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Peace Maker (Blackwood Pack Book 3)

Page 22

by Mary Rundle

  He opened the second washing machine which, thankfully, Jackson had insisted on after Daniel was born and loaded it up. Shaking his head, he was amazed at the clothes his nephew went through in a day. Two more hours of work before he would be finished— and he started at six in the morning. Shit, I won’t ever complain about my chores again. He didn’t know how Cody had done it all these years without bitching but he certainly had gained a new appreciation for his brother—which led him back to his apology.

  Carson had sent numerous messages to Cody through their mind link but so far, he hadn’t received a response. Not that he was surprised, but still it was beginning to worry him. What if my brother never forgives me? Then what do I do?

  Maybe I should talk to Colton to see if he can help. After sending a message through their mind link, Carson went back to folding the clean clothes he’d taken out of the dryer.


  Cody was kneeling at the end of the bed, waiting for Dylon to finish dressing. He checked his wolf and found him lying down and grooming himself. It was still strange to see a half white, half grey wolf, but he imagined his mate felt the same way. He mentally shrugged his shoulders, no longer worried about what’s what anymore. But he was eager to shift and see Dylon’s wolf. It would be visual proof they were each half of one whole.

  “You’re right my pet, I also want to see our wolves so maybe if we can get everything done quickly, we’ll have time for a run. Now stand up, so we can go to breakfast.”

  Cody rose and taking his mate’s hand, followed Dylon out of their bedroom and down the hall to the great room. Entering, Cody saw Daniel sitting on Jackson’s lap, his bottom half shifted and showing his soft silver fur. Chuckling at seeing a diaper on a wolf, he glanced up at Jackson who was looking at him contemplatively. Coming from the hallway behind him he heard Oracle’s voice calling to Maximus about bringing the gifts they’d bought. “More toys for Daniel, eh bro?” he asked Jackson.

  Shrugging, Jackson said, “That’s what grandparents do. At least that’s what I’m going to tell Daniel when he has pups.” He looked at his brother and what he saw pleased him. When he’d first learned about Cody’s ability and the effect it was having on him, Jackson had been frantic, thinking he might lose a member of their family. But this morning, he was seeing the Cody he remembered when they grew up together— before everything went to shit. And that reminded him, “Hey what do you guys think of ‘bollocks’?”

  Dylon and Cody looked at each other before, Dylon spoke. “Uhmm, bollocks? You mean like balls? Like my balls?”

  “Why the fuck are you talking about my mate’s balls?” Cody asked.

  Steel roared with laughter, “No, not his balls.”

  “Then whose balls are you referring to? Because you better not be talking about mine,” Cody said. “Why are we discussing balls at all? Do you have a problem with yours?” Cody asked Jackson. “Maybe you should see Ian or Colton about it. Although, I think Ian is a better choice since I really can’t imagine Colton playing with my balls.”

  Steel couldn’t contain himself anymore and fell back against the sofa laughing so hard he had to hold his aching sides.

  “What the fuck is the matter with Steel?” asked Colton as he and Ian walked up to Cody and Dylon.

  “I don’t know,” said Cody. “I just said it would probably be better if Jackson saw Ian about the problems he’s having with his balls. No offense, bro, but I just wouldn’t feel right having you play with my balls.”

  “Eww, no offense taken. Although, I wouldn’t be very happy with my mate playing with yours or Jackson’s balls,” Colton said, then adding after he heard Ian’s growl, “unless it was medically necessary, of course.”

  Carson overheard Colton’s last comment as he came in from the laundry room and asked, “What is wrong with Jackson’s balls? Or Cody’s for that matter? Oh my god, is this a triplet thing? Are my balls going to fall off?”

  “Who said anything about your balls falling off? What the fuck is going on with everyone’s balls?” Colton asked.

  “Holy fucking shit! What the fuck is the matter now?” Zane asked, coming in from the kitchen. “Dakota sent me to tell you breakfast is ready, and I find out someone has a ball problem? Who?”

  “Jackson!” said Cody, Carson, Colton, Ian, and Dylon in unison.

  Zane looked at Jackson who had a deep red face as he was trying to control his laughter. “What the fuck is the matter with your balls? Does Steel know?”

  Swatting at Steel’s chest, Jackson said, “Stop it, you win. Bollocks is out.” Rising with Daniel, Jackson looked at his brothers and their mates, said, “This conversation is over. There is nothing wrong with my balls. Now, if you don’t mind, I’m taking my son and we are going into breakfast.”

  “If there’s nothing wrong with your balls, why did you say there was? You know, bro, you shouldn’t say stuff like that to me. Do you want me to get a complex or something?” asked Zane.

  Ignoring everyone, Jackson strode to the breakfast table and sat down with Daniel. How the hell a simple question led to that conversation, he would never know. Smiling to himself, he picked up Daniel’s bottle Dakota had set at his place and began to feed his son.

  Back in the great room, the brothers looked at each other before staring at Steel who was grinning like a loon after finally being able to stop his laughter. Getting up, he said “Best to forget this conversation entirely everyone. If I try to explain it—no, just leave it as it is. Let’s go and join my mate,” and he left to follow Jackson to the breakfast table.

  Exchanging glances once more, Cody said, “You heard the man. Let’s eat.”

  Just then Logan joined them and said, “Sorry I’m late, my ball fell off my drafting table and it took me awhile to find it.”

  Six faces looked at each other and burst out laughing while Logan stared in confusion, not understanding why what he said was so funny. Deciding to ignore them, he walked around them on his way to the breakfast table. Sitting down, he asked his brother, “What the fuck is going on in there? All I said is one of my balls fell off my table and it took some time to find it.” After seeing Jackson’s face, he said, “You know, my stress reliever balls. The ones I squeeze when I’m tense?”

  Steel quickly stood up and bolted from the room, joining the group still laughing in the great room where he proceeded to tell them what Logan said between bouts of laughter.

  Logan looked closely at his brother and saw Jackson shaking. Realizing his brother was laughing, too, he said, “I have no idea what is so funny but if someone would let me in on the joke, I would really appreciate it.”

  “Oh, my gods, bro,” Jackson sputtered, “I can’t right now, but I promise I will later,” he said between fits of laughter.

  Maximus strolled in carrying two shopping bags followed by Oracle. Looking at Jackson and then Logan, he asked, “What’s going on in the other room and why aren’t they eating with us?”

  Jackson just waved his hand at Logan, who answered, “Frankly I don’t know, but nobody can stop laughing long enough to tell me.”

  Oracle sat at her place and said, “It has to do with balls, dear.”

  That did it for Jackson. He got up and handed Daniel to his brother along with the bottle and left the room, his laughter trailing after him.

  Logan looked at Maximus who shrugged, then, finding no answer, turned his attention to Daniel. “I’m sorry big guy,” Logan said, “everyone has gone a little crazy today, but hey, we get to spend some time together.”

  Daniel blew milk bubbles before latching onto the nipple again and his eyes once more turned silver. Reaching out with his hand, he grabbed onto Logan’s finger as he drank.

  Logan’s heart melted as he stared at his nephew. He loved Daniel with his whole heart and would do anything for him. Whenever he held his nephew, Logan fantasized that someday he’d have a pup of his own. He was trying to keep his spirits up about finding his Fated Mate, but with each day that went by, he could f
eel his heart break a little more. The biggest problem was there were no prospects since he was still as isolated as he’d been in the old Blackwood Pack house. And unless someone walked up to the gate and announced himself as Logan’s Fated Mate, he couldn’t see an end to his loneliness anytime soon.

  Chapter 29

  Dakota walked into the dining room with platters of scrambled eggs and thick Canadian bacon. Setting them down, he asked Logan, “Why is everyone in the great room laughing instead of being here? I sent Zane to give the word breakfast was ready.”

  “It’s a big joke,” Logan said, “but no one can stop laughing long enough to tell me.”

  “Oh, it’s about bollocks,” said Dakota.

  “Bollocks? You mean balls? What is so funny about that? I don’t get it.”

  “I’ll tell you but first let me get all the food out here, so we can eat while it’s still hot. Do you need anything for Daniel?”

  “No, he drank his bottle and now I’m just waiting for him to…” Logan answered just as his nephew burped. “Good job, sweetie,” he said to Daniel, rubbing his back.

  “I’ll get the rest of the food,” said Dakota.

  Logan could hear the laughter dying down in the great room. “It’s about time,” he grumbled to himself.

  Jackson came back into the dining room, his eyes still dancing in merriment, and walked over to Logan, “Sorry about that. I guess I just needed to do that. Did he drink his bottle?”

  “Yup and I burped him,” Logan replied.

  “Thanks,” Jackson said as he picked up his son, “hey, I have a favor to ask. Can you watch Daniel after breakfast? I have to meet with Cody, Dylon and Oracle and it will probably run most of the morning.”

  “Sure,” Logan said, then added, “Is everything okay with Cody?”

  “Yes, I think so,” answered Jackson.

  Dakota hustled in with more food and yelled out to Zane, “If you don’t get in here to help me right now, I’ll add another week to your punishment, bro.”

  When Zane heard Dakota’s threat, his laughter stopped abruptly. “Aww man, I gotta go. I don’t want more time in the kitchen.” Rushing out of the great room, Zane made a beeline for the kitchen where he grabbed more platters of food and rushed them into the dining room as he heard Dakota issue his final warning about everyone being at the table within one minute. As he was setting the food down, a stampede of his brothers and mates shook the table as they made a mad dash to claim their seats.

  “Now that’s more like it,” said Dakota as he sat down. For the next while, the only sounds heard in the dining room were muted requests for platters of food to be passed, the clatter of silverware being used, and the slurping of coffee being drunk.

  Finally, when everyone had finished, Jackson looked around the table and smiled at Ian. “Why don’t you start?”

  Ian grinned at Colton and grasped his hand before turning to Oracle and announcing, “I’m pregnant! We’re going to have a baby!”

  “Congratulations, Ian, and you too, Colton. Have you told your parents yet?” Oracle asked, smiling.

  “No, we’re going to do it when we meet up with them in Scotland,” Ian said. “I want to see their faces and, well, Colton thought it would be nice to do it when we’re all in Scotland.”

  “I am sure they will be very pleased,” Oracle said, before asking Maximus to hand her the shopping bag behind his chair. Taking it from her husband, she continued, “I never doubted for a second you and Colton would have a pup, so when I was in San Francisco, I bought a few gifts for you.” Oracle pulled out several boxes and handed them to Ian.

  “Oh wow, thank you, Oracle. Should I open them now?” Ian asked.

  “By all means,” she said, “I think Colton is quite eager to see what is in the boxes.”

  “You are so right, Oracle,” Jackson said, “Colton never could wait. Year after year, the wrapping on Colton’s presents would always be loose because he would open them early when he snuck down in the middle of the night. He never could wait to see what he got, like the rest of us did.”

  Colton stuck out his tongue at his brother before saying, “Well at least I didn’t buy myself a gift.”

  “No, you just switched gifts with me or Carson if you didn’t like what you were getting,” Cody said, smirking.

  “How did… did not.”

  “Oh yes you did.”

  Colton leaned over to Ian and whispered, “Save me babe, please.”

  “It’s going to cost you a blow job—my choice of time and place,” Ian whispered back and, after receiving a short nod, Ian tore off the paper and opened the box. “Oh, my gods, Oracle, it’s perfect.” He held up a tiny, red, plush bathrobe with a tiny, gold crown embroidered over the heart and, on the back, also in gold thread, were the words: ‘The Little Prince’.

  Colton gazed at the gift, realizing he was going to be a father. Something he never thought would ever happen and yet here it was, staring him in the face. He turned to Ian and hugged him. We’re having a pup! He exclaimed through their mind link.

  Yes, we are! Ian answered back. Eager to see the other gifts, Colton opened the next one and found a tiny kilt and a white onesie.

  “That is the tartan of Scottish Wolf Royalty,” Oracle explained.

  “I remember wearing it when I was young,” Ian said, as he quickly tore off the paper of the largest and heaviest box. Inside were two kilts, made of the same plaid, white linen shirts with bellowing sleeves, tall socks—everything needed for the traditional formal dress of Scotland. “Oh my! Wow! I remember my father wearing this when he was sitting on the throne! Look darling, here’s yours,” Ian exclaimed as he held up the kilt.

  Colton heard a few snickers and he glared at his brothers, silencing them immediately. “Thank you, Oracle,” he said, “I will be sure to have our pictures taken wearing these along with our crowns while sitting on our thrones.” Smirking, he added, narrowing his eyes and giving his brothers the death glare, “I’m sure all my brothers will enjoy seeing my mate dressed in his royal attire, won’t you?”

  “I know they’ll be very proud of both of you as will I,” Jackson said, smiling.

  “Your parents will be very happy, Ian. When are you going?” asked Maximus.

  “Soon,” Ian answered, “We’re waiting to hear from them about what they’d like to see so we can plan an itinerary.”

  “Let me know as soon as everything is set,” Jackson said.

  Cody then spoke up, “Oracle, I believe you need to see me and Dylon and we want Jackson and Steel to join us, if that’s okay with you,”

  “Certainly,” Oracle agreed, “When do you want to meet?”

  “Now, if you have time. We have a lot to do but this comes first,” Dylon said.

  Jackson rose and carried Daniel over to Logan. “Sorry, bro, I hate to do this, but Daniel needs his diaper changed.”

  Reaching out to take him, Logan said, “Come here, my little wolf. Let’s get you changed and then we can have some fun.”

  Everyone headed off in different directions. Carson saw Cody following Dylon, as they headed to Jackson’s office and he rushed after them, hoping to speak with Cody alone. Approaching from behind, he grabbed Cody’s arm.

  Dylon could feel a hand on his mate and swirled around, baring his fangs, ready to protect Cody from assault.

  Carson’s eyes widened and, dropping his hand immediately, stepped back from his brother, “Whoa, Dylon, I’m sorry. I just wanted to apologize to Cody and you. I wasn’t going to do anything. Honest!”

  Cody grabbed Dylon’s hand and whispered, “He is telling the truth, babe. You don’t have anything to worry about.” Turning to Carson, he said, “I know and we will talk, Carson. But right now, I need to speak with Oracle and Jackson. Can we talk later?”

  Carson nodded, “Let me know when, bro.” He backed away from them, unwilling to turn his back on Dylon. Holy fucking shit!

  Cody tugged at his mate, “Let’s go, babe. He didn’t mean any harm

  Dylon scowled at Carson before retracting his fangs and turning back toward Jackson’s office. Wrapping his arm protectively around Cody, he nodded before saying, “Okay, ma moité, let’s get this over with.”

  Oracle saw the whole thing and she smiled. The bonding was complete and Cody was now protected by Soteria, the goddess of safety. Quickening her step and falling in behind them, she was eager to reveal what she knew.

  Once everyone was seated, Jackson looked at Cody and Dylon and then began, “I’m assuming your claiming has been completed.” Seeing both nod, he continued, “And now you want to find out what gift the Fates have given Cody, correct?”

  “Partly, we know the gift but both of us have questions about it,” Cody said.

  “Really? What’s your gift, Cody?”

  Cody looked at Dylon who indicated he should answer. “I can become invisible.”

  Jackson looked stunned. “What the fuck do you mean—invisible? You mean like—disappear? I won’t be able to see him? Will Dylon? What happens if he gets hurt? How will I find him?” Jackson growled. “Oh no, this is too much!”

  “Bro, calm down,” Cody pleaded, “let Oracle explain. It’s all right. Please, Jackson. This is important. I need you to know this.”

  Jackson heard Steel telling him to listen to Oracle through their mind link and felt his mate’s hand on his leg, offering support. Closing his eyes, taking a deep breath and using his Alpha strength, Jackson calmed down. He had to trust the Fates to keep his brother safe. Opening them, he looked at his brother, noticing how calm and happy he was. Taking that as a sign his brother was no longer in danger of dying, he said, “Okay, Cody, I’ll listen to Oracle.”

  Cody smiled broadly. “Thanks, bro. Oracle, please tell me and Dylon about my gift.”


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