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Peace Maker (Blackwood Pack Book 3)

Page 4

by Mary Rundle

  “Yes. But I have one more question.”

  “Go ahead.”

  “When I told you I wasn’t on the tape, you said we would come back to that. Why?”

  Mystia answered him, “Because it was you. You came to my mate’s gas station and lied about knowing Jackson. You were about to beat Jimmy up when I appeared. I used several spells, first to immobilize you, another forcing you to answer my questions and then finally, one to make you forget everything.”

  Dylon’s eyes widened as he listened to the woman. “You did that to me?”


  “You’re the cause of me being beaten nearly to death? Do you have any idea how it felt? How my parents would feel if I died?” Dylon was enraged and shook off Cody’s hand on his arm. He wanted nothing more than to leave and go home—away from these fucked-up people and their war.

  Mystia answered coldly. “About the same, I guess, how Jackson and his brothers felt when they found out their parents and six younger siblings had been killed. Why don’t you ask your mate, Cody, how he felt as he suffered with the knowledge something terrible was going to happen to his family but couldn’t do anything about it? Ask him how he felt when he found out his world was gone. Ask him how he had to feel the pain twice. Go ahead. If you are going to condemn me for helping these boys, one who was pregnant with a pup, you had better get the whole story. Isn’t that what your father would say?”

  Dylon looked at his mate’s stricken face and tears tracked down his cheeks. He saw a bottomless well of pain in Cody’s eyes causing his wolf to howl at the knowledge their mate was hurting. Fuck! What the hell is the matter with me? He got off the hospital bed and wrapped his arms around his mate, breathing in the smells of home. How could I be so selfish as to hurt the gift I was given by the Fates? My father would skin me alive if he ever found out I was so thoughtless as to cause my mate pain.

  “Shush. ma moité, I’m sorry.” Dylon held Cody, offering comfort to ease his pain. He was ashamed he’d thought only of himself and knew he needed to do better to be worthy of his mate. They stood together for a long time as Dylon listened to his mate’s sobs until they finally subsided with only an occasional hitch in Cody’s breathing. “Are you all right, ma moité?”

  Cody rested his head on his mate’s shoulder and nuzzled Dylon’s neck inhaling the calming scents of orange blossoms, honeysuckle and woody cedar musk. He stayed within the safe harbor of his mate’s embrace and felt his body relax for the first time since the massacre. His wolf was lying down but still watchful. He felt so peaceful—a feeling he couldn’t ever remember having before. No longer was he worried about someone finding out what he was. Now Jackson knew and so did his mate—and Dylon was still here. He hadn’t left Cody behind. Could it be true? Has Dylon accepted me for what I am? The need to know the answer was too strong to ignore and he pulled back from Dylon’s arms.

  Looking at his mate’s beautiful face, he asked, “Do you accept me as your mate even though I have…have...”

  “The ability of foresight?”

  “You know what it is?”

  “Yes, I do and I think it is amazing the Fates gave me such a special mate.”

  “But I’m like a carnival sideshow. Either they’d scoff at what I’d say or they would want to use me. I can’t win.”

  “Ma moité, I believe in you. I’m amazed at your strength. Don’t you know only very special shifters are given this ability? And that is what you are. Do you know what I thought when I was coming out of my coma?”

  “No, what?”

  “I was over the moon to discover I had a mate. I didn’t care what you looked like or who you were, my wolf and I were in heaven knowing we finally had a mate. And then to discover how gorgeous you are and your foresight ability, I was beside myself with joy. I’m sorry I behaved so badly that I hurt you. I promise it will never happen again.”

  Cody examined his mate’s face and found what he was searching for—the truth of Dylon’s words. He smiled, thankful for the first time since discovering he had a Fated Mate. Glancing around the hospital room, he saw they were alone.

  “They left awhile back,” Dylon said. “Although, I think there are two guards outside the door, if I’m not mistaken.”

  Cody chuckled. “Yeah, Steel would’ve insisted. He’s always been like that but more so since Daniel was born.”

  Dylon reached for his mate’s hand and led him over to the small couch in the hospital room. After settling his mate next to him, he said, “Tell me about your, I mean, our pack. Jackson’s the Alpha and your brother, right?”

  “Yes, he just had Daniel…”

  “Wait, you have an Omega leading your pack?”

  “No, Ian is an Omega.”

  “The doctor? An Omega?”

  “Yes, and he is mated to my fellow triplet, Colton.”

  “The nurse?”

  “Yes, he’s the middle one and Carson, who you haven’t met, is the other one of our triad. You met Jackson and he has a twin brother, Logan who’s an interior designer and then there’s Dakota who’s a chef and my youngest brother, Zane, who is a computer geek.”

  “What does Carson do?”

  “He works with Steel and Slate in Dire Enterprises.”

  “Holy shit! Dire Enterprises?”

  “Yeah, you’ve heard of it?”

  “Fuck, my father speaks of the company all the time. They do so much good for all wolf shifters. In fact, other paranormals are pissed that Dire Enterprises only helps wolf shifters.”

  “Well, that’s because of the restrictions placed on the Dire Wolf Treasure.”

  “Dire Wolf Treasure? I thought that was a myth.”

  “No, it’s very real and Steel’s father is the guardian of it.”

  “Really? Wait, if I remember correctly, only a Dire Wolf can be a guardian and they are extinct—killed each other according to what I read.”

  “Well, you’re correct about the Dire Wolf guardian bit but wrong about not any being alive. Maximus, Oracle, Steel and Slate are all Dire Wolves—and now Daniel is the newest Dire Wolf.”

  “I didn’t know Oracle was a Dire Wolf. Hold on—Jackson is an Alpha who got pregnant and had a Dire Wolf pup?”

  “Not exactly. When he and Steel claimed each other, Jackson received the gift from the Fates to have pups. He’s an Alpha/Omega hybrid—the only one in the world as far as we know.”

  “No shit! Wow, I wonder if the Higher Council knows about this?”

  “You can’t tell anyone, not even your family. It would put my brother in so much danger and we’re already hunted by our uncle. If he knew Jackson had a pup, he’d place a kill order on Daniel.”

  “I’m missing something. Why would your uncle want to kill a baby?”

  “Because he wants the pack lands belonging to my father— I mean to Jackson, now as the eldest son. If something happened to Jackson, title would pass to Daniel.”

  “Why does he want your pack land? Silver Point pack lands are plenty adequate to meet the needs of their pack. I don’t get it. Is that why he had your parents killed?”

  “Yes, but not only my parents. My uncle had my six younger siblings killed along with the rest of the pack—every man, woman and child. Gone, all gone.”

  Dylon was appalled, but when he saw the sadness and pain cross his mate’s face, he pulled him into his arms once again. Holding him tightly, he whispered words of comfort and when his mate’s body relaxed again, he said, “Cody, we don’t need to talk about this.”

  “No, it’s all right. Sometimes it feels so fresh—like it just happened,” Cody said, sitting upright. “It’s important you know why you can’t tell anyone about Daniel.”

  “I understand now, and I won’t say a word to anyone including my parents. Do you know why they want your pack land?”

  “Yeah, something about finding gold in the Fox River that runs through it.”

  “You mean the motive was greed?”

  “Yeah, and you know what’s fu
nny? If my uncle had asked if he could pan for it, my father would have said ‘yes’. See, there was no reason to kill anyone. But you know what’s worse? If I had only told my father about my vision, my parents and younger siblings would be alive today.” And with that confession, Cody broke down after, voicing his guilt about not preventing the massacre.

  Dylon lifted his mate onto his lap and wrapped his large muscled arms around him, holding him in a circle of love as he attempted to reassure him. “Darling, you don’t know that for sure. There might be other reasons why your uncle killed your family. This doesn’t make sense. If your uncle wanted the gold, he could have challenged your father for control of your pack. But he didn’t. Instead he took a risk, that could get him a death sentence if he was found out. Why take that chance when there was another way to get control? No, something isn’t right.”

  Dylon’s words sank into Cody’s mind and he began to feel some hope. His mate was right. “But, what could it be?” he asked his mate.

  “I don’t know,” said Dylon, “but it’s something to think about.”

  Chapter 5

  Bruno selected his men and headed out to fulfill his mission. It was late and pitch black when he parked the van off the road, about a half a mile away from where they’d dumped Dylon. He got out quietly, listening for sounds in the woods around him as his men circled, waiting for their assignment. He didn’t want any fuck-ups tonight; Rudy made it very clear what would happen to him if he failed to complete the job. After one final search for unwelcomed visitors, they shifted, well hidden by the van and the surrounding trees. Bruno’s wolf gave a chuff and off the group went.

  They found the spot all right, but there wasn’t anything there. Not a body, clothes, or bones which left only one conclusion—somebody took Dylon. But why? Oh, shit my boss isn’t gonna like this! Sniffing the ground where they’d dumped the body he could smell Dylon’s blood soaked into the earth along with a faint scent of a wolf. Fuck! Rudy is gonna be pissed! He tracked the unknown wolf to the edge of the road before losing the trail which meant he had no way to find Dylon’s body or the wolf who took it. Much as he hated to, he had to call Rudy to see what his boss wanted him to do. Bruno’s wolf signaled the other wolves to follow him as he took off for the van, keeping in the shadows of the trees.


  Dylon sat with his sleeping mate in his arms, thinking about all he’d found out that evening. Holy Shit! I have a mate—a fucking Fated Mate who has the ability of foresight! He still found it hard to believe everything Cody told him tonight but he knew his mate was telling the truth. An Alpha/Omega hybrid mated to a Dire Wolf, a male Omega who was the King of Scottish Wolves mated to a brother who was given a power possessed only by the Archangel Raphael and now Cody, too, would receive a gift from the Fates once they claimed each other.

  Well, that would have to wait. He didn’t want it to but Cody was emotionally exhausted. Dylon knew his mate was hiding something and was afraid to tell him whatever it was. He could see it in Cody’s eyes—pain and sadness that hung from his mate like an old tattered coat. He reviewed all he knew about the Blackwood Pack which wasn’t much, only the lies he’d been told by Rudy when he hired Dylon.

  At the time, he was outraged when he heard about the Alpha’s nephews killing the Alpha’s brother and his family. He was sure the brothers had gone rogue and were looking to attack other packs. What a fucking fool I was to accept Rudy’s story. I should have investigated it instead of accepting his word. At that thought, Dylon paused when he realized why he accepted Rudy’s explanation without question. I didn’t smell any deceit on his part! How could that be? Something is very wrong with this picture and I need to find out what it is, so I can protect my mate. Maybe my Dad would know how that asshole was able to deceive me. Oh shit! Dad! He is going to be worried because I haven’t called for a while—ever since I was locked up. Oh shit, I hope he doesn’t call looking for me.

  Dylon had to call his father quickly to prevent the High Council from visiting Silver Point Pack. But how? His phone was back in his room at Silver Point Pack House. Humph. No, Rudy would have gotten rid of my stuff including the phone. He was considering his options when Cody’s brother entered the room. Dylon stared at him, waiting for him to speak.

  “Hi Dylon, I’m Colton. Do you remember who I am?” he spoke in a very low voice as not to wake his brother.

  “Yeah, you are one of the triplets Cody told me about. You’re the one who saved me, right?” Dylon whispered.

  “Yes. Did Cody tell you about my gift?”

  “Yes, and I remember what happened when you touched me. Cody just clarified what it was.”

  “Okay. I just want to check your vitals to make sure everything’s as it should be.”

  “Sure, but can you do it without waking my mate? He’s exhausted.”

  “Sure. Just give me one of your arms.”

  Dylon carefully moved Cody to keep him supported against his chest and then stuck out his right arm.

  Colton checked Dylon’s blood pressure, pulse and listened to his heart before pulling back and declaring him fit.

  “Do you have a phone I could use? I haven’t called my father in a while and he’ll be worried as will my mother.”

  “Hmm, I do, but I’ll have to ask Jackson first if it’s okay.” Then seeing his brother’s mate stiffen, he added, “Please don’t get upset. It’s nothing about you. It’s that Jackson will want to talk to Cody first. But let me see what I can do.”

  Dylon watched him leave the room and was secretly pleased about the level of security in place here. He could wait. He knew he wasn’t going anywhere except where his mate went and gods help the wolf who might harm Cody. Dylon heard his wolf chuff in agreement with that thought. He looked down at his mate and smiled at him. Softly snoring, Cody’s face was relaxed as the tension and worry flowed from his body. Tomorrow would have to do—whether it was their claiming or the talk about whatever Cody was hiding.

  Leaning his head back against the wall, he closed his eyes and thought of his parents. They’d be very happy and certainly would want to come here to meet the Alpha and the rest of the members of the Blackwood Pack. It was a good thing Oracle was here because she could smooth the way with his parents. It would be a tricky introduction without disclosing Jackson’s or Colton’s gift. A shiver went through his body as he remembered the state he was in when the wolf found him. Those bastards! They left me there to die! They knew I could no longer shift. Fucking assholes! How can I explain this to my parents without telling them about Colton’s gift? Dylon was pondering different options when he heard the door open. Lifting his head, he cracked his eyes open a bit and saw Jackson and Steel standing there. Cocking an eyebrow, he waited.

  “How’s my brother?” Jackson murmured.

  “Exhausted,” Dylon whispered. “How is it you or any other pack member failed to see how upset he was? I saw it as soon as I opened my eyes and I didn’t even know him.”

  Steel growled. “Watch how you speak to the Alpha.”

  Jackson laid his hand on his mate’s arm, before saying, “You have a point there, Dylon. But I suggest you ask your mate that question first before you attribute any wrongdoing to us. Now, if you’re through with your baseless accusation, let’s address your request for a phone.”

  Dylon felt Jackson’s alpha’s power roll over him and he tilted his head immediately. Holy Shit! That is some powerful mojo for someone so young.

  “My apologies, Alpha,” Dylon whispered, his head still bent.

  “Accepted. Who do you want to call and why?”

  Straightening his head, Dylon checked to make sure Cody was still sleeping before answering. “I must call my parents. They’ll be worried about me since I missed my last scheduled call to them.”

  “What are you going to tell them?”

  “Don’t worry, I promised my mate I’ll keep all of your secrets. I know you don’t know me, but you can trust me.”

  Steel growled. “
How did you end up with the Silver Point Pack?”

  Dylon frowned. “I don’t know that it’s any of your business.”

  Steel started to speak, but was prevented when Jackson spoke first, “You’re right Mr. Royd, it is none of our business but what is my business is the safety of this pack. So, based on your decision to keep information from us, I will have to refuse…”

  “No, wait. I’m sorry. You’re right of course. I heard they were hiring enforcers and I applied for the job. I left my previous job because I found out the Alpha wanted me to shake down pack members in order to extort money from them. I overheard two enforcers talking about the Silver Point Pack and how they paid good money so I applied and was hired.”

  “Have you told Cody this?”

  “Not all. He fell asleep and I didn’t want to wake him.”

  “Jackson, what’s the problem?” asked Cody, sleepily.

  “Oh darling, I’m sorry I woke you up,” Dylon said, before looking at Jackson. “I can call tomorrow. I think it’s better if Cody can get some more sleep.”

  “Who do you want to call?”

  “I wanted to call my father. I know he’s worried and I don’t want him to do anything that would cause a problem for you or your pack.”

  “Jackson, why won’t you let him call his father?” Cody asked as he sat up.

  “Cody, are you going to claim your Fated Mate? Has he agreed to claim you?” Jackson asked.

  “His name is Dylon and yes, I will claim him. Now, can he call his father?”

  “Dylon, have you agreed to Cody claiming you and are you going to claim him?” Jackson asked.

  “Yes. I think I am the luckiest person on earth to have been given this gift from the Fates,” Dylon murmured while looking at Cody.

  Jackson searched Dylon’s face before saying, “You can make your call. Afterward, Cody can take you to your suite. Tomorrow we can talk about all the rest. Mystia found your belongings which had been dumped south of the Silver Point Pack lands and they are now in your room. I don’t know if it’s everything but it is all there was.”


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