abandon her beliefs now. “I didn’t get my current position by sleeping with the boss. I won’t keep it that way either. Even the appearance of being with you could wreck my career. I’m not prepared to do that for any man. Good night.” Kate pulled away and climbed into her car.

  Michael stepped forward before Kate could close the door.

  “Run if it makes you feel better. I love a good chase.” Then he backed off and closed the door for Kate. She started her car and backed out. She waved to George as she left the garage. In her rearview mirror, she saw Michael walking toward the security booth.

  The next morning, Steve the daytime security guard told Kate that George had been fired. Kate struggled with mixed feelings—guilt because she knew he’d been fired because of her comments and relief because he really was malicious. She was certain that whoever replaced George would be friendly but silent. Kate shook off her discomfort and continued to her department.

  She entered it and found Michael there. She walked up to him and said, “May I help you?”

  He smiled. “I’ve already seen everything I needed and heard all I wanted to.” He turned and left the department.

  Kate looked at Pete.

  Pete shrugged. “He was here when I got in at seven. He didn’t interfere, just watched while I organized the morning work. Then he wandered around for a while.”

  “What did he hear and see?” The work was never routine, there were always problems.

  Pete shrugged again. “Not much. Luckily it was quiet. He just asked a few questions.”

  She’d hired Pete as her assistant two months ago and he was still testing her. What was the something else that had just moved through his eyes? Triumph, she decided. Kate almost hadn’t hired Pete. He seemed to have a problem with the concept of working for a female.

  Kate understood his attitude. Many men felt the same. She still didn’t have a handle on him though. His work was good. He cared about the patients. At one level that’s all that concerned her. At other levels, she knew he was dangerous.

  He was after her job. Pete had asked for her help the other night but then he’d put her in the weaker position by sending her to work the emergency cases. He didn’t realize she loved trauma work. She loved the challenge of taking films on uncooperative patients. Sighing, she realized Pete read her love of a challenge as a weakness he could exploit. Kate wasn’t sure how to handle his mistaken reading of the situation. At some point, she and Pete would have a confrontation. Kate really wasn’t looking forward to it.

  “And you told him what?” Kate prompted Pete. She had a feeling he was hiding something.

  “The questions were mostly about you.”

  “Keep going.”

  “He asked how I felt about working for a woman.” Pete stood with his feet apart and arms crossed.

  That must have been an interesting conversation, Kate thought. She wondered if Pete knew about Michael’s collection. In Pete’s world, penises ruled so he’d probably get off on the male domination depicted by the statues. Kate debated whether to pursue her questioning but decided Pete would probably lie to her anyway. This conversation was going nowhere so she shrugged and went to her office.

  Two hours later Kate got a call from Eileen. Voice trembling, she asked, “Do you want to have lunch?”

  “Sure. I’ll meet you in the cafeteria in half an hour.”

  “No! No, let’s go somewhere outside the building.”

  “Okay,” said Kate. Obviously, Kate’s world wasn’t the only one being rocked by the new boss. At least Kate would get a chance to ask about the statuary.

  Eileen started lunch with a bang. “You’ve seen his artwork, haven’t you?”

  “Kind of hard to miss. How do you like it?”

  “Well it has certainly stimulated some very interesting…conversations…with my husband.” Eileen waved a hand. “But that’s not why I asked you to lunch…or it is…but not the way you think.” Her cheeks turned rosy and she started playing with her napkin.

  “Eileen, we’ve been friends for years, just spit it out. What’s going on?” Kate asked, knowing Eileen wanted to tell her something.

  Tears filled Eileen’s eyes. Her distress frightened Kate. She’d never seen her friend so upset. “Eileen…”

  “I’m sorry,” she said, “I’m just so worried about you.”

  “What do you mean?” Kate had thought her tears were for herself. Eileen crying for Kate? What was going on?

  Eileen took a deep breath, struggling to regain her calm before continuing, “Remember that I used to work for Charity Hospitals?”


  “Well, I still have friends there. Michael Kyle worked there before he came here. I’m embarrassed to admit I contacted my friends and asked about him. I was curious,” she defended herself. “Especially after he brought in that collection.” She squirmed in her chair as Kate waited. “Well,” she continued, “I found out more than I wanted to know.” Sighing, she looked Kate in the eyes and stated, “He’s a predator…a sexual predator.”

  “What do you mean? He’s been arrested?” Kate felt a little stunned. The fact she was attracted to a predator was disturbing.

  “No he’s never been arrested or sued…but I was told that at every place he’s ever worked he targets one female employee. He’s into bondage and domination. He like
s to control women and it is not just simple control…he likes isolating a woman and keeping her in sexual submission for weeks at a time.” She spewed the words out in a rush.

  “But that’s sexual harassment—”

  “No. I was told that the woman willingly participates, that the job is never part of the deal.” She took a bite of salad and chewed it. She frowned before continuing. “He especially likes to bend independent women to his will.” Her frown deepened. “It is so hard to talk to you about this. He’s been so nice to me. He’s a wonderful boss. I really hate that I checked on him. I really hate to spread gossip,” she rushed on, “but he’s been asking questions about you—personal questions about your lifestyle and beliefs. He’s read your entire employee record. He ordered a background investigation on you. I think he’s targeting you,” she finished.

  Kate squirmed at the thought of someone prying into her background. Not that she believed they’d find anything. She certainly hadn’t been able to find out about her biological parents. No relatives had ever come forward to claim her after the car accident. Over the years, she’d shoved the adoption to the back of her mind. Maybe Michael would tell her if he found anything.


  Eileen’s soft prompt brought Kate back to the present. She took a moment, trying to sort out her conflicting emotions. She felt a thrill of fear in her stomach even as warmth flooded her pelvis. She knew that alpha males were evolutionary throwbacks. She couldn’t want Michael, could she? She reluctantly admitted that she was tempted. Even while revulsion fought for supremacy in her mind. She wouldn’t be any man’s sexual slave. While Kate wasn’t averse to a quick fling, even though he was the boss, there was no way she’d give up total control.

  “He can’t do much without my cooperation,” she finally said.

  “Well yes,” Eileen agreed. “That’s the whole point. He’ll pursue you until you do agree. At least that has been his pattern in the past.”

  Kate shrugged. “Thanks for the warning. I’ll be careful,” she said as they finished lunch.

  Later that night, Kate replayed their conversation. Was Eileen right? Was Michael a predator? Was that how he made her feel safe, protected and threatened all at the same time? And what had he meant about her clan heritage? She’d been adopted. She knew little about her biological family and what she did know made her doubt that she’d want to admit her heritage. She wasn’t sure Michael would accept that denial though. She’d already seen his edge. He didn’t seem to hide his dark side. So why wasn’t she running away from him? Was it possible that he was the right one? Was he a man she could trust with her unspoken needs?

  The dark edge of sex fascinated Kate. She’d fought the impulse all of her life by choosing sensitive men—men horrified by the thought of violence toward women. Despite therapy, she hadn’t been able to rid herself of the memory of her biological mother chained to a wall, her back lined with whip marks while Kate’s father soothed ointment on the wounds. The image had been seared into her mind. They’d been so immersed in each other that they hadn’t even realized that Kate had been there. That she’d seen them.

  The subsequent car accident and her adoption meant Kate had never been able to ask about the scene. She’d rationalized that she was too independent to enjoy being dominated. Violent, painful sex was wrong and socially taboo. At least that’s what her adopted parents had taught her. What society had taught her. Her biological parents hadn’t seemed to believe that and Michael’s parents had clearly taught him something different. What kind of family collected phallic statuary as heirlooms?

  Kate sighed. There was no way she could shed her values and play domination games with a male like Michael. But she couldn’t deny that the memory of Michael aroused her to a stunning level of need. Her cunt clenched and ached. She desperately wanted Michael but there was no way she’d play submissive for any male. Was there?

  The mere thought of being tied or whipped took her breath away. A heady rush of longing flooded her pelvis, confusing her. She was an independent woman. She always maintained control, never gave that advantage to a man. The dark side was wrong. She’d never indulge that desire. Repeating the refrain, she tried to convince herself that her new boss wasn’t turning her on as no man had ever done before. He’d barely touched her yet she couldn’t get him out of her head.

  Kate tossed and turned. Erotic thoughts of Michael’s collection kept her awake. Were they usable? Mentally fantasizing about which statue she’d try first if she had the chance. What would it feel like, to have one of those things deep inside? She groaned. She’d been too long without sex, too long without a man. Masturbation and dildos were a cold substitute for a man’s warmth. Thinking of temperature led her thoughts to the materials in his collection. Were the dildos cold? Did he warm them before he used them? Why would any man use them? Wouldn’t the size of the dildos make a man feel inadequate?

  Eileen had encouraged Kate to reject any of Michael’s advances but Kate admitted she longed to feel his hands on her breasts as his cock rammed deep into her. What was wrong with a few sexual games? She was a big girl now. She admitted her sexuality. She liked sex. Eileen grew up in a different generation. She didn’t understand.

  Kate wanted to know what Michael did with his toys. Her vagina ached with emptiness. She masturbated but remained unsatisfied though she had an orgasm. Kate wanted Michael—on her terms of course. Sex was always on her terms. She’d avoid his edgier games but she was certainly interested in the man. Forget the games, they’d just have sex. Sex was good. Michael never left her head while she masturbated and fell asleep dreaming of phalluses.

  * * * * *

  For the next few days, Michael deliberately stayed far away from Kate as he fought his libido. It was beginning to look as though this job would be far more interesting than he’d originally thought. He anticipated the challenge of gentling Kate and gaining her willing cooperation. Michael needed Kate to surrender completely, and before he was done, she would. In the meantime, he had to tread carefully. He didn’t want to scare her off.

  He’d pushed too hard the other night. Kate’s stunned response to his questions told him she was a novice and she didn’t know about her heritage. Given her ignorance, he knew it was too soon to make a move even though the thought of her initiation nearly sent him over the edge.

  Instead of pursuing Kate, he focused on restructuring the facility and forced most thoughts of Kate deep into the back of his mind. But she was always there. He couldn’t dismiss her entirely. Late at night, thoughts of Kate possessed him and kept him awake. He didn’t know how much longer he could resist her. How much longer could he ignore his nature?

  He knew Kate was interested. He’d intercepted too many curious glances and her need called to him. She wanted him every bit as much as he wanted her. Forcing himself to be patient was hard. He stayed away from her. Only late at night did he bring her to the surface of his mind. He pictured the best way to heighten her arousal. He tormented himself by imagining the things they’d do together.

  One night he abandoned any pretense of sleep and walked downstairs. He opened the cabinet in his living room and stroked a jade cock. It was his favorite piece. The cold stone had never failed to soothe his ferocious needs in the past. This time though it barely made a dent in his raging libido. How much longer could he last? If he lost control, Kate wouldn’t survive the encounter and that was the last thing he wanted.

  His thoughts were interrupted by the ringing of the phone. He picked it up and heard his father’s voice. “Take her! Take her before you send the entire clan into frenzy!”

  “Dad! This is a surprise.”

  “Forget the small talk. She’s a mate! You must recognize that fact. Just take her!”

  “You can feel her? In Sanctuary? I didn’t think that was possible.”

  “We’re not feeling her. We’re feeling you. You’re the one causing the disturbance in Sanctuary. Not even the elders can explain how that’s happening. So take

  “She’s not clan.”

  “The hell she isn’t! If she causes this kind of storm in you she most certainly is clan. Why do you say she’s not? Who is she?”

  “Her name is Kate. Kate Logan.”

  “I don’t know any Logan family.”

  “Logan is her adopted name. She has no idea about her ancestry.”

  “Adopted? How could that happen? No clan child would ever be left outside Sanctuary— Never mind, that is something to figure out later. In the meantime, you’re responding to her. That means she’s one of us. She has to be clan. Tell her about us and just take her.”

  “Dad, I’m moving in that direction but she’s a novice. If I move too fast it will be rape, not seduction, and while part of me would enjoy that, I’m sure she wouldn’t.”

  “How could she not know about her ancestry? I’ll do some research and see if I can find out more. In the meantime, Michael, the entire clan is feeling your need. If you can’t take her soon then you’d better visit and get a fix.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind and I’ll work harder on keeping myself under control.”

  “Good luck, son.”

  “Thanks, Dad,” Michael hung up the phone and frowned.

  Telling Kate about Sanctuary and everything it entailed would just scare her off. While he could drop hints, maybe it would be better if he showed just a part of his personality. His collection pointed to domination. It didn’t reveal the mental linking that could take place between them. Kate might more easily accept the pain side than the fact they’d eventually share their minds.

  Michael was an intelligent man. Kate was an innocent. It shouldn’t be that hard to get close to her and convince her that they both wanted the same thing. He ran a hand through his hair. A few scenarios flitted through his head before he realized just how easy it would be to put her by his side. He smiled and went back to bed. This time he slept.

  Chapter Four

  Three days later, Kate got a summons to a meeting at five o’clock on a Friday afternoon—Friday of a holiday weekend. Kate sighed. She’d been looking forward to three days off. Pete had administrative call and Kate hadn’t had a break in months. Unfortunately, a late meeting didn’t bode well.


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