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The Widow Wagon: Second Chances

Page 2

by Megan Michaels

  She shook her head as she watched Daisy. Life had been a rough for Sophie, and watching the drama some women displayed did nothing but make her teeth grind. She didn’t remember a time in her life where she’d thrown a fit about clothing. Whatever the rules were, she steeled herself and simply resolved to follow them. Some rules she didn’t like and she chafed under them, but soon enough she’d adjust to them. That’s not to say that she didn’t have some fits of temper herself, but they were never over things so frivolous and silly. She was confident that the headstrong Daisy was making a mountain out of a molehill.

  After watching Daisy’s snit, she found herself glad to be getting off in a week in Topeka, Kansas, rather than taking the trail all the way west.

  Sam had stood at the front of the wagon to get the attention of the women. “Okay, everyone on board. It’s time to go. When we leave the city and are on the trail, y’all will have to get out and walk. The horses struggle enough to pull the weight of your trunks. We’ll walk as much as we can. The little girls can ride in the wagon though. We try to walk seven to ten miles a day. Our first stop will be Topeka, Kansas, which will be about a week from tomorrow.

  Sophie’s heart jumped, excitement and nervousness warring within her. She’d be meeting Daniel in Topeka. Her new life would begin.

  Angus climbed up onto the buckboard, grabbing the reins to begin their journey as soon as the women climbed aboard. Sam, his assistant, helped the women aboard, then hopped up on his horse, his piercing whistle to Angus signaling their departure.

  They’d been on the wagon for only a short time when it happened.

  “What is that?” Minnie said, pointing at a leather bag next to a large bag of flour stacked on the floor of the wagon. It was the same bag that Angus and Daisy had argued about.

  Daisy’s eyebrows furrowed. “It’s my bag. That oaf of a driver isn’t going to tell me what I can and cannot bring on my journey. This has some important things in it, and I refuse to leave it behind.”

  “I’m telling Angus or Sam.” Minnie screeched loudly. “You’re putting extra weight in the vehicle. It ain’t right.”

  “Don’t you dare, you little idiot. This is none of your business. I refuse to be treated like a servant in this wagon. I may have lost my husband and am being forced into becoming a mail-order bride, but I’ll not cave to some uncivilized… wagon driver.”

  Glaring at Minnie, Daisy pushed her bag behind some of the cooking materials.

  Margie, a sort of matriarch among the group, looked over at the two women and then said to Daisy. “This is foolishness. You need to tell that man what you did. And you need to do it now. If you don’t, I’m gonna. This trip is long enough without listening to the caterwauling of a bunch of brats.”

  Minnie scowled at Margie. “Why don’t you just mind your business then, and leave us alone. No one asked you to give your opinion, old woman.”

  That apparently had been the last straw for Margie. Sophie couldn’t remember the last time she’d seen someone move that fast, and she barely moved out of the way in time as the enraged Margie charged to the other side of the wagon. Margie pulled Daisy up by her ear, tossed the slight young woman over her lap then started to spank her bottom. Cursing at the skirts interfering with her aim, Margie took hold of them, tossing the heavy fabric up onto the struggling Daisy’s back. Then Margie proceeded to spank her bottom through the white pantaloons embellished with pale blue ribbons.

  “You’ll never disrespect me again! I never tolerated it from my kids and I’m not takin’ it from you!” Margie paddled Daisy’s bottom hard and fast, the increasing redness of her flesh clearly visible through the thin cotton of the pantaloons.

  “Ouch! Stop. Okay! I won’t do it again! Promise!” Daisy reached back to protect her bottom, but Margie had anticipated that move, snatching up the woman’s hand and pinning it to the small of her back.

  Obviously, this wasn’t Margie’s first spanking rodeo.

  The wagon shuddered to a halt at all the commotion, and Sam hopped into the back. “What in tarnation is all this ruckus about?” He pulled Daisy off Margie’s lap and shook her. “You sit down on that spanked bottom, or I’ll take over where she left off.”

  Before Sam could address Margie further, Angus bellowed back from the front of the wagon. “Get your tails out here right now! I want all of you standing in front of me!”

  Sophie scrambled out of the wagon with the other women following quickly behind. Almost instinctively, Sophie put her hands on her backside, noting that Minnie and Clara stood the same way. Clara’s girls cowered behind their mother’s skirts.

  Daisy was the last to come out, crying and rubbing her bottom through her skirts, limping dramatically over to where the other women huddled.

  “What in tarnation is goin’ on?”—Angus stabbed a finger at Daisy—“You will keep your mouth shut. I’ll get to you in a minute.”

  He looked at Margie. “Now, you tell me why you felt a need to tan that girl’s backside and cause all this ruckus.”

  “Well, Mr. Angus, that brat brought her bag onto the wagon. You know, the one that you told her she couldn’t bring? And when I told her that she had to tell you, she told me to mind my business and called me an old woman. No one, and I mean no one, calls me names. So, I spanked her sassy backside.”

  “Thank you, Miss Margie. I appreciate it. You done the right thing. And just so you know, I’d have tanned her backside too. Only I’d have dropped those drawers and gave her a good one on the bare.”

  He then turned and took a step toward Daisy. Between the size of him and his countenance at that moment, Sophie and the other women moved out of his way, taking a step in the opposite direction. No one wanted to be close to those two wrangling.

  “And you!” He put his hands on his hips, still holding his carriage whip in his hand. “Is that true? Did you bring that damn bag I told you not to?”

  Daisy stomped her shoe in the dirt, tilting her chin up. “Well... I needed that bag. I don’t like being told what to do — or what I can’t bring. I decide what works for me, always.”

  “No. No you don’t. Out here on this trail, you answer to me, lil’ girl. And I don’t take ‘no’ as an answer.” He pointed toward the back of the wagon. “Get me that bag. Now!”

  “I’m not sure I can climb up there, my bottom hurts so bad.”

  “Oh, that so? I guess I could help by using this to prod you along like the cattle.” He held up the carriage whip, which looked like a cane with a small whip on the end of it. He waved it in air, the whip slicing through the air with a hissing sound.

  “Oh! You wouldn’t dare!”

  He took a threatening step toward her, extending the whip as if to strike.

  “Okay!” she screeched. “I’m going, I’m going!”

  She turned, running to the wagon. As she started climbing, Angus swatted her ample bottom and she let out a yelp, scurrying into the wagon.

  After a moment, Daisy poked her head through the back of the covered wagon, clasping the bag in question to her chest. “I’m afraid to come down. I’m afraid of… what you’re going to do.”

  “Get down here, now!”

  “I don’t wanna!” She backed up a step, as if she feared he’d climb into the back of the wagon to get her.

  “No. What you don’t want is for me to come get you! Get your ass down here! ‘Cause if I gotta get you, your tail will be blistered for sure.” Angus backed up a step and pointed to the ground at his feet.

  Daisy crawled out of the wagon and slowly, as if approaching a wild cat, crept closer until she stood before him.

  “Gimme the bag.” He held out a big hand.

  “What’re you gonna do with it?” She clutched it even tighter to her chest, turning her body away from him, as if it would protect her precious goods.

  “None of your business. Hand it over!”

  Reluctantly, she handed him the bag.

  He opened it up, reaching inside. “Let’s see what’
s worth the whippin’ you just earned.”

  Daisy whined long and slow, pressing her hands to her face in embarrassment.

  Angus pulled out the items, loudly announcing each one before callously tossing them to the ground. “Handkerchiefs. Perfume — where’s this from? No matter, no need for it on the trails. Fans. For Chrissakes, you brought fans? Make up. You honestly think you need war paint out here?”

  In disgust, he grabbed the handles on the bag, and tossed it out into the tall prairie grass that lined the trail. “You don’t need none of it. And I’m pretty sure that the whippin’ you’re gonna git will make you regret doing it.”

  Daisy started to run but wasn’t quick enough for Angus, the big man grabbing her by the waist.

  “Oh, no! You can’t do this! Isn’t this against the rules?”

  “Oh, yes. You’re getting what’s coming to you.” Angus laughed, shaking his head. “Rules? What rules, girl? This is the Oregon Trail and I’m the Wagon Master. You listen to what I say. You don’t listen, and you’ll get a hidin’ on your backside. Your bare backside. You signed paperwork stating that I’m your guardian until you get your new husbands.”

  “You... you can’t. I won’t... I’ll get the sheriff! You can’t take down my pantaloons.” Daisy dug her feet into the dirt in a futile attempt to protect her bottom. But Angus continued to pull her along.

  “I can, and will.” He dragged her over to the wagon wheel. “Bend over and hold onto the spokes of the wheel.” He threw her skirts up over her back and tugged on her pantaloons until they fell down her legs, puddling at her ankles.

  “Ohhhh!” Sophie could see Daisy’s face flush in embarrassment. Her hands shook as they gripped the spokes of the wheel. Her bottom had been left a deep shade of red from Margie’s spanking and it already looked well spanked to Sophie.

  “You women git over here.” He pointed to an area directly behind the two of them. “Take a gander at this and don’t forget it. This is what happens when you break the rules while on the Widow Wagon. Step out of your pantaloons.”

  Seeing Daisy’s legs shaking made Sophie tremble too. The young woman’s sex was visible between her slender thighs, dark, curly hair thickly covering her pussy.

  “Widen your feet. You’re getting this buggy whip. Not many — but it won’t take many. Trust me. When we’re on the trail, my word is law. You listen or I beat the tar out of you. Got it?”


  “‘Yes, Sir,’ girl.”

  “Y-yes, Sir.”

  “Let’s begin.” He swung the whip three times quickly against her bottom. Sophie had been switched a time or two, and the marks rising on Daisy’s buttocks resembled those Sophie herself had nursed after a switching.

  Suddenly, Daisy stood up, grabbing her bottom and turning, pressing her buttocks back against the wooden wheel.

  “Mr. Angus, I can’t do this. I’m sorry. Please no more. I won’t do it again.

  “You don’t have to want to, girl. It’s my decision. So turn around. Your lickin’ isn’t done yet.” When she didn’t move quick enough, he took a step toward her. With a frightened yelp, she quickly bent over once more, sobbing loudly.

  “Damn straight.” Angus tapped the whip on her red bottom in warning, pausing for a few moments to let her compose herself. “Pull your skirts back up.”

  With a choked sob, Daisy complied, gathering her skirts in trembling fingers, revealing bright, angry welts striping her reddened bottom.

  Without hesitation, Angus swung the buggy whip once more. Sophie could see that he swung his arm lightly, perhaps not wanting to injure her, but rather in an effort to make her behave. But to listen to Daisy carry on, it sounded like he was peeling her skin off.

  Having been switched herself, Sophie understood the feeling. It felt like your skin was indeed being torn off. She was confident that the buggy whip hurt even more than the switch.

  Daisy had received seven stripes total — and was screaming as if it had been seventy. She moved to stand, reaching back to rub her bottom.

  “Uh-uh. No touching. That bottom is gonna sting for a bit. You need to be learning a lesson and I aim to make sure it’s learned well. Stay bent over and do some thinking for a bit.”

  Angus whispered something to Sam, who then walked to his horse retrieving a tin from the saddlebags, handing it to Angus.

  “You hold still. This’ll stop some of the sting, and help to healing your backside quicker.” He rubbed the liniment into her injured flesh with surprising gentleness. “I’m not a mean Wagon Master, but you’ll learn that I don’t tolerate any sass or disobedience. If I tell you to do somethin’, you damn well better get your ass movin’ to do it. You hear me, girl?”

  “Y-yes, Sir. I’m s-sorry. It hurts so b-bad.” She wiped at her face, swiping away the tears.

  “I know, I know. You’ll be sore for a couple days. Until this is healed, you’ll ride in the wagon. No walkin’ for you. I’ll fix an area for you to sleep in and you’ll ride up here today and tomorrow. Stay here just like you are.”

  He climbed up into the wagon. Everyone stood quietly, barely breathing, their gazes riveted to the scene unfolding before them. After some rustling, Angus poked his head out. “Lift her up here to me and I’ll put her on the bed I made.”

  Sam approached the whimpering girl who still obediently bent over the wagon wheel, and gently dropped Daisy’s dress down over her bare bottom. He scooped up her pantaloons from the dirt, handing them to her. He gingerly picked her up and carried her to the rear of the wagon.

  Daisy groaned at the movement. Once she’d been placed in Angus’s arms, his low rumbling voice could be heard amidst her cries.

  Sophie had stood rooted to her spot, stunned at what had just taken place, the other women were apparently just as shocked as she was.

  Angus smiled sweetly at the little girls. “Now Nellie and Rose, you don’t have to worry about ever getting a whippin’ like that from us. You girls answer to your ma. The only time you’d get tanned by us, is if you run away or get lost and we have to find you. Otherwise, even if you’re bad, your ma will take care of it, not us. I don’t want you afraid of us.”

  The girls didn’t look sure at all, but they smiled when he winked at them.

  “Now, I’m gonna talk to the big girls.” His gentle demeanor changed instantly and he leveled a dark gaze their way. “You girls do need to worry. What you saw here today, I’ll do to you too. You all need to listen, mind your manners, and do as you’re told. And no cat fights. None! I ain’t gonna cotton to fighting in my wagon. You hear?”

  Sophie and the other women nodded and mumbled, “Yes, Sir.”

  “Now, I’m the disciplinarian on this Widow Wagon, but if I’m busy or not available to give a lickin’, Sam here will do it.” Sam gave the women a wolfen grin. “You women said — the minute you signed the papers and sat in the Widow Wagon — that you made me your guardian. I’m responsible for your behavin’ and I’ll tan your hide if you don’t behave. You hear?”

  Sophie had not a clue that she’d given him responsibility and guardianship over her by signing that contract. She’d never have signed those papers had she known.

  How did I get myself into this? I didn’t even read it before I signed the papers. Stupid!

  But it seemed a little too late to worry. She’d just have to keep her mouth shut and behave until she met Daniel. After all, she’d been married for four years to a man who believed in stern discipline for misbehavior. It wouldn’t be much different from how she’d been expected to behave for the past four years.

  The women all responded at once, “Yes, Sir.”

  Angus took his hat off and mopped his brow with his arm. “Now, I’m gonna get this wagon goin’ again. Y’all mind your own business.”

  * * *

  Angus said they walked six miles that first day. It felt like so much more. Sophie couldn’t remember the last time she was so exhausted. She actually wondered at one point during the day if it woul
d have been better to have a whippin’ so she could ride in the wagon for two days like Daisy had.

  Daisy’s moans and hitching sobbing had quickly disabused Sophie of that notion.

  Daisy refused to leave the wagon for dinner, saying the pain of her punished bottom had extinguished any urge to eat. Angus told her he had a hairbrush that would cure any thoughts she might have about pouting, and ordered her to get out and get some food.

  Daisy stood at the entrance to the wagon almost immediately and sweetly asked for assistance in getting down. Angus opened the gate and helped her out of the wagon. He tucked her under his arm, and told her she was a ‘good girl,’ and helped her sit on a log by the fire. Once Daisy was given a cup of the stew Sam had made for dinner, she seemed to lighten up and smiled at her companions.

  While the women ate, Sam put the food supplies away, organizing his cooking stores in the wagon and giving the women their chores for the evening. Sophie was assigned the task of setting up the bedrolls. Two of the women washed the dishes, while another dried them. The last two women gathered kindling for the fire, with a warning to stay within sight of the camp even though it was still late evening. The deep purples were already seeping into the twilight sky. Sam and Angus walked off to tend to the horses, checking the wheels on the wagon and the bridle harnesses before they gathered heavy wood in the cop of trees outside the camp to keep the fire lit all night. They were just far enough from the camp that they missed what happened next.

  While rolling out the bedrolls, Sophie overheard Minnie, Clara, and Lizzie talking about Daisy their voices now quite drowned out by the clatter of dishes being washed and put away. They complained that Angus had given her preferential treatment, even though Daisy was gathering kindling along with Margie. Sophie assumed that Sam had sent them out together so that they could bond and have an opportunity to make amends. Perhaps he was onto something, because shockingly, she could hear the two former enemies laughing together as they collected their kindling.

  However, Margie and Daisy returned to the camp just as Minnie stated that Daisy had become melodramatic in order to garner attention from the men.


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