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Claimed by Her Alpha

Page 6

by Alex Anders

  Saki had never felt so in control before. She felt like she held Lane’s being in her hand. Everything that was strong and manly about him was now reacting to her touch. She could do anything to him now, causing pleasure or pain, and he couldn’t move or do anything about it. It was then that she opened her mouth and tasted the fullness of his sex.

  Lane inhaled audibly. Looking back up at him, she saw him trying to brace himself. She traced her tongue around the ridge of his head and watched his reaction. He could barely control himself. His mouth hung open, and his eyes grew large.

  Saki moved her tongue around quicker. The faster she moved, the more he squirmed. When he touched her head, gently pushing it away, she refocused on his instrument, preparing for crescendo. Writhing under her fingertips, his cock jumped and something shot high into the air. If it hadn’t flown over her head, it might have hit her. Quickly moving to the side, she continued to watch. He was having an orgasm. She found the sight fascinating and intensely arousing.

  “Lane?” A voice called out from the lobby.

  Saki giggled. It was his uncle’s voice calling him at exactly the worst moment.

  “Shit!” He exclaimed trying to wrangle his still ejaculating cock. “Shit!”

  “Lane?” The voice said, getting closer.

  Lane slipped his wet cock back into his jeans. Zipping and buttoning everything back up, he indicated for her to remain there as he escaped back into the hallway. Opening and closing the back door again, Saki heard his footsteps jog toward the front. The space remained silent until she heard the distinct sound of the front door closing. Only seconds later, the door opened in front of her.

  “Sorry about that,” he said, looking frazzled.

  “I’m sorry about that,” she said with a smile, pointing at the wet spot on his jeans.

  “Shit!” Lane said brushing the spot. “Do you think that my uncle saw it?”

  Saki looked up into Lanes concerned eyes and couldn’t help but laugh. “I don’t know. How often do you think he looks at your crotch?”

  Lane looked at Saki‘s giggling face and laughed too. “This isn’t funny.”

  Saki laughed harder. She couldn’t help it. The fact that she had given him that much pleasure made her tickled pink. She was feeling particularly bold right now, and the only thing that spot made her feel was a sense of pride.

  “I can’t believe you,” Lane said, still with a smile on his face. “I have to go change.”

  Saki giggled with delight and followed him.

  Passing the kitchenette, Lane covered the wet spot on his jeans. Looking to her left, Saki caught Torque’s gaze, who stood in front of the sink washing dishes.

  “Hello,” Saki said gleefully, getting only a glare back.

  Entering his bedroom, she closed the door behind her. Walking to his closet, he stripped off his pants, leaving them on the floor. Next, he turned to his dresser, retrieved a pair of boxers, and then dropped the pair that he was wearing.

  “Not so fast,” she said, examining his firm ass in the dim light. “There’s no use putting them on if you just going to take them back off,” she said with a smile.

  Lane looked back at Saki with a devilish glint then tossed his boxers onto the dresser. He moved toward her, gathered her in his arms, and threw both of them onto the bed. Looking down into her eyes, he kissed her lips. Still feeling pleased with herself, she wanted to keep him occupied.

  “Are there other alphas on the island?” She said stretching her arms behind her head.

  “We think so,” he said kissing the skin above her collar. “A couple of the guys talked about being turned, and I don’t think it was Dax‘s wolf.”

  “I think I saw it last night. By the way, my mom forgot me, and I was there until 9 o’clock. That’s why I didn’t come over.”

  “Poor baby, let me kiss it all better,” he said before pulling her T-shirt off to reveal her bare breasts. Lane kissed her nipple, and she momentarily lost her train of thought.

  “I think I saw him at school. I think he was chasing me.”

  “But you got away, right?”

  “Yeah. But why didn’t you tell me there were other alphas on the island?”

  Lane looked up into her eyes. “There are other alphas on the island,” he said before smiling.

  “Well, I know that now,” she said with a smile. “But where were you last night?”

  “Sitting here with my dick in my hand,” he said, before returning his lips to her pale flesh.

  Saki smiled. “Oh yeah. That’s right.” She looked back down at him. “Sorry.”

  “That’s okay. I forgive you.”

  “You know, if there is another alpha, maybe we can ask him how to stop Dax.”

  “I really don’t think he’s going to give you the secret of how to stop an alpha.” Lane kissed a path down to the soft flesh beneath her breasts.

  “Well, we have to ask somebody. I think I might know how we can get the medallion, but we still need to figure out how to beat Dax. Hey, do you think that old wolf that you and Dax spoke to would tell you?”

  Lane paused lifting his head. His furrowed his brow. “He didn’t seem very willing to help us the first time.”

  “But would he, though?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe.”

  “Do you think that we can ask him?”

  Lane rolled off of her. “He’s in the Florida Keys.”

  “So we would have to fly there?”

  “We don’t have to. The last time, Dax and I took the boat.”

  “How long did it take?”

  “Five or six hours each way.”

  “Can we go?”


  “What about tomorrow? We could leave in the morning and get back before night.”

  “If we find him.”

  “You think we won’t find him?”

  “I don’t even know if he still lives there. He could be dead.”

  Both laid in silence, considering.

  “Well, do you know any other alphas we can talk to?” Saki asked having come to her conclusion.


  “Then I don’t think we have a choice. We have to try.”

  “We’ll leave tomorrow morning. And until then, I have something for you.”

  Saki reached down, pushing her fingers through his silky dark hair. “Ahhh… What’s that?”

  It was Lane’s turn to smile before rolling back on top of her and unbuttoning her jeans. Peeling them off of her, he next removed her panties. Gently spreading her legs, he continued his kisses over her stomach to the folds between her legs.

  The feeling of his lips on her tender clit lifted her chest.

  “Ohhh,” she chirped with surprise.

  Kissing her again, his wide tongue snaked out from between his lips and touched her being. She flinched, throwing her hand down to still his head. Lane paused waiting for her body to relax.

  When her back was again flat against the bed, he touched the tip of his tongue to the swollen folds just south of her clit. She flinched again but not quite as much. Slowly, he licked his way back toward her swollen clit. It hurt, but it also felt so good. She decided not to stop him and instead take it all in.

  The gentle stroke of his tongue whipped her body up like a tidal wave. It was too much, yet she didn’t want him to stop. When he focused his wide, flat tongue on flicking her clit from side to side, she gripped hold of the closest thing that she could find.

  As he rapidly moved his head from side to side, the muscles in her legs tingled. The feeling was more intense than she had ever experienced. It was too much, and the only way that she could bear it was to writhe her body left and right. The rocking made the pulses shooting through her body palatable. She couldn’t take much more, but she didn’t want him to stop. When her orgasm began to take hold of her, all she could do was clamp her legs around his head and tense every muscle in her body.

  The waves of orgasm that followed would have been inconceiva
ble to her before now. She didn’t even realize she was screaming at the top of her lungs. Her entire body felt like it was on fire, and her heart felt as if it were pounding through her chest.

  Lane had to pry her legs apart to get her to release him. She was practically overcome with emotion as her body twitched uncontrollably. She couldn’t speak. She couldn’t move. All she could do was lay there and twitch.

  She wanted to cry, but nothing about her body was cooperating. When Lane again climbed on top of her and pulled her into his arms, she let go of everything, allowing her mind to dance in ecstasy. Saki could think of nothing else past this moment.

  Chapter 7

  In the moments before Saki opened her eyes, she had very comforting dreams. Good things were happening, and she was exactly where she wanted to be. The good feelings didn’t last once she figured out where she was.

  For a moment, she was disoriented. Nothing looked familiar. However, when she felt the touch of a strong hand on her, she realized where she was.

  Her consciousness came back to her quickly. The last thing she remembered was the orgasm. It was powerful and intense. Once her body had stopped twitching and she wrapped her arms around Lane, she had fallen asleep. Sunlight wasn’t coming through the windows yet, but the sounds of the animals waking up disturbed her. Facing Lane‘s sparsely furnished bedroom, she stared for only a moment more before turning to face him.

  Lane didn’t wake up immediately. He lay there with his mouth partially open and an innocent look on his face.

  “Lane,” she whispered, gently shaking him. “Lane, I have to go.”

  The boy opened his eyes, taking a second to orient himself to the fact that she was there. Squinting and contorting his face, he lifted his head and realization.

  “Right. We have to go.”

  “Yes, but I have to get home first. My mother will kill me if she finds out I slept out last night. What time is it?”

  Lane closed his eyes, again stretching his torso before propping himself up. Looking over her, he examined the nightstand. He rested his naked chest on her as he reached past her toward the floor. He lifted up the alarm clock.

  “6:15,” he said, putting the clock back on the nightstand.

  “I have to go,” Saki said, turning over and looking for her clothes.

  All of her clothes were more than an arm’s reach away. She would have to leave the security of her covers to get them. As comfortable as she had gotten with him, exposing her round naked body in the harsh morning light was different than being wrapped around him in the night. It wasn’t the wolf getting out of bed, it was her. She needed a little more cover.

  “Close your eyes,” she said, bashfully.

  Lane looked back with amusement.

  “I’m serious. Close your eyes.”

  When she was sure Lane had done as he was told, she slipped out from under the covers. She sat up and slipped on her panties. Moving as quickly she could, she put on her shirt and jeans.

  “Okay, you can look,” she said, retrieving her shoes.

  Lane smiled, staring at her. He reached down over the covers and held his cock. Its hard outline became clear to Saki. She ignored it.

  “Come on, you have to let me out.”

  Still smiling, Lane sat up and pulled back the covers. He was indeed hard, and he made no effort to hide it. Saki looked at him briefly, taking in the image of the beautiful boy she had somehow landed. He was perfect in every way. He was more gorgeous than any of the famous statues made in ancient times. On top of that, he also wanted her. She couldn’t understand how she had gotten so lucky.

  Lane eventually pulled on a pair of boxer shorts, though the large outline of his manhood showed prominently. Leaving his rippling abs exposed, he opened his bedroom door and led her toward the lobby. Everything was quiet; all she could hear were the dogs barking. It was an eerie feeling.

  “Which way do you want to leave?” Lane asked.

  “I can go through the front. I can’t believe that anyone would be up at this hour if they spent the night as a wolf.”

  Lane walked across the lobby and unlocked the front door.

  “What time are you coming back?” Lane questioned.

  “How long will it take to get to the Keys and back?”

  “All day. We have to pick up some supplies.”

  “Like what?”

  “Drinks, food, gas.”

  “Then I’ll take a shower, pack a bag and my swimsuit, and be back as soon as I can get out of there.”

  “Okay,” he said, getting close enough for a kiss.

  Saki felt pressured to kiss him and a part of her liked it. She got up on her toes and briefly kissed his lips before turning and walking into the brisk morning air. One thing she had come to enjoy about the Bahamas was the way the mornings felt. In North Carolina, the morning was just the beginning of the day. But so close to the ocean, mornings in the Bahamas always felt fresh, like the world actually was beginning anew each time.

  Saki brushed against the dew-covered leaves and felt cold droplets on her arms. Walking down the pathway to the street, she heard the sound of a rooster in the distance. Everything was still so quiet. No cars were out, and it seemed like no one was awake.

  Her mother was probably awake, though. She might not have left her bed yet, but she was awake. Saki‘s only hope was that the twins had left the front door open for her and that no one was in front of the TV yet.

  With her house now directly in front of her, the pressure of the moment loomed. Approaching her porch, she flinched when she heard the creaking noise the wooden boards made. Reaching for the handle, she twisted. It was locked. She tried it again to be sure. It didn’t budge.

  “Shoot!” she spit, not sure what to do.

  Saki turned and faced the houses that stretched out before her, each lit up from the east. Her mind rushed through scenarios. None of them were very realistic. If it was her mother who had locked the door, then she could have easily checked to see if Saki was in bed. If her mother already knew she was gone, she would be listening for her return.

  Saki’s only hope was that it was Maddie who had locked the door. If so, she might still have Marnie as an ally. Saki rounded the house to the twin’s bedroom window. She looked for a way to get Marnie‘s attention but couldn’t figure out a way to do it without also waking Maddie. Resigning herself, she picked up a small pebble and threw it upward toward the glass.

  Saki‘s first shot missed. She had aimed for the left side of the left window, the side that Marnie slept on. She was sure that they would both hear. But maybe she would get lucky.

  Saki took aim and threw again. It connected with a bang loud enough to surprise her, though it probably wasn’t as loud as she thought it was. It just sounded loud as the noise reverberated through the peaceful morning air.

  Saki reached down to grab another pebble when she saw a familiar face pop up in the window. Masked in darkness, she couldn’t tell which twin it was. But it didn’t matter. She needed someone to unlock the door. She pointed toward the front.

  Circling the house again, she stood on the porch waiting. The door opened, and Marnie was waiting for her. A sense of relief washed through her body.

  “Were you with him? With Lane?”

  Saki didn’t like her asking questions but knew that she had to give her something as payment for letting her in.


  “All night?”


  “Did you two do it?”

  “It’s none of your business,” Saki said, suddenly very uncomfortable. Remembering that she still needed Marnie, she quickly changed her mind. “Yeah. And now we have to take a boat trip. I’m going to be gone all day. You have to cover with mum.”

  “Okay,” Marnie said reluctantly. “But what do I tell her?”

  “Just tell her that I was here all night, and I left early to go to the beach with some friends. You don’t have to tell her anything other than that. And it’s the truth rig
ht? I am going to the beach, right?”

  “Yeah. You’re going somewhere else after that, but you’re going to the beach.”

  “And that’s all she needs to know, okay? You’ll cover for me?”

  “Is this wolf stuff?” She said, whispering when she got to the word “wolf.”

  “Yeah. It’s important wolf stuff,” Saki acknowledged.

  Marnie followed Saki into her bedroom. Saki felt her sister watching her as she dumped out her textbooks and filled her backpack with a change of clothes. She pulled out a swimsuit. Finding a shirt and a pair of shorts, she gathered everything and was about to head for the shower.

  “I wanna go with you,” Saki heard her sister say in a soft, unsupported voice.

  “You don’t want to go. You wouldn’t want any of this if you knew what it was like,” she said no longer sure if that was the truth. “Just be happy that you don’t have to worry about it.”

  Saki wanted to say more to discourage her but knew that she still needed her. Considering Marnie might have to take on some of that danger one day, she didn’t want to scare her off now.

  Saki left her bedroom and entered the bathroom. Turning on the shower, she quickly brushed her teeth as she waited for the water to heat up. Hopping in, she quickly washed off and got out.

  She slipped on her swimsuit and examined herself in the mirror. She still didn’t like what she saw. She couldn’t understand why Lane would like someone like her, but she couldn’t deny that he did. So instead of wrestling with it, she simply looked away and got dressed.

  The bathroom door opened with a creek, and Saki quickly made her way back to her bedroom.

  “Saki?” Her mother called from her bedroom.

  As Saki headed toward the front door she replied, “Yeah, Mom? I am heading out to the beach. I’m gone for the day.”

  Saki tried to get through the door before her mother could ask another question.

  “What was that? I want to talk to you,” her mother demanded.

  Saki heard it but knew she couldn’t stop. Her mother would never let her go out for the entire day, though Saki didn’t know why. If the twins had asked to do it, they would be allowed. But her mother had a different set of rules for the twins, and Saki didn’t have time to figure out why. She only had time to escape. Pretending like she hadn’t heard, she stepped outside, closing the door behind her. The door would be locked when she got back.


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