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Revolution of the Gods: The Battle for Sol Book One

Page 5

by W. R. Hobbs

Only one more day.

  Kele’s home was Mykah’s midway point for her daily trek in the desert. She always ran down Indn Route 9 then turned south down Bear Springs Rd until she reached his house where she then turned back. Today as she approached her turn to head south she noticed something strange. A column of smoke was rising from the top of Kele’s kiva. The Hopi for many centuries sat in their underground square walled kivas to communicate with the spirit world. Mykah sped up her pace.

  By the time she reached his home, the elder was carefully climbing out of the kiva. Mykah ran past his house into the backyard, slowing her trot as she came closer to him.

  “Ah, my child. It is good to see you.”

  “Elder Tawanima, I can’t remember the last time I saw you in the kiva this late in the morning.”

  “We must go inside Mykah. Prepare much we must.”

  In contrast to many of the structures in Hotevilla, the elder had built his home by hand over four decades ago in the traditional style of his people. He created the square shaped house using a mixture of adobe brick and roughly cut stone which was finished with a smooth light brown plaster.

  As they walked inside, Mykah as always admired the two rooms. The ceiling made from a combination of brush and clay was supported by exposed wooden beams and cross poles. The walls were gypsum whitewashed with a complex geometric band running parallel to the flagged floor. The only signs of the modern world were the hinged doors and glass window panes.

  The two of them sat down in the corner in front of Kele’s fireplace that was hooded with woven strands of wood covered in plaster connected to a hole in the ceiling.

  “What is the matter elder Tawanima?” Mykah asked after more clearly discerning the expression of dismay on his deeply wrinkled face.

  “Our ancestors from the sky gave us the signs necessary to recognize Pahana’s return. The Koyaanisqatsi has persisted for too long and the world has not regained its balance. The time of the purification and Fifth World are at hand. The most important of all signs will appear in less than one day now,” Kele explained in slow deliberation.

  Mykah was accustomed to her mentor speaking in metaphor and asked, “You mean Soyal?”

  “No my child. The return of our true white brother is upon us. It is imminent. Saquasohuh (The Blue Star) will be seen by all of man. Mykah, your purpose and mission is now to be revealed. The return of The Red Star depends on your success. Otherwise there will be no Purification and the planet is doomed.”

  Mykah looked at Kele with both apprehension and astonishment replacing her gentle smile. She had essentially been told that the end times had arrived for certain. Ever since she arrived in Hotevilla, Mykah was told that she held a great purpose. Over the years she trained and educated herself for some type of abstract mission which she personally came to view as imaginary because when she inquired about details, none were ever given.

  So the mission is real! Leetayo was being truthful all of these years.

  After a few seconds of mental digestion and looking into the fire, her eyes rose back up to meet the elder. She did not hesitate or cower.

  “I am ready,” she declared.

  “Ready you better be or all will be lost my child.”

  “I have been well prepared for this day. What is required of me?”

  “You must retrieve what is below.”

  Kele pulled back a rug and brushed off a hidden portal in his living room floor. He then gestured to Mykah. She reached down to pull the door open. A ladder stretched down into darkness. She reached into her left arm pocket, grabbed her light, and crawled through the entrance.

  The smoothly cut square entrance maintained its form for about twenty feet and then opened in to a large room. Mykah shined here light around revealing it was also perfectly square. As she inspected more closely, she noticed the entire chamber was formed from obsidian. In the far right corner of the glassy walled room sat a small metal trunk. Mykah walked over to it and noticed it was unlocked.

  She opened the trunk and saw a small glossy black case. As she placed her hands on each side to pick it up, a bright field of light activated and flashed around it once. She carefully slid it in her pack, exited the chamber and climbed back into Kele’s living room where he waited patiently.

  “This case you must not open now. First, you must find a man. His name is Taon and he has been taken off his course. You must go to a place called Las Vegas quickly; negative powers are seeking him. Once you have found him, you must insure he and the case arrive at your destination. You will need this…” Kele handed her a piece of paper with a set of coordinates.

  “Yes elder,” Mykah resolved as she and Kele rose to their feet. “I hope my travels find me back here to see you once again.”

  “I have no doubt of your ability. Go quickly.”

  She hugged her mentor and walked back outside. Looking at the cloudless baby blue sky, Mykah knew she was truly ready. She began her trek back home completely detached from her physical activity.

  The prophecy is not what it seems, she realized.

  The common understanding of the prophecy of Saquasohuh was inaccurate to say the least. For a long time popular culture perpetuated a story that was not correct. Back when there was free access to information on the Internet, there were countless pages that displayed similar variations of the so-called Blue Star Prophecy:

  When the Blue Star Kachina makes its appearance in the heavens, the Fifth World will emerge. It will come when the Saquasohuh Kachina dances in the plaza and removes his mask

  Although it was obvious that some people associated with the Hopi people had leaked certain portions of the prophecy, this particular segment was among the most distorted.

  Mykah was a bit troubled because she knew the true interpretation. A closely guarded secret for thousands of years; one never revealed even to the regular members of the Hopi tribes themselves. The common understanding was the Saquasohuh would be benevolent. But the true translation was that The Blue Star would portray itself as benevolent. The Saquasohuh Kachina was not necessarily ‘good.’ In fact it would most likely be the opposite.

  These thoughts of Saquasohuh displaced her perception of real time. She ran back to Hotevilla within what seemed to her only a couple of minutes. After she arrived back to the home that her grandmother left her, Mykah quickly changed into clothes more suitable for the tasks ahead. She grabbed her helmet then headed outside. The door flew upward on her small garage door presenting the one possession that gave Mykah a guilty pleasure - her crosscage hydrogen fuel cell motorcycle. She straddled the two wheeled rocket and prepared to head toward Vegas.


  Laboratori Nazionali Del Gran Sasso - Central Italy

  Located almost two miles below the LNGS’s underground nuclear and particle astrophysics lab in Gran Sasso and Monti Della Laga National Park, a group of seven delegates convened.

  Historical record held that at the end of 2018, multinational corporations made up over 93% of the world's 220 largest global economic entities despite three global recessions. By 2031, the statistic was no longer applicable. The entire world economy was controlled by seven proxy governments that were in the back pocket of the globally dominate corporations and influence groups.

  These proxy governments, each operating under various forms of regional martial law, supplanted the UN in early 2029 with the creation of the New Earth Union and the Council of Seven or the C7.

  The C7 was the governing body of the New Earth Union and gained control as a result of the centralization of infrastructure into seven global regions: The European Union (EU), North American Union (NAU), South American Union (SAU), the United Mideast Consortium (UMC), the Slavic-Turko Union (STU) the African Federation (AF) and the Indo-Asian Union (IAU).

  Three primary infrastructure institutions controlled the planet’s economy, energy and healthcare – the World Bank, the World Energy Bureau and the World Health Organization. Additionally, the world’s major religions were co
ngregated under one umbrella institution named the World Religious Union.

  A new embryonic world government finally achieved existence in practical reality and effectively eliminated the existence of nation states. Such a transition only required a carefully orchestrated global economic depression with a bit of super flu pandemic and nuclear terrorism sprinkled on top.

  In retrospect, the Second Great Depression actually began with the 2026 global recession and culminated in July of 2028. The utter collapse of the frail world economy sparked a chain reaction that offered an unprecedented level of control to the C7’s predecessor – the Committee of 300.

  This group was formed by British and European aristocracy in the late 1720’s with its influences residing at the highest levels of the world’s military, political, banking and commerce conglomerates. The C-300 had been serving as the world’s secret government for well over 200 years when they began their end game in 1951.

  The operative arm of the C-300 that carried out its directives throughout its areas of influence became known as the Bilderberg Group. Since inception in 1954, the Bilderberg group had been linked to a full spectrum of rather advanced conspiracy theories spanning the ideological spectrum. In actuality this group had been around long before 1954. It just so happened they gained their new moniker from a meeting they had that particular year at the Hotel de Bilderberg in Germany.

  Ideologues on the ‘right’ saw the group as a socialistic new world order while the ‘left’ viewed them as the progenitors of transnational corporate states imposing capitalist domination. Unfortunately for the skeptics and conspiracy theorists alike, the Bilderbergers turned out in reality to be a combination of both.

  For the next seven decades the ruling global elite privately assembled once per year in an effort to mold world political and economic agendas. The establishment of the European Union marked the first step in the group’s end game. Although the EU in name was created in 1993, its origins were in the 1951 Treaty of Paris devised by the European Coal and Steel Community.

  This eighty year old transnational corporate union served as the prototype for the succeeding six global sub-regions which subsequently formed the C7. They had successfully completed an ancient endeavor that all previous incarnations had been prevented from or subverted from achieving over thousands of years.

  Now there were seven prime delegates; each the provisional leader of a sub-region. On an hourly basis since mid-December 2031 the C7 had begun meeting in Old Cairo, a nickname referencing the ancient Fort Babylon that gave birth to Egypt’s modern capital at Cairo.

  Shortly after 4:00 p.m. CET, as the Primes sat in discussion regarding the imminent completion of their global transformation endeavor, an alert message appeared on their wall viewer:

  Incoming Message

  NAU Command

  Director Lindherst – Priority Alert

  “Prime Delegates, I have an urgent status update regarding the GEO Project. GEO-0131 escaped the Dugway facility piloting a XF-50 at 0650 MST,” Director Lindherst conveyed.

  Leaning forward from the inwardly curved row of seven command chairs facing the main viewer, Prime Delegate Pike from the NAU took point and asked, “Has the GEO been retrieved?”

  “Coordinates indicate the stolen XF-50 made a forced landing near Las Vegas, Nevada. Our recon team has been dispatched.”

  Each of the other six Primes intently observed the displays attached to the right arm of their command chairs. The real time data feed showed a series of blinking red dots concentrating toward a perceived target. The head of the EU stood up, walked a few paces toward Lindherst’s face on the viewer and turned to look back at the other delegates.

  “Director, if your teams retrieve the target, transport him to Dulce. Regardless of the target retrieval outcome, you are directed to personally take command of Dugway no later than 2000 MST tonight. Commandeer the facility and relieve General Bracken of his command. Maximize internal security around the XF-50 and XAC-1 Helios fleets. Secure General Bracken and await further instruction. Maintain the ground feed and notate any status changes.”

  “Yes sir,” Lindherst acknowledged.

  The wall monitor switched from Lindherst’s unflattering close-up back to the default analytics menu with the centered C7 emblem imposing on the screen.

  “Gentlemen, this development cannot be allowed to become anything more than a temporary annoyance. The New Order is too close to fruition for this GEO to become unpredictable. General Bracken has obviously compromised the security of the GEO Project and this Dr. Hauer has validated our growing mistrust. I suggest we proceed under the assumption that they are working against us.”

  The EU Prime continued, “This GEO serves us better dead than captured. Presuming he will evade Lindherst, I recommend we utilize this unfortunate event to move up our scheduled field test for the new SETH series.”

  After an immediate concurrence from the other delegates, the EU prime sent orders for a SETH Series 2 to report to the command center.

  Silently the delegates sat observing the satellite feed on the main viewer. Superimposed on the right side of the main viewer were six more video feeds: three live ground feeds from Lindherst’s first recon team, two views from the James Webb Space Telescope with synchronized countdowns appearing on the bottom, and one sub-orbital satellite view of the moon.

  One of the delegates pressed the smaller top video feed on his chair panel. A live ground feed of Lindherst’s team leader expanded to the main viewer and the sound was activated. The ground team was reporting to Lindherst:

  “Sir, the Griffin has been recovered. Damage is catastrophic. The target remains undetected. Commencing a radial drones weep. Team One out.”

  The EU delegate perched higher in his seat and turned to the others to impress the importance of terminating the GEO. Before he could speak the unmistakable silhouette of a SETH emerged from the shadows near the entry bulkhead. The imposing S2 walked forward into the light exposing the brilliant detail of its 7 foot 2 inch design.

  “S2-Designation-Valik reporting as directed.”

  “Agent Valik, your first field test has been moved forward. Are you familiar with the GEO Program?” the head of the NAU inquired as he stood and walked toward the main viewer.

  “The Genetically Enhanced Operative Program is an ancillary program to the SETH Program. It originated three years ago in the former United States. Although the program is reported to have started several years earlier with developed clones at varying levels of maturation, to date it has not fielded a successful operative. The main facility for research and development is Dugway Proving Ground,” Valik reported.

  “That changed earlier today. A GEO escaped the facility at 0650 MST. The XF-50 he utilized in his escape has been located here,” Pike explained with the satellite tracking feed on the viewer. He continued, “This is Las Vegas. A recon team from Dugway is already on site performing searches for the primary target. Your mission is to locate the GEO and eliminate him before he is captured.”

  “Acknowledged,” Valik responded.

  “We want to maintain a small footprint, so you will be the only S2 dispatched. A Helios is waiting in the launch hanger.”

  “I will report to the armory for disposition refitting and then proceed to the target area. Estimated time of arrival is three hours twenty minutes,” Valik calculated.

  “Very well. We will monitor your progress.”


  Central London - England

  Out of a period of dim half-light and much obscurity the new Masonry arose, and knowing what it is, we have a keen curiosity to know how it came to be what it is. How many questions we are eager to ask, answers to which are not found, or likely to be found, unless un-guessed records should leap to light. Anyway, our brethren of those formative days practiced the Masonic virtues of silence and circumspection to an extraordinary degree, telling us very little of what we should like to know so much. ~ Unknown

  Christopher Co
nrad was making his way through the underground utility tunnel. The corroding six inch heating pipes were hissing steam through the joint fractures creating a bath of fog that obscured the dim lights positioned every forty feet. Conrad’s 600 yard trek ended in front of a riveted steel door with only a few green patches of paint still fighting to cling on. He pulled the metal lever upwards and entered into a small round chamber with a spiral staircase descending three levels from the middle of the floor.

  A careful descent put Conrad in front of another doorway. With no metal lever, this more modern door offered access only through a keypad. The correct code enabled the door to slide from right to left allowing Conrad entry. Waiting inside a large cinder block room were three men seated around an oval conference table with five chairs. Behind one of the seated men read a faded inscription on the wall – AGL at No.9.

  No. 9 Greek Street in Soho, London was the present day location of a perpetually empty Jazz club. The Second Great Depression had destroyed the majority of businesses in places like Soho, but No.9 stood in defiance of this new reality. It was not a place the average person would consider normal for the hidden location of an ancient brotherhood.

  The importance of this address was not the Jazz club of course. Rather, it was its place in history exactly 280 years ago that held the most significance. In that time, it was known as Turk’s Head Tavern - birthplace of the definitive Masonic divergence.

  The official history of this event was well chronicled but always presented as a benign transformation within Freemasonry. During the decades approaching the mid 1700’s, the Masons from Ireland and Scotland harbored an increasing animosity toward the London Grand Lodge. They believed that the lodge had dangerously deviated from the Craft’s ancient practice. They viewed themselves as the ones that practiced a more ancient and purer form of the Craft. The Ancients' Grand Lodge was established in 1751 as a result.


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