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The Widow Wagon: Second Chances

Page 6

by Megan Michaels

  Her tears puddled on the barn floor. She’d definitely focus on chores from now on. Daniel had gotten his lesson across to her — loud and clear. He gently rubbed her bottom, letting his fingers wander over her pussy. He twirled his forefinger in the patch of curls, gliding over her throbbing clit. He lightly spanked her pussy, letting the pad of his thumb press on her anus.

  “Girl, you’re very wet. I know you learned your lesson, but Lord it’s nice to know that my woman is turned on by spanking. We’re going to have a lot of fun on this farm.”

  Sophie moaned in embarrassment but she couldn’t argue the point. Her sex throbbed, her womb clenching on nothing but arousal. Her hips involuntarily swayed pushing into his seeking and probing hand. Daniel’s hard cock pressed into her hip and he lightly ground himself into her. Their breathing increased and Daniel was the first to pull away. Part of Sophie was glad that he treated her with such respect, but another part of her wished he’d just throw her down on the barn floor. It’d been a long time since Clive died and her body was itching to have Daniel fill her.

  He helped her to stand up straight again, wiping the tears off her face with the pads of his thumbs.

  That’s enough of that or I won’t be able to stop myself.” He cleared his throat. “Tomorrow is a new day, and we’ll start fresh again. I’ll bring your clothes in off the line, and you can fold them in the mornin’. And you’ll finish the rest of the laundry and get it on the line before I get home.” He held her chin, those piercing green eyes so very serious. “Clear?”

  “Yes, Sir. It’ll be done.”

  “Good girl. Now you’re going straight to bed. No dinner.” He pointed to the cabin.

  “But... I need my skirts and drawers. I can’t go to the house like this.” She turned to get her garments.

  “Uh-uh. You know my closest neighbor is a mile down the road. No one will see. You’ll walk that red bottom to the house naked, or I’ll paddle it again and then you can walk it to the house. Choice is yours.”

  She looked him in the eye. He meant what he said. Her bottom couldn’t take more of that hairbrush. But it wasn’t decent, walking naked like that in broad daylight. She looked at the cabin. It seemed so far away.

  “What’s it gonna be?” He closed in on her, tilting his head as if trying to read her thoughts.

  She felt her anger rising, and a blush heating her face. “I’m going, but it ain’t right. And it ain’t nice neither.”

  Daniel chuckled softly. “Nope. Probably you’re right on both counts. But I bet you’ll remember it and try to make sure you aren’t in this position again, right?”

  “Oooooh!” she yelled in frustration, fiercely clenching her hands in her skirts.

  She marched off toward the house, stomping her feet every step of the way.

  * * *

  Daniel shook his head, laughing. She didn’t know that her little fit of stomping and stamping her feet had made her well-spanked, red bottom wiggle and sway beautifully as she stormed off. He knew then that he’d marry her proper.

  If she’ll have you.

  She had the fight and spirit he liked in a woman. But when he’d spanked her, the evidence of her arousal had been dripping onto those pretty pink lips of her cunt. He resisted sinking a finger, or better yet, his tongue into those juices. He knew then that Sophie liked the pain. Her body craved it. He wondered how she’d feel when she found out that he liked rough sex games too. Would she be okay with being tied to the bed? He liked having a woman strung up in the barn with her arms above her head tied to a hook. Liked using his crop or buggy whip on a pristine, round bottom. He’d work on her slowly. He’d start with plugs in her bottom hole to keep her sexually aroused all day. Then he’d leave her ready and writhing, tied up spread-eagle on the bed.

  Yep, he felt pretty sure that Miss Sophie would play right along.

  He adjusted himself in his pants. His cock had become so rigid at the thought, that he wasn’t sure he’d be able to walk. He looked back at the house just as Sophie stopped to throw another little stomping fit.

  “Girl, you better get a move on. If need be, I can paddle your bottom all the way to the house to show you how to walk right. But that rosy bottom does look pretty sweet jigglin’ and wobblin’ as you throw your fit. So maybe I’ll keep my mouth shut and watch the show.” He crossed his arms across his chest, leaning against the barn door.

  Her eyebrows knit and her face went beet red. She looked madder than a wet hen. When he finally pushed off and moved toward her, she turned and hightailed it to the house.

  “No running now,” he called out to her, trying not to grin at her discomfiture. “You walk. And I want that bare bottom in bed when I get there. You hear?”

  She started walking once more, glaring back as she spit her answer at him. “Yes! I hear!”

  Yep, she’d be just the fire and spark he needed in bed – or tied up in his barn.

  Chapter Six

  Sophie finished the laundry the next day and hadn’t had any more serious problems with doing her assigned chores. As much as it had bothered her at how he embarrassed her making her walk back to the house with everything on display, that had been even more of an incentive to behave than the spanking itself had been.

  Daniel’s crops were thriving, and it looked like he’d be able to pay off his bills. They’d talked more and more of marrying in town. Daniel still expressed worry that Sophie would want to leave if he lost everything.

  But nothing could be further from the truth.

  She’d grown to love him in those first few weeks at the house. Except for a few tussles over chores — in which she’d ended up over his knee, learning to see things his way — they got along very well. After every punishment, their sexual teasing had increased, to the point that Sophie knew she was just as ready as Daniel to get hitched and consummate their marriage. It had become evident to both of them that they were suited for each other and more than ready to start their lives together as Mr. and Mrs. Weston.

  Last night had been the most recent instance of his post-punishment sexual exploration of her body. After disciplining her, he had actually brought her to completion with his skilled hands. She couldn’t stop replaying it in her mind, the memory of it still making Sophie blush…

  “You don’t roll your eyes at me when I suggest that you sweep the floor.” He pulled her to stand between his legs with her back facing him. He unfastened her skirt, her slips, and finally her pantaloons, letting the white material glide down her alabaster legs as it cascaded to the floor.

  “Daniel, I always sweep the floor.” She whined, exasperated. “I didn’t need you to tell me.”

  “Stop whining, girl. You know I hate it. But it’s been two hours since dinner, and it’s way past the acceptable time to sweep the floor.” He swatted her bottom turning her to face him.

  “But I didn’t want to do it now.” More whining. She just couldn’t seem to stop herself!

  “That’s it! “We’re done talking!” He quickly flipped her over his lap and reached over to grab the bread board that was still sitting in the middle of the table from dinner.

  “Noooooo! Not that!” Sophie tried twisting her hips to rock herself off his lap. Of course, she was unsuccessful. So, in a futile attempt at protection, she thrust her hand behind her to protect her delicate flesh.

  “Oh, no! You know better than that.” He grabbed her hands in one of his and proceeded to paddle her bottom — hard and fast. The sting and thud of the heavy paddle shocked her, but just as the pain settled into her backside, another swat would land. Finally, unable to think about anything but her burning bottom and that merciless paddle, she screamed in one long howl.

  Sophie hadn’t realized that he’d stopped paddling her until his quiet murmurs and the gentle stroking of her abused bottom seeped into her consciousness.

  “Do you think you’ll be rolling your eyes at me or waiting two hours before you clean or sweep the kitchen after dinner?

  “No, S-sir.�
�� Her breathing hitched, causing her words to stutter. “I d-don’t want to b-be spanked with t-that thing again. P-please.” She broke down into quiet sobs. She couldn’t remember her buttocks ever being so sore.

  “Well, looks like I have an implement that will be used for serious situations. Guess the next time I grab the breadboard, you’ll straighten up right quick, I’m thinking.

  Sophie hiccupped, a small sob escaping her lips. “Yes, Sir. I guess so…”

  Daniel rubbed her back in slow, soothing circles, helping her to calm down again. But the next thing she felt was not his hand gently stoking her back. His long, slender finger eased into the seam of her quim and lightly flicked her clit. The throbbing of that nub made it impossible for her to hold still. She shamelessly pressed her hips into his thigh. He pushed a welcomed finger into her and her muscles immediately milked it, squeezing so hard that he chuckled above her.

  “Does that feel good, darlin’? It appears that you’re in as much need of satisfaction as I am. Let’s see if we can take care of that for you. I wouldn’t want my girl going to bed… deprived.”

  He raised his knee, lifting her buttocks higher, and exposing her cunt to his ministrations. He lightly brushed her clit making light circles around it until she couldn’t contain her moans, her ass clenching and unclenching, grinding her hips against his lap. Sophie knew she was dripping onto him, her cunt sliding on the increasingly large wet spot on his pants.

  God, what will he think of me? I’m acting like a whore.

  “What is that groan for? Embarrassed?”

  She hadn’t realized that she’d made any noise at all. “I just... I’m acting like a wanton whore.”

  Daniel swatted her freshly bruised bottom with his hand, landing two swats on each cheek. “You don’t get to talk about my future wife like that. I like her this way. It means I’m going to be a happy husband. I’ll be the happiest husband in the county.” Cool moisture was smeared over her back hole, his thumb pressing for entrance a moment before sliding inside her. “Doesn’t that feel nice? I’m going to train this little hole with some plugs so you can take me there. “ He continued to flick her clit while he worked first one and then two fingers into her anus. He rubbed her clit harder and faster until she was rocking in rhythm on his lap. Just as her breathing increased and her body stiffened, he pushed his two fingers into her bottom hole to the third knuckle, hammering them into her. She stilled and screamed, her hips battering his thighs as she climaxed, his hard cock pressed to her left hip. The spasms rocked her body for quite a while, Daniel riding them out, continuing to squeeze and thrust into her ass with his fingers.

  “Lord, Sophie. We gotta find the preacher tomorrow and get married. I can’t keep going to bed like this. It’s time for us to do this legal and proper.”

  “I agree, Daniel. I’d love to become Mrs. Daniel Weston! And there’s no need for you to go to bed like this, I can—”

  His finger tapped her between her shoulder blades. “Nuh-uh, don’t you even say it. I’m not having you do anything sexual with me until we’re married.”

  “But, you just did something sexual with me.” She said it sheepishly, not wanting to anger him, peeking at him over her shoulder.

  “That’s different. You’ll wait until we’re married — which I think we should do tomorrow.”

  She snapped out of her heated reverie of the previous night’s activities, admonishing herself to keep her mind on her task — getting ready for her wedding to Daniel. It was a clear, sunny July day. July 10, 1865, was about to become one of the most important dates in her life.

  The both of them dressed in their best clothes, they set off to Topeka, to find the preacher. Sophie kept watching Daniel as they bounced along the rutted dirt road. For all his rules and organization — and punishments — she’d still managed to learn a lot. He was more than persnickety some days, but it did keep the house organized. She had never been exposed to so many rules in her entire life. She’d been taught social etiquette, of course, but rules about how to organize things, how to manage schedules weren’t things she’d been familiar with. Clive and her family were easier going; they did things only when it became obvious they had to do them.

  In contrast, Daniel had a level of organization that often befuddled her. He expected her to wash the windows every Monday. Beds were to be changed every Friday, and the bed linens were to be washed that very day. He firmly believed that schedules kept things in order, and when she’d first looked around that house the day she’d arrived, it seemed he’d been right.

  It had been an adjustment living with someone new, and she knew the adjustments weren’t over by a long shot. But today they’d be married! They’d finally decided they didn’t want to be apart from one another. They’d found happiness — for the second time in their lives. As she watched Daniel though, she wondered. He seemed quiet. Perhaps he harbored the same uncertainty, the same worry that she did. Marrying for a second time was hard for any person. It felt… different. That giddiness of a first marriage isn’t present with a second. That thought brought a twinge of sadness to her.

  And there was something else she thought he felt too. That first spouse — for both of them — would be present today.

  She reached over and squeezed his hand as he held the buggy reins. “You’re thinking of Mary, aren’t you? I feel it too. Today, I keep thinking of Clive. It’s okay though. We understand each other. It’s normal, right?”

  He wrapped his arm around her and kissed her forehead. “Yeah, I think it’s normal. How could we not think of them? We were married to them first.” He was silent a moment, then he sighed quietly. “I miss her, Sophie.”

  “I know. I miss Clive too. Today is our new beginning. Daniel. We’ll start over today. Make the lives with each other that Fate stole away from Clive and Mary both.”

  They found the preacher in Topeka and made an appointment for two o’clock that same day to be married. Afterward, they went to the mercantile to purchase some last minute things, then made their way to the hotel to reserve a room for the night.

  While Daniel spoke to the manager about a room, Sophie walked back outside, watching the bustle of activity in the city. There were wagons everywhere, horses, oxen, and people. One could sit on a bench here and watch the comings and goings all day. She hadn’t been standing there more than a minute or two, before a peddler with a stovepipe hat and dirty brown suit approached her, sharing some lotions and potions he had in his wagon. She tried to deter him by ignoring him, walking away down the dusty street. But he simply followed her. Increasingly unnerved at the man’s forward behavior, she turned back the way she had come, heading for the hotel to find Daniel.

  Instead, Daniel found her — and he didn’t look pleased. She’d become familiar with that scowl of his.

  Daniel glared at her first and then directed his displeasure toward the peddler. “Smitty. I believe I heard the lady askin’ you to leave her alone.”

  Daniel knows this man?

  He took a step toward the peddler. “Are you havin’ trouble listening today? ‘Cause I can help you hear better if that’s what you’re needing.” Daniel put both hands on his hips. At that moment, her soon-to-be husband looked as formidable and frightening as a grizzly bear.

  Smitty must have felt the same, because he backed up a couple of steps. “Nah. No, Sir, Daniel. I’m hearing fine. I’ll be leavin’ now and finding someone else who’s interested.” Smitty hastily tipped his hat toward Sophie. “I’m sorry, ma’am. So sorry.”

  Then he turned and ran to his wagon, the snap of the reins setting the creaking wheels into motion, carrying him down the road in search of another target.

  Daniel watched him ride away, as if to ensure Smitty wouldn’t dare to come back. Then he turned his attention back to Sophie.

  Now she felt like Smitty, caught in the power of Daniel’s fearsome glare. She took a halting step backward.

  “When we’re in the city like this, you stay near me,” Danie
l said, his voice holding just a hint of steel. “You hear?”

  “Yes, Sir. It just got stuffy in there and I needed air.” She pressed her hand to her neck, suddenly feeling very vulnerable.

  “I don’t care. You stay near me, or ask me to bring you outside. I won’t say it again. Not with my voice anyway.” He tilted her head up with a finger under her chin. “Next time, I’ll be talking with my hand or an implement. Clear?”

  “Yes, Sir.” Her voice shook a little. She’d learned in the past few weeks to have a healthy respect for his orders. When he said something or gave an order, it’d been best for her to listen and do it. He didn’t brook any disobedience.

  “Smitty ain’t right in the head. I don’t trust him. Most people don’t trust him. He’s got a temper, and he can go off like a firecracker if you’re not careful. Best to stay away from him unless you’re able to take care of yourself. Which you’re not.”

  “I’ll stay away.”

  “Good girl. Now, I got us a room for tonight. We can bring our bag up and get ourselves ready for our shindig at two.” He winked at her, grabbing her hand and leading her back to the hotel.

  * * *

  Daniel held Sophie’s small hand in his as they walked to the church the sky was still clear and sunny and the smell of honeysuckle from the local houses wafted on the air. The preacher had married he and Mary at the same small white church, and it felt right that the same preacher would be performing this wedding too. He squeezed Sophie’s hand, and she looked up at him. She seemed happy. A little melancholy, perhaps, but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t feel a touch of that himself. It was good that they could be honest about their feelings and memories. He’d lucked out with Sophie; he had friends here that had nightmarish stories of their mail order brides. He wondered if all the women on the Widow Wagon were as sweet and caring as Sophie. He felt like he found the gem in the Widow Wagon.


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