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Katie's Glimpse (The Glimpse Series)

Page 4

by Keahey, Robin

  I bit my lip, wondering just how many times I’d missed the signs that he was interested in me.

  “Well, I’m glad you finally got my attention,” I said softly, looking over his shoulder as I spoke. I couldn’t meet his eyes, I was too nervous.

  He noticed this and adjusted his face, his eyes in line with mine. My heart pounded so hard, I was afraid he could hear it.

  “Me too,” he replied, his voice so low it was almost a whisper.

  Suddenly there was no one around us. We weren’t in a noisy school cafeteria. We were alone in our own world. We didn’t speak; we didn’t have to. The intensity of our shared gaze said it all.

  I heard a cough behind me and the spell was broken. I shook my head slightly to clear my thoughts. A giggle escaped me as I noticed the redness in Seth’s cheeks; he was actually blushing.

  We grabbed our food and headed to my normal table, where Hallie was already seated. She gave an exaggerated wink when she noticed us together. He laughed, but I just rolled my eyes as I slid in beside her.

  Seth sat down beside me and leaned forward to speak to Hallie. “Listen, I want Katie to come watch me play tonight. Why don’t you come with her? You can keep her company in the stands.”

  She laid her sandwich down and replied, “Sure, I’d love to.”

  “Do you know anything about football? Katie said she didn’t, and I’d like for her to know what’s going on in the game.”

  She patted my arm and smiled sweetly like I was an idiot for not knowing anything about football. “I sure do. My dad and I are huge college football fans. We watch every Saturday, so I’ll be able to teach her a few things.”

  He smiled, pleased with her answer, and began to eat his lunch. My smile couldn’t have gotten any bigger. How sweet, he’s already worrying about me.

  I glanced over at Hallie and she not so subtly wiggled her eyebrows. I managed to hold back an unladylike snort and attempted to eat my lunch, but I was too distracted by the feel of Seth’s knee touching mine under the table.

  He walked me to class after lunch and as I got to the door, he reached down and grabbed my hand. I froze, worrying it might be all sweaty, but as soon as he looked into my eyes, I forgot all about my hand.

  “I won’t be able to see you again until after the game. Will you wait on me by the fence when it’s over?”

  “Okay. I’ll wait on you.”

  He stroked the top of my hand with his thumb causing the butterflies in my stomach to go wild. He gave me one more smile before walking away to his class. I stared down at my hand. It tingled where he’d touched it.


  I was hooked after watching Seth play that football game. I watched in awe as he ran down the field, arms up, waiting to catch the ball before running into the end zone. I learned his position was called a receiver. Who knew I’d ever care? He scored three touchdowns for our team, giving us a win 24-7. I’d never yelled so much in my life. He was very impressive. Hallie laughed at me the entire game. She said she’d never seen me like that. Honestly, I’d never felt like that before. I could picture Seth in my life, and it did something to me. We hadn’t even gone on a date yet, and I already felt stirrings in my heart when I thought of him.

  I waited by the fence, just like he asked me too. My nerves were so frayed I thought I might cry. This is not happening. It can’t be real. My hands were twisted together in front of me, pretzel style. I stared down at the ground and took a few deep breaths to steady myself. When I raised my head, my eyes locked onto his boyishly handsome face. In my distracted, nervous state, he had managed to sneak up on me. He pulled my hands free from their tangle and into both of his. I smelled the clean scent of the soap he used, and his wavy hair was still damp from the shower. I looked into his green eyes and noticed they were shining.

  “Katie, I’ve been thinking about you all afternoon. I couldn’t wait to see you tonight.” My stomach did a flip at his words. “Do you want to go get something to eat?” he asked, his face hopeful.

  “Yeah, I do. I just need to check with my dad first.”

  I reluctantly released his hands and dug my phone out of my purse. I dialed my home number and waited nervously for someone to pick up. When Dad answered, I asked permission to go out with Seth. He replied that he needed to speak to him first. Ugh! This is fantastic! Dad was going to grill poor Seth over the phone.

  “My dad wants to talk to you,” I mumbled, holding out my phone.

  He eyed the phone in my hand like it was snake about to strike. With a huff, he finally took it. “Mr. Crane, this is Seth Turner.”

  Feeling the heat creep into my cheeks, I desperately wanted to find a hole to crawl in and hide. How embarrassing, poor Seth...poor me!! I studied his face for any indication that he was angry, or that this had made him change his mind about getting involved with me. He kept it blank, so I wasn’t sure what he thought.

  I heard him respond, “Yes, sir,” several times. I exhaled a deep breath when he ended the call and handed back my phone. I watched his face with anxious eyes.

  He chuckled. “Come on, let’s go. I have to have you home in an hour and a half.”

  My shoulders sagged in relief, like a heavy weight had been lifted. He took my hand, leading me to a black Jeep Wrangler. He opened the passenger door and helped me inside before jogging around the front of the jeep. Under the bright parking lot lights, I noticed that he shook his head as he did.

  Once he was inside, I turned to him and groaned. “What did my dad say?”

  He snickered, looking quite amused. “He said he expected me to act respectful towards you, and if not, he knew my parents and he had no problem calling them.”

  “No, he didn’t!” I gasped out.

  He nodded his head. “Yes, he did. He also told me that you’re a sweet and innocent girl and that you are to remain that way.”

  I was so furious at my dad that a small growl escaped my lips before I had the chance to reign it in.

  Seth whipped his face towards me. “Did you just growl?” he asked, laughing loudly.

  I looked away, ignoring his question and his laughter. If I jump out of a moving jeep, will it kill me? I felt as if I’d die from embarrassment anyway. I might as well get it done quicker.

  He reached over, grabbing my hand. “Look at me, Katie.” I reluctantly turned to face him. “Don’t be embarrassed. Your dad is only looking out for you. I think it’s great that he wants to make sure you are kept safe, and you are safe with me.”

  The thought that I wouldn’t be never crossed my mind. “I wasn’t worried about it,” I replied honestly.

  “By the way, I liked that growl. It was sexy,” he said, giving me a huge grin as he tugged on my ponytail. I laughed and rolled my eyes at him.

  We pulled up to a popular Mexican food restaurant. We strolled inside and he gave his name to the hostess. There was a ten minute wait for a table, so we found a small unoccupied bench and sat down to wait. I felt his thigh pressing against mine and I swallowed nervously, my throat suddenly dry. He wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

  Good grief, if he tries to get any closer I’ll be sitting in his lap. I smiled sweetly and promptly removed his hand from my waist, setting it down on his leg. I patted it twice and smiled again. He eyed me with a cocky grin before shrugging his shoulders. I laughed at his attempt to play innocent. I knew he understood why I did it. I was so not ready to be touched like that.

  Seth’s name was called, and we made our way to the table. I pulled out my chair and sat as he took the seat across from me. Thank goodness we have the table between us. I don’t think I could concentrate to eat or even speak with him plastered to my side.

  After we placed our orders, he began to ask about the football game. Did I like it, did I see him, and did Hallie fill me in on what was going on? I gave him the play by play of the night from my perspective and told him I was surprised that he didn’t hear me yell for him. He seemed impressed by my newfound knowledge and sa
id he was glad that I’d become his personal cheerleader.

  When our food arrived, we both dug in. He ate with gusto because he was hungry from all the running. Me, I just loved food and wasn’t embarrassed to eat in front of anyone. I glanced up between bites of enchilada to find his eyes on me.

  “You’re not really like other girls I know,” he stated, his face unreadable.

  I paused, the fork halfway to my mouth. “What do you mean?” I asked hesitantly. I set the fork down, my appetite gone, as I waited for his reply. Oh great, here it comes. He thinks I’m a total dork.

  “I’ve watched you for a while and noticed a few things. Like right now, most girls order a salad on a date and pick at it like they aren’t interested in food. Not you, you order an enchilada and eat it like you enjoy it. You don’t pretend like some of the other girls at school. They seem so fake and shallow with all their giggling and hair tossing. It gets old quick. I’ve never seen you at a party or even with a guy, at school or anywhere. That tells me how different you really are from those other girls. Your dad was telling the truth when he said you are sweet and innocent, and I like that...I like you,” he said, smiling sincerely.

  His words stunned me. Is he saying that he likes me for me, not for what I look like? Have I finally met someone who sees the real me?

  As he looked into my eyes, I saw the hesitancy in his, like he was afraid he’d said too much. I took a deep breath, he liked the real me, great. He was about to see the whole package. “You’re right. I’m not like those other girls. I love to eat and don’t think there is anything wrong with that. I don’t go to parties, drink or hang out with guys. Honestly, I’ve never even had a real boyfriend and this is my first date. A lot of people may think I’m boring or whatever, but I’m okay with that, with me. I want to please the Lord with my life and if that makes me different, I’m glad. I have Hallie, my parents, and a great church family and that’s enough for me,” I said quickly and noticed his smile fell.

  “That’s all great, Katie, really. I’m happy that’s how you are. But are you saying there isn’t any room left in your life for me?” he asked quietly.

  I leaned towards him, wanting him to understand. “Oh no, that’s not what I meant. I do like you, Seth- a lot. I just wanted you to know that I’m happy with myself the way I am.”

  Relief flooded his face and he smiled. “Good, you should be. You seem like an amazing girl, and it feels great knowing that you like me. So, you’ve really never been on a date?”

  I smiled shyly and shook my head. “Do you think I’m a loser?” I asked hesitantly.

  Seth’s eyes widened. “No way, I’m glad! That means I got to be your first date and hopefully I’ll get to be your first real boyfriend too.” He gave me a smile that made my heart quiver.

  “We’ll see,” I replied, unable to stop the blush that crept up my face.

  After a wonderful dinner, neither one of us wanted the night to end. With slow steps, we trudged out to the parking lot where he helped me into the jeep once again. He climbed in on his side and started the jeep but seemed reluctant to pull out of the parking lot.

  I peeked up at him. He saw it and grinned as he reached for my hand. “I guess I better take you home now, or your dad might come looking for me.”

  I giggled. “He might.”

  He switched the radio on. A country song played loudly through the speakers. The man sang something about boys of fall, and I instantly liked it. “Is this song about football?” I asked, listening intently to every word.

  “Yup, it’s awesome. It came out a while ago but since it’s football season, you’ll probably hear it all the time.” He took his eyes off the road, staring at my face for a second. “Your eyes are amazing.”

  I gave him a small smile and looked away. I wished he hadn’t mentioned them. I guess he didn’t just like me for me, of course, what guy would? His comment made me wonder if my looks were really what mattered the most to him.

  He parked in my driveway and we slowly got out of the jeep. Both of us attempting to delay our goodbye.

  He took my hand, and I leaned against his shoulder as we walked to the door. “I had a great time with you tonight. Thanks for choosing me to be your first date,” he said, turning to face me.

  “I’m glad it was you,” I whispered, feeling my cheeks redden and my heart race as he leaned his head down towards mine. I knew what he was about to do, and I had no plans to stop him.

  Seth’s warm lips met mine. It was a short kiss, over before I even realized it began. He stroked the side of my face with the back of his hand and whispered, “Goodnight.”

  “Uh, goodnight,” I stammered out, turned, and stumbled into the house.

  I heard his chuckle as I closed the door. I leaned against it, listening for his jeep, and heard it pull out of the driveway. I turned and found my parents sitting together on the couch. I tried to disguise the huge grin on my face but couldn’t. It was determined to stay there, now that Seth was in my life.

  I sat on the couch with my parents and answered their questions about my first date. I had fun...he was, he didn’t kiss me. I knew that last one was a lie, but I didn’t think it mattered much. They asked if we were going to be dating now, and I replied I wasn’t sure. Seth said he had a good time but didn’t ask me out again, so I didn’t know where this was headed- if anywhere.

  I said goodnight and rushed upstairs to get ready for bed. I snuggled under the covers and began to giggle. My night had been amazing, and I was bombarded with all these new feelings, but part of me was nervous about what school would be like on Monday. Would he ignore me, or would we be a couple now? I tossed and turned but finally managed to drift off to sleep, dreaming of one of the boys of fall.

  Chapter Five

  Anxiously, I plodded into school on post-date Monday, not ready to face the possible rejection from Seth. I had filled Hallie in about my date when she visited after church on Sunday. She was tickled for me, going on and on about me finally having a boyfriend. I quickly shut that conversation down, and informed her I wasn’t sure what we were to each other. He hadn’t called me after our date, and I had a sinking feeling it was going to be our only one.

  When I made it to my locker though, Seth was already there, leaned against a locker chatting with Hallie. He smiled when he spotted me and stood up straight. Hallie made a ridiculous kissy face behind his back causing me to giggle. He turned to her, but she already had her innocent look back in place. She smiled sweetly, shrugged her shoulders, and took off towards class.

  He shook his head, laughing, and reached for my hand. “Have you missed me like I’ve missed you?”

  Well, I guess he still likes me after our date. “I have missed you, Seth. So, does this mean we’re a couple now?” I asked hesitantly.

  “Yup,” he replied and just like that, we were together.

  Seth Turner was my first real boyfriend, and I couldn’t have been more thrilled.


  I went to all his home football games, cheering for him until I was hoarse. He’d look for me in the stands and smile when he found me. It made me feel special for him to acknowledge me in front of the whole school. We walked the halls side by side and ate lunch together every day.

  About three weeks into our relationship, Seth informed me we were going to sit with his friends from now on. I dragged Hallie with me, and she tried to sit by JT but after he completely ignored her a couple of times, she gave up and sat beside me. She stopped talking and became more distant with each passing day. I tried desperately to include her, but she finally said she just didn’t fit in with that crowd and started eating lunch with some kids from our church youth group. I missed her terribly, but Seth would lead me away when I would try and hang out with her at school.

  “Look, Katie, I know she’s your friend. I like her too but you’re with me now, and I expect you to spend your free time with only me, okay?” he said as he drove me home from school one afternoon.

allie had been my best friend for years, but I didn’t want to lose Seth. I was beginning to think I was in love with him. “Okay,” I replied but knew it was a lie. I wasn’t about to stop being her friend for anyone.

  He patted my knee before turning up the volume on that football song again and began to sing along. I was tired of listening to it, but I plastered a smile on my face and pretended to enjoy it.


  Seth took me out on dates every Saturday night. We went to the movies, out to dinner, and even to the fair when it came to town. He even joined me at church some Sundays. My parents were thrilled that I finally met such a great guy and so was I. At school, I occasionally snuck off with Hallie, but Seth always found me and made me hang out with his friends instead.

  I began to notice something strange about JT. He seemed to watch me quite a bit, and I didn’t care for it. He would also brush up against me in the hallways or stand just a little too close. He caught me alone coming out of the bathroom one night after a football game and blocked the exit. He appeared sweaty, obviously not showering after he played.

  “Hey, there you are. I was looking for you,” he said, leering at me.

  I took a step back, alarms sounding in my head. “Why?”

  He chuckled, the sound echoing off the bathroom walls. “I wanted to talk to you alone for a minute. I get the feeling that you don’t like me, but I’m a nice guy so I don’t understand why?”

  “I..I don’t really know you,” I stammered. And I don’t want to. I couldn’t hold back the small shudder that ran through my body.

  “Well, we could always change that,” he said in a hushed tone, a smirk crossing his face.

  Fear surged throughout every pore of my body, and I began to pray silently for protection.

  “ thanks. I’ve got to go,” I blurted out, attempting to get past him. He finally moved, but only far enough that I still had to brush against him to get by. I cringed when I felt his chest touch my arm. I practically ran to find Seth and stayed stuck to his side the rest of the night. I didn’t tell him what happened. I just let it go, thinking maybe I’d made more of it than it really was.


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