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Sweet on Wilde

Page 10

by Fabiola Francisco

  “You’re going to kill me,” he growls again and pulls my hand away from his cock, pinning it over my head.

  Smiling, I reach up for his mouth and he gives in to my invasion, my tongue seeking his as his hand brushes over my clit, my moans growing louder and more frequent. Smiling between my lips, Parker inserts a finger into my core, moving it inside me, the burning flame spreading like a wildfire, his finger hooking until it rubs that perfect spot that drives me wild. He is definitely putting B.O.B. to shame.

  His thumb presses against my clit, bringing me to the brink of my orgasm before removing the pressure. Frustrated, I break away from him and look at him expectantly.

  Parker laughs and kisses me gently. “What?” He asks innocently. I roll my eyes. Two can play this game. Reaching down for him again, I wrap my hand around his cock once more, pumping him with more pressure than I normally would. I wet my lips with my tongue before biting down on them, keeping my eyes on his, and smiling up at him.

  He closes his eyes momentarily. “Okay, I get it.” His breathing is heavy.

  “Too bad.” I’m enjoying this. I do not remove my hold from him, but I do slow down, wanting to tease him just like he’s teasing me.

  All joking aside, Parker’s eyes grow determined, and his lips devour mine before I can anticipate what he’s doing. His mouth moves over mine with desperation and longing, desire and lust. His tongue skillfully finds mine and moves with it, passionately tasting every inch of my mouth in the process. We both moan, and I rip Parker’s boxer briefs off his body. No more teasing, I want to feel him moving inside me. I want to feel him pleasing me with more than just his hand.

  Removing his hand from my sex, we break away to catch our breaths, our lingering gaze answering the question in the other’s eyes. Bringing his lips down to mine, Parker gives me a quick kiss before reaching for his jeans’ pocket and pulling out a condom. Rolling it on, he leans over my body again, kissing my lips, my jaw, my neck, before entering me slowly.

  My breath hitches; the sensation so much better than I could have imagined it, he fills me completely and stills before moving. My body arches up to his, wanting to feel all of him inside me, wanting to feel his hard body against mine.

  “Kiss me,” I murmur close to his face. His lips dip down to mine and I don’t care that they’re swollen and sore, I want all of this. I want the combination of sensations.

  Parker moves inside me, slowly at first, and I move my hips to meet his. As our kissing becomes more erratic in our desire, our hips move faster. We continue to move perfectly together, each thrust matched, the sensation building, my orgasm climbing as my walls clench around him.

  Our moans and kissing continue. Our sweaty bodies rubbing against each other, I feel myself starting to explode, my control leaving me as the only thing I can focus on is Parker, his movements, his cock hitting the perfect spots and rubbing against me.

  “Oh…My…” I can’t even formulate words. Arching deeper into him, I lose all sense of the world around me, Parker’s lips wrapping around my nipple as I free fall, allowing this delicious sensation to overwhelm me and render me incoherently pleased.

  Parker moves his lips to my other breast, pumping inside me faster and harder, his groans a tell that he is about to fall as intensely as I just did. Still sensitive, my sex throbs and pleads for more of this feeling. As he stills inside me, I let out more moans and allow my body to lead me.

  I have had sex before. Yes, I’d been going through a dry spell, but even with that dry spell, I remember sex and orgasms. Nothing compares to what Parker and I just experienced. I wouldn’t call it love just yet, but this…this was…wow.

  Coming down from our high, we separate and Parker takes off the condom and throws it away in the bathroom. He returns to my bed, lying next to me, my chest still lifting and falling quickly, and pulls me to him, face to face; we kiss tenderly and lie silently.

  After a while, Parker breaks the silence. “I know you had said some time ago you wanted to be ridden like a cowgirl, but I think that was pretty fucking good regardless.” Blushing at my comment from a time ago, I hide my face in the crook of his neck. Pulling my face towards him, he smiles that charming smile, kisses me, and says, “So easy to tease, but you give back what you get. Next time, cowgirl position. Can’t wait to see how perfect it will be when you’re in control.” Laughing, I playfully swat his arms and snuggle into him.

  Who would have thought that I would meet such a perfect guy once I actually started this whole online dating process? Even more ironic, he isn’t one of the matches from the website. He’s a normal guy I met at a bar. Makes me wonder why I had not met someone before. I must have been more of a stubborn bitch than I thought. Even when I first met Parker, I had my front up guarding me, ready to shoot back at his smartass comments. Being just as much a smartass as he is, I get it. What we have so far is perfect, and I bask in that relationship but also fear it’s too good to be true.

  Hmmm…I shift on my bed, drowsy from lack of sleep. Without opening my eyes, I shift to get more comfortable and release tension from my back. Much better. Yawning, I stretch my body and feel an arm tighten around me. I still.


  He’s here. Memories of last night flood my mind and I smile. It was perfect. The feel of his mouth on mine reminds me of him tasting my body, his hands exploring me, and our bodies connecting intimately. I relive last night completely awake now and…completely horny. Yawning again, I turn in his arms, taking in his sleeping face. I know I need to get up for work, but I would give anything to stay here with him all day.

  His breathing is even and soft, his face relaxed and peaceful. Brushing his hair from his face, I sigh happily. Noting the time on the clock, I really need to get ready for work. I lean in and kiss him gently, careful not to wake him up, before I get out of bed.

  Before I can break away, his lips move with mine and I open my eyes. Blue spheres are staring back at me. Silently, our lips move and I close my eyes, enjoying the feel of waking up next to Parker.

  “Good morning,” Parker says against my lips.

  “Good morning,” I respond, smiling at him. “How did you sleep?”

  “Amazing. Couldn’t ask for a better wake up call either.” Parker leans in and kisses me one more time. “You need to go to work?”

  “Yeah. Sorry it’s so early.”

  “I guess it is payback for waking you up before dawn on Sunday.” Laughing, I agree with him.

  Getting out of bed, I notice Parker propped on the bed with his arms behind his head looking at me. I raise my eyebrows and he smiles. “Just enjoying the view before you sneak off into the bathroom and get all covered up.

  Remembering my nakedness, my heart picks up and I look him over. The sheets are draped around his hips, leaving his upper body exposed. I appreciate his form as my eyes glance from his face down his torso to his hips, fully aware of what’s hiding under the thin sheets. Smiling mischievously, I look back up at his face. Parker cocks his head, his eyes a darker shade of blue, eyeing me humorously.

  “I get to enjoy the view as well,” I say before turning back and walking into the bathroom. I brush my teeth and wash my face before starting to work on my hair. My normally cooperative hair is messy, bringing back memories from last night. Deciding I need to cool off, I jump in the shower and quickly wash my hair and body. That will tame my sex hair.

  After somewhat drying my hair and leaving it in natural waves, I put on my robe and head back into my room to grab my clothes. Parker is sitting on the edge of my bed, fully dressed, checking his phone. He looks up at me, clearly imagining my body under the robe, and I pout at his covered body. He laughs and stands, wrapping an arm around my waist, and kisses me. Without saying it, we both acknowledge the shift in our relationship after last night.

  “I need to get dressed and go to the bakery. If people start complaining about my lack of pastries, I’m blaming you as my distraction.” I kiss him one last time before grabbing my clot
hes and getting dressed. I feel Parker’s eyes on me as I finish pulling my shirt over my head and I smile to myself.

  “Want to come have breakfast at the bakery?”

  “I’m pretty sure I’ve been going in for coffee almost every morning since I met you.”

  I smack his shoulder playfully and say, “You know what I mean. Now. With me.”

  Parker chuckles and says he’ll follow me to the bakery. Once I unlock and walk in, I turn on the coffee maker before heading to the kitchen–my daily routine engraved in me. While the coffee brews out front, I grab hold of the ingredients I’ll need for my usual breakfast pastries–croissants, scones, muffins, and cinnamon rolls. Once Beth arrives, she’ll help me finish these so I can work on the afternoon snacks and lunch items.

  “Your friend gets here on Friday?” Parker asks as he watches me go through the ingredients for each recipe.

  “Yeah. Emily is coming with her boyfriend Friday afternoon. I think she said she was leaving work early to not get stuck in traffic on the way down. Can’t wait to see her!”

  “How long has she been living in Atlanta?”

  “For a year now. She’s come to visit as much as possible, but I haven’t made my way over to her. I’m excited to meet her boyfriend, too.”

  “Cool. Are you going to introduce me to her?” The teasing in his voice is contagious.

  “We’ll see. If you behave,” I wink at him.

  Walking towards me, Parker wraps his arms around my waist, his front pressed against my back, and says, “I’m pretty sure I’ll behave as best I can as long as last night’s behavior is acceptable.” He brushes his lips under my ear, inhaling, and takes my earlobe between his teeth. My chest rises and falls quickly, my eyes close, and all I feel is his hard body behind mine and his mouth on my skin.

  Parker takes a step back and I turn to look at him. Composing myself, I glance at him and say, “Not fair. I’m trying to work here.”

  Letting out a laugh, he says, “I know. I’ll go grab the coffee,” and he playfully slaps my ass on the way out of the kitchen. Trying to reign in my emotions and gain some control, I begin to mix the ingredients for the blueberry muffins. Parker makes me melt with his sexiness and charm. It’s like someone grabbed every detail from my wish list, mixed them up into the perfect recipe, and created my ideal man. Ha! Talk about the perfect match. I guess fate was a better matchmaker than the website. Maybe I should have believed in it a little more before giving up on fate.

  Parker walks back in with two mugs and prepares our coffees before handing me my cup. “Do you want to have alone time with Emily on Friday when she gets here, or do you want to go out somewhere?” I hear the question in his voice. Are you ready to introduce me to your friends right away or is it too much too fast?

  “I was thinking we could all go to Southern. I know Em will want to see Jake, too, and he’ll be working there.” Parker nods and drinks his coffee in silence but I see the smile peeking from the side of his mug.

  “And Saturday is the party,” I add just in case.

  “I know. I’ll pick you up.”

  We continue to talk as I place the muffins in the oven and work on the croissants. Suddenly, Parker asks something that makes me stop and look up at him.

  “I have to ask… Why did you sign up for online dating? I know you and Emily made that deal, but why did you make it in the first place?”

  Looking at him sheepishly, I begin to reply. “I haven’t had the best luck with my dating record and neither had Emily. Emily thought moving to Atlanta that she would meet someone quickly, but after two months of no dates whatsoever, she got frustrated. We were talking one day and the topic of online dating came up. She told me about a coworker of hers that had met her fiancé through that method. Em got all excited and said we should try it if we were still single in eight months. You know, give her some more time to settle in Atlanta and me some time to get out there and try meeting someone traditionally. When she met Wes a few months ago, I knew I was screwed. I still hadn’t met anyone, and I would be doing this on my own. But a promise is a promise and I’m not one to break my word. So… the time came and I signed up and you know how the rest of that went.”

  “Well, I’m glad you did.” I look at Parker with my eyebrows scrunched together. “If you hadn’t signed up for it, I wouldn’t have seen you around Southern so much.”

  “Southern is my go to place. I would have gone regardless. That’s where Jake is and where I always go to unwind and have a drink.”

  “I know, but had you gone normally and just spoken to Jake, I probably wouldn’t have had an in into your conversation, at least not so quickly. Hearing you talk about your disaster dates was the perfect time to jump in, even if I did tease you.”

  I smile at the memory of an obnoxious Parker making fun of the messages I’d received and the dates I had been on. “Well, I guess I was lucky to have such terrible dates. I guess it was my way of paying karma so I could meet you.”

  “I’m pretty sure I’m the lucky one.” His tone more serious, Parker looks at me intensely. He clears his throat and I look away, focusing again on the croissants. Parker exudes confidence, but at this moment it seems there is more behind that façade than meets the eye.

  Curious, I ask, “What about you? What is a super star baseball player doing still single?”

  “I’ve just been unlucky in love...” I look up to meet his eyes again. “Until now,” he adds at the end. “And I’m not a super star baseball player. I’m pretty sure the big shots wouldn’t appreciate you calling some player from the Minors a super star.”

  I smile and roll my eyes at his last statement. Responding to his first one, I say, “Aren’t we both pathetic?” I add jokingly.

  “As long as I can be pathetic with you, I’m okay with that.” His seriousness gone, Parker returns to his laidback self. The oven alerts me that the muffins are done and I pull them out and onto a cooling rack. I finish forming the croissants, placing them in the oven.

  “More coffee?” I ask Parker.

  “Yeah,” he says and I grab our mugs and go into the front to fill them up. I return and hand him his cup.

  “Can I help?” His question surprises me.

  “Can you bake?”

  “I can manage. Mix a little here, knead a little there. I think I can help…As long as you tell me how much of what to put in the mixing bowl.”

  I laugh and guide him in preparing the cinnamon rolls as I begin the scones. We each have a muffin with our coffee in between baking and Parker gives me his approval on them.

  We’re laughing and talking when Beth walks into the kitchen. She looks at us with raised eyebrows and a knowing smile. Parker’s shirt has flour on it, the table has a mess of cinnamon and mixture that had fallen out of the bowl, and his cinnamon rolls aren’t the prettiest. We both laugh harder and shrug.

  “Well, this looks like fun.” I hear the amusement in Beth’s voice, and although she was surprised to see Parker here in the kitchen, I can tell she approves. “We’ll tell the customers a child made this batch of cinnamon rolls?”

  I laugh and agree. “That would probably be a good explanation. Community service?”

  Parker pretends to be wounded by our words and says, “I’m sure they taste great though.”

  “I’m sure they do.” I smile at him, biting my lip to hold back my laughter at his appearance.

  “Okay, I need to go shower before my meeting with the other coaches.” Parker leans in and kisses me. “Save me a cinnamon roll, I want to try my creation.”

  “You got it.”

  “I’ll call you after practice. Bye, Beth.”

  “Bye,” Beth says as Parker leaves, and she turns to look at me. Question, disbelief, and approval are all mixed together in Beth’s expression.

  “I made blueberry muffins and croissants already. The scones are underway as are the cinnamon rolls.”

  “Oh no. You aren’t going to get away with this that easily. Begin talking

  I go into some detail about going to practice yesterday to meet Parker and our dinner date. I confide in Beth about my feelings towards him, and the slight fear that it’s too good to be true.

  She gives me sound advice; beginning with, “Don’t bring yourself down with doubts. I just saw the way he looked at you. He’s totally into you.” I smile and agree with her. “And you’re totally into him. I’m so happy to see you take a break from work and enjoy yourself. Even if you were here, you weren’t focused solely on this bakery.”

  I nod in understanding. It was fun having Parker here while I worked. It also showed me that I could find a balance between work and a relationship. I still arrived at work on time–well, mostly–and I prepared what I needed to before Beth got here.

  As we finish preparing the breakfast items, I tell Beth about the Halloween party Parker asked me to go to and I tell her my idea for a costume. She squeals in excitement, letting me know it’s the perfect costume. We talk about the weekend and going to Southern on Friday when Emily arrives, making plans to all hang out together as we prepare the platters for the morning rush.

  It’s been three days since Parker and I slept together and he still hasn’t run off or become a jerk. Actually, our relationship continues to grow at a steady rate. We talk daily; either when he comes into the bakery or on the phone. I feel like I’m actually dating someone the proper way. Not just texting in code and sending selfies like kids do nowadays, but actually getting to know each other and having meaningful and sometimes silly conversations. Maybe I’m old school, but this is the way it should be.

  I’m ringing up a customer, looking at Parker from the corner of my eye as he sits patiently waiting for me to finish. Ever since we started dating and he has been coming to the bakery in the mornings, I have spent more time out front with the customers. It’s a perk to be able to see Parker and share glances as I work.


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