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The Ravenson Project [Chronicles of the Cursed Book 2]

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by Aline de Chevigny

  His lips traveled over her neck, stopping for a quick nip at her throat before answering. Her body reacted instinctively, her hands reaching back to pull him closer.

  "It was clan business amore, and we agreed on our wedding night that you would allow me to conduct it."

  "But Mikael...” She was such a weakling when it came to his touch, she couldn't get her mind to focus.

  "Once you've made the change, you will rule at my side in all areas. Until then you stay far away from any dangers that may put you in harms way. Especially, Daemor."

  Annabella melted into his soft touch. Mikael had gotten more loving and attentive since the Antediluvian had blessed their union. “Agreed, on one condition."

  Mikael laughed sexily and continued to turn her bones to jello, his fangs extending in desire. “And that condition would be, mi Bella?"

  "You promise to keep that boy safe and you agree to come to bed.” She wanted him to sink his fangs into her throat and give her the release her body cried for. Yet Mikael laughed, his hands roaming over her never really putting out the fire he left behind with his touch.

  "That's two things mi Bella, and the sun has been set for barely an hour."

  Annabella sighed in content when his hands sought out her breasts. “Make me immortal Mikael, please before I grow so old and ugly that you don't find me attractive any longer."

  Mikael's breath was hot on her ear as he answered. “You could never be old or ugly, mi Bella and I believe we should wait until our child is born. Wouldn't you agree?"

  Frustration flowed through her at the reminder of her inability to conceive. Stepping away from him she steeled herself for the fight to come. “Mikael, seriously we need to come to terms with the fact that it may never happen. So why torture ourselves by waiting and hopping? Soon I'll look older than you!"

  Seeing an entertained smirk cross his face fueled her determination to finally end this conversation once and for all. This time she refused to let him distract her with his soft words of love. “Stop looking at me like that."

  "Bella, mi amore, tell me. When last did you have your spells?"

  Annabella sat on the wing-backed chair Malek had vacated to hold her, surprise washing over her at his very strange question. It dawned on her that he had a point. It had been months since the last time.

  The more she thought it through, the more depressed she felt. He'd been avoiding her when he needed to feed, proving he'd lost interest in her. Whether from her lack to conceive or her getting old she wasn't sure. “I don't recall and I just remembered that I have an appointment with Signore Martinelli. He wishes to..."

  Mikael chuckled and blocked her exit. “Veramente mi Bella, I can read you like an open book. How dare you think I don't desire you! You are aware that the clans have been in chaos these past few moons. It's taken all my power and concentration to keep order."

  "I know but..."

  He placed his finger over her lips to stop her flow of words. “Yet I always make certain to be home before sunrise. I can't rest unless I'm in your arms."

  That was truth. Mikael always came home to rest and insisted she hold him for a few hours. Yet the doubts persisted. “Then why—"

  "I can't feed from you while you're pregnant mi amore, it isn't good for the bambino you carry."

  Her hands instinctively covered her abdomen protectively. “A baby, but how can you be so certain?"

  Mikael smiled. “I spend each day in your arms, from sun up to sun down. I know it's been nearly two moons since you've had a spell."

  Annabella frowned in disbelief. “How exactly do you know that?"

  "I always know when you have a spell mi amore, I can smell the blood."

  That one bold statement removed all doubt. A giddy feeling in the pit of her stomach grew. “Bambino, stiamo avendo un bambino?” A squeal of joy escaped her lips as she threw her arms around his neck. “Signore Martinelli can wait, let's go celebrate!"

  Mikael didn't answer; he just picked her up in his arms, walked out of the red room and headed straight to their bed chamber to finally take her up on her offer.

  Chapter Three

  Sharra woke, her hand reaching instinctively beside her only to find the bed empty. “Malek?” Sitting up, the sheet fell to her waist while she scanned the room for his presence. “Malek?” When she still got no answer she wondered if maybe she'd made a big mistake. Malek obviously wasn't the man she'd thought he was.

  "Don't worry my dear. Malek is being punished for breaking clan laws."

  "Punished? Looking toward the voice, a jolt of fear stabbed through her heart. She quickly pulled the sheet up to cover herself. “Lord Daemor!"

  "Now as for you..."

  The look in his eyes gave her goose bumps of terror, sending a shiver running down her spine. Clutching the sheet to her chest, Sharra's mind raced. Malek is in serious trouble, because of me.

  "I'm afraid there's only one thing left to do with you now, Sharranna."

  "Please Lord Daemor, let Malek go. He's done nothing to deserve this punishment. It was my fault. I entered his chambers without his permission."

  Daemor smiled wickedly and shook his head. “I'm afraid I can't. Malek broke our most sacred of laws. He told you about our kind, before you became his keeper."

  Sharra clutched the sheet tighter and tried to scoot further away from Daemor. His eyes made her blood run cold with the way he watched her. “Malek didn't have to tell me, I already knew. I'd accidentally witnessed Sebastien violently feeding from some poor chambermaid. If you need to punish someone punish him!"

  Daemor laughed. “You expect me to believe that child? No human would give themselves to a vampire willingly after witnessing that!"

  "Malek is different. He's kind and gentle. He soothed away the nightmares and made me feel safe again in this house."

  Daemor scowled, his fangs exposed in anger. “There is also the law that states no member of the house of Ravens shall share their bed with a human during daylight hours, unless they are mated! Malek, my child, did not claim you as his mate last evening.

  Sharra sobbed, her hand reaching out toward Daemor in a plea of desperation. “Please let Malek go. I made him let me stay. Please, Lord Daemor, I'll do anything..."

  Daemor leaned against the door, smiling evilly. “I wish I could child, but Mikael De Wohlf created the laws. Who am I to break them? As for you, might I remind you that Raven House laws dictate that I, as head of this household, get a taste of any unmated morsel that comes through. Now that you've gotten Malek punished, you're all mine. He'll never want you again."

  Sharra shrank back against the headboard in terror. Malek wouldn't hold her responsible for this would he? She never knew there were rules against their being together. She loved him; all she'd wanted to do was show him how much. If she'd known he'd be hurt over it ... “Lord Daemor I beg you, please let Malek go. I'll willingly take his punishment. It was my fault we broke the laws, not his."

  Daemor advanced on her the moment her consent left her lips. Sharra was going to die and she tried a last ditch effort to save herself. “What about Kelly?"

  "Kelly does as she is told."

  She closed her eyes and made peace with her fate. Steeling herself for the feel of his fangs in her flesh, her entire body shook with the effort to keep from running away screaming. Sharra sent out a prayer to the gods that she go quickly when the end came. Feeling his hot breath on her face, she whimpered softly.

  "Daemor, stop!"

  Opening her eyes, she was unsure if she should be grateful or more terrified of the person who halted Daemor. She'd never seen the man who just gracefully entered the room, but the fact that Daemor was terrified of him couldn't be good for her well being.

  "Mikael, what are you doing in my House?"

  "If you touch that child Daemor, I'll have you up before the council by the time the sun rises over the ocean. Vampire law forbids the harming of innocents under our care, especially for sport. Raven house has already b
een warned about this immoral practice once. Leave the girl be and deliver Malek to Nicolai now! Or I will relish playing judge, jury, and executioner to remove you from our midst."

  Sharra was in the middle of some hellish nightmare, caught between too powerful combatants and wishing she were anywhere but there.

  "I asked you a question Wolf Lord!"

  "My lovely wife informed me of the wolf cub you have hidden within your walls. The one you should have informed the council you found sixty years ago!"

  Daemor growled and shifted to his Raven form, flying out of the room.

  I never knew vampires could do that? Can Malek?

  Feeling Mikael's focus turn onto her, Sharra clutched the sheet tighter to her chest. What would he do to her now that Daemor was gone? He didn't move from his place by the door, just stood there looking at her, almost like he was trying to determine if she was worth any more of his time.

  A soft whisper drew both of their attention towards the doorway. Mikael smiled sexily and stepped out into the hallway holding his hand out to someone she couldn't see from her vantage point. Sharra had never felt more terrified in her entire life, than she did right at that moment.

  "Come mi Bella, the girl is terrified of me."

  The most beautiful woman Sharra had ever seen walked through the door with a look of sincere concern etched on her face. “What did you do to frighten her so, Mikael? You were only supposed to remove Daemor from the room."

  Sharra watched the vampire Master's smile widen as he pulled the beautiful woman into his arms to kiss her. “I merely dispatched Daemor to free the pup you've taken an interest in, mi amore. Daemor made certain she was already terrified to make her pliable to his plans."

  The woman, Bella, he'd called her, moved away from him and toward the bed. Would the woman kill her for seducing Malek last night? How had a woman gotten so much power over the Master of all Vampires?

  "Come dear, its time to get you dressed and leave this horrible place."

  Sharra looked up over Bella's shoulder at Mikael in embarrassment, the sheet clutched against her chest. Bella seemed to understand immediately. “Mikael please leave the room and close the door behind you!"

  "Bella! We had an agreement when I allowed you to accompany me."

  Sharra laughed nervously at Bella's snort dismissing Mikael.

  "First of all, you needed me here. Within your entire party only I can stand the sun's rays. Secondly, you can't expect the poor girl to dress in front of you? Mikael De Wohlf, if you think for one moment that I would allow such a thing...."

  "IINyaivo, I'm going."

  His entertained laughter followed him out of the room, leaving Sharra wondering what he'd said. “What about Malek, Miss Bella?"

  "Dress first, we'll discuss your mate once I have you safely away from this horrible house."

  Sharra got up to dress quickly; she didn't care what Bella said, she was not leaving this house without Malek!

  "And you can wipe that defiant look off your face. I wouldn't dream of leaving young Malek in this house of demons either. Il dio, mi dice che non sia stato mai quello testardo!"

  Uncontrollable laughter drifted in from the hallway shocking her to a standstill, with her dress only half buttoned. Bella frowned at the door mumbling Italian obscenities under her breath. Sharra only understood one word in ten, yet from what she could piece together it didn't bode well for Lord Mikael once the lady got him alone.

  "If you wish for Daemor to return before you finish dressing, you may just get your wish."

  She didn't realize that Bella had turned her attention back on her. As the words sank in, Sharra quickened her pace, not needing to be told twice. Nor did she stop to look for her shoes before bolting out the door. Even Bella's laughter as she followed her out, didn't bother her one bit.

  * * * *

  Malek woke, his head pounded, his arms ached and he didn't understand why. Memories of his night with Sharranna seemed like nothing more than a brief dream. Trying to move his arm, he found himself shackled to the dungeon wall with no memory of how he'd gotten there. Opening his eyes and seeing Sebastien standing at the door in obvious guard duty made him angry. “Release me this instant!"

  "Daemor's orders wolf cub, you're to be tortured for breaking clan laws."

  Malek growled and yanked at his bonds in anger. “Why?"

  "Decree passed down from Mikael De Wohlf. Daemor is bound by law to enforce it. Take your punishment like a Raven and you may survive!"

  Sharra's heart shaped face swam into his mind's eye, followed by worry for her safety. “What about Sharra? Where is she? If you've touched one hair on her golden head, I'll..."

  His guard laughed, and evil sound that called the change from him causing him pain. His fangs extended in rage. “Where is my keeper?"

  "Probably in Daemor's bed, servicing his desires as we speak! As the head of the House, it's his right to bed or ... feed from any unmated female within these walls. If she survives, I plan on asking for a taste of her myself."

  "A keeper is above those rights, Sebastien."

  "Perhaps, but that tasty morsel of yours isn't a keeper. If you had only waited one more day, she'd be safe."

  Malek wanted to rip the bastard's throat out. “If anyone touches one hair on her precious head, I'll kill them.” His words were cut short when the object of his fury flew into the room, followed by Mikael's De Wohlf's right hand man, Nicolai. Seeing Daemor fueled Malek's fury further. “Daemor, unchain me this instant!"

  Daemor shifted into human form, a superior look etched onto his features. For the first time since he'd met the vampire lord, Malek saw him without a mask. Daemor wasn't the benevolent man he'd been pretending to be all these years. He was cruel and underhanded, attempting to use Sharra for his own pleasures against her will.

  "Quiet wolf cub! In my house you do not order me about! I should have killed you when I had the chance."

  Malek strained at his chains, willing them to break and cursing the enchantments forged into them that stopped his body from shifting to escape. “If you've touched..."

  "You'll what? Kill me?” Daemor laughed insultingly. “You don't have the power..."

  "Free me Daemor and we can test that theory of yours."

  Daemor scowled and advanced, his fangs gleaming in the soft moonlight from the cell's sole window. “Cub, I'll have your hide for speaking to me that way! And I won't kill you, before I skin it off of you."

  "No you won't Daemor. Mikael gave you an order. Fulfill it, now!"

  Malek looked at Nicolai. He'd forgotten the man was there. Head held high, he looked Nicolai in the eyes. “I'll face my punishment. Just give me your word that you'll keep Sharranna safe. She's innocent in all of this. She's been my anchor for months. She's my keeper, although she has yet to take the oath, but in heart she's already fulfilling the role and she's my mate!"

  Nicolai held up his hand for silence. “Your mate is safe with Lady Annabella, childe. As soon as Daemor does as he's been ordered, you'll have her by your side once again."

  Sharra was safe. Relief flooded through him at those words. But more she was considered his mate and now safe from all. No vampire could touch her short of either of their deaths.

  "I am loosing patience here, Daemor. My liege will not be happy if he is forced to come down here."

  "Soon Nicolai. Soon I will get my revenge for this insult."

  Nicolai crossed his arms and stared down Daemor arrogantly. “Perhaps Daemor, but not today. Release the childe as ordered."

  Malek calmly waited for the manacles to be removed. The moment Sebastien freed one hand, Malek moved. The magical enchantments weakened on his free hand enough to allow him to extend his claws for a quick strike across Sebastien's neck. The cut went deep, severing the carotid artery with one stroke. The death was quick and efficient. Sebastien never saw it coming nor did he feel a thing. “That was for Sharra. No one will ever threaten her again."

  Chapter Four

p; Mikael stood in the shadows and watched with pride as his son, Nicolai, handled the situation. The childe Malek also made a good accounting of himself. Mikael was proud of how Malek had handled himself and kept a level head since waking in chains. His concern was first and foremost for his mate, proving he hadn't been completely corrupted by his time in Raven house. How much evil they'd instilled into him was yet to be determined. He might be redeemable. It depended on whether the childe had become ruthless or not.

  Seeing that Nicolai had everything under control, Mikael decided not to make his presence known and returned to Annabella at the car. In her condition, he disliked leaving her unprotected.

  "Where's Malek? You promised you'd save him!"

  He stopped Sharra's outburst with one look, making her back away in fright, and then entered the car behind her. “Malek is on his way with Nicolai as promised. La mia moglie, Bella is the only person with my permission to speak to me that way girl. Innocent or not, you do that again and I will kill you!"

  He ignored Bella's frown and quietly thanked her with a soft kiss, a reward for refraining from voicing her displeasure out loud. Bella understood he needed to use any means necessary to keep those under his protection safe.

  "Vater, Malek Ravenson as requested."

  Mikael took his eyes off the girl and slipped out of the car before turning to greet the newest member of his house.

  "Don't call me that. My name is Malek DeWinter. I changed it to Ravenson as a sign of gratitude for Daemor's generosity and my allegiance to his house when he took me in. That ended the moment he tried to take advantage of my mate. Where's Sha..."


  Mikael hid his smile when the lady in question bravely poked her head out of the car door. After all she'd been through the girl had more spunk than he thought.

  "Sharra, beloved. Thank the gods you're safe."

  Mikael let slide the childe's rude behavior, he knew he'd have acted exactly the same in the boy's shoes. Bella was his life, just as Sharra was Malek's. Seeing the look in Bella's eyes when Malek helped Sharra out of the car and took her into his arms, whispering soft endearments into her hair, made him wish they were home safely tucked away in their bed. He'd spent too many nights without making love to his beautiful wife, a lack he planned to rectify and soon. Offering his wife a hand out of the vehicle, Mikael held her close.


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